Bionic technology is a technological civilization born in the ninth year of the Gemini era.

The Gemini Era is the first time that human beings have noticed the stellar celestial system shrouded in the alien sphere, which is composed of Gemini constants.

After the end of the First World War, the technological civilization developed to a certain point, and most of the human beings united to form a country.

The calendar belonging to this celestial system is called the Gemini era.

The concept of bionic man has been proposed as early as in the original world, and it belongs to a branch of future technology.

It's just that the technological level of the original world does not support the creation of such highly recognizable bionics.

And the human civilization on the alien world has reached this level.

Of course, before the development of bionics, countries around the world have sparked a war of public opinion.

Radicals believe that bionics will stimulate the uncanny valley effect in human bones and affect the normal range of human life.

According to the academic school, the uncanny valley effect is not a negative word, it is composed of three parts.

The first part is that when humans face a non-human object with similar appearance and actions, they will have positive emotions towards this object.

For example, robot technology, which is still in its infancy in the original world, and those exposed steel and iron bones, not only did not keep humans away, but became very popular.

Especially some robot dance competitions are full of seats every time.

And when the bionic technology develops to the second part, the similarity between robots and humans reaches a certain range, which will start to arouse people's resentment and disgust for this object.

Even if there is only a slight difference between it and humans, the stiffness it exhibits will still make humans feel horrible.

For example, when you wake up in the middle of the night and want to go to the toilet, you turn on the light and find a robot with a steel frame dangling in front of you. Humans are usually startled, but they will settle down and study what this thing is.

But if you turn on the light, you find a guy who looks like a human is dangling in front of you, but its movements are stiff, full of mechanical smell, and the sound of mechanical parts colliding is full of rotation.

Then this scene will become extraordinarily scary and creepy.

"In the third stage, when the similarity between robots and humans increases further, there is almost no difference from humans in terms of appearance, speech, and actions. Human emotions towards them will continue to return to positive. This is the uncanny valley effect Radicals, you'd better study these academic theories carefully, two of the three stages are acceptable to humans. This will be a great robot revolution!" The academics published their own When it comes to opinions, say so.

The academic school is on the side of the approval school.

The reasons for agreeing are very simple.

Human beings need continuous progress of civilization, and the research and development of bionics represents a new height of human civilization.

They can replace humans to do a lot of work, including but not limited to, a series of tedious daily tasks such as grocery shopping, cooking, housework, and child care, precise and accurate medical operations, and dangerous work of special types of work such as working at heights.

If you want, you can even customize the sex robot according to your needs.

"Think about it. In the past, you could only face a certain adult star and comfort your poor dick through the screen. But after the technology is developed, it is very different. You can ask for it according to their face shape and body shape. The android company will customize a sexual android that is almost the same for you. You can have close contact with her! She can satisfy any of your quirks without complaint! Think about it! What a pleasure it is, And the exciting technological development!!" When the supporters were pulling votes, they announced it shamelessly and blatantly to the people of the world.

Explicit, but effective.

Under the weight of life, many people need this way to decompress.

The number of people who support the vigorous development of bionic technology began to be one-sided. The radicals and the opposition were at the center of the whirlpool of public opinion. Some leaders of their organizations were violently attacked by some civil organizations on the grounds that they hindered the advancement of human civilization. arrest.

In the end, it was the national forces who came forward to suppress this matter for the time being.

But the hearts of the people are overwhelming.

The research and development of bionic technology has naturally appeared in the daily life of human beings.

"The obstacles to the development of interstellar civilization have a great relationship with the rapid development of bionic technology!" After the bionic technology became more mature, some scholars stood up and criticized: "There are only so many resources in the world. The requirements for human production are getting higher and higher, from bones to skin, the core of operation, from low-level microprocessors to top-level microprocessors. The fuel for operation has changed from the initial electricity to solar energy, so that some people now start to use Hydrogen combustion rods are installed to ensure their efficient operation. These resources are used to develop the interstellar field, and greater achievements will be made!"

