I’m Still Too Weak For the Starter SSS Talent

Chapter 116 Build a steampunk capital with bare hands, the violent aesthetics of steel torrent!

"steampunk era.

Also known as the First Industrial Age.

The original world took place in the Great Empire in the 1760s.

It can be said to be the origin era of modern civilization, an era of extremely high significance.

From a historical point of view, its value in promoting the progress of human civilization is several times higher than that of the electrical age and even the subsequent information age.

The historical significance of the first steam engine cannot be overstated.

The reason why English can become a common language in the original world in the follow-up has a great direct relationship with the first industrial revolution in Britain.

The era significance of the steam engine is not as simple as the liberation of productivity through science.

It will gradually turn mankind from belief in religion, belief in God, and belief in unknown magical powers to the path of belief in science.

And the birth of exploding technology as vast as stars in later generations has also verified the correctness of this point.

Human beings have walked the most correct path since ancient times. "Lan Lan's eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings, and a crisp loli reading sound popped out of Tan's mouth.

She casually closed the popular science posts on the forum, her clear eyes turned, passing a group of butterflies flying towards her.

His eyes were not disturbed by the beautiful butterflies, but fell on a handsome young man not far away.

Her master was standing in front of a light curtain full of technology and outlined by gold wires.

Lightly tap with your fingers in the air, splashing out layers of water-like ripples.

Not long ago, her master entered the age of steam.

For this alien world that was still barren two months ago, the age of steam is of great significance, just as the popular science post just said.

However, she heard the master whispering.

"If you just follow the rules, then civilization can only go to the original world in the end."

"Earth's civilization has reached its limit, and the lifespan and knowledge inheritance of human beings determine the upper limit."

"It can't be higher. It has been more than 50 years since humans first landed on the moon in 1969. The upper limit of the development of exploration technology is still at the level of landing on planets..."

Although I was a little curious in my heart, I still wanted to listen to the master's talk for a while.

But Lan Lan entered the room calmly and poured a cup of hot tea.

Cherry pink lips blew against the rising heat, and then brought out the porcelain cup carved with delicate patterns.

She bought this from a ceramic handicraft shop on the forum, 50 virtual coins each, and bought two identical ones.

Carefully staring at the water level in the teacup shaking from side to side, she walked slowly behind the master.

"...Steam airships, multi-turret cannons, and rigid suspension devices, which have some steampunk shadows. These are all good branches of civilization, you can choose."

It seems that she missed some random words, the master's current chanting made her a little unable to keep up with the progress.

Just now they seemed to be talking to themselves about landing on a planet, but why did the topic suddenly turn into steam airships and the like.

"Master, water..."

Keep your voice to a minimum, for fear of disturbing the master's thoughts.

"Thank you." Tang Zheng turned around and gently took the teacup.

Lan Lan pursed her lips a little unhappy, but said nothing.

The word "thank you" seemed a bit preposterous, and she didn't like this feeling.

"Pfft! Hiss..."

Suddenly, Tang Zheng let out a soft hiss of being burned.

Lan Lan looked up, it turned out that her master was too focused on the content inside the light curtain, and mistakenly thought that what she brought was cold water.

It is rare to see a steady master in a hurry, but his appearance is a bit cute and funny.

Lan Lan couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth, feeling a little better.

asked again.

"Master, what does steampunk mean?"

"Did you hear me talking to myself..."

"Yeah, I haven't taught this concept in textbooks." The little girl nodded slightly.

"Fu——" Tang Zheng blew on the teacup gently, and the tea leaves floated to the other side of the cup with the water waves, and he said after taking a sip.

"Steampunk... a derivative culture of the steam age, an era of civilization where advanced and backward coexist, magic and technology dance together."

"Magic? That's unrealistic."

"Not all."

"Eh?" Lan Lan raised her head in confusion, and looked at Tang Zheng: "But there is no magic in the human world."

"Any advanced technology was hailed as magic by contemporary people when it was first invented. Airplanes, rockets, and high-rise buildings in the original world. In the early years, they only existed in imagination."

"That's true..." Lan Lan nodded, agreeing with this explanation: "Then master, are you planning to directly enter the steampunk era?"

