I'm the best catcher in martial arts

Chapter 618: Are all my debts almost paid off?

Li Buyi left with a green bamboo stick.

The more he knew, the sooner he would die. He had neither Shen Lian's background nor Shen Lian's martial arts, so he had no interest in asking about Jade Rakshasa's private matters.

Survival is the most important thing.

After this incident, he received Shen Lian's favor and his life would not be in danger in a short period of time. For Li Buyi, who understood the fortune, this was completely enough.

Not long after, Jade Rakshasa taught Feng Siniang how to capture the little abandoned wife to answer Shen Lian's doubts.

Facing Shen Lian, he took off his mask directly.

Looking at Jade Rakshasa's face, Shen Lian couldn't help but sigh: "Oh! All this time, I thought I was picked up by the Shen family, but I didn't expect that I was the eldest brother."

Jade Rakshasa joked: "Although my appearance is somewhat similar to Shen Wansan's, we are not relatives. My surname is Fang and I come from the Fang family in Guangdong."

Shen Lian: (||Д)

Jade Rakshasa showed a nostalgic look on his face: "When I was young, I acted recklessly and risked everything for victory. I caused countless troubles and caused my family to suffer.

There is no need to elaborate on these things.

I once had two confidantes, one named You Xiaoqing and the other named Situ Duoqing.

Maybe I did too many evil things, and God punished me and punished my two beauties.

Xiaoqing left me a daughter, and two years later, Duoqing left me a son. Then they all left me, leaving me alone.

You should know that in a place like the Devil's Cult, even the leader of the Devil's Cult or the Great Grand Master cannot guarantee the safety of his children. I can only send my children away.

The first person to send away was my daughter. I gave my daughter to Guo Bujing for her upbringing. She is now your wife.

The next person to send away was my son. I asked my trusted old servant to send my son to the Shen family. Since my appearance is very similar to Shen Wansan's, as long as your parents don't tell anyone, no one will be suspicious, so it's a convenience.

After that, I personally rushed to Kunlun and asked Zhang Wuji to teach my son. Of course, the Shen family was not at a loss. After Shen Wansan left the Central Plains, the forces under my command will provide you with military protection to prevent annexation. "

"Senior sister is your daughter?"

"Otherwise, how could I teach her sword skills? Don't you think her sword skills are very similar to a magic sword?"

"I see."

Shen Lian originally thought that Feng Siniang's sword skills came from the old painting seller who painted Hengshan sword skills, but now he found out that it was actually Jade Rakshasa who secretly taught Feng Siniang.

No wonder the last time I went to the Western Region, Jade Rakshasa treated me with some courtesy but also gave me a severe beating.

The courtesy is because the son-in-law comes to visit.

The reason for the beating was that the son-in-law was very romantic.

Shen Lian asked: "Is this old servant Uncle Fu?"

Jade Rakshasa nodded: "He has decided to completely break away from the Holy Religion and completely erase his relevant memories in the four transformations of his past lives. You can just treat him as your butler."

Shen Lian said: "Uncle Fu is my steward, the elder who raised our brothers. I don't care what his past status was, he is just Uncle Fu."

"Any other questions?"

"Who do you want to pass the Demonic Cult on to? Do you want to pass it on to my eldest brother? Are you not afraid that my brother will go against the grain?"

"So I asked Zhang Wuji to accept him as his disciple. Zhang Wuji can turn the Demonic Cult into the Ming Cult, and his disciples can also turn the Demonic Cult into the Holy Cult. If not, the Western Region Demonic Cult is a way out to save one's life."

"High! It's really high!"

When Shen Lian praised Jade Rakshasa, in the Manchu Palace, Yongzheng was also praising the Eighth Prince Yunshu.

On the pretext of rectifying flag affairs, Yunsu summoned the four flag-lord princes to the capital. Each of these people brought 1,500 elite cavalry. Although the number was small, it was enough to hold back the Imperial Guards. They were a very important force.

