I'm the best catcher in martial arts

Chapter 593 Perfect physique, unbeatable, unbreakable, unbeatable

Lu Xiaofeng is a bold person.

Even in dangerous places like the Invisible Island, Lu Xiaofeng is at ease. Apart from seasickness, Lu Xiaofeng has no fear. His courage is comparable to Jiang Wei.

Now he felt fear.

A bone-deep fear.

He felt like there was a knife behind his neck that might fall down at any moment and chop him into three hundred pieces.

——It’s no good knowing too much!

This sentence is the greatest truth in the world.

Lu Xiaofeng tried her best to suppress her curiosity. Instead of listening to Tong Lin's story, she went to look for the many records left by Wu Ming, thinking that there would be no problem.

Unexpectedly, things seemed to be bigger!

Tong Lin's story lies in martial arts and martial arts. The most dangerous situation is to fight the big devil.

When had Lu Xiaofeng ever been afraid of this?

With one finger of Lingxi, one is walking on the edge of survival and death, either success or death.

What does he see now?

Various secrets carefully collected by the invisible man.

It was a shame for the Mongolian royal family that Prime Minister Yan Timur actually married the queen and more than forty princesses.

The Queen Mother of Xixia, Li Qiushui, once raised dozens or hundreds of faces, and even had an affair with her nephew.

Oara, Liao, and Jin all had their secrets. These countries were either half-broken or perished, and they were not as shocking as Li Qiushui. Lu Xiaofeng only saw many conspiracies and intrigues, but not the anecdotes of the royal family.

The most shocking thing is the Manchu and Qing Dynasties.

Not to mention such exciting dramas as nine sons seizing the heir, Wu Sidao, the commander-in-chief of the Qing Dynasty's Sticky Branch, actually used various forces as chess pieces to design a game to kill the god.

He was clearly targeting...Zhu Yuanzhang!

According to the comments given by Wu Ming, Wu Sidao seemed to be about to succeed. Lu Xiaofeng's scalp was numb and he hurriedly found Shen Lian, thinking that I can't do this, and neither can you. Leave this to Liu Bowen.

The biggest characteristic of smart people is that they like challenges from smart people and take pleasure in defeating smart people.

For a half-fairy like Liu Bowen, the greatest pleasure is to defeat other smart people and gain a sense of intellectual superiority. The greatest frustration is to be placed on a chessboard without knowing anything about it.

"Old Shen, aren't you worried?"

"I'm so worried!"

"Hey! That's the emperor. You dare to compare the emperor to a fart, aren't you afraid that he will slap you?"

"This is what you said. According to the law, I should play twenty big boards and you fifty big boards. The one who plays the boards is Jin Yiwei. I can spend some money and let my elder brother do it himself. Guess what the result will be. ?”

Shen Lian looked at Lu Xiaofeng with a smile.

Lu Xiaofeng wanted to strangle Shen Lian to death.

"Are you really not worried about the emperor? This is a God-killing situation. If Wu Sidao's plan succeeds, what will happen to the civil and military forces of the dynasty? Aren't you afraid of causing chaos?"

"If Wu Sidao fails, he will definitely be killed by the backlash. If Wu Sidao succeeds, even if His Majesty dies as a result, then please invite the crown prince to ascend the throne."

Shen Lianxin said what a big deal this was?

The situation of killing the gods is so terrible!

Does Lao Zhu care about this?

With Zhu Biao here, how could the government be in chaos?

Lu Xiaofeng twitched her lips: "The emperor must be a martial arts master, right? He is over sixty years old this year and has at least thirty years left to live. If he..."

Shen Lian snorted coldly: "In another thirty years, the prince will have been the prince for more than fifty years. What do you think the prince of the Manchu Qing Dynasty has done for forty years?"

"I'm guessing!"

Lu Xiaofeng rolled her eyes angrily.

When the nine sons of the Manchu Qing Dynasty took over the heir apparent, it was such a big deal. Lu Xiaofeng had more or less heard the rumors in the market and the sighs of the Manchu Qing prince.

