I’m Still Too Weak For the Starter SSS Talent

Chapter 102: The 30th Day of Humanity Shift! The internal war broke out in full swing! 【First update

At noon the next day.

The first batch of steel that Tang Zheng put into production yesterday was finally finished.

Counting the two 12-hour outputs of the synthesis table, there are 12 parts of steel in total.

Two copies of steel are reserved for spare use, and the remaining 10 copies are combined with the upper flint, and all are made into high-temperature furnaces!

The synthesis station has a queue function. Although it takes 12 hours to produce a high-temperature furnace, it only takes five days to complete all 10 furnaces by throwing it into the queue.

Of course, during this period, the 10 ordinary furnaces were not idle, and they continued to produce steel.

It can produce 10 steel products per day.

Originally, Tang Zheng could make more ordinary furnaces.

But the furnace has an area, about the combined size of two suitcases, and a row of 10 ordinary furnaces are gorgeously placed not far from the door of the house.

The high temperature in it is at least as high as 1000 degrees Celsius, and it continues to radiate the surroundings.

Nearly burned the tree next to my house in the middle of the night last night.

Fortunately, Malphite, who was on standby 24 hours a day, discovered this dangerous situation, automatically recognized the danger warning of the flame, and went to the lake to fetch water to extinguish the flames that had not ignited much.

Although the water in the wetland forest is very sufficient, as long as the temperature reaches a certain level, the water in the surrounding trees will be baked dry, and the dry wood will naturally ignite a fire.

Forest fire is a very dangerous and terrible disaster. Once it ignites, the entire wetland forest stretching over hundreds of thousands of square meters may be completely destroyed if there is no natural rainfall.

"Although human beings can use civilization to facilitate their own lives, if they do not use it rationally, it will cause disasters to human beings and the entire natural world." Tang Zheng pointed to the bark of a big tree that had been burned to gray black in front of him. , Launched on-the-spot education to Lan Lan.

"To live together with nature, right?" Lan Lan blinked her watery eyes like a pool of spring water, half understanding.

"From the moment of birth, human beings have been constantly asking for nature. This has never stopped whether it is on the earth or in this foreign world. But energy always has an end, so environmental protection and regeneration Consciousness, we must start from the time when technology has not yet started." Tang Zheng said earnestly.

Not kidding.

Although this alien world is at least ten times larger than the earth.

With a population of 2 billion evenly distributed, it can be regarded as a vast land and sparsely populated, and there are almost endless collections of resources.

But don't forget that humans today are completely different from when they were on Earth.

The substantial increase in attributes will lead to a multiplied increase in mining efficiency and energy consumption.

If China's national institutions were moved to this foreign world, with so many resources, in the name of infrastructure madness, they would like to build high-rise buildings in the countryside.

However, the transitional energy collection is not the earth, nor is it the planet.

The matter in the universe is always conserved, but the consumed matter becomes unusable for human beings.

It is human beings who are backlashing.

"So, what should I do?" Lan Lan nodded her head vigorously.

"Plant trees." Tang Zheng whispered two words.

"Today your task is to go to the west of the forest with Moffitt, where there is an area that has been mined, and remove all the tree stumps by their roots. The tree stumps can also be turned into a part of wood, and if they can be sold, they will be sold as you For the pocket money left behind, plant a batch of rubber tree seeds and another batch of pine tree seeds." Tang Zheng took out two bags of tree seeds from the inventory and threw them to Lan Lan.

The importance of trees to human beings cannot be overstated.

It is an important source of oxygen regeneration on the planet, and it is also the defender of locking the water on the surface.

Where there are no trees, over time the surface will become a desert, or a bare rocky mass, on which it is impossible to build a house or grow food.

Among the trees, rubber trees and pine trees are the two most useful woods for Tangzheng at this stage.

One can be collected and extracted to produce rubber, while the other can be extracted to produce resin, which is the raw material for plastic.

Among the branches of civilization that are heading towards the semi-industrial age, there happens to be a branch of plastics. After the pine trees grow up, they can start refining and manufacturing.

Plan ahead.

As for the tree species, Tang Zheng bought them from players on the forum yesterday, and the price was not too expensive.

After all, at this stage, under the restriction of civilization, it is useless for many players to ask for these things.

