I'm the best catcher in martial arts

Chapter 326 Mr. Qingpao, who makes me love beef the most?

Shen Lian was asking about the case.

Zuo Shi took the minutes of the meeting.

Although Linghu Chong had just experienced a fierce battle and was very tired, he still managed to cheer up.

"The assassin who assassinated me was a drunkard. He wore a fish charm from the Tang Dynasty and called himself He Zhizhang He Shangshu. When I saw the assassin, he happened to be lying by the well.

I was worried that he would fall into the well, so I went to help him up. I didn't want him to make a sneak attack. Fortunately, I had a wine glass on my chest to stop him, so I didn't get killed with one blow.

Brother Shen, I remember you said that He Zhizhang seemed to have fallen into a well drunk..."

Ning Zhong looked at Linghu Chong worriedly.

Yue Buqun was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Lao Yue really taught cultural knowledge, but Linghu Chong was not interested in these and could never learn it. After teaching so many poems, he remembered that He Zhizhang loved drinking.

Shen Lian smiled and said: "This is Du Fu's "Song of the Eight Immortals in Drinking". Zhizhang rides a horse as if riding a boat, and falls into a well and sleeps under the water. Although this man calls himself He Zhizhang, what he really wants to do is to make you sleep under the water."

"What's the meaning?"

Linghu Chong asked in confusion.

"This is a special killing technique, which is to create an accident that is not an accident based on the opponent's state and environment, so that the person who solves the case has no way to investigate.

For example, if you are drunk and walking to a well, you slip and fall into the water and drown. Isn't this normal? I can't find any flaws either. "

Shen Lian has been in contact with various killer organizations and has seen many killing techniques, including sealing the throat with a sword like Zhongyuan Yidianhong, and poisoning and killing in large groups. The most difficult one to deal with is the accidental killing technique.

Anyone who often handles cases knows that the most difficult cases to solve are not the kind of murder cases that involve 80 agencies, 200 alibis, and a rigorous layout.

Wherever you walk, you will leave traces.

The more you do, the more you make mistakes.

The seemingly exquisite case is actually full of flaws, and if you use your whole body to find a flaw, you can directly pull out the chain of evidence.

The hardest cases to crack are murders of passion.

A person is walking on a dark street and sees a passerby who doesn't like him. He becomes so angry that he suddenly picks up a big stone and throws it at him, and then runs away. Such cases are basically unsolved, and Guo Bujing can't do anything about it.

Of course, the killer organization also understands this truth.

The Killers have evolved with the times.

Those who are stuck in their ways and follow the old ways have long been eliminated!

The assassin's profession is extremely involved in involution. If you can't continue in other professions, you can change your career. If the killer's skills become outdated, the price will be your own life.

The Sunflower Faction knows how to recruit spies, and those large killer organizations certainly understand this too.

As early as more than a hundred years ago, killers who used accidents and coincidences to create killings appeared in the world. After more than a hundred years of development, their skills have long since matured.

It is true that Linghu Chong loves drinking.

It is true that Linghu Chong was drunk.

So he drowned in the well, and even Shen Lian couldn't find a flaw because it was completely in line with common sense.

Fortunately, Linghu Chong was extremely lucky. He had the wine glass given by Zu Qianqiu in his arms, and after drinking too much wine, his legs and feet were weak. He retreated as soon as he pushed, unexpectedly removing He Shangshu's strength, otherwise he would have been lying in the well.

Shen Lian found it quite interesting.

He Shangshu is a crude imitator. Apart from having the same surname and his fondness for drinking, he has no similarities with He Zhizhang. He doesn't even know He Zhizhang's life.

The exquisite Seven Killers of Drunk and Flowing Clouds, He Shangshu's ingenious killing move was defeated by the wine glass Zu Qianqiu gave to Linghu Chong. Coincidentally, the place where He Zhizhang lived in seclusion to practice Taoism in his later years happened to be called Qianqiu Temple.

Isn't this also a coincidence?

Linghu Chong's method of dealing with He Shangshu could be described as a change of destiny. He was already accustomed to using tactics.

He is no longer the reckless man who only knew how to use Dugu Jiujian in the original plot, but a master who knows how to use his strengths and avoid weaknesses and give full play to his own strengths.

Linghu Chong was very smart. When he was weak, he used all kinds of tricks to deal with Tian Boguang.

After learning Dugu Nine Swords, I started to be brave.

This should be considered his normal level now.

A life-and-death fight is meant to exploit strengths and avoid weaknesses. In Linghu Chong's current state, he could neither use Dugu Nine Swords to defeat He Shangshu's clever move, nor could he compete with fists and kicks.

Linghu Chong is best at using swords and breaking swords.

