I’m Still Too Weak For the Starter SSS Talent

Chapter 145 Lonely country, curtain call.

What would a nuclear bomb detonate look like?

When it exploded, there was no strong wind or huge waves.

No one can even describe it with any words to describe the big scene.

white light.

Nothing but white light, or white light.

White light almost overflowing the screen.

Presented in front of all human beings in the world, their faces are reflected pale.

The moment the nuclear bomb touched the anti-nuclear weapon device developed by the Kingdom of the Night, more than a million sun-like rays of light erupted in an instant!

The white light only lasted for about half a minute and began to decay.

And within half a minute.

The viewing channels or lines chosen by many humans began to flicker like snowflakes, just like the old-fashioned black and white TVs in the early years, which could not even receive the white light picture.

Even if the aerial photography of the drone was a few kilometers away from the explosion point of the nuclear bomb, due to the impact of the explosion, the electronic equipment was instantly scrapped and fell from midair like a dead bird.

Not to mention drones, if a plane dares to fly over 20,000 meters at this time, all the equipment of the plane will fail and crash directly.

Only some drones flying hundreds of kilometers away can see a huge mushroom cloud rising from midair!

The most respectful description of such a lethal weapon as a nuclear weapon is that it is impossible to take a close-up shot of its explosion with current technology.

However, the civilian technology is scrapped, but the national satellite technology equipment can directly transmit detection signals from the space station, and capture precise pictures by means of photon imaging.

And this picture can only be viewed by the core personnel of the country.

Dozens of people stood or sat in front of a virtual projection screen in the palaces of various countries.

Everyone raised their heads intently, staring at the images transmitted from the space station.

The picture of destruction as imagined did not appear.

At the moment when the nuclear bomb came into contact with the anti-nuclear weapons device of the Kingdom of the Night, waves of high-temperature ripples were transmitted on the anti-nuclear barrier.

"Slow down a bit more." Owen, the lord of Wings of Civilization, raised his hand, and his subordinates understood, making the transmission process of the image image ten times slower.

In ten times slow motion.

It can be seen that the nuclear warhead seems to have hit some extremely hard barrier, disintegrating and disintegrating inch by inch.

Everyone's eyes were full of disbelief, even shock.

"how come……"

"What blocked the impact of the nuclear warhead?"

"My God, what kind of technology is this..."

"This distance is farther than the anti-nuclear barrier observed by our naked eyes." A professional scientist used an infrared laser to make a red dot on the virtual imaging screen and explained to everyone.

"The anti-nuclear barrier of Kingdom of the Night is currently divided into two parts."

"The first part is the red, yellow and blue three-color barrier that our naked eyes can observe."

"And the second part, which we cannot directly observe with the naked eye, is the position pointed out by my red dot, the part that intercepts the nuclear bomb explosion, and its position is above the red, yellow and blue three-color barrier." Scientist An infrared laser was used to sweep an arc on the invisible barrier.

Now everyone can see clearly that a few seconds after the nuclear bomb exploded, a large amount of heat energy was erupted in an instant, evaporating the surrounding air. A circle of thick gray smoke was formed to cover the invisible and colorless semicircular barrier.

The gray smoke made this transparent semicircular barrier appear.

"What kind of material is this? Colorless silica? Then change the molecular shape of silica?" Someone asked.

The anti-nuclear barrier technology displayed by Kingdom of the Night is really shocking.

Not even a nuclear explosion can shake it by half.

This has also made major countries feel an unprecedented threat.

Just imagine, there is such a country that is not afraid of nuclear explosion deterrence, but it has nuclear weapons in its hands that can deter you in turn.

With this ebb and flow, sooner or later, Kingdom of the Night will have the right to speak to control the whole world.

If the form of war is brought back to the original world.

The reason why many small countries dare to come up to disgust the big countries is mainly because the big countries form a deterrent to each other.

And some small countries are vassals of big countries, and this is the reason why they rely on their power.

But once the deterrence between the big countries does not exist, the small countries, as lackeys, can only kneel down and beg for mercy.

The boss has run away with buckets, how dare you show up when you are a younger brother?

The same is true of the present situation.

The scientific research teams from all over the world were shocked that the Kingdom of the Night was able to develop the anti-nuclear weapon device first, and at the same time began to study the structural principles of this anti-nuclear barrier as quickly as possible.