"Okay! The task must be completed!" Lan Lan puffed up her small chest, her attitude was serious and focused.

After receiving the two bags of seeds, Tang Zheng gave her an iron shovel, which was as tall as Lan Lan.

As for Murphy... There is no need to give it tools. Given its size, pulling out tree roots is like pulling out radishes, and it will fall off with a single pull of the palm.

"Master, bye, I'm leaving, I can earn pocket money~" Looking at the back of the little girl happily walking away with a shovel on her shoulders, Tang Zheng couldn't help thinking of her childhood.

Mineral water bottles or paper and cardboard that are not used at home, I will save up a pile every time and then take them to the garbage recycling station, sell them for a few dollars, and buy a bottle of iced Coke.

On a hot summer day, listening to the "呲味" sound made by unscrewing the bottle cap, I took another sip of cold and refreshing Coke.

An exclamation of 'Ah~' in satisfaction is a happy memory of childhood.

"Speaking of which, I haven't had a carbonated drink for almost a month. I don't know what the earth is like now." Tang Zheng sighed softly.

Immediately, he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Perhaps the earth without humans is the healthiest.

During the 28-day collective transfer of all human beings, most towns, streets and alleys on the earth may be full of wild animals.

All kinds of stored spoiled food will also start to produce mold.

If the time is longer, it is not uncommon for trees to grow in the house.

Soon, Tang Zheng withdrew her thoughts of drifting away.

Let's get through the current struggle first, whether or not we can return to Earth in this life is another matter.


As the evening approached, the first high-temperature furnace was born.

Excellent properties, the structure is composed of steel and flint.

The highest temperature inside can reach 5,000 degrees Celsius, just like a small sun.

You must know that the surface temperature of the sun is only 6000 degrees Celsius.

Under this high temperature, almost all solid surface rocks can be melted.

Take out 10 parts of Lishi and throw them into the high-temperature furnace, and add wood.

[The high-temperature furnace is producing refined Lishi, the remaining time - 5:59:59]

With the progress of the civilization of the times, the production time of these materials is getting longer and longer.

But so do other players.

Tang Zheng reckoned that if civilization develops to a later stage, when aircraft and ships can be manufactured, it may take several months to build an aircraft.

However, even in a few months, it spans thousands of years of human civilization, and the speed is still as fast as taking a rocket into the sky.

From the small window of the high-temperature furnace, Tang Zheng could see the blazing blue flame inside.

The blue flame means that the internal temperature is as high as five or six thousand degrees Celsius.

In ancient times, when human beings did not have professional high-temperature testing instruments, experienced blacksmiths could judge the temperature in a flame with the naked eye.

Its principle is put into modern times, and it is actually very easy to explain.

When the flame temperature is lower, it will emit luster with longer wavelength, which is the warm color of red, orange and yellow.

The higher the temperature of the flame, the shorter the wavelength of light, that is, the blue light and violet light will be emitted.

When the temperature is close to tens of thousands of degrees Celsius, the color of the flame will disappear, forming an ultraviolet luster, which cannot be captured by human eyes.

Of course, it is limited to the light that has been refracted in the atmosphere.

After only standing next to the furnace for a short while, Tang Zheng was already sweating profusely.

Fortunately, the items produced by the synthesis table have some special hidden attributes.

It can isolate part of the high temperature from escaping to the outside world.

"Fortunately, it was released farther away from the door of the house this time. This area is slightly open, so as not to cause the trees to spontaneously ignite." Tang Zheng looked around. This was the concentrated invasion point of the previous monster frenzy. The fierce battle made this area All the trees have been uprooted, leaving only a piece of bare land.

However, judging from the scope, it is only enough to put about ten high-temperature furnaces.

Any more, and I'm afraid it will burn the trees.

Watch the remaining 9 high temperature furnaces in the crafting queue.

Tang Zheng thought for a while, after making some choices between the high-temperature furnace and the steel tools.

The synthesis queue was suspended, a piece of steel was thrown in, and steel tools and pickaxes were chosen to be made first.

With a steel pickaxe, the mining efficiency will be greatly improved.

The first high-temperature furnace has been built, so there is no rush for now.


Survive Day 30.

It has been a month since humans were transferred to this alien world.

And the development of civilization, from bare hands to now, almost everyone has entered the Bronze Age in an all-round way.

