After slowly absorbing the clone's memory, Aylin finally knew what the clone experienced after his "death".

The Witch Heart Demon, Mephitus, the terrifying figure that suddenly appeared on the Throne of Fear, the thunder of destruction that crossed the border and struck Asgard, and the cloak that was vaguely seen by the clone at the moment when the void was shattered. The figure in yellow robe...

With each additional figure in his mind, Ai Lin's expression became uglier.

Although he has not figured out the truth about his death and the near-annihilation of his clone, looking back suddenly, based on the scattered pieces of information, Aylin seems to have figured out the truth.

It turned out that this warning, which seemed to be caused by the Witch Heart Demon and Mephitus, was not as simple as he thought.

In other words, it is not just the Witch Heart Demon and Mephitus who want to die.

Thinking of this, Aylin couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"So... Is this the true weight of the crisis that caused the scales of fate to warn?"

"In the end, I still underestimated this warning!"

At this moment, Aylin suddenly seemed to understand the true weight of the warning from the balance of fate.


After taking a deep breath, he exhaled the turbid air in his body.

Aylin suddenly felt a numb and itchy feeling rising on his body.

Looking down, Ailin suddenly discovered that his exposed skin was covered with dense pale-colored granulations.

"This is······"

Looking at the mind-numbing scene on his body, Aylin frowned slightly.

But soon, he figured out the cause of the abnormality on his body.

The crisis that triggered the warning of the balance of fate was not as simple as Aylin imagined. But now, Aylin's top priority is to suppress the lingering curse on his body and figure out where... he is now.

The thunder of destruction that spanned dimensions and directly struck Asgard, not only contained the terrifying power of destroying everything, but also carried a terrifying curse.

Although the clone tried its best to avoid being destroyed by the Thunder of Destruction, it was inevitably entangled by the terrifying curse carried by the Thunder of Destruction.

The reason why the clone was so eager to merge with Aylin just now was because he was seriously injured... and he couldn't bear it anymore.

Under the erosion of that curse, there seemed to be countless dead souls wailing around the clone every moment, cursing viciously, and crazily stirring the spirituality of the clone...

After merging with the clone, the curse stained on the clone naturally entangled Aylin.

Good thing.

Aylin was not as severely damaged by the space storm as his clone, and was almost unable to maintain his own spirituality.

However, this curse that almost caused the clone to lose control was indeed terrifying.

After the fusion of the twins, Aylin, whose spirituality and foundation had doubled, felt extremely strenuous when facing this curse.

Now and then left, now right, now up and now down... From time to time, there are strange whispers around me, and even in the depths of my heart...

Silently eroding his own flesh and blood, stirring up the out-of-control curse power of his own flesh and blood every moment...

Seeing the horrifying scene that quickly became mind-numbing just because he ignored it for a moment, Aylin sat on the floor and closed his eyes.

With the help of his immovable state of mind, Aylin used "meditation" to suppress his gradually out-of-control flesh and blood and chaotic spirituality, and slowly recovered from his mental exhaustion.

After about twenty or thirty minutes, all the squirming flesh buds on Aylin's naked body subsided and merged into the flesh.

After suppressing the out-of-control flesh and blood.

Aylin did not stop meditating. Instead, through a deeper meditation, he restrained and suppressed the strange curse, and then "locked" it into the depths of his own flesh and blood.


I don't know how long it took, but after reluctantly locking the strange curse into the depths of himself, Aylin let out a long breath and stood up from the ground.

After picking up the fallen clothes from the ground in front of him, Aylin fastened the buttons one by one, then came to the only mirror on the wall of the tombkeeper's hut and looked at his current appearance. appearance.

In the mirror, Ai Lin had no hair on his body, his facial features were pale, and his eye sockets were sunken. He looked like a tuberculosis ghost crawling out of a certain area.


The flesh and blood on Aylin's face began to squirm, and the flesh and skin were like half-dissolved wax blocks, undergoing strange changes.

The sunken eye sockets began to become fuller, and the pale skin began to change into a normal color. Even the eyelashes disappeared from the face, the eyebrows grew back, and a head of thick black hair grew.

In just a second or two, Aylin returned to his previous appearance.

After quietly staring at himself in the mirror for a while, Aylin raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Sure enough, it still looks more pleasing to the eye like this."

After lightly smiling, Aylin's eyes suddenly became deep.

"The physical problem has been solved for the time being, so now it's time to figure out where this place is?"

The clone managed to escape into this world through a fleeting gap in space, in order to resurrect his true form before his body collapsed and he lost control.

There was no time to explore the world.

After barely finding some common auxiliary materials, he hurriedly found a relatively safe place, and then resurrected his original body with the materials he had prepared in advance.

Then, he could no longer support himself and merged into his original body, and then fell into an indefinite eternal sleep.


It was literally eternal sleep.

I don’t know if it was because of the curse, or if it was contaminated with something unknown in the space storm.

Ailin could feel that the clone had accumulated an extremely huge amount of negative energy, which had already exceeded the safety warning he had set up at the beginning. It can even be said that the clone was on the verge of losing control.

If it weren’t for the clone’s almost paranoid obsession that he could revive himself before losing control, I’m afraid he... would have lost control long ago.

It was precisely because of this that Ailin had a hunch.

If he used the twin clones again before solving this problem, and used his chaotic side to split the clones, I’m afraid that at the moment of splitting the clones, his clones would lose control, and then... cause something irreparable.

Shaked his head.

After temporarily putting the matter of the clone out of his mind.

Alin walked to the door of the gravekeeper's hut and opened the door to the outside world.


As the old-fashioned wooden axis turned, the door to a brand new world slowly opened in front of Ailin.

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