Only after everyone has this set of anti-nuclear weapons devices can the status of all countries be brought back to the level.

"It's not silica, even if it can change molecular materials, it can't stop nuclear explosions. Nuclear explosions can melt molecules into a plasma state." Some experts refuted.

"Guys, don't talk about this for now. A nuclear explosion is more than one way to kill. Even if the Kingdom of the Darkness can block the explosive potential of the nuclear explosion, what about the subsequent killing moves? Can the Kingdom of the Darkness block them all? "

"You'd better look at the screen by yourself. There is light energy efficiency in the lower left corner. You can see the degree of reflection of light energy yourself."

"This... 98% refractive index... how did this happen???"

The second attack method of nuclear weapons is light energy.

In the explosion, it will produce a strong light of more than one million suns. This kind of strong light can instantly wither any crops within a radius of tens of kilometers.

Judging from the information screens captured by the space station, the anti-nuclear barrier has a near-perfect refractive index.

No matter how strong your light is, it is useless as long as it cannot shine in.

"They used supergap molecular light walls for earthquake resistance, what about radiation protection?" The scientific research team surrounded the large screen and started a quick analysis.

The so-called layman watches the excitement, while the insider watches the way.

The common people can't see why, they only feel that something is awesome.

In the eyes of core experts, there are traces of these devices.

After some intense discussions, scientific research teams from various countries have come to desperate conclusions.

The anti-nuclear barrier device has a total of four layers of structure, which are the ultra-gap molecular light wall, the diamond polyhedral prism, and the super-polymer nanomaterial wall.

Respectively blocked the impact, light energy, radiation.

But the huge heat energy when the nuclear weapon explodes, and the layer of material that looks completely transparent.

After half an hour of intense discussions, scientific research teams from various countries failed to come up with an answer, not even a clue.

While desperate, he was also deeply shocked by the technological leadership of Kingdom of the Night.

The gap between other countries and the Kingdom of the Night is no longer a star.

No matter whether they can come up with the answer or not, it is an indisputable fact that the anti-nuclear weapons devices of the Kingdom of the Darkness have successfully intercepted the nuclear explosion of the Kingdom of Solitude.

Wings of Civilization immediately ordered the entire army to evacuate from the western border of the Kingdom of the Night.

Sakurai Country has also completely revoked part of the network control over the Kingdom of the Night.

The two countries almost quickly left the world battlefield.

Just kidding, run more slowly, wait until the kingdom of night's nuclear weapons are aimed at your door before withdrawing troops?

Before and after these subtle changes, it only took half an hour.

When the time of war comes, it is like a raging fire.

When it went, it was like a sudden stop of showers.

"World War II is over," someone said.

"This is a world war that I have experienced, and even the fastest ending in history." Someone sighed.

The reason why the war lasts is precisely because the two or more sides are evenly matched.

But once a certain force possesses crushing new technology, any war will die down in an instant.

The power of technology has never been doubted since ancient times.

It's like the island country that arrogantly wanted to take China as the center, radiate outwards, and dominate the world. After two cities were instantly blown up by nuclear weapons, they announced their unconditional surrender.

At this moment, the lonely country also announced its unconditional surrender.

The country of loneliness, the mansion of the lord.

In the deserted palace, Abraham sat alone in the middle of the king's chair.

In the deep sunken eye sockets, a pair of cloudy eyeballs seemed to be dazed, looking forward without focus.

He knows it better than anyone.

The eight-year reign that belonged to Abraham came to an end.

From the moment the nuclear explosion was intercepted by anti-nuclear weapons, the Abraham regime was crushed to pieces.

He told all his men to leave.

I was the only one left, sitting quietly in this huge palace.

At this point any resistance is meaningless.

Not long after, the sound of chaotic footsteps broke the silence of the palace.

As the body of the last soldier guarding the palace broke through the gate and fell directly in front of Abraham, the blood was stained red.

The army of bionics from Kingdom of the Night has entered the palace.

Holding a high-pressure gun, hundreds of guns were densely pointed at Abraham's head.

Then, a sound of footsteps slowly entered from outside the door.

Tang Zheng walked in leisurely, as if strolling in the back garden of her own home.

He stood in front of Abraham with his hands behind his back, raised his eyelids slightly, and looked at him.

