I'm the best catcher in martial arts

Chapter 63 Review, nine twists and turns

"Guardian Ding, your Excellency, you can come when you want and leave when you want. You are not taking Mr. Guo seriously.

It is better to stay in Jinan Mansion for ten days. Guo has some questions and wants to ask Protector Ding for advice. "

Escape is not easy.

Especially escaping under Guo Bujing's eyes was definitely more difficult than solving high-mathematics problems.

The overwhelming palm force came over, like a dragnet, covering dozens of feet in radius, and the endless vitality of heaven and earth was squeezing inward crazily.

Ding Peng only felt that the air was as thick as mercury, and his light skill of chasing wind and lightning could not exert 30% of its power.

Guo Bujing moved his legs forward and backward, assuming a surfing posture, as if skating.

Looking at the clear and solemn old man in front of him, Ding Peng made a gesture of surrender: "Guo Juxia, I am just here to compete. It seems that I have not violated the king's law."

Guo Bujing smiled and said: "It's true that you haven't broken the law, so I will only keep you for ten days. When you are almost healed, you can leave. What about this proposal?"

"You only keep me for ten days?"

"A gentleman's words are as fast as his horse's whip. If I say I will keep you for ten days, I will keep you for ten days. I will never regret it."

"What do I have to give?"

"I have a few questions that do not involve the secrets of the Western Region Demon Cult. I would like to ask Guardian Ding to answer them. Guardian Ding must answer one question truthfully."


Ding Peng gritted his teeth and agreed.

He had just desperately used Shura Blood Rain, and his injuries were quite serious. With his physical condition at this time, it was very likely that he had been cut into pieces as soon as he left Jinan.

People in the world don't care about his identity.

His allies don't care even more.

Killing him would cause a dispute between the Demonic Cult of the Western Regions and the Central Plains court, which would be a great benefit.

People are knives and servants, and I am fish and meat.

The consequences of not agreeing will be very serious.

Shen Lian swung his spear and killed the last bandit who was still resisting. Looking around, he saw corpses all over the ground.

The bandits in the entire village were either dead or captured. The forces that Murong Bo carefully cultivated and worked hard for twenty years were completely destroyed by Shen Lian!

The bodyguard has traveled all over the country and has rich experience. He is an expert at killing enemies in battle and even better at clearing the battlefield.

In less than an hour, all the items in the cottage were cleared out and filled with more than a dozen boxes.

After cleaning up the supplies, stacking the bodies of the bandits together, dousing them with kerosene, throwing in torches, and the stronghold, they were all burned to the ground.

At this point, Murong Bo, Ling Yufeng, Dalao, Jile Tower, and Yunjian Temple were all suppressed by the imperial court.

Is there anything else?

There must be some.

But these things have nothing to do with Shen Lian.

Just as Guo Juxia commented, Shen Lian did everything he could do, and it was much better than he expected. There was no need to participate in other things.

The more you know, the greater the danger.

Some things in Jinan Mansion involve the game between the imperial court and foreign races, as well as the strife between certain officials in the imperial court. If you can't help but participate, you will never participate.

So, it’s time to reward based on merit!

Shen Lian escorted the prisoner back to the government office, and then recuperated at the Daming Lake on the grounds of serious injury. He also reviewed what happened, analyzed the pros and cons, and checked for any omissions.

Pan Qicheng was responsible for the chaos in Jinan Mansion.

Guo Bujing was responsible for arresting several old demons who were hiding deeply, as well as spies from the grassland aliens.

The spring water in Jinan Prefecture has returned to clear water.

Daming Lake, cruise ship.

Shen Lian and Feng Siniang drank and talked happily.

After three glasses of wine, Feng Siniang couldn't restrain her curiosity and asked, "Just tell me, what's going on? Why are there so many masters?"

Shen Lian rubbed his temples: "This matter started seven years ago. Are you sure you want to hear it?"

"Why else would I come to you?"

"Well, to analyze this matter, the first thing to explain is, how many forces exist here?

Yan Longyuan, Ling Yufeng, Xing Rui, and Luo Ma each have their own plans, but they are all from the Qinglong Society.

Jiang Long and Boss Qian are from the Power Gang.

Jiuyi Taoist, Xixia Yipintang.

Qiang Wangsheng, the enemy from Chi, Meng Yuan.

Ding Peng, the Demon Cult of the Western Regions.

Among these forces, the Qinglong Society and the Power Gang are in the Central Plains and are internal enemies, while Xixia and Meng Yuan are external enemies. This is a situation of internal and external attack.

What is their purpose?

Internal enemies want to create chaos, and only chaos can fish in troubled waters and gain more benefits.

External enemies want to severely damage Jinan, which is an important town for hoarding supplies, especially for the north.