Linghu Chong, who uses a sword, has the highest martial arts. If the opponent's weapon is also a sword, his martial arts can be doubled.

How to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses?

First of all, he must have a sword in his hand, and secondly, he must give the opponent a sword. This is how he defeated Murong Fu in the first place, and beat him to the point where he doubted his life.

The same goes for dealing with He Shangshu.

Even if He Shangshu is proficient in the "Drunken Sword", he is destined to be defeated the moment he pulls out the sword.

Linghu Chong can carry two swords when he goes out.

Use one for yourself.

Give one to the enemy.

Motto: Don't kill the defenseless!

Even if Feng Qingyang wanted to break his head, he never thought that Dugu Nine Swords could be used like this. What an insight!

Although this move is an "evil path", it is a good tactic for Linghu Chong at the moment. When Linghu Chong becomes more skilled in the future, he will no longer need to do this.

By that time, this method has probably been discovered by others, and can be used to deceive the enemy.

You think I'm a "go back home to get the sword hero", but in fact I can turn my fingers into a sword and easily kill powerful enemies instantly.

The more Shen Lian thought about it, the weirder he felt. No matter who Linghu Chong was, no matter how he praised or criticized him, he could not deny that he liked to fight head-on and use Dugu Jiu Jianmang.

Now, how did he become the Yin Ren Shenjun?

It's all Zhu Yueming's fault.

A good and righteous young hero was led astray by him!

Yue Buqun asked slightly worriedly: "I have been in the world for decades. I have heard of such elite killers who are good at using tactics, but I have never seen them."

Ning Zhong asked: "Captain Shen, which killer organization is this killer? We ask ourselves why this person wanted to assassinate Chong'er if we don't have any grudges outside."

"In order to muddy the waters and fish in troubled waters! At the same time, it is also to challenge me and give me difficult problems. It is also to kill the masters in Hengyang City, take away all the benefits, and enjoy the pleasure of being outwitted."

Shen Lian said with a hint of sarcasm: "This is the shortcoming of those people. They are too smart and too proud. They like to see their enemies struggling to death."

Zuo Shi added: "The shocking eyes of the enemy with dead eyes, the confusion of not knowing how to die, and the helpless wailing in despair are their favorite scenes and their greatest enjoyment."

Tantai Jingming then added: "If a person does something that he is very proud of, if he cannot say it publicly, he will feel very unhappy and imperfect.

There are three ways they show off.

One is to tell the enemies who are wailing in despair, tell them the truth, and appreciate their incompetence and rage.

The first is to step on the enemy's head. Most of these people are more cautious and will not be overturned by their opponents.

The first is to record all the things that you are proud of, and look through them when you have nothing to do, recall your great achievements, and enjoy the joy of wisdom.

When your husband is here, even if your enemy is extremely intelligent, he will not dare to play the game of cat and mouse. He will definitely find an opportunity to kill you with one strike and step on your head to show off your wisdom. "

Linghu Chong was already asleep at this time.

Ning Zhong was very courageous and not afraid of death. When he heard such dangerous things, he felt cold all over.

Yue Buqun had some dark thoughts in his heart, but now he thought it was unnecessary. He would never be able to learn the sinister methods Zuo Shi and Tantai Jingming described in his life.

Shen Lian scratched his chin and thought about who was planning this matter. He Shangshu took action and entered the game on behalf of the invisible killer. It couldn't be Gong Jiu, right?

Gong Jiu is much more arrogant than this.

This monster will most likely go directly into the Liu Mansion.

Shen Lian was very confident in himself, and Gong Jiu must have enjoyed the thrill of a life-and-death fight with him!

This is one of the few things Gong Jiu enjoys!


He Shangshu received a slap in the face.

He Shangshu has a very high status in the Invisible Man and behaves extremely arrogantly. Who dares to slap him?

But now he got a slap in the face.

Because his mission failed.

There is only one condition that determines the status of a killer.

It’s not martial arts, it’s not beauty, it’s not wisdom, it’s not tenacity, it’s not whether you can obey the rules.

It’s how well they accomplish their tasks.

No matter what method, as long as the task is completed, as long as the completion degree on the task list is 100%, then you are an elite killer, the elite among the elite.

What kind of killer is he if he can't complete the task?

The employer hires you, not a circus attendee!

A killer who cannot complete the task, a killer who fails in an easy task, a killer who is beaten and injured during an easy task, how can he be regarded as an elite?

Since he is not an elite, why can't he be beaten?

The attacker was a very weak man in green shirt. He was short in stature and his face was expressionless and lifeless, but his eyes flashed with great agility and flexibility.

Apparently, he was wearing a human skin mask.

His mask is not delicate. A delicate mask should fit the face completely and make it invisible.