Tang Zheng saw the gradual progress of civilization from the photos or videos uploaded by some players on the forum.

In the major tribes, neat stone houses have been built one after another, and the rows are arranged in a straight line, which looks like a village.

In front of the house, a straight stone road runs from east to west, forming the street.

On the stone pavement, wooden carts or horse-drawn carts have been put into use one after another.

There is also a lot of street stall culture, such as breakfast, clothing, daily necessities, entertainment and other measures.

The crop and livestock industries are growing and other elements of diversification are thriving.

Except that there is no shadow of modern civilization, other aspects have been perfected.

It's like traveling back to ancient times.

"It's just..." Tang Zheng sighed slightly.

The civilization in front of us is beautiful, but it is only temporary.

The contradictions and conflicts among human beings will intensify with the increase of demands.

Before a regional war breaks out in full swing, there will definitely be indispensable battles to be fought within the region.

Sure enough, Tang Zheng saw a war call-up order before he could think of it one second later.

[Army move! ! Great pay! Interested parties come! 】

The reason for recruiting the army is detailed in the main building of the post.

The reason is that a tribe called 'Coyote' is not too far away from the Cheetah tribe, and the two tribes share a river.

But the coyote tribe is upstream, and some players in the tribe often bathe and wash clothes in the river, or clean their prey.

As a result, the water resources of the downstream cheetah tribe have been polluted.

After negotiating to no avail, they had to start a war.

Area 96, which was relatively peaceful in the past, because of the appearance of this war post, many other tribes that have conflicts but have been enduring, also seem to have been ignited with a powder keg.

The major war posts began to pop up crazily.

Because of the uneven distribution of mineral resources on the same mountain, they recruited troops and prepared to fight.

Also because they share a small forest, the wood output is not enough, and they are going to do it.

There are various reasons, but the core point of the contradiction only points to one key point - the competition for resources.

In fact, this alien world is sparsely populated and rich in resources.

If humans are evenly distributed in every part of the foreign world, the resources are enough to collect and use.

However, there is a problem that will be exposed as the player's civilization continues to rise.

Territory expansion.

At the beginning of the transfer, everyone was single-handed, eating some bark and drinking some rainwater, and they could make do with it.

But now everyone is united.

When there are more people, it means that the required territorial area becomes larger.

The speed of civilization development has increased, which means that people who used to make do with caves and tree houses now want to live in houses.

Why don't I build a house if I can afford it?

I have the ability to farm, so why not?

Housing area, planting livestock, range of activities, and territory will continue to expand due to the skyrocketing civilization.

It's the same as living in a one-bedroom apartment where one person is very comfortable, but three people living in it will be very crowded.

Originally, the two were thousands of meters apart, and they seemed to be in peace.

But now the two hundred people are divided into two tribes, which are also separated by several kilometers.

Here comes the contradiction.

Who owns this forest?

Why do you live up the river? When did I not want to wash my underwear upstream? Come to a water field battle?

Is your household registration on this stone? Why can't I mine?

All kinds of contradictions collide fiercely.

There is another unavoidable paradox.

If only two people.

There is a conflict, I can't do you...then I go?

The sea is wide and the fish leaps, won't it smell good if I change it to another place?

But once there are more people.

The houses are all built here, and the land has been plowed. Just because the people in the upper reaches of you don't work well, the people in the lower reaches of mine have to swallow their anger and move the whole village? Change places to build houses to develop civilization?

Who the hell isn't a baby anymore!

Let's have a fucking fight first!

As for not being able to fight, being driven away after losing the battle is another matter.

But if you don't fight, you just get out of the way. Even male animals that court a mate have to be ranked, not to mention humans with deep thinking.

No tribal leader could bear such anger.

These conflicts are inevitable until the tribes form effective small cities and rule the entire territory.

Of course, this is not just the case inside Area 96.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there will naturally be disputes.

Ever since.

Global civilization began to embark on an inevitable path - war.

When the outside world is shouting and shouting, beating you to death, you can't wait to beat people's heads into dog's heads.

Tang Zheng sat leisurely on the recliner, holding a piece of watermelon in her hand.

Take a big bite.

The sweet juice overflows the entire mouth.

Spit the seeds, and then look at the local battle situation on the forum.

Finally made a pertinent evaluation.

"Well, this melon is really fragrant."

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