They have the same purpose, so these people can unite together. My understanding of this place starts with the pursuit of the four evil men of Xixia.

In early June, I accidentally caught a few Xixia spies. From those spies, I found out the traces of the four evil men. A question arises here.

——What are the four evil men doing in the Central Plains?

The answer is: deliver the message and kill!

On behalf of the Xixia Yipintang, they discussed matters with the Power Gang and the Qinglong Society. If I had not caught them at the beginning, they should be in Jinan Prefecture now.

Ye Erniang would always be a little restrained when going on missions in the past, but this time she directly stole the baby.


Because Xixia opened up the restrictions on her body.

They are here to kill people.

No one is better at causing chaos than them.

Think about it, Yue Laosan kills innocent people indiscriminately, snaps and breaks his neck, Yunzhonghe picks flowers wantonly, and Ye Erniang kills babies, how much panic will it cause?

Compared to these three people, Jiuyi Taoist seemed to be just making up the numbers, and he was indeed making up the numbers.

After the four evil men were captured by me, Xixia sent Li Yanzong, who was highly skilled in martial arts. Unfortunately, in order to fight for Liancheng's treasure, he was seriously injured by me.

Xixia's spies in the Central Plains are not many, and their strength is not strong. They have been destroyed again and again, leaving only the Nine-winged Taoist. This is their only choice.

Meng Yuan's strength is much stronger than that of Xixia.

They had undercover agents who were lurking deep enough, and masters who were powerful enough, but the person in charge was cautious and only sent out two masters, without revealing their true identities.

After the master took action, this person immediately cut off all external contact, and all spies fell silent.

Although two masters were lost, Meng Yuan was able to retain most of his spies, which was considered a gain.

The Blue Dragon Society and the Power Gang, these two forces are not completely hostile, nor are they an alliance, but they are intertwined with each other, and they penetrate each other.

They can cooperate, or they can dig holes into each other and add sand to each other. I have a hunch that the leader of the Power Gang and the leader of the Blue Dragon Society must have a close relationship.

The Power Gang, as its name suggests, pursues absolute power. Where is the greatest power in the world?

Of course the emperor.

The golden words hold the world in your hands.

Anyone who wants to become an emperor certainly understands the most basic truth. Heroes emerge from troubled times. If a chaotic world cannot be created, everything is just an illusion.

The Qinglong Society, with twelve Qinglongs, 365 helmsmen, and ninety-six holy kings, spread all over the Central Plains.

With such a powerful force, no one would believe it if Big Dragon Head had no ambition.

The question is here, how can the leader of the Qinglong Society form such a powerful force? Where does the money come from? Where do people come from? When did he start his calculation?

If the Qinglong Society is not a force of the imperial court, it can only mean one thing. The people who formed the Qinglong Society once had great power, power all over the world.

I have several guesses about this. These guesses are very immature for the time being and there is no point in speaking out.

All I can say is that no matter which of my guesses is true, they are earth-shattering. "

Shen Lian talked for a long time, his mouth was dry, and he drank two glasses of wine before continuing to tell the story.

1. Seven years ago, the Qinglong Society wanted to build a gold-selling cave in Jinan Prefecture, which was both an intelligence station and a money bag, so this place must be kept secret;

2. Select a cave as the address;

3. Choosing Yue Qing as the chief designer, Lockheed Martin kidnapped Yue Qing and made him fake his death in the name of a plague. The plague may be real, or it may be poisoning;

4. Let Guidongjing transport the craftsmen. Escort agencies can do this kind of thing quickly and covertly;

5. Money laundering is needed in the Gold Selling Cave. Qinglong Society contacted two groups for this purpose. One was Black and White Maha and asked them to sell stolen jewelry, and the other was Boss Qian;

6. After several years of cooperation, Luo Ma had more and more contacts with Boss Qian, and his greed became more and more serious. He came up with the idea of ​​​​counterfeit banknotes and asked Yue Qing to make printing plates;

7. The two people did not covet much before, and the fake accounts were done so smoothly that no one noticed. By the time they were noticed, the hole was almost unblockable;

8. Qinglonghui knew that this matter could not be concealed, and decided to use it as bait to complete a larger plan;

9. Based on the counterfeit banknote case, invite many forces to gather in Jinan and choose a time to detonate the matter;

10. Chaos unfolded from many aspects at the same time, including the killing of martial arts masters, prison inmates escaping, bandits outside the city attacking the city, Jinan government offices paralyzing...

11. Ling Yufeng is responsible for dealing with the imperial court, Murong Bo is responsible for bandits attacking the city, Xixia is responsible for causing panic among the people, and the Power Gang is responsible for spreading rumors;

12. Five groups attack together, and all five groups are defeated.

Shen Lian didn't know the details of what happened, but he got some clues from Gui Dongjing's diary, and made a series of responses after receiving the order from the court.

