I'm the best catcher in martial arts

Chapter 24 Stubbornness, the way to death

Master Ni had a terrible headache.

Of course, he didn't have a headache because of the robbery, because this was what he ate, not to mention that the money from the robbery was enough for him to live comfortably for ten lifetimes.

He didn't have a headache because of Yang Zheng, because he didn't know yet that the cronies he sent to kill had been captured alive by Yang Zheng and imprisoned in the county jail.

Ni Baye had a headache because of a man and a woman standing in front of the motorcade, who claimed to be blocking the road and robbing them.

Having been a bandit for forty years, Ni Baye has experienced countless gangsters and gangsters, but he has never been arrested and robbed. To be precise, he has never seen a policeman block the road and rob him.

Feng Siniang looked at Ni Ba with a smile: "You have been a bandit for so many years, have you ever been arrested and robbed by the six door gods? Doesn't it feel strange?"

Ni Ba forced out a smile: "I have been arrested and robbed, but I have never been stopped and robbed!"

Shen Lian asked curiously: "Ni Ba, can you tell me which policeman robbed you? I am very interested in this kind of policeman. I think you will make the mistake."

Ni Ba looked slightly cold: "Shen Captou, can you defeat me? Do you think you can defeat me?"

Shen Lian smiled and said, "I'll give you two choices.

Putting down your weapons and surrendering is called surrendering, and you may be given a lighter sentence, or at least your body can be left intact.

If you resist, you will have no choice but to resist arrest and be killed!

As the saying goes, it is better to live than to die. One more day is worth a day. The imperial court is all about asking for help after the fall. It is the end of June, and you can live for at least two more months. "

These words are absolutely not human words.

After all, Ni Ba was also a gangster, with hundreds of brothers under his command. He was arrogant, domineering, and ruthless. How could he lay down his weapons and surrender?

Even if he wants to surrender, will the brothers be willing?

The escort carriage they had just robbed seemed to be transporting porcelain and silk, but it was actually silver, worth 1.8 million taels. It was so powerful that it made them crazy. Who could give up?

No matter how resounding Shen Lian's name is, can he possibly defeat the two to three hundred elite bandits?

Cut each person into pieces with a knife, then divide the money and become a rich man in the countryside!

Ni Ba made up his mind, snorted coldly, waved to Shen Lian, and the minions roared out from behind. Shen Lian reached out and slapped behind him, and the gun barrel popped out of the iron box.

"Crack, click, click!"

The combination of Gu Wen Gun is completed!

"If you are stubborn, you will die!"

Shen Lian looked at the minions with a sneer, and Gu Wen traced a sad path, like a judge from the underworld dropping his pen to cross out the names on the book of life and death.

Leng Yue's cold light flashed past, and the seven or eight corpses of the minions rushing at the front fell to the ground. Shen Lian took the initiative to rush into the encirclement with strange steps.

The shadow of the gun swept across, and Ni Ba's elite subordinates fell down like wheat. In an instant, twenty or thirty people had fallen, with blood flowing across them and a pungent smell.

One step, one shot, one kill.

The bronze skin bursts into a faint blood color with the killing, the tiger's eyes are wide open, the sword eyebrows are raised to the sky, the gun is drawn out like a green dragon emerging from the water, and the gun is withdrawn like a tiger entering the jungle.

Ni Ba looked at Shen Lian in horror.

He originally planned to use his life to consume Shen Lian's physical strength and observe Shen Lian's martial arts, but he could see nothing but the shrill light mist.

There are no changes, no moves, only crisp and clean shooting and closing, only fast, ruthless and accurate!

No matter how brave you are, no matter how cunning, as long as the cold light flashes, you will be shot in the throat immediately.

There is a different kind of elegance to such tragic marksmanship, as if he is not killing, but dancing on the piano, creating a majestic symphony.

"Ghost! Ghost!"

"This is not a human! It's a ghost! It's a ghost!"

"Run! Run! Run!"

As more and more people fell, Ni Baye's carefully trained elite began to flee in large numbers.

Ni Ba gritted his teeth and looked at Shen Lian.

Bronze Hammer, Black Devil, Yellow Wolf, Elephant, Peng Hu, Cheng Gang, Balao Tu, the eight Vajras under his command, except for the bison who went to kill Yang Zheng, all the others fell to the ground.

Shen Lian's eyes were really powerful. He could easily tell who was in the top position and who was the minions. The minions would be killed without mercy, while the one in the top spot would have his muscles and bones broken.