Prince Jian Lebu of Xianglan Banner, Prince Yongxin of Xianghong Banner Dong, Prince Guo Chengnuo of Xiangbai Banner, and Prince Rui Duluo of Zhenglan Banner all attacked Yongzheng together.

At the same time, Longkodo, the nine-door admiral, transferred the imperial guards guarding the hall and replaced them with his own direct lineage.

Tu Lichen went to fight for the Rakshasa card. The commander of the Royal Forest Army was not alert enough and was deceived by Longkodo and the third prince Hongshi into handing over the military power inexplicably.

The Thirteenth Prince Yunxiang mobilized the capital's defense forces to confront the cavalry of the four banner princes. Although the Thirteenth Prince had the advantage, his health was so poor that no one knew how long he could last. What frightened Yunxiang was the commander. The man with the six thousand cavalry was the Fourteenth Prince Yunqi.

The Fourteenth Prince was originally guarding the imperial mausoleum, and leaving privately was a capital crime. Now that he appeared in public, he obviously wanted to make a desperate move to succeed or die.

Yongzheng looked at Yunsi fiercely: "Do you know what you are doing? Yunsi, you are secluded from your ancestors, you are inviting the wolf into the house!"

Yunhu said coldly: "Fourth brother of the emperor, you said that I lured the wolf into the house, did you do a good job? Look at the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty. In addition to Wang Wenzhao, for whom you held the lamp, there are also people in high positions. Zhang Tingyu, Old Thirteen is bedridden, is there anyone who can help you?

Just now we were discussing the eight kings' political affairs. Who said half a thing about the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty? When we discussed the new deal, who could argue for you? Doesn't this explain the problem?

Take a look at some of your cronies.

Tian Wenjing is a supervisor student who failed three times;

Li Wei is your slave in the dormitory;

Liu Molin stabbed his teacher in the back for Guan Jue and almost sent his teacher Li Fu to the guillotine;

Our Qing Dynasty did not dare to compare with the Central Plains, but it also implemented the imperial examination to select scholars. Which official who has passed the examination will support you? Are they all my partisans?

Fourth Brother Emperor, you are too impatient and want to do everything without considering the consequences.

Today is not about me opposing you, nor is it about me forming a clique for personal gain. It is about everyone standing up together!

Do you agree or not? "

The so-called "Eight Kings Discussing Government" means that when Nurhaci started his business, in order to attract investment, he said that we would hold a shareholders' meeting and everyone would have the right to vote.

There is one emperor in another family, and he has seven deputy emperors. Not to mention the Jiedushi of the Tang Dynasty, even the enfeoffment system of the Western Zhou Dynasty was not so ruthless.

It was a last resort at that time, and after the incident was completed, it was immediately chosen to weaken. For example, the three flags of Zhenghuang Banner, Xianghuang Banner, and Zhengbai Banner all belonged to the emperor.

The Thirteenth Prince Yunxiang is in charge of Zhenghongqi.

Yunhu's ability to contact the four banner princes is really his limit, and he can't ask for more.

After hearing Yunhu's words, Yongzheng turned pale.

Of course, Yongzheng would not admit defeat, nor would he be intimidated by any difficulties. Although he died nine times, he still had no regrets. Yongzheng's talents and strategies were far beyond what Yunsi could compare with.

Yong Zheng showed such an expression because Yun Si pointed out a painful point. The two sides had just argued, and only Zhang Tingyu and Wang Wenzhao stood up to speak for him.

Zhang Tingyu is a veteran of two dynasties, needless to say.

Wang Wenzhao was the top candidate in Yongzheng's first imperial examination. During the imperial examination that year, because it was too late, Yongzheng personally lit a lamp and placed it on his desk.

Besides them, who else will come forward?

Just waiting and watching!

"Since I ascended the throne, I have been lamenting all day and night. I am afraid that I will be ashamed of my trust in my father and the expectations of the people. I have no leisure time and sleep less than three hours a day.