1. Acting together with the master, pretending to be injured by the Black Stone Wheel King, but in fact he was unscathed;

2. Through the Jiangnan Flower Family, Lu Xiaofeng was invited to Jinan Mansion to investigate the case, in order to attract attention, and at the same time, Yang Zheng was transferred to Jinan as a secret soldier;

3. Contact Bu Ying and set up a gambling game to attract more attention and attract many martial arts people;

4. In the name of escort, let the masters of the joint escort bureau enter Jinan to form the strongest shield;

5. After arriving in Jinan, contact Nie Xiaochong from the fifth sect and Sikong Zhaixing, the King of Thieves, and ask them to do things secretly and analyze the time of the other party's attack;

Sixth, all five directions are fired together, and all five fingers are broken.

Feng Siniang asked curiously: "You have already said it in great detail, but I still have a few questions."

"what is the problem?"

"Gold-selling caves like Ji Le Building consume a lot of supplies every day. Who sent them here?"

"Gui Dongjing, the reason why he became an abandoned son is because he knows too many secrets."

"According to what you mean, they have long wanted to get rid of the unstable factor Guidongjing, but without Guidongjing delivering supplies, how can Jile Building operate?"

"Xiangjiang Escort Agency."

"How to buy supplies?"

"Di Qinglin."

"It's such a pity that you destroyed everything."

"It just happened to happen."

"Where is the killer of Blackstone?"

"It no longer exists."

"Why would Lu Xiaofeng help you?"

"He wants to help Zhu Ting clear his suspicions. He and Zhu Ting are friends who grew up wearing crotchless pants. Lu Xiaofeng and I are also old acquaintances and have handled cases together."

"Where's Sikong Zhaixing?"

"The thieves can't resist the police."

"Where are the fake banknotes? This matter cannot be hidden after all. Rumors have spread in the city. If they all go to Chase Bank to exchange money, can they exchange it?"

"Of course, have you forgotten the bet?"

Shen Lian explained: "They took me as a bet and bet on whether I could solve the case in time. When the deadline came, I didn't take any action. Coupled with the storm in Jinan, countless people chose to bet on me to lose."

"You solved the case in time and they all lost."

"The gambling money is all in cash, and it happens to be deposited in Chase Bank. Do you understand?"

"Bu Ying is willing to do such a thing?"

"Why not? The money is only temporarily deposited in Chase Bank. It is not that it can never be withdrawn. It is equivalent to earning a big favor without spending anything.

With Datong Bank as a guarantee, Bu Ying will be more comfortable when he gambles again in the future. "

"This money may not be enough, right?"

"What a coincidence. The fifth and eighth masters of the God of Wealth thought that I would definitely lose, so they placed a bet of two million taels on the spot."

Feng Siniang complained: "God really thinks you will lose, isn't this just taking the initiative to give money?

The five people Ling Yufeng assassinated were all the tentacles of the God of Wealth. They all dreamed of solving the case. How could they bet that you would lose at this time?

Those old guys from the God of Wealth, who usually do things sourly and are stingy than anyone else, are sober at this time, and it’s really fun to give money away! "

Shen Lian snorted coldly: "They deserve it. If they honestly do business in Shanxi, who will care about them?

They want to expand their influence externally and directly reach out to Jinan. If they can reach Jinan this time, will it be Lingnan next time and Jinling next time?

Ling Yufeng cut off their tentacles, which actually saved them. Otherwise, it would not be me investigating the case, but those tigers and wolves in the East Factory who would go to the God of Wealth to ransack the house. "

Feng Siniang snorted and felt that Shen Lian's brain was comparable to the Nine-Meandering Yellow River, with eighteen bends.

It seems to be just a bet, but it involves so many things.

Being able to enjoy such a huge gamble made Bu Ying burst into excitement, how could he not want to?

As for the benefits of Shen Lian...

"Hey! What's there with Murong Bo? Don't think I don't know, Yan Longyuan is Murong Bo."

"Martial arts secrets!"

In order to train elite subordinates, Murong Bo put a lot of effort into cultivating his elite subordinates, and there were hundreds of secret books stored in the village.

Most of these secret books are second-rate or third-rate, but some of them are quite mysterious. In addition, the secret skills passed down from the Murong family's ancestors all belong to Murong Bo.

Beibao gun!

Join the fingers!

Time flies!

Dragon City Swordsmanship!

The four secret arts are embroidered with gold and silver threads, which will last for thousands of years and will last forever, and they are all in Chinese.

Xianbei had its own spoken and written language, but with the collapse of the Yan Kingdom, the written language lost its inheritance. Starting from Murong Longcheng's generation, everyone switched to Chinese.

They don't want to use it, but they have no choice.

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