Tang Zheng laughed: "That's just a saying. On a large scale, it's still the age of steam. It's just that in the original world, the age of electricity came so fast that many things that steam engines can do are replaced by electricity. "

Seeing the little girl's curious expression, Tang Zheng unfolded the light curtain towards her.

In an instant, nearly a hundred alternative civilization branches were presented in front of her one by one.

"What branch of civilization are you more interested in?" Tang Zheng asked with a smile.

There are only ten optional steam age branches, and in this foreign world, it seems that the steam age has also been experienced.

It's just that compared with human beings, their development of the times is more flourishing.

In the entry, there appeared many black technologies that Tang Zheng had never heard of before.

Tang Zheng was not entirely sure which ones would be most helpful to his civilization development.

The little girl is ice and snow smart, maybe it would be good to let her take a look.

"Let me see, um..." Lan Lan's pair of star eyes swept back and forth on the light curtain, and her white and slender fingertips quickly pointed to a place to ask.

"Master, what kind of device is this difference engine?"

"Computer. To be precise, this device once appeared in the course of human history. It is a mechanical calculation device that uses the principle of step-by-step integration method proposed by Newton to calculate the value of polynomial functions. It can replace manpower and be used to calculate various trigonometric functions and logarithms. The value of the function. These values ​​are mainly used for superb and quick calculation of numbers that are too complicated for the human brain, and can be accurate to up to six digits after the decimal point." Tang Zheng looked at the 'difference engine' displayed in the illustrated book and searched As a result, the little girl seemed unable to see his illustrated book.

"Has there been a difference engine in human history? It seems that I have never heard of it." The little girl looked very curious and interested.

"Well, there was, but it was almost never successfully run, because the gear construction involved was too large, about 2.5w mechanical parts, and weighed 15 tons. It was said at the time that it took two warships and 22 steam locomotives. funds, but in the end only 1/7 was completed. Then the project was stopped.”

"What about later?"

"Later, with the advent of the electrical age and the birth of the first electronic computer, the value of the difference engine was replaced, and no one studied this huge, inefficient and bulky guy anymore."

"Hey." The little girl sighed for the scientist: "Then master, do we want this as a quest branch? It seems very difficult..."

"Of course." Tang Zheng nodded earnestly, "This is a difference machine that exists in another world, and it has been researched and can be put into operation. Unexpectedly, they have also gone through the path that humans have imagined."

For the steam age of the alien world, the difference machine is almost as valuable as the steam engine, the representative product of the steam age.

With it, Tang Zheng can accurately calculate and plan the complex structure of other mechanical devices, the resources consumed, and even the route planning during construction.

Imagine when others only had the Iron Age, or even the Bronze Age.

What is the concept of taking out a computer that can calculate numbers by yourself?

It's like holding a small pistol with you, but I pulled out a nuclear bomb from my crotch!

Civilization Dimensionality Reduction Strike!

The difference engine is in the steam era, just like the computer is in the modern age, and its significance is not insignificant.

With a flick of the wrist, the difference engine was included in the branch line of civilization.

Take a quick glance at the branch line list, and the branch lines that have been selected so far include steam engine, steam airship, steam high school rail car, multi-turret gun, and rigid suspension device.

And the difference engine that was just included in the list.

There are a total of ten civilization branches that can be selected in this steam age.

There are still four options left.

"Master, what is this steam robot? It looks very interesting." Lan Lan took a fancy to the robot among the more than a hundred branches of civilization.

Tang Zheng's gaze moved upwards, and finally fixed on the steam-type I robot.

【Steam Type I Robot (Excellent Class)】

Attribute 1: It can replace manual work to complete fine construction, material manufacturing, and maintenance machinery

Attribute 2: Inherit your attributes and convert them into work efficiency

Special attribute of excellence level: Evolution (Steam robots can evolve into Type II, Type III, and up to Type V robots, and their abilities improve with evolution.)

Description: Steel shell, core of civilization!


This is a good thing.

As the civilization of one's own era becomes more and more advanced, the subsequent industrial chain will inevitably expand.

