
Mephitus said calmly: "The original intention of their existence is to make it easier for me to invade various dimensions. If not for this, why would I create these wastes with my blood flowing through them?"

"For temporary physical pleasure?"

"Or are you just waiting for these fools who are thinking about how to seize the throne and become powerful enough to cause trouble for me?"

Mephitus, who has existed for who knows how many thousands of years, has long become extremely indifferent to the so-called family love.

I have long been tired of the vulgar taste of physical pleasure.

Compared to physical pleasure, Mephitus prefers the spiritual enjoyment that comes when his strength increases.

If not every one of his blood descendants was the best vessel for his descent when he invaded the major dimensions, Mephitus would not bother to waste his essence and blood to create troublesome creatures like his son.


Who made these sons who inherited his own bloodline, each of them ambitious, thinking about how to plot to usurp the throne all day long?


Mephitus is the ruler of the hell dimension and the king of all demons.

The Earth's Guardian Barrier attaches completely different importance to him than the Witch Heart Demon.

Therefore, the restrictions that Mephitus faced when he was in the human world were much higher than those of the Witch Heart Demon. Before the protective barriers of the three major sanctuaries were broken, it was almost impossible for Mephitus to put too much power into the human world.

Even, it can be said bluntly that the strength of his incarnation in the human world is not as good as the self-degradation to penetrate the inner demon that guards the barrier.

If this were not the case, Mephitus would not deliberately throw the Witch Heart Demon into the world.


The reason why Mephitus threw the "son" of the Witch Heart Demon into the world and secretly manipulated him was actually not without any scruples.

For the human world.

The invasion of the Witch Heart Demon and the invasion of Mephitos attracted completely different attention.


The former's invasion of the human world may lead to Gu Yi's personal action, but now, Gu Yi, who is being watched by several demon gods, will at most send some disciples to hunt down the inner demon.

And this will also give the Witch Heart Demon some time to recover its strength and even grow.

But if he senses that Mephitus has thrown an incarnation into the human world, even if his incarnation is not as powerful as the Witch Heart Demon, Gu Yi will probably abandon that dimensional battlefield without hesitation, and then would rather pay a certain price. Take care of Him yourself.

Even some other strong men in the main material world, such as Odin whose life and death are unknown, and Hela, the goddess of death who just escaped from the trap not long ago, may attack him in groups.


"Is this the reason why you appropriated your son's body?"

Just when Gandalf sneered disdainfully and was about to scold Mephitus, a bastard who was worse than a beast.

There was a "puff" sound.

A golden-red [Sword of Emperor Weishan] penetrated Archmage Gandalf's chest directly from behind.

Inside the [Shield of Seraphim], Mordo, who was working hard to maintain the [Shield of Seraphim], looked at the figure not far away who raised the [Sword of Emperor Weishan] and pierced the chest of Archmage Gandalf, Extreme anger flashed in his eyes.

"Faq, Arakdo, what are you doing?"

Before Modu could make a move, a sturdy figure with golden-red sparks shooting out of its soles flew up and kicked away the mage who had stabbed Archmage Gandalf in the back.


As the [Sword of Emperor Weishan] on his chest collapsed, Archmage Gandalf violently vomited a mouthful of blood.

Looking at Arakedo who was kicked out by the king.

Gandalf's eyes were full of confusion, as if he couldn't believe that Arrakdo, his student and nephew, would stab him in the back.

However, when he saw Arlacto's pupils occupied by black.

The confusion in Gandalf's eyes quickly turned into a burst of anger.

"You controlled him?"

"Mephitus, you are looking for death!"

Mephitus, standing outside the [Seraphim Shield], smiled lightly and said: "Control? No, I just inspired the anger and murderous intention hidden in his heart."

[Seraphim's Shield] is known as the strongest defensive magic. Even with the current strength of this body, it is not that easy to break [Seraphim's Shield].

In comparison.

It is much easier for Mephitus to inspire the deepest evil thoughts in human beings.

After all, many times, a strong castle often starts to disintegrate from within, right?


Mephitus, who was accustomed to exploiting loopholes and stirring up discord, simply chose a less laborious and more convenient method.

After picking a mentally weak target.

In the gap between those few words just now, Mephitus easily inspired the evil thoughts in the other party's heart, and then tricked the other party into stabbing Gandalf in the back.

Feel the vitality passing rapidly inside your body.

Gandalf did not continue the meaningless argument with Mephitus. Instead, he used the blood that was constantly spurting from his chest as a guide to quickly draw an outline of Archmage Kemeler's sanctuary in New York in the void. The chanted blood curse.

"Take my thoughts as a guide and my blood as a contract..."

"Sacrifice me..."

"...The Master of the Crimson Dimension..."

"Please hear my call and grant me..."

Under the chanting of the great wizard Gandalf, a magic circle exuding an ominous aura quickly took shape.

After sensing that he was locked by a mysterious will, Mephitos was not afraid, but instead showed a half-smile on his face.

"The Crimson Sword of Cytorak?"

"Hehe, although Cytorak is known as the strongest dimensional master, do you think that he can kill me, who is also the master of the dimension, with just one sword?"

Facing Mephitos's ridicule.

A wizard who was also old next to the great wizard Gandalf said in a serious voice: "One Crimson Sword can't kill you, so what about two?"


The unknown wizard also bit his finger, and then followed the great wizard Gandalf without hesitation, chanting the blood curse to summon the "Crimson Sword".

"Two scarlet swords may not be able to kill the famous Mephitos, but they should be enough to deal with the body of the witch demon you occupy. If that doesn't work, then three swords will do. Anyway, my old bones don't have many years to live."

"If I can kill an incarnation of the demon king before I die, even if I die, I will have something to brag about."

A generous voice sounded.