"You won." Abraham said slowly.

"What the people want." Tang Zheng smiled.

Abraham sneered and shook his head again: "People's hearts? What is people's hearts? These idiots just can't tell right from wrong, typical nonsense. With a population of 300 million, how many resources in the world are they taking up? I don't think you will Let them go."

A population of 300 million is a very heavy burden for an energy-poor world.

"Then let this become the second wild wolf port." Tang Zheng replied.

The smile on Abraham's face was even bigger: "I knew it."

"If it were you, you would choose the same way."

"That's right." Abraham got up slowly and walked down from the high platform.

The soldiers of Kingdom of the Night beside him were suddenly tense, for fear that he would play some dirty tricks.

The finger is firmly attached to the trigger.

As long as he exceeds a certain safety range, the bullets will pour out like a poked hornet's nest, smashing him into a sieve.

"I will do more than you. No one in the kingdom of the night can live. Even if they die, the corpse can be transformed into a transplanted person, installed with a mechanical heart, and can continue to serve my lonely empire!"

"Then, let's complete the handover of the country." Tang Zheng said.

Abraham pointed to the throne behind him: "There is a button on it to open our country's database, which contains the most detailed information about our country."

"Originally, I could disgust you and let you find it yourself. But that's not interesting, I never like to do small tricks."

"Yes, you are a fool."

"A reckless man?" Abraham was taken aback when he heard the words, and then laughed a few times: "I like this adjective, it's a compliment to me!"

"You can live. According to the convention, the king who surrenders can get the right to avoid death." Tang Zheng's face was calm.

Since ancient times, there has been such a customary rule.

The lord of a country who unconditionally surrendered can obtain immunity from life, even in ancient times when civilization was not developed.

From a moral point of view, even soldiers from enemy countries have a rule not to kill prisoners of war.

Not to mention a generation of kings.

Not killing the king will also make the people of the dynasty somewhat relieved.

After all, he was the one who was talking on his own head, and his death in full view of the public would have dealt a great blow to the hearts of many people in the Lonely Country.

In ancient times, there were some very few cases of dormancy, such as Gou Jian, King of Yue.

But judging from the current technological management methods, the king who was pulled down has no possibility of turning over again. Until the day he dies of old age, his life will be under surveillance for 24 hours.

"No, no need." Abraham's mood gradually became stable.

Just before the soldiers broke through into his palace.

He thought about a lot of things, from the first time he took over the Lonely Country from the previous head of the country eight years ago, the grievances and grievances in the past eight years, bit by bit. and what he is about to face.

Although the outside world has always had a bad reputation for him, he can still be regarded as the lord of a country. He has enjoyed immense power, something that ordinary people can't even dream of in a lifetime.

It is undoubtedly difficult for a generation of kings to be reduced to prisoners.

But now facing so many gun barrels pointed at his head, he thought about it instead.

"What is the meaning of living? With a prisoner's electronic chain, living under your surveillance 24 hours a day? Being spurned and despised by everyone?"

"Don't forget, I am the king in the Middle East, and I am still the king here. If there is hell, then I would rather go to hell and be the king!"

"In the Middle East, my hometown, it's a small, unremarkable country. You may not know it, but it doesn't matter. We have a proverb - spit into the air, and it will eventually fall on yourself. "

"Sitting in this position, I knew there would be such a day sooner or later. I am not a good manager. I just control the country according to my mood."

"Now, this is yours."

"I'm waiting for you in hell." After Abraham finished speaking, he strode towards Tang Zheng.

It seemed that he was going to make a final desperate attack with Tang Zheng.

Tang Zheng frowned slightly, and was about to ask the soldiers to stop attacking.

But it was too late.

"Protect the elders!!!"

The soldier yelled.

Immediately, behind Tang Zheng, countless firepower poured out.

It all fell on Abraham's body, and he couldn't get closer to Tang Zheng, so he was hit by heavy fire and flew backwards.

The blood holes on his body emerged one after another, and the blood splashed into the air like a fountain.


With a dull sound.

Abraham fell silently in a pool of his own blood, facing Tang Zheng's direction, but the arrogance on his face was permanently preserved.

The performance of the Lonely Kingdom is also accompanied by the death of Abraham.

The curtain call.

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