——How can there be a prince who has been in the world for forty years?

It means: Dad, you have lived for too long. I can hardly hold on anymore. My younger brothers are also eager to try. Please pass the throne to me quickly!

Lu Xiaofeng joked: "Old Shen, do you think this is treason? Are you afraid that I will sue you?"

Shen Lian's mouth showed a sneer: "Then you repeat what I just said completely in front of the Minister of Justice. You are also treasonous! And you can't prove that those words were said by me."

"I...I am the witness!"

"Witness? Do you know Lu Jianxing? He is my sworn brother. He can find a hundred witnesses in just three hours to prove that you want to rebel.

What is needed to investigate the case is witness and physical evidence.

In addition, the special crime of rebellion actually requires neither witness nor physical evidence.

Only the emperor needs to make a judgment.

If he thinks you want to rebel, you will either run away or be killed. If he thinks you are loyal, no matter how bad you behave, the most you will get is a beating.

Stop thinking about these things.

Although I have never done these things, I have seen them hundreds of thousands of times. If you are interested, I will show you Jin Yiwei's files. It is absolutely wonderful.

Don't think about killing God.

Just take this as a joke.

This thing is meant to bully honest people.

Do you think the emperor is an honest man? "

Lu Xiaofeng regained her composure after hearing this.

Although he did not want to become an official in the court, he had a natural chivalrous spirit and longed for peace and stability in the Central Plains. He was worried that accidents to the emperor would lead to widespread wars in the Central Plains.

In the past two years, the Ming Dynasty has launched foreign conquests and continuously expanded its territory. The flying dragons are in the sky and are extremely powerful.

Some people secretly said that "the dragon has regrets" and spread rumors in the market. It was obvious that someone was up to something.

After hearing Shen Lian's explanation, Lu Xiaofeng realized that she was overthinking. Wu Sidao might be very good at calculating, but as long as the prince was there, the situation in the court would not be chaotic.

In recent years, the prince has either been discussing matters in Jinling and has been protected by masters in the palace. When he goes out, he has been closely protected by masters such as Shi Yanwen, and the imperial physician is always on call.

You have the situation of killing the gods, and I have the sons and grandsons of dragons.

Shen Lian was not as calm as he appeared on the surface.

If Lao Zhu hadn't moved to Yaowang Valley and made Zhu Biao healthy, Wu Sidao would have really succeeded in this round, and the success rate would be very high.

This kind of murderous plot against the royal family cannot be completed in two or three years. It must be a long-term plan.

Wu Sidao, what a good idea!

The library on the Invisible Island contains many secret books.

For example, Ruyi Orchid Hand, Hunyuan Qigong, Seven Killers of Drunken Flowing Clouds, and Toad Kung Fu. The most precious thing is Wu Ming's major in Sizhao Magic Kung Fu, as well as Wu Ming's martial arts training experience over the years, especially his swordsmanship experience.

Shen Lian's face twitched.

The four-photo magic skill can be practiced by a boy, and Shen Lian studied it for several days before he figured out how to fix the bug.

As for the experience of swordsmanship, Shen Lian never used a sword, he could only understand the artistic conception and extract the useful parts.

Another gain is that Tong Lin's writing ability has greatly improved after reading Wu Ming's martial arts training experience, and he can describe the essence of his martial arts in words.

Not every martial arts master can describe his martial arts in detail in words. Many of them leave behind mysterious pictures or fairy walls.

This is what experts often say:

——It can only be understood, but cannot be expressed in words!

It's not that it's really "ineffable", but that the old man doesn't know how to express it, can't find the right words to describe it, and always feels it's inaccurate.

Therefore, Huang Shang is really a terrifying freak!

The warehouse on the Invisible Island was very large, and a ship could not take away the loot. They had to wait another five days for Shen Wansan to send a big ship before leaving the Invisible Island.

Two ships carried gold, silver and jewelry.

Two ships carried documents and documents.

A ship transports captive killers.

A ship carries old wine.