"Your opponent is not me."

Shen Lian walked slowly past Ni Ba and went straight to the escort car they had just robbed. When he opened the escort car, there were neat silks inside, with silver lumps hidden under the silks.

Ni Ba looked up at Feng Siniang, with hope flashing in his eyes. As long as he could capture Feng Siniang and use Feng Siniang as a hostage, he would have hope of survival.

Ni Ba is good at using the "knife in the crutch".

A lancet, an iron crutch, a crutch in the knife, a knife in the crutch, a combination of hardness and softness, complementing offense and defense.


Ni Ba rushed out like a tiger, hitting Feng Siniang's waist with his iron crutch, and slashed his lancet at Feng Siniang's beautiful face. He only attacked but did not defend, fighting for his life.

This move is not a clever move. The only advantage is that it is ferocious, as ferocious as a mad tiger.

In the past forty years, countless powerful enemies have been defeated by this move due to a moment of fear.

Feng Siniang will definitely retreat!

If it is not retreated, it will damage the beauty and beauty.

What woman could allow such a thing?

Feng Siniang can do it!

The more things others dared not do, the more happily Feng Siniang did it. She actually rushed towards the knife and crutch, several times more ferocious than Ni Ba.


Feng Siniang drew her sword.

No one saw how she drew the sword, only a flash of cold light, the west wind suddenly rose, the howling west wind was bone-piercing, and two arms flew into the air.

Ni Ba screamed and fell to the ground.

Feng Siniang only used one sword, how could she cut off both of Ni Ba's arms? Ni Ba didn't know. He couldn't figure it out even if he tried hard. Even Shen Lian didn't understand.

Shen Lian only knows one thing, that is, the strength of the Qinglong Society is even better than imagined.

Yan Longyuan is perhaps the weakest dragon head.

He might even be a substitute leader, or he could become the twelve leader because of his family background.

The reason is simple. Shen Lian is not sure that he can capture Feng Siniang alive without hurting her, but the leader of the Qinglong Society can do it very easily.

A woman in a high position?

Jellyfish Yin Ji, Yao Yue Lian Xing, Mrs. Tang, Mrs. Jin, Empress of the Future, Tianshan Child Elder, Red Sleeve Goddess, Li Qiushui, Li Canghai, Shi Guanyin...

None of them seem to meet the conditions!

Where did senior sister make good friends?

Shen Lian was thinking wildly in his mind, but his hands were not slow at all, and he crushed the silver lump with a gentle squeeze.

"Ni Ba, you are such an idiot. Why didn't you check after you kidnapped the escort? You gave up your life for nothing for a bunch of lead lumps. Don't you feel panicked at the loss?"

"This...this silver is fake?"

"The layer painted on the outside is real. If you scrape it off and smelt it again, you should be able to smelt three thousand taels."


Ni Ba was so anxious that he fainted.

Feng Siniang asked curiously: "Are these silvers really fake? How do you know they are fakes?"

Shen Lian joked: "Because my surname is Shen!"

"I think you want to steal the money."

"Don't worry, the things in this world that can tempt the Shen family definitely don't include money!"

"Then what do you want?"

"Good food, good wine, beautiful people."

"You have a Bacchus in your family, so there is no shortage of food and wine. What kind of beauty do you want?

Six, seven, eight, nine, four junior sisters, which one do you like? Do you need me to make peace with you? "

"What? Senior sister wants to learn from the ancients?"

"What ancient people?"

"In ancient times, there was Cao Liu Qingmei making wine and discussing heroes. Today, there is Shen Lianfeng and Si Niang, talking about beauties among the dead. If word of this gets out, it will definitely be a legend in the world."


"If I get out, how can you bring these people back to the government office? You can't let them leave on their own, right?"

"Aren't there helpers there?"

Feng Siniang pointed to the east, and there were more than a dozen policemen walking in the distance. The leader was dark-skinned, thin, with bright eyes, and a heroic appearance. It seemed that there was a tiger and three lions hidden in his body.

Yang Zheng!

The head of the third squad of detectives!

After Yang Zheng captured the bison, he led his brothers to capture Ni Ba. Unexpectedly, he was caught first.

"Are you local police officers?"

"Who are you?"

"Shen Lian."

"A ruthless hunter?"

"it's me."

"How to prove it?"

"These bodies are proof of that."

Thanks to book friends Wula Wow La, Water Emperor Tianhe, I Love Pancakes for the reward

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