I'm the best catcher in martial arts

Chapter 35 White Tiger Star Lord, Paradise

"Boy, I'm really exhausted!"

Lu Jianxing came over sweating profusely, wiping the sweat with a towel while looking at Shen Lian's desk.

The scattered items have been sorted into categories, the accounts have been settled, and Shen Lian has even finished writing the case summary and analysis and speculation, which is frighteningly efficient.

Lu Jianxing curled his lips: "Second brother, if you have some free time, help me write the memorial. The troubles in Di Qinglin's family are really..."

"The Marquis is as deep as the sea!"

"Yes, yes, Hou Men is as deep as the sea. You don't know how evil that guy Di Qinglin is. He built an underground palace with all kinds of real dolls in it.

This lifelike doll must be soaked in secret medicine while still alive and can be stored for decades. That scene made me not want to eat for three days! "

Some of the dandy sons of rich noble families like cockfighting and lackeys, some like drinking and gambling, some like Qin Lou and Chu Pavilion, and some have some psychological distortions.

Lu Jianxing has been a Jin Yiwei for ten years and has seen countless dandy boys and mentally twisted people, but he has never seen such a twisted person before.

He is ruthless, psychologically twisted, and psychopathic. At the same time, he is full of wisdom and loves art.

Especially in calligraphy, painting, architecture, wax figures, pottery, etc., he has very high attainments. Some paintings can be sold for a hundred taels of silver.

Shen Lian complained: "Brother, since you can't eat now, why not cut the knot quickly and work overtime for three days and nights to finish the matter."

"Don't make me beat the seriously injured number!"

Lu Jianxing asked curiously: "Why do I feel that I am here to take the blame? Third brother is also here to take the blame for you. Where did you get so many big blames?"

Shen Lian curled his lips. Based on the bad reputation of Jin Yiwei and Dongchang, wouldn't it be a waste not to take the blame?

"Brother, if you don't want it, I can find someone else next time, such as Weng Taibei and Lu Yi."

"That bad old man Weng Taibei may die one day, so what's the use of his great achievements?

Lu Yi is the son of the commander. As long as he lives safely, he can at least do the commanding work. Does their family need any credit? Living is merit! "

Weng Taibei was fifteen years older than Lu Jianxing, and he was less than fifty this year. He was a strong and healthy person who practiced martial arts and could live for at least thirty or forty years. How could he die?

Lu Yi's evaluation is correct.

Lu Bing, the commander of the Jinyi Guards, had three sons. The eldest son died of illness at an early age. The second son blocked Zhu Yunwen's disaster during an assassination attempt. The only one in the family was Lu Yi.

If this single seedling were broken, wouldn't it look like the Zhu Ming royal family was mean and ungrateful? Is Zhu Yuanzhang shameless? Is Zhu Biao shameless? Who else will do their job faithfully?

Therefore, living is merit!

However, Lu Yi didn't think so. He wanted to make contributions based on his true skills. His abilities were quite impressive, and in terms of martial arts, he was only slightly inferior to Lu Jianxing.

While Lu Jianxing was complaining about his colleagues, he was looking through the case closure report written by Shen Lian. He liked to read Shen Lian's case closure report the most, because Shen Lian could always describe things completely in the simplest and most concise way.

1. Ling Tuisi took advantage of his position to steal the official silver from the government treasury, transported it by water to a secret place, and resmelted it there to recast 1.8 million taels of silver ingots;

2. The Xiangjiang Escort Bureau used its own network to deliver silver ingots to Di Qinglin's house on the one hand, and on the other hand, it transported fake silver to attract bandits to plunder;

3. Qiu Xingjian of Luoyang Racecourse, Hua Siye, a wealthy man in Luoyang, and Zhao Zhenfei of the Xiangjiang Escort Bureau, jointly set up an alibi situation to create conditions for the robbers to rob the escort;

4. Ni Ba’s darts took away the silver;

5. According to the original plan, the local policemen should be allowed to take back the dart silver, and then expose it as fake silver, and put the blame on the policeman.

Unfortunately, Shen Lian got involved in this matter, directly exposing the counterfeit money, and interrogating Qiu Xingjian to get clues from him, disrupting the entire plan;

6. Because Qiu Xingjian confessed and handed over the account books recording the transactions, Shen Lian pressed forward step by step. Di Qinglin knew that it was difficult to protect himself, so he devised a strategy of feigning death to escape;

7. While Di Qinglin was cleaning up the undercover agents placed around him by the Qinglong Society, he asked Ying Wuwu to invite experts to assist him, and at the same time, he designed Yang Zheng to come to investigate the case;

8. All the leaders of the Qinglong Society were killed. Ying Wuwu invited Xuanwu, Dongfang Qingmu, Wen Liangyu, hired several killers, and Yang Zheng came to search for evidence;