The third chant of summoning the [Scarlet Sword] soon sounded in the [Seraphim Shield].

As the three wills in the dark locked on him, Mephitos's face also darkened.

Just like the last mage who chanted the blood curse said.

What stood in front of them now was not the almost immortal body of Mephitos in the hell dimension, but a will that Mephitos temporarily revived in the witch demon through a backhand.

Although the power that Mephitos secretly left in Wu Xinmo's body has slightly increased the strength of this body, Wu Xinmo himself was not very good, and the body he left to Mephitos was extremely poor in foundation.

Controlling such a body, resisting three scarlet swords that locked him in the dark, his current body, even if he is not dead, is almost dead.

This won't do.

With a thought, a skull cane suddenly appeared in Mephitos's hand.

Regardless of the reaction of the guys on the opposite side, Mephitos held the skull cane with both hands and suddenly stood in the void.

Suddenly, the void shook, and the [Mirror Space] that was directly stuck on the weak point by Mephitos immediately rang with a tooth-grinding sound of glass shattering.

At the same time as the sound of breaking, Mephitos' body instantly turned into black mist, forming a huge and hideous skull, with a bloody mouth, carrying an extremely terrifying momentum, and fiercely biting the golden red [Seraphim Shield].

Facing this attack, Mordo, who was maintaining the [Seraphim Shield], changed his face, and then frantically extracted the mana in his body and injected it into the magic circle that maintained the [Seraphim Shield], trying to resist this terrifying attack.

And beside Mordo.

Several other Kamar-Taj mages also constructed [Vatum Wind] with solemn faces, ready for battle.


A few seconds later.

With the collapse of the [Mirror Space], the black mist-like skull that rushed towards the [Seraphim Shield] and swallowed it in one bite also disappeared with the wind.


The [Seraphim Shield] bitten by the skull was unexpectedly intact.

"No, this is a feint!"

When Mordo reacted.

Mephitos had already taken advantage of the moment when the [Mirror Space] was broken and escaped.

I have to say.

In this regard, the Witch Heart Demon is really the same as Mephitos.


While Mephitos was escaping, Aylin, who had locked onto Mephitos from a distance through the spiritual line, immediately accelerated and followed him.

Aylin did not forget the warning of the [Scale of Fate].

A Witch Heart Demon is already so difficult to deal with, so what about... the famous devil king, the ruler of the hell dimension Mephitos?

If Mephitos really escapes this time, then Aylin will not be able to sleep peacefully next.

"Is the guy who destroyed my hard work really following me?"

After sensing the breath following behind him, Mephitos, who turned into black mist and fled, smiled.

Since this body was locked by the three wills in the dark, Mephitos immediately gave up his original plan.

Since the three scarlet swords cannot be hidden, then just use this body and do something in the end.

When Mephitos was revived in the witch's heart demon, he actually saw through Ailin's illusion disguise and saw Ailin hiding in the void.

With the smell of the "Saint Fanganza Contract" on Ailin, it would be difficult for Mephitos to find him even if he didn't want to.

As soon as he was revived, he sensed the guy who destroyed the "Saint Fanganza Contract", which made Mephitos extremely excited and regarded Ailin as the final target.


Mephitos wanted to wait until the disciples of the Ancient One in Kamar-Taj were dealt with, and then finally deal with Ailin, the daring madman, to see if there was any way to recover some losses from him.

But he didn't expect that the fierce performance of Gandalf's three wizards forced Him to give up his original plan.

Since this body will be useless soon, he might as well make use of it before it is used up and use his last bit of strength to help him get rid of this bastard who has repeatedly ruined his plans.

Before, the mirror space was full of enemies, and there were too many variables.

So Mephitos directly shattered the [Mirror Space] and then pretended to escape.

As expected.

This move of luring the snake out of the hole directly attracted Ailin to take the bait.

After seeing this scene, Mephitos' mind moved, and quickly passed a certain idea to a certain guy through mental fluctuations.


On the other side.

Ailin, who was chasing Mephitos, saw that he was the only one, and caught up.

Although he felt something was wrong, in order to prevent Mephitos from escaping and give him space to grow, causing the greatest trouble to himself.

Ailin thought for less than a second, and then chased him without hesitation.


Ailin, flying in the air, only bit Mephitos's butt through Russell's flying technique.

But soon, Ailin found that without the obstruction of [Mirror Space], Mephitos holding the Void Throne soon connected to the fear that permeated the sky above the Bekos River again.

Under the nourishment of this fear.

Mephitos's breath became stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Damn it, I can't let him replenish like this, otherwise, even with three scarlet swords, I may not be able to kill this guy in the end."

After a low curse.

Ailin immediately took out [Dragon Slayer] from the space ring.

After directly judging Mephitos as a dragon through the characteristics, Ailin did not hesitate to open the exclusive killing mode of [Dragon Slayer].





After three seconds of charging, the Dragon Slayer's light condensed in the muzzle instantly condensed into a thick black energy beam, gushing out from the blood-colored dragon head, and then directly hit the black fog in the void not far away.

"Zi La!"

Almost instantly.

A large area of ​​black fog was directly annihilated by the black Dragon Slayer's light, and a small part was purified.

After experiencing the terrifying power of the Dragon Slayer's light, Mephitos felt a sense of threat and urgency in his heart, and his face was a little gloomy: "Such a strong evil spirit, and... Why are there so many dragon souls wailing on that gun."

Mephitos, who felt a little threatened in his heart, did not hesitate to expand the coverage of the black fog.

Although the Dragon Slayer is powerful, its weaknesses are equally obvious.

As long as the size becomes larger, even if the Dragon Slayer's light can hit them, it will not cause much damage.

While flying, Mephitos once again activated a mark in his mind.

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