Facts have proved that when a person wants to stand up and confront the public opinion of the moment, he himself is at the center of the storm.

Some fanatics criticize interstellar technology for occupying too many resources, so that bionics cannot develop further.

Then, interstellar technology was stranded.

Scholars criticize android technology for hindering interstellar technology.

Then, the scholar is gone.


"You and I have both experienced this period, what happened just two years ago, do you still remember?" Mike's footsteps paused slightly, and then turned back.

He came to Sakurai Rika and looked down at her.

If he is just an ordinary person, then even if he belongs to the bionic opposition, his remarks will not play any critical role.

But Mike is no ordinary person.

He has an SSS-level talent—super-mimetic program improvement.

In this era when there are very few SSS-level talents left, his role cannot be underestimated.

"The development of bionics has greatly affected interstellar technology, but now do you want to take the progress of bionics a step further?"

Sakurai Rika avoided talking about it, and asked instead: "When did you start?"


"So concerned about human issues." Sakurai Rika raised her long and narrow eyes and stared at Mike.

"Because I am also a part of human beings, I hope that my living environment will get better and better in my lifetime, not worse!" Mike said coldly.

"Remember what you promised me just now?"

"It has nothing to do with these! I thought you just wanted to use bionics to fight against the kingdom of the night to ensure that you can compete with the kingdom of the night." Mike gritted his teeth and continued: "I don't care about the kingdom of the night, but the implantation of consciousness The practice of implanting the brains of bionics is absolutely not advisable! The current development of bionics has already hindered the development of human beings, and if they are implanted with consciousness, they will destroy all mankind!"

Sakurai Rika got up with a "giggle" chuckle, and just wanted to reach out to touch Mike's cheek, but he slapped him away.

She didn't care, but continued to smile: "You really love the human group."

"It's not just me, everyone is like this! Human beings are all human beings. Only when we gather together can we have a sense of community and civilization development!" After a pause, Mike said coldly: "Except for you."

"No." She shook her head, and there was a bit of enthusiasm that Mike couldn't understand in her eyes: "I love the human group more than all of you."

She took a step, passed Mike, and stood in the middle of the shooting range.

She opened her arms, as if embracing something, or welcoming.

"Because of love, I am more aware of the shortcomings of this group. We still have a long way to go, but with our flesh and blood, there will be many things that cannot be done. I am eager to go to more distant places Planet, see a brighter light."

"The technology of transplanting people is also very advanced." Mike retorted.

Sakurai Rika turned her head suddenly, with the fierce light that Mike saw for the first time in his eyes.

Her eyes were as sharp as a knife, and she shouted angrily.

"Human brains cannot defeat machines!!"

"Human transplantation is just a human brain with mechanical limbs!! The reason why human beings develop slowly is not because of limbs, but because human beings have a clumsy brain! Do you understand?!"

"Only by the perfect fusion of human's unique consciousness and mechanical computing! Can the strongest human form ever be born! Mechanical super brain form! This form will be the ultimate ruler of the universe! This is the moment when human beings are truly powerful!! "

" are really crazy..." Mike clenched his fists, trembling all over but helpless.

He looked at the crazy beautiful woman in front of him, and at the group of soldiers behind her who had already raised their guns and aimed at him.

In the end, he dropped his arms weakly and let go of his palms.

He didn't say another word.

Turn around and go straight away.


Kingdom of the Night, the Palace of the Lord.

The insiders just quietly held a simple farewell ceremony for Academician Li Yuan.

Li Yuan's death, the leak of core secrets, these news cannot be spread to the outside world.

Otherwise, it will cause panic among the people.

Just after the memorial service was held, the soldiers guarding the gate came in to report that a person who claimed to be Mike asked to see the king.

Lan Lan was still thinking, this person's name sounded familiar, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

Tang Zheng spoke in a low voice.

"Take him to the drawing room."


Not long after, Tang Zheng saw this man in the reception room.

His skin was very dry, and the dry wrinkles on his face seemed to be carved with a carving knife, deep and rough.

But the overall appearance is tall and strong, and there is a kind of firm light in the eyes.