The last boat belonged to Lu Xiaofeng.

After all the hard work, there should always be something rewarding.

Feng Siniang and Zuo Shi hugged Shen Lian tightly.

When they encountered a shipwreck that day, Shen Lian asked them to leave in Ajin, feeling like they were parting from life and death. Fortunately, Shen Lian was safe and sound, so they felt a little relieved.

Having said that, after so many days of suffering, my heart is still like a knife piercing my heart, and I am full of depression.

Until everything is settled, we can vent out the worries and annoyances of these days.

Shen Lian comforted him: "It's okay, it's okay. My husband's good fortune is shining brightly. He turns every misfortune into good luck and gets a blessing in disguise. Not only is there no danger, but he has also made a great contribution."

"There is still a secret skill that cannot be mastered."

"It's not that it's really impossible to practice it. Some of the essence of the Four-Illumination Magic Technique is very inspiring to me. And if I want to practice the Four-Illumination Magic Technique, there are other ways."

"any solution?"

"Celestial Silkworm Divine Art, reborn!"

Shen Lian explained: "Every time the Heavenly Silkworm Gong spins a cocoon, it is a struggle on the edge of life and death. It is a new life that reshapes the foundation and reshapes the foundation. The most important thing is that there are errors in my practice of Yiyang Finger and Vajra Indestructible Magic. I accidentally hit it by mistake." The collision breeds the innate pure yang energy, and when I use the Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu to spin a cocoon, I will return to my true state."

Feng Siniang's eyes lit up when she heard this: "Every time my husband forms a cocoon and is reborn, will he be restored to a pure Yang boy?"

Shen Lian hurriedly said: "That's not the case. I can only temporarily simulate this physical state when I am inside the cocoon, not when I break out of the cocoon."

Zuo Shi joked: "Master Hou, you and the fourth lady were in the cocoon. At that time you..."

"Ahem...be careful what you say! Be careful what you say!"

Shen Lian felt like he was sweating profusely. Feng Siniang's left hand had already reached out to the soft flesh of her lower back. If her answer didn't satisfy her, she would have to be slapped.

"Madams, stay with me to make a cocoon!"

"Isn't it possible to form a cocoon only when you are near death?"

"I had a fight with my senior brother on the island, and my senior brother allowed me to see a further realm."

"Elder brother will beat you to death!"

Feng Siniang's face was full of shock.

"No, no, no, senior brother is just temporarily breaking the shackles of the Heavenly Silkworm Technique for me. I can spin a cocoon at any time. My body is very healthy and there is no damage."

"Is it?"

Zuo Shi showed a provocative expression.

"You'll know soon!"

Shen Lian circulated his true energy and shot out silk as white as jade from the acupoints all over his body, quickly forming a huge cocoon and wrapping the three of them.

The Four-Illuminating Magic Kung Fu is divided into three stages of Universal Illumination Gong, three stages of Reverse Illumination Gong, three stages of Shi-Illuminating Gong and three stages of Internal Illumination Gong.

There are twelve levels in the whole book.

Each level has distinct actions.

As the Heavenly Silkworm Technique operates, Shen Lian's body returns to its original state, and the innate pure Yang Qi swirls around, slowly changing according to the Qi movement method of the Four-Illumination Magic Technique.

The silk scattered into the acupuncture points of the meridians is like a skilled surgeon, modifying Shen Lian's meridians.

Shen Lian's meridians have long been finalized, but with the integration of Si Zhao Sheng Gong and Tian Can Kung, subtle changes are gradually occurring, moving towards a perfect body.

With the completion of body refining, Shen Lian's muscles and bones have become extremely perfect, almost reaching the limits of the human world.

Now that you are practicing the Four Lights Divine Skill, the meridians in your body will change accordingly. From the perspective of essence, energy, and spirit, all-round changes will occur. The scorching fire energy and the surging internal energy like waves will spread into the beautiful woman's body.

Shen Lian's foundation was too strong, and the influence was too strong, and his body couldn't bear it.

