I’m Still Too Weak For the Starter SSS Talent

Chapter 160 The Holy Land of Super Civilization! The origin of all things!


Tang Zheng fell heavily to the ground and let out a painful cry.


He didn't reach out to touch his back, but he could obviously feel a gust of cool wind blowing from his back, pouring straight into his inner body.

His internal organs seemed to be exposed to the air, and the burning pain continued to stimulate his brain.

Tang Zheng ignored the pain and looked back immediately.

At the barrier that was originally broken, it has been aggregated and formed at this time, and the pressure of the traction layer from the outside cannot penetrate in.

Looking at the past from this angle, he could even vaguely see a giant 'blue moon' hovering above his head.

As if going deep into the bottom of the sea, the rippling water reflects all kinds of strange luster.

Light cannot penetrate in, but the outside light can be clearly seen inside.

He is finally safe.

Successfully entered the interior of the Holy Land of Civilization.

The surroundings were pitch black, Tang Zheng opened the light curtain, took out a needle, and plunged it into the body.

This is the cortical healing agent developed by the latest technology.

Coupled with my own physique, I can feel the skin on the back is healing rapidly after a needle is inserted.

After about ten minutes of stroking, Tang Zheng touched his back again, and it was as smooth as a newborn.

Only then did he have the time to look around.

The location he is currently in is a pitch-black cave, and the light source is completely impenetrable.

But after unfolding the light curtain, relying on the light provided by the light curtain, he was able to see everything around him clearly.

Looking around, this is a very ordinary cave. In any mountain in the human world, there are hundreds or eighty such caves, which is very common.

"It seems that the interior of this civilized holy land is also a part of the sphere of the alien world. It has the air pressure and temperature suitable for human survival, including the air." Tang Zheng thought to himself.

Different from the outside world, if you want to enter the holy land of civilization, you must pass through an absolute traction layer as high as 300 meters.

This alone is enough to stump almost everyone.

"No, it's not 300 meters...it's 1,500 meters." Tang Zheng looked up, and the light waves emitted by the water-like 'blue moon' lightly splashed on the enchantment above his head like ripples.

He suddenly realized the problem.

The height has always been 1,500 meters, and 300 meters is only an estimated height from the outside world.

But he overlooked one point.

The strong traction here can bend even light.

In addition, this is a basin, which is simply a huge natural concave mirror.

The distance observed by human beings on the outside is transmitted by the bent light.

So it will lead to misjudgment.

"Fortunately, it's a close call." Tang Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, and walked forward with the light curtain unfolded.

The cave was very long, and he walked about a few hundred meters, but he still didn't see any people, including life forms.

This time, Tang Zheng sped up a little bit and started running forward.

Out of the corner of his eye, he observed everything around him.



Except for the jagged and uneven stone walls on both sides, there is an endless road ahead, hidden in the darkness.

"It shouldn't be. As the last forbidden place, the Holy Land of Civilization shouldn't be so empty." Tang Zheng muttered in surprise.

Speed ​​up this time.

Raised to the speed of sound!


A sonic boom came from behind his ears, and the airflow stirred the broken hair on his forehead.

It took about half an hour to move forward.

Boom! ! !

A huge explosion suddenly occurred on the road ahead, like a bomb hidden in the darkness.

Tang Zheng stopped abruptly.

After the lingering sound of the explosion gradually spread, he finally saw a faint light in front of him.

It's like being in a deep tunnel and seeing a small white dot far ahead, everyone knows that is the exit.

With a new goal, Tang Zheng ran with all his strength again.

The white light is getting closer and closer to him.

10,000 meters.


100 meters.

Swish! ! !

After he rushed out of the cave, his eyes suddenly opened up.

The blue sky and white clouds are surrounded by an endless ocean.

What shocked Tang Zheng was that he hadn't started flying, but was still floating in the air.

There seems to be an invisible pedal under the feet.

He was in the middle of the sea.

A great sense of loneliness and smallness engulfed him.