Tian Wenjing, Li Wei, and even Zhang Tingyu, who were insulted by you just now, all of them were not physically damaged by their diligent government work day and night.

Have you read Tian Wenjing’s memorial?

Do you know what Li Wei did?

Do you know how much inventory the treasury has?

You only know how to fight for power and gain, and form cliques for personal gain!

Lao Ba, you are known as the Eight Wise King, but you are really a sage. The money you have embezzled over the years has totaled more than 10 million taels. I am right!

Lao Jiu, for the sake of several seniors, I have tolerated you again and again. The money you have spent over the years is at least five million taels!

Where did all this money come from?

Tian Wenjing and Li Wei, who were insulted by you, saved and earned it bit by bit! I cooked it up by lighting a lamp and boiling oil every night.

Just like this, I will still be insulted by you.

What is so good about this emperor!

Why do you have to fight for this position?

You are pigs and dogs.

You are Aqina and Seth Hei! "

Sticky Rod Headquarters.

The important departments of the Manchu Qing Dynasty were actually not particularly luxurious, such as the South Study Room and the Military Aircraft Department.

It sounds very domineering, and it is indeed the center of power of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, but these two places are just a small house with a small plaque on it.

The same goes for sticky rods.

The headquarters is located in a small bungalow in the backyard of Prince Yong's Mansion. All relevant information will be sent here to be sorted and then sent to the palace.

Wu Sidao leaned on his crutch and looked at the increasingly cold sky in the distance, and couldn't help but sigh.

He knew that Liu Bowen won this round.

The masters of the Ming Dynasty are just a cover, and even the four iron hat kings are also a cover. The real trump card is the fourteenth prince Yunqi who guards the imperial mausoleum. As long as Yunqi appears in the capital, war will inevitably break out.

Originally, the four iron hat kings just wanted to take the opportunity to compete for some benefits, but now the yellow mud falls into the crotch, which is either feces or feces, and jumping into the Yellow River cannot be washed away.

Although it will not completely shake the foundation, it will cause great turmoil and have far-reaching consequences.

The originally stable situation in the Qing Dynasty came to an end with Yunhu's brazen rebellion. Of course, Wu Sidao was Wu Sidao after all, and he arranged the back-up.

That back-up man is—Nian Gengyao!

Thanks to the fiasco of the blue jade gift, Nian Gengyao was not as arrogant as in history, and lived safely until now, becoming Yongzheng's ultimate trump card.

With Nian Gengyao's loud shouts, the war began. Yunqi was worthy of being a great general with outstanding military exploits. Although he had guarded the imperial mausoleum for more than ten years, his ability to lead troops in battle had not declined. With the help of four The cavalry under the banner owner Wang Ye launched charges again and again.

Looking at the crazy Yunqi, Yunxiang couldn't help but show a lonely expression. When he and Yunqi quarreled, they made an agreement that if they were invaded by foreign enemies, they would each lead an army to see who was more capable of leading troops.

He originally wanted to end the feud of the year and compete with Yunqi in the art of war, but the sound of killings in the palace was so loud that Yunxiang had to rush to rescue him.

Yunqi was handed over to Nian Gengyao.

Nian Gengyao will handle everything properly.

Listening to the increasingly shrill cries of killing and smelling the smell of blood in the air, Wu Sidao sighed, took out the kit from his arms, and took out a pill.

He had prepared this a long time ago.

There is no cure, death is inevitable!

When Wu Sidao was young, he was a scholar who read poetry and books, and was a high-spirited young man. However, reality slapped him and broke one of his legs.

From then on, this scholar who wanted to become a general or a prime minister, assist the emperor, and become a famous minister became a counselor who struggled in the conspiracy and ghosts. Fulongting was Wu Sidao's pursuit, but it was not this kind of pursuit.

He wanted to retire, but he couldn't.

Leave or die!

After enduring this for so many years, it’s finally time to end.

Sticking to the pole is not what Wu Sidao pursues.

Making suggestions is not Wu Sidao's pursuit.