With these robots, the shortage of human hands can be replaced.

Even building an industrial city is not out of the question.

Most importantly, the difference between it and a puppet is that it is capable of more delicate work.

In layman's terms, it is very thin.

Well, in fact, it can be mass-produced.

Puppets are good at fighting, but when it comes to work, such as some needlework, they will inevitably lose their grip and get wet.

add to the cart!

Oh, it's joining the Eastern Civilization Express!

There are already seven branch lines of civilization. Tang Zheng's eyes searched the light curtain for a while, and soon settled on another branch line.

Energy conversion device.

The internal friction of the steam engine is to generate a large amount of steam by burning coal, and then use the steam to do work.

However, the efficiency of coal mines is much lower than that of oil.

It's just that due to the limitation of civilization, internal combustion engines that can directly burn oil cannot be produced.

But this energy conversion device can help Tang Zheng realize his dream of pouring oil into the steam engine.

It is also a big improvement in efficiency.

Good stuff, take it!

For the last two, Tang Zheng proposed to let the little girl choose the same as himself.

There are many things in this that seem to be very useful, and it is really difficult to make a choice.

Most of them are not products of the original world, so once they are missed, they cannot be made again.

There are always regrets in life.

"I want this!" The little girl pointed to an icon with her white and tender fingers like lotus root.

Tang Zheng looked at another place.

"Biomechanical transformation technology."

"Giant mechanical moving castle!"

What the little girl likes is the castle, but what she likes is the mechanical transformation.

The former is a product as high as five stars of the excellence class, and its size is almost equivalent to a warship. Countless turret launchers can be placed on it, and it can accommodate thousands of machines to work together on it.

It can even accommodate hundreds of people living in the moving castle.

It belongs to the violent aesthetics of the steel torrent.

Once this big guy is created, look at any war at this stage, as long as the opponent doesn't have all the people in the entire area, or all the S-level and above talents in the front area gather together.

Then, it is basically a crushing offensive.

The biomechanical transformation technology can allow organisms to be endowed with a certain amount of mechanical energy.

The flesh and blood are weak, and the machine soars!

The idea of ​​corpse empire flashed in Tang Zheng's mind.

It seems a bit too bloody...

However, even if some animals are equipped with machinery and become their own mechanical animal army, it is not a bad idea.

Take it all together!

In this way, all the ten branches of civilization in the steam age are fully arranged, and the remaining hundreds of branches fade away from the light curtain, until finally, even the interface for selecting branches disappears.

Tang Zheng drank the cooled tea in one gulp and put it lightly on the wooden table beside her.

With so many black technologies, if you don't build a steampunk city that obeys your orders, you will be sorry for these technologies.

The old era has passed, and a new era will finally open with the sound of gears knocking on the door!

"I have a dream. I want to take the surviving new humans to find and build a home that is suitable for us to live in and that is completely our own!"

"Master is so handsome!!"


Following the little girl's joyful cheer, there was pattering applause from all around.

The little girl excitedly clapped her piapipi, and even Malphite flapped her huge two palms for no apparent reason, creating a powerful cyclone, blowing the branches of the trees in front of her and dancing wildly.

Don't know what they're talking about, but clap and you're done.

Master's happiness is the joy of my great wisdom!


Tang Zheng only spoke half of what he said.

Because he wasn't sure if someone in power was watching him, he only said that he wanted to find a new home, but he didn't say anything about wanting to fight against the person in power.

These words seem to be completely in line with human expectations for future civilization, which is normal.

But, having said that.

But there are always tough battles to be fought before world unification comes.

Whether it is with human beings, with possible life in other galaxies, or with superiors.

The difficulty can be imagined to be huge.

The huge waves of civilization are always surrounded by rising smoke!

No blood, no civilization!



I am a dead line fighter! !

Thanks to the two masters of 'Chu Er Qi' and 'Braised Fanta' for the 5,000 book coins!

Thanks for the 666 book coins of the boss of "booger bibimbap with egg ye"!

Thanks to 'Chief Assassin Qiao Biluo' and 'Night Sigh' for their 100 book coins!

thanks thanks!


bang bang bang! ! !

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