"Sheng... Maybe you should be called the old man." Mike hesitated for a while, but still recognized Tang Zheng.

Ten years ago, when Tang Zheng became famous, he saw this man in the light curtain.

Young and handsome, with unfathomable strength.

If it wasn't for his accidental disappearance midway, Mike also had the idea of ​​seeking refuge in the Kingdom of the Night.

Ten years have passed, and I have entered the 40th mark in my first year, but this guy still hasn't changed at all.

"Let's get straight to the point." Tang Zheng motioned to the bionic secretary beside him to pour a cup of tea for Mike, and nodded slightly to thank the secretary.

This move made the female secretary a little astonished, as if the calculation program in her brain hadn't bounced back.

Why do human beings who have always pointed fingers suddenly become more polite to themselves.

It is very troublesome, and the calculation procedure is very troublesome.

Fortunately, when she was about to crash, another command with higher priority sounded.

"You go down first." Tang Zheng said gently.

The female secretary bowed slightly, revealing the plump gullies on her chest that were similar to those of a normal young woman.

Soon, Mike told Tang Zheng everything that happened just now.

Including the plan to steal secrets, and Sakurai Rika's plan.

"For the act of stealing the secrets of the kingdom of the night, I am sorry, and I do not intend to defend myself. But now is not the time to say these things."

"The only person I can think of who can stop the people in Sakurai country is you." Mike said anxiously: "The reason why bionics can coexist with humans is because the instructions they execute are artificially input... But Once the bionics fully possess the consciousness of human beings, they will start to think. The current bionics are much stronger than normal humans, and according to the law of the jungle that has always been in human society, they will not willingly bow to human orders."

"By then, it's all over."

Mike said a lot in a hurry, and then he picked up the teacup and drank it dryly.

However, after seeing Tang Zheng's still calm face, Mike felt a little relieved.

As expected of a person who created a miracle ten years ago, he is still so calm when he encounters such a big event.

Presumably there should be a better countermeasure.

"Guo Lao thinks, how should the matter be resolved?"

As soon as Mike finished speaking, Tang Zheng shook his head slightly: "Go back, I can't help it."

"Ah?" The arm that was about to put down the teacup froze slightly, and Mike's face was full of surprise.

Tang Zheng was silent for a moment, then quickly took out a gray stone with a strange shape from the light curtain and placed it on the coffee table.

"What's this?"

"Quantum stone." Tang Zheng answered, paused and added: "It's just my unilateral name, its description is unknown, I don't know which celestial body it fell off from, it is my reward when I entered the electrical age .”

"It predicts the development of human beings ten years later."

"Through it, I saw the human beings in the next ten years, and I saw it ten years ago."

"Unfortunately, it's a one-time item, so I can't show it to you again."

Mike rolled his Adam's apple several times, and said with difficulty: "You mean, the ten years you disappeared are all because of the prophecy on this stone?"


"But... do you really believe in its prophecies?"

Tang Zheng looked at Mike with a shocked expression, and slowly asked: "What do you think, what should I do if I want someone to believe what you said?"

"Of course it is to show him an example to prove to him that what he said makes sense." Mike replied impatiently.

Tang Zheng took a deep breath, rubbed her face lightly, and then looked at Mike with a smile.

Seeing Tang Zheng's expression, Mike's pupils were filled with panic, and his eyes became wider and wider.

"Wait...wait a minute, can't" Mike looked at the stone on the coffee table, already a little incoherent.

"You guessed right." Tang Zheng's expression was a little slumped, showing a somewhat helpless wry smile.

This smile, Mike felt, should not appear on the face of a man who is close to God.

His expression made Mike feel that even the sky was about to fall.

Mike was afraid to see such an expression.

Then, he heard Tang Zheng say.

"It does what you said. It took me to the future world and proved to me what it predicted. It's like the mysterious power of quantum, so I call it quantum stone."

"I have tried nearly a thousand times, but none of them have been able to successfully recover..."

"About the doomsday of human extinction, just one month later."

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