He wants to talk eloquently in the court, he wants to plant flowers and grass in the mountains and forests, but all these are ultimately illusory.

Wu Sidao smiled bitterly and took the pill.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Jin Yiwei spies sneaked into Wu Sidao's side and found his body and the envelope in his hand with eight big characters written on it.

——Please give it to my brother Mr. Bowen!

Jin Yiwei originally thought it was strange why he could sneak into the sticky rod so easily. When he saw the envelope, he realized that this was an arrangement made by Wu Sidao in advance.

Wu Sidao had already calculated everything.

This wasn't some kind of fake death escape, he really felt too tired and really didn't want to continue.

Jin Yiwei quickly evacuated.

The chaos in the Qing Dynasty lasted day and night.

Longkodo versus Yunxiang;

Yun Xu faced Nian Gengyao;

Yun Yu allowed the offerings from his subordinates and the royal masters to offer offerings. No one could survive alone, and blood was spread everywhere until the next morning.

Yongzheng achieved final victory.

Yunqi was killed by a hidden arrow in a fierce battle;

Yunhu was deprived of his title, demoted to a commoner, given the name Aqina, and exiled to Luding Mountain, where he would never be able to return;

Yunzhen was deprived of his title, demoted to a commoner, given the name Seth Hei, imprisoned in the sect's mansion, and could not be released for life;

Prince Jian Lebu of the Xianglan Banner, Prince Yongxin of the Dongfang of the Xianghong Banner, Prince Chengnuo of the Xiangbai Banner, and Prince Duluo of the Zhenglan Banner Rui were dismissed from their posts, their titles were reduced, and their fiefs were confiscated;

Longko was imprisoned in the sky prison and asked to be executed on a certain day.

All those who opposed Yongzheng were wiped out by him like a pustule.

Did Yongzheng really win?

Yunxiang's body couldn't support it at all;

Wu Sidao committed suicide by taking poison;

People within the Eight Banners were in panic;

All civil and military officials in the dynasty were frightened;

Even Yongzheng's own son Hongshi fell into the final temptation when he raided Yunshu's house.

When Shen Lian returned to the Ming Dynasty, he received intelligence from the Jinyi Guards and saw that the border troops were rapidly gathering and were likely to use troops against the Manchus.

"Alas! The nine sons seizing the legitimate son will cause endless harm!"

"My husband, what you said is wrong. Whoever has fought for the throne in the past dynasties has caused endless harm!"

Feng Siniang tried her hands on the little abandoned wife.

I have to say, this grappler is really powerful.

Other grapplers use their hands to capture others, but the Little Abandoned Wife's grappler uses special internal energy to counterattack and subdue the other person as long as they touch it.

Without using brute force, Shen Lian really couldn't escape Feng Siniang's delicate fingers.

At least Feng Siniang felt that she couldn't escape.

Just think of it as making your wife happy!

Could it be that Shen Lian couldn't break the hands of the little abandoned wife?

What cannot be broken is not the grappling technique, but the respect and love for a good wife, which can be regarded as a small interest.

Shen Lian found it very interesting.

"Husband, do we no longer care about the Qing Dynasty?"

"Unless the Manchus are dedicated to assassinating the emperor, there is no need for me to take action. Do you think any of the supreme masters go out to handle cases all day long? That is just causing trouble for people!"

The Supreme Grand Master is the equivalent of a nuclear bomb.

Nuclear bombs are used to scare the enemy, not as rockets or even bullets.

Shen Lian will take action under any circumstances when nuclear bombs will be used, and Lao Zhu will not let Shen Lian take action at will, so as not to use up all his favors.

A few more years of being the God of War in the country and staying in seclusion in Qiantang honestly are more valuable than anything else.

So Shen Lian chose to stay in seclusion honestly.

Practice martial arts in seclusion, raise children, and teach disciples.

Time is like water, fleeting.