If Feng Siniang and Zuo Shi hadn't been here to bear the tempering effects together, they would probably have gone too far, but now the three of them tempered together and just achieved physical balance.

When he arrived at the dock, Shen Lian successfully completed cocooning twice and used it to develop the Four-Illumination Magic Skill. No matter the meridians and acupuncture points, the true energy, blood, bones and muscles, they were extremely perfect, comparable to Li Cunxiao, the Thirteenth Taibao.

This is Shen Lian's goal when practicing martial arts.

Now that I have finally achieved it, I feel relieved.

Just like the last moment of breaking out of a cocoon and becoming a butterfly, there is neither the excitement of rebirth nor the natural fear of the cycle of life and death, only the wind and calm.

In Tong Lin's words, today's Shen Lian is like a thousand-mile glacier. The towering towering exposed is just the tip of the iceberg. When the iceberg explodes, the power that will burst out will be a mountain roar and a tsunami.

According to common sense, Shen Lian should return to Hangzhou, but the experience of the invisible island is quite mysterious. Shen Lian should return to Beijing to report on his work and explore Liu Bowen's tone.

A figure like Liu Bowen may seem like a man of great heights, but in fact he is also petty.

Liu Bowen didn't care much about gold, silver, jewelry, power and wealth, but he cared about wisdom. The last thing he could accept was losing the game of wisdom.

Wu Sidao made a move, how could Liu Bowen not respond?

royal palace.

Shen Lian presented the memorial.

When martial arts reaches a certain level, one will have privileges in certain aspects, and Shen Lian has such privileges.

Zhu Yuanzhang could tell at a glance that Shen Lian was on the verge of a breakthrough. He was only one step away from breaking through the limit of body refining, enough to rival the Overlord of Western Chu.

The most terrifying thing about a body-refining warrior is endurance.

It can't be beaten, it can't be broken, it can't be beaten to death.

The crackling punches and kicks made Shen Lian's clothes dirty at most. Even if Shen Lian was injured, Shen Lian could heal quickly. Unless he could kill with one blow, Shen Lian would not care even if he was surrounded by thousands of troops.

When placed on the battlefield, this kind of character is a beast of war that never tires, and can be called a humanoid nuclear bomb.

It's just that Shen Lian doesn't like using poison, and he is not intimidated by Lian Bin, who has endless poisons and will cause harm for hundreds of years.

But, it can disgust people!

After all the hard work, a group of masters surrounded Shen Lian and beat him for three hours, using the indestructible power of the Vajra. They beat him for another three hours, breaking more than a dozen bones, and then Shen Lian's energy and blood began to flow, and his injuries were fully recovered.

Then fight, then recover.

Even if he fights fiercely for ten days and ten nights, Shen Lian can still maintain sufficient physical strength, and the opponent will almost be exhausted to death.

In particular, Shen Lian has the ability to become more courageous as he fights, just like the Hulk, with high defense, quick recovery, stronger strength as he fights, and can explode into various terrifying states.

Of course, Shen Lian needs a breakthrough.

A thin line of breakthrough.

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and said: "Shen Lian, you are really good at making trouble. Even I didn't expect that there was a God-killing plot against me. It's so interesting!"

Zhu Yuanzhang said something interesting, but Mi Cangqiong and Lu Bing, who were waiting for the order outside, were so frightened that they almost wet their pants.

In the sticky area of ​​the Qing Dynasty, a killing plan was arranged to target Lao Zhu more than ten years ago, but the factory guards had no idea about it.

what is happening?

How could the Manchu Qing's layout be so far-reaching?

"Shen Lian, what do you think of this?"

"Manchu thieves, clowns!"

"to be honest."

"I feel that there must be something fishy about this matter."

"I also think it's strange. You can take the memorial to Liu Bowen and ask him for his opinion."

Zhu Yuanzhang said with a smile: "Then go to Xu Ruowu and let these two smart people see that there are still some loopholes in their intelligence!"

"I obey the decree!"

Shen Lian took the memorial, turned around and ran away. (End of chapter)

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