It's not that he can't make exquisite masks, but that he likes this mask, and this is his hobby.

A temporary hobby.

When he doesn't like it anymore, the mask will be torn into powder and a brand new one will be put on.

He doesn't like things that others have used, and he doesn't like others to use things that he has used.

Although his face was mysterious and terrifying, his flexible eyes filled his whole body with a strange charm that made people look at him twice.

"Sir, I..."

"You failed, you failed very stupidly."

Young Master Qingpao looked at He Shangshu coldly.

"Hmph! Are you trying to say that Linghu Chong's swordsmanship is too good and he is good at the Dugu Nine Swords? It was not Linghu Chong who defeated you, but the Dugu Nine Swords?"

He Shangshu broke into a cold sweat after hearing this.

He Shangshu knew very well how ruthless the young man in green robe was. He was a cruel and vicious lunatic and a devil who would surrender to snakes and scorpions even if they saw him.

Naturally, He Shangshu was not a good person. There were not three hundred but two hundred people who died in his hands, but compared with this young man in green robe, they were like a joke.

There is absolutely no comparison between the two.

Among the elite killers on the Invisible Island, the most unfathomable is Gong Jiu, the most ruthless and easy-to-kill is Mu Ban, and the most cruel and vicious is the green-robed young master. The method he uses when killing people makes people dare not reincarnate as a human being.

"Don't be afraid, you still have some value for the time being. I won't kill valuable people, and I won't kill you. Of course, I can't punish you heavily, otherwise it will reduce our combat power."

"Many...many thanks for your forgiveness, sir."

"The death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped. If you can't bear the crime and make meritorious service, you are useless trash. Our family doesn't have much food, so we can't feed trash."

"Yes, yes, I will do my best."

The sweat flowing on He Shangshu's body was enough for him to take two baths. Because he drank a lot of wine, the sweat was mixed with the smell of alcohol, plus the blood from the wound, it smelled very unpleasant, and the young man in green robe wrinkled his nose.

"Go and clean yourself first, then tell me why you failed, and then tell me how long it will take to kill all the Huashan sect. I don't have much time, so don't waste it."

Young Master Qingpao waved his hand to He Shangshu to get out.

He Shangshu rolled away and crawled away, without the arrogance of a top killer at all, as if he was escaping from a devil's cave.

This is indeed a devil's cave.

Because Mr. Qingpao was already thinking about how much punishment should be used to punish He Shangshu for his recklessness and stupidity. His biggest crime was that he didn't take a shower when he came to see him!

This is a sin beyond death!

"Shen Lian, you are such an interesting person. I feel very close to you. You may not know that I have been paying attention to you since Di Qinglin's death."

"Your ferocity, your growth speed, your wisdom hidden under your recklessness, and your muscles more developed than a bull, all make me deeply intoxicated."

"How should you handle this round?"

"I won't give you too long."

"Although we have no grievances, and although you have nothing to do with my mission, I must kill you."

"Who is my favorite beef?"

"How greedy!"

The young master in green robe took off his disguise mask, revealing a very delicate face. This young master in green robe turned out to be a pretty girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, with a cute beauty mark on her lips and big eyes full of liveliness.

Of course Shen Lian didn't know that someone was interested in him because of his tender tendons, so even if he knew, it would be useless.

Blame me?

Which bodybuilder doesn't have strong muscles?

How about I activate the magical power of Vajra Indestructibility, and you can bite it however you want, and it doesn’t matter where you bite. As long as you can chew on the magical power of Vajra Indestructibility, I will let you chew it!

Shen Lian was thinking about the case, and Liu Zhengfeng couldn't help but feel sad, and knowing that there were many crises now, he took the initiative to come to Shen Lian and explain everything.

"Captain Shen, I..."

"I don't have much time. If you decide to explain everything, then don't talk nonsense. I will take care of the Hengshan Sect and Mo Xiaobei."

"How is Xiaobei's martial arts talent?"

"What do you think of my apprentice?"

"Bingxue is smart and talented."

"Mo Xiaobei's martial arts talent is at least 50% better than Xue'er's, and he likes martial arts very much. When Mo Xiaobei turns sixteen, he can easily defeat..."

"Defeat me?"

"Defeat all members of the Hengshan faction."

Liu Zhengfeng: Σ(゜ロ゜;)

Is Mo Xiaobei a monster?

How could this girl be so talented?

"In this case, I am relieved. I will tell the truth now. Brother Qu actually did not dig up the Evil Emperor's relic, but only got a yellow crystal."

Thanks to book friends Yakumo Wutong, Taigong Wangxi, Wuilyan Ah Yanbao, and Kim Taeyeon for the reward.

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