Xiao Qiushui received news that there was a serious rebellion within the Power Gang. Sima Feng stabbed Li Chenzhou in the back, stole Li Chenzhou's Heavenly Wrath Sword, and practiced blood-sucking skills wantonly, which eventually led to the resentment of Heavenly Wrath and people, and was killed by Xiao Qiushui with a sword.

Although Li Chenzhou was not dead, his injuries were too serious and all his martial arts skills were wasted.

The balance with the Supreme Alliance was broken, but as Lu Jian and Yao Qing went to Xicheng for training and involved Xicheng in the Western Region War, the three parties reached a balance.

The Power Gang has many proud soldiers.

Xicheng is rich in knowledge.

The Supreme Alliance has a heritage of five hundred years.

Coupled with the support of cities such as Wushuang City and Sword Casting City, the situation became more and more stable.

Xiao Qiushui also received news that he accidentally fell into a sand pit somewhere and found that it was Han Lin'er's treasure trove in the past, which contained swords and secret books.

The sword is called the Demon Sword.

The sword manual is called "Three Soul Seizing Styles", which can control the enemy's thoughts. It also has a powerful killing move similar to "one sword to separate the world", which is very, very powerful.

Lu Jian's luck was also very good.

He met Baili Quxie, the abbot of Juezhan Temple, and obtained the secret book "The Four Symbols of Heaven's Will" from him. He also made friends with the descendants of the Sifang Sect and learned the mystical skills of the four founders of the Sifang Sect, with the Four Symbols of Heaven's Will as the core. , can use the power of one person to activate the Xuan Gong combination.

With Xiao Qiushui's experience in the Western Regions, almost all the hidden treasures in the Western Regions have been dug out.

When Xiao Qiushui returned from the Western Regions, he even brought back an apprentice named Fang Geyin.


Shen Lian stretched out.

"Ladies, take a look at my memorandum. Do I have any foreign debts? Pay them off immediately."

Zuo Shi took out the booklet and started counting.

"The disciple I promised to find for Wang Lianhua has been sent over by Zhui Feng. This girl's name is Su Ying;

The successor promised to Daochang Jiang is now officially confirmed to be Zhang Danfeng, and the two parties are very compatible;

In March last year, I promised to help Li Xunhuan find a successor, and now he has been sent to him, named Ye Kai;

Ouyang Mingri's meridians in both legs were restored by the prince using the Nine Yin Changing Meridian Method, and he is now able to walk;

Huamanlou's eyes successfully penetrated the meridians in March this year and can see a little light;

Senior Li Canghai, who lives overseas and is another master of Bai Yunfei, has gone to Lingjiu Palace;

Mr. Xu has successfully cultivated rice seeds and has promoted them in various places. He believes that there will be a bumper harvest;

These foreign debts have basically been repaid.

The only thing is that in order to resolve the conflict between Jiang Feng and Yihua Palace, he promised to send Jiang Feng's child to Yihua Palace, but this matter has not been completed yet. "

Zuo Shi knew that Shen Lianjing was very restless and wanted to go out and find a place to hang out or have a fight.

After all the calculations, Shen Lian's promises to others over the years were only about the Yihua Palace. When Shen Lian was about to stand up, Jin Bingyun reached out and pressed him down, saying that he didn't need to go out.

"Husband, my sister did this for you. She also sent Xiaohu to Yihua Palace. The Lord of the Palace of the Moon Palace liked Xiaohu very much and accepted her as her direct disciple!"

"Why didn't I know about this?"

"Because my husband was spinning a cocoon at that time. It was the last time that my husband was spinning a cocoon. No one could disturb him."

Shen Lian shook his head helplessly, feeling like Sun Wukong after he became a Buddha. He was very still and wanted to move, but he didn't know where to go. He wanted to retreat in peace, but he really wasn't in the mood for retreat, and he couldn't sit still no matter what.

"Husband, there is one more thing."

"What's up?"

"There are some missing parts in the manuscript you submitted to Tianji Pavilion. You need to fill in a few more manuscripts." (End of Chapter)

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