In particular, a huge wave of a thousand feet rushed towards him, like the mouth of an abyss.

Tang Zheng lost her momentum, so she could only cover her chest with her hands.

But to his surprise, the huge wave passed through his body and hit the back with a huge splash.

"Huh?" Tang Zheng tried to reach out and touch the surroundings.

But within two steps, he touched an invisible wall.

"I'm not out of the cave yet!"

Tang Zheng finally came to a conclusion.

Rather than saying it is a cave, it is better to say that everything is an illusion.

The only thing he can walk is an empty corridor that has been built for him.

The cave he saw before was an illusion. Whenever he touched the side, he would find that what he touched was not the jagged stone wall at all, but the long corridor that imprisoned him in a square shape.

After running for half an hour, he came to the other side of the corridor, and what he saw in front of him was Wang Yang.

It is now very clear that Tang Zheng has no other way to go.

Can only go forward.

Tang Zheng started to run, using all her speed this time, sprinting on the straight and seemingly endless corridor of nothingness.

It's like a sea train speeding on the ocean bridge, trying to cross this endless sea.

After more than ten minutes, I don't know if the terrain of the corridor of nothingness has become lower, or the scene in front of me has changed.

Tang Zheng clearly felt that the surrounding sea level was getting higher and higher.

Finally, he 'rushed' into the ocean.

You can even hear the tumbling sound of 'gurgling' underwater.

It's like entering an underwater aquarium.

The sea water still hasn't been able to swallow the corridor of nothingness, and the corridor is still the most suitable ground environment for human survival, with air, slight wind currents, and a suitable temperature.

It was dark around his eyes, there were no creatures, only the sunlight above his head was telling Tang Zheng that all this was still going on.

He moved on.


A small flat green worm brushed past him.

Tang Zheng slowed down, and the further he went, the more of these bugs he found.

They float in the ocean irregularly, like dust that has no fixed place.

Further on, new species appear.

A spherical body, the whole body is a life form with pink smooth surface.

They are three to four times larger than the original flat green bugs, and they are as big as Tang Zheng's fist.

keep going.

He slowed down again, as if he was visiting an aquarium, and walked forward slowly, his eyes constantly looking at these pink lives everywhere.


Tang Zheng glanced forward inadvertently.

I saw a pink life form in front of me slowly splitting.

With a slight 'bo' sound, it turned into two pink spherical life forms.

"...it's like cell division...wait a minute?" Tang Zheng suddenly realized something.

Cell division?

He opened the encyclopedia, and took advantage of the intracranial storm to quickly scan it.

The flat worm he saw just now has its scientific name on the encyclopedia...

"Prokaryotes, these single-celled organisms are the origin of all life!"

"What is in front of us now is that eukaryotic cells have a more complex structure than prokaryotic cells, and have DNA with self-replicating properties in their bodies."

"It is precisely because DNA has an infinitely replicable structure that these initial life forms can spread all over the planet and evolve into countless types. After all, there is no reproduction at the beginning. Reproduction is also a function that is only possessed after biological evolution. Initially The living body wants to expand its own race, relying on the special properties of DNA..."

Tang Zheng looked away from the encyclopedia illustrated book, with a look of shock in his eyes.

From this point of view, DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), the hero at the beginning of the life of all things, is the most legendary thing.

It is as if it has learned to replicate itself for no reason, and self-replication is an almost incredible superpower in human technology.

But this kind of superpower is contained in the DNA of the originator of all life.

Where did they learn this trick?

Even if Tang Zheng started the intracranial storm, he still couldn't figure it out.

At present, the best explanation seems to be endowment.

The superiors endowed them with this ability.

Or a species with a higher dimension than the superior has endowed them with this ability.

"What a holy place of civilization... Is this place going to show me the origin of all life? This corridor is the birth and formation of the entire biological chain."

"Will the end of the corridor be the end of life?"

Tang Zheng was looking forward to it, but at the same time she was also a little scared.

