I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1062: Death zone!

The spring breeze was blowing, and the twilight was illusory. At this time, it was time for dinner in Pingyang City. However, at this time Jin Shangyu did not have that good fortune, because he was bargaining with a hunter.

"Twelve taels is too expensive! Why don't you make five taels! These are all sky-high prices!"

"High price, it seems that you little brother still don't know the market price here! Forget it, let's go, can't I not sell it!"

"Don’t don’t don’t, isn’t it a bit bad for you to do this? Anyway, don’t you come here just to sell for a good price! Let’s do this! Let’s only make ten taels! But you have to send me to the inn! It's getting late, and it's not easy for me to be an outsider!"

"This, this, forget it, then I will be a good person! Let's go!" While speaking, the middle-aged man also carried the roe deer in front of him on his back, and then strode forward. And Jin followed him obediently.

Accompanied by the afterglow of the sunset, the two also walked for half an hour in Pingyang City.

"Well, I said, brother, didn't you say that the inn is not far from Zhongjie! Why did you walk for half an hour!"

"Okay, don't worry! It's here! You look like a rich man! The small shop can't be introduced to you! Look, that's it!"

"Pingyang Inn! No way! There really is a Pingyang Inn!"

"Why, you have been here!"

"No, no! Let's go see if there is a room!" Jin Shangyu was also ahead of the conversation. After all, it was he who wanted to stay in the store, not the middle-aged man.

Of course, because of the arrival of Jin and Shangyu, the younger brother of the inn was also attracted.

"Um, come, come, this is the best inn in Pingyang City! You can also be here for your good fortune! Of course, this old man's things are also good! A look is good!"

"What nonsense! Find a good room, this young man wants to rest!"

"What's the hurry! Isn't it just a few glances! Alas, you seem to be a master, and you dare to go there! Have you heard that? It seems that a dozen hunters died two days ago!" When the middle-aged man walked to an inn, the oncoming Xiaoer also focused on the roe deer.

"You shit, isn't it just an ordinary roe deer! What's so great! No, listen to his tone, it seems that this kind of thing is not easy to handle, it should be hunted back in some dangerous place!" While following Xiao Er to the second floor, Jin muttered to himself.

However, at this moment, an older man who was a little older walked over.

"You kid, what are you talking about! Don't send guests into the room yet!"

"Yes, yes, the villain dare not talk nonsense! Please!"

"Okay! Thank you little brother! Well, brother, come in too! This is ten taels of silver! Thank you!"

"Well, you can take it to the county guard to collect the silver! Really, you have to let others do it, or we must not let the hunters get it! Well, in that case, then I will raise the price. Get up! After all, this is our life-threatening money!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu handed over the money to the middle-aged man, his words also attracted Jin.

"Mother, what does this mean! I have to send it somewhere else and say I can receive a reward! This, it seems that something is really going on here!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu did not rush to stop it. Middle-aged people, after all, are suspicious in life and unwilling to associate with strangers.

After a while, the sound of the middle-aged man's footsteps coming downstairs reached the second floor.

"Little brother, don’t have to work! Just send some food! Alas, I’m really tired, but little brother seems to know a lot!"


"Guest! I understand what you mean! But I'm sorry to give so much money!"

"Don't say goodbye, it's just a few pennies!" While talking, Jin Shangyu had already stuffed five taels of silver into the arms of the shopkeeper.

In the face of such a big customer, although the shop's little Er said embarrassing words on his mouth, his eyes have become a line for a long time, and he said anxiously, "The son wants to know something! Is it because the outsider just arrived here? I’m not familiar with it! Don’t worry, I’m right when you ask the villain!"

"Oh, I really didn't expect that the little brother would have such knowledge at a young age! Then, then you can talk about this middle-aged man!"

"So the son wants to know how to deal with this roe deer! It's actually very simple! As long as you send it to the county guard house, you can receive at least fifteen taels of silver! Of course, you can choose to eat it yourself!"

"Second brother really can laugh! Although this son is not short of money, he still wants to make money! Maybe he will buy more prey in the future!"

"This, I'm afraid this is difficult!" At a certain moment, while Jin Shangyu was chatting casually, the second person in the shop directly refuted Jin's words.

This also made Jin Shangyu realize once again that there must be strange things in Pingyang City that he did not know.

"Oh, my little brother is so sure! It seems that I have something to say!"

"Don't tell me the truth, in fact, there is one thing in Pingyang City that everyone knows! That is, the prey is hard to fight!"

"How difficult to play!"

"It is said that if you leave Pingyang City, as long as it is in the forest area, you will be haunted! There are often hunters who have gone and never returned! It is said that from last year to now, in just a few months, hundreds of hunters have not returned! Like this middle-aged People, who can return safely, and even hit prey, are a minority! Maybe his prey is simply from the edge of the forest!"

"It turned out to be like this! If that's the case, why did the county guard take back these prey at a high price!" Feeling the mystery of the problem, Jin Shangyu also simply asked his own question directly.

"Is this! The younger one doesn't know, I know that the county guard has issued an announcement, saying that as long as the prey comes to the house, you can receive a lot of money!"

"Really! It seems that our county guard likes to eat game!" Seeing the shop's second child, he couldn't tell the truth clearly, Jin Shangyu also said with a smile.

However, Jin Shangyu's words still irritated the little brother. He was startled when he saw him, and then went on to say, "The son really thought I didn't know anything about the villain! Actually, the county guard doesn't love this! I heard that! He wants to attract mysterious people in the death zone!"

"What, there are mysterious people! What do you say!"

"Well, the villain also heard about it! It seems that there are some strong men flying to the sky and hiding in the forest around Pingyang City. They live on hunting! So no one approaching there has come back!"

"Okay! Good point! Even this son wants to see what these strong men look like!"

"Well, I've said a lot today! However, the villain still has to thank the son!"

"Okay, go ahead! Bring the food quickly! Remember, we need good dishes!"

"Okay!" Replied loftily, then Xiaoer from the Pingyang Inn also trot all the way down the second floor.

In other words, the inn has three floors, the second floor is mainly the accommodation area, and the first floor is where the guests eat.


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