9. Shen Lian killed Xuanwu, Wen Liangyu, and Dongfang Qingmu, and Yang Zheng killed Ying Wuwu and Di Qinglin.

Here, Shen Lian used Qiankun Shift to give the credit for killing Wen Liangyu and others to Jin Yichuan, while the deaths of Di Qinglin and Xuanwu were attributed to Lu Jianxing;

10. According to the analysis of known clues, Di Qinglin still has an ally besides the Qinglong Society. This ally is extremely powerful and has infiltrated Jin Yiwei;

11. Wen Liangyu killed Master Zhu Wu and subdued the Langshan bandits. He was the same force as Xuanwu. The two were at odds with each other. Wen Liangyu had another master;

12. Counterfeit banknotes were found in Di Qinglin’s residence. The production techniques were extremely sophisticated. It was probably done by Di Qinglin’s allies. The police should be sent to investigate;

13. Qinglong will infiltrate multiple escort bureaus and use the escort bureaus’ transportation channels to quickly transport supplies such as grain, grass, ordnance. This matter must be verified as soon as possible;

14. Di Qinglin is also involved in the Xungui Family, the Qinglong Society, and mysterious allies. Most of them are secretly guided by someone, and this matter needs to be investigated secretly;

15. With the death of Dongfang Qingmu, the Sifangmen of the Western Region will definitely not be at peace. If the Six Sects have placed an undercover agent in the Sifangmen, they can take the opportunity to guide them.

Looking at the large list of analyzes written by Shen Lian, Lu Jianxing felt a splitting headache. Not all of these analyzes might be correct, but each one was a big trouble.

"Second brother, do you want to tire me to death?"

"Brother, what are you thinking about? How could you do these things? Even if it's Xuanwu's rebellion, you can't interfere. That's Shurangyan's business."

There are three deputy envoys under the command of Jinyiwei.

One of them is named Shurangama, and the four stewards, Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Xuanwu and Suzaku, are all his disciples. It is a huge scandal that the disciples were bribed by mysterious forces.

This matter must be dealt with quickly, and it must be handled by Shurangyan himself, and Lu Jianxing must not interfere.

Lu Jianxing scratched the back of his head: "Then what should I do now? Should I go back to Beijing to report on my work?"

Shen Lian smiled and said: "Go back to Beijing and rest for two or three months. I may have something new to trouble you."

Lu Jianxing fled out in a hurry. When he reached the door, he grabbed Jin Yichuan who was about to enter.

"Second Brother, you are a troublemaker who will die wherever you go! I can't offend you, but I can afford to hide. Third brother, leave quickly, Second Brother is about to get hysterical!"

Shen Lian: ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

It's my fault!

It seems like you really blame me!

Every detective is a troublemaker, and murders happen wherever he goes. Shen Lian, a troublemaker, can make things crazy and cause bloodshed.

Especially in recent months, Shen Lian's trouble-making skills have once again improved, and he can be called the number one broom star in the world!

No, with such a powerful evil spirit, it should be the White Tiger Star King who is the best in the world. That is the real killing.

Feng Siniang walked into the room, looked at Shen Lian's confused expression, and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"White Tiger..."

"Huh? Ah!"


Shen Lian's head was pressed on the table!

"Please wake up!"

"Senior sister, I'm talking about Lord White Tiger Star!"

"White Tiger Star Lord? It turns out to be White Tiger Star Lord. I thought it was the white tiger from Jinyiwei. That guy has been murderous all day long. It makes me feel unappetizing just thinking about it."

Feng Siniang laughed a few times and rushed out of the house faster than Lu Jianxing. She looked up, hoping that a meteor would fall from the sky and destroy the house.

Jingzhou, countryside.

After Ding Dian regained his strength, he took Ling Shuanghua to the countryside. He had no intention of making any achievements, nor did he want to participate in the disputes in the world. He just wanted to plant flowers and grass in the countryside.

Of course, he also knew that as the daughter of a prisoner, Ling Shuanghua should be sent to the Jiaofang Division according to Ming law.

Shen Lian did not ask about this matter, but wrote that he was assassinated on the casualty list. It was really a great kindness.

Before leaving, Ding Dian recorded the Divine Photo Technique and gave it to Shen Yumen, and then left with peace of mind. Shen Yumen did not hold back, but helped Ding Dian clear away the traces.

Instead of planting expensive flowers, the two used mountain wild flowers as decoration, and bought a vegetable garden. Ding Dian cultivated vegetables and fish, and Ling Shuanghua weaved cloth and flowers.

Peaceful and tranquil, without fighting against the world.

There are no rivers and lakes, no treasures, no disputes, no killings, no bloodshed, and no conspiracy.

They had children and new friends.

In their vegetable garden, they grew radishes, cabbage, lettuce, chrysanthemum, and of course water spinach.

His friend planted it for him, because his new friend's nickname is - water spinach!

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