What human beings fear most is not the known problems, but the unknown.

Tang Zheng has already fully understood the mechanism of this corridor.

Moving forward is evolution.

To retreat is to degenerate.

The evolution of species is determined by his steps forward!

He urged his steps again, this time he didn't choose to fly, but walked forward quickly.

Among the huge ocean currents, this place is like a hotbed of natural life.

As he walked forward, these pink eukaryotic cells began to grow a thin layer of cell membrane, as if humans put on clothes for themselves.

"The birth of the cell membrane is the first link in the evolution of species. It allows these extremely tiny beings to find a way to protect themselves in the fierce nature." Tang Zheng glanced at the encyclopedia and retracted it.

keep going! Continue to evolve!

Then, the outer layer of these cells began to grow a hairy, tail-like thing.

"The flagella evolved from the cell body, and its birth gave the cell the ability to move autonomously."

Later, Tang Zheng discovered that these cells had flagella and began to scurry around in the ocean.

But not without purpose.

They move around in order to find more compatriots, and then gather together.

A cluster of cells is formed.

Like a vine full of grapes.

A fully combined cell population is a hundred times the size of the original cells.

And at this time, look at the 'flatworms' passing by from time to time, that is, prokaryotic cells.

It's only the size of a grain of rice.

Then, there is the combination of cell groups and cell groups.

Tang Zheng quickened his pace.

Finally, after traveling a few thousand meters, I saw the first multicellular life form in the history of biology.


When the cells gather to a certain extent, they begin to divide the work successively, forming a big 'family'.

This led to the birth of sponges, which look like tubes of coral.

But they have more evolved capabilities than single-celled organisms.

They have the ability to eat.

By eating, you can make yourself grow faster.

The staple food is the prokaryotic cells in the ocean currents.

Typically I eat myself.

Moreover, sea animals have also learned to use light sources on the water.

Chloroplasts have evolved, which contain a large amount of chlorophyll, which is also an important ability for photosynthesis.

Tang Zheng's eyes lingered in the ocean, amazed at the specialness of these creatures of origin.

The evolution of these creatures has never made any sense. They start to aggregate out of thin air, start to eat out of thin air, and produce chloroplasts out of thin air.

It seems that in order to adapt to the environment, it will be done.

This is the most amazing thing.

It was also at this moment that this long family of cells began to split.

From living things, split into animals and plants.

The lazy multicellular organisms eventually evolved into ancient plants.

The hyperactive cellular organisms evolved towards animals.

The first plants and animals were of the same origin, they had no backbones, and even their shapes were almost similar.

As they slowly adapt to the environment, immobile plants produce roots, stems, and leaves to complete their reproduction.

Animals that swim around have evolved tails and fins in order to be able to eat better.

But both plants and animals are aware of a problem at this time.

By asexual reproduction, the group can never progress.

Their civilization at that stage cannot be improved either.

Every time a fission occurs, one individual splits into two smaller individuals.

After the two individuals matured, they were classified again.

Repeatedly, the individual will only grow to a certain size and then begin to shrink.

Thus, organisms began to evolve two sexes.

Through sexual mating and reproduction, the individual's own volume will not be destroyed, but it will have more of the same kind.

"Reproduction, whether it is asexual division or sexual reproduction, is a big step in biological progress." Tang Zheng sighed softly after observing the mating of these oldest species.

Reproduction is something that all living things do, but sexual reproduction is initially just a branch of the individual division method, and it is a last choice for living things to preserve this species.

As for "why this species should be preserved", where did this idea come from? The ancient cells didn't even have consciousness. How did they know to preserve their own species and carry out better evolution.

This point is also a mystery that human beings have not been able to solve so far, and it is the second argument of the three ultimate philosophies of human beings.

"Further forward, the birth of fish." Tang Zheng started to quicken his pace again.

He walked along the corridor of civilization and witnessed the birth of life.

Next, he is approaching the end of his life.

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