I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1066: You go!

At this time, Jin Shangyu had been riding his horse for most of the night. If it weren't for the horse to take a good rest, I'm afraid Jin is still on the way.

There was nothing to do in the day, but to hurry. Two hours later, Jin Shangyu also saw his main business.

Of course, Jin Shangyu also encountered three secret whistles on his way back.

"Boss, back!"

"Yes! It seems that your kid still has a hand in the secret whistle! If you change to someone else, you can't find it at all!"

"Okay, in front of your Lord Jin, what is that little trick! Let's go, just because everyone is there, let's talk about your gains too!"

"Okay! Let's go together!" While talking, Jin Shangyu and Zhuifeng also quickly walked into their military account.

At this time, Jin Jun Zhongjun's big account had long been waiting there. Although it was not a deliberate welcome to Jin, such a coincidence also made Jin Shangyu very happy.

"Shang Yu, you are back! Actually, we are discussing how to deal with those sentinels!"

"Oh, my son walks with the front feet, and you get something with the back feet! Yes! I don't know which party sent the spies!" After hearing the news, Jin Shangyu also asked while sitting down slowly.

Faced with Jin Shangyu's unhurriedness, Li Zhao also laughed, and then continued: "These three people should be a three-person group, each with a division of labor, very fine! Even in the end, they still have the habit of suicide! It's not chasing the wind, we can't catch it!"

"Really! It's so powerful! It seems that the background is not small! Don't kill! Get it here, no, I'll go by myself! This son wants to see what kind of expert it is, who can train such a powerful whistle Explore!"

"Okay! In the camp not far ahead, chase the wind, you take Shang Yu over! Let's wait here for a while!" Li Zhao also signaled to chase the wind and lead the way.

Faced with Li Zhao's arrangement, Chasing the wind did not speak, and went straight to the outside of the Chinese military account. And Jin is close behind.

"Mother, you girl, even a little sentry is made so mysterious! It seems that he sent them over! Anyway, let's save their lives!" When they were thinking wildly in their hearts, the two had already arrived in front of an independent small camp.

"Boss, it's inside, three people! Because there is no answer to any question, they are locked together! But their mouths are already blocked! Otherwise, they may chew their tongues and kill themselves!"

"Okay, I get it! Just wait outside! Nothing will happen!" As he spoke, Jin Shangyu had already picked up the curtain and entered the small tent.

Looking up, this small tent is basically an uninhabitable place. Except for some useless coarse cloth, only the thick pillar in the middle is left.

Of course, those three people were tied back to back to the pillar.

"Look, look right! After all, you are not even afraid of death, are you afraid that someone will come in! Oh, it's really unfriendly! No! Your general should teach you some basic etiquette! No, you should be dead! How can a person like a scholar know etiquette! Come and come, since I met, this son will say a few words to you! Not much! You don't have to resist, just listen!" While talking, Jin Shangyu was also around The three of them turned twice, and there was a look of dislike or sadness on their faces, making it impossible for people to figure out what he was going to say.

"Well, you must be anxious! Okay, let's talk about it! First of all, this son knows your origins, it should be from Beiying, or Jin Bufan! You don't have to admit it! But this son knows Second, I’m Jin Shangyu, and I’m the leader here! Of course, I also admire General Jin’s personality! I’ve long wanted to see him! I hope you can take this message back! Okay, you can go! If you want to Just eat something and leave!" At a certain moment, before Jin Shangyu had finished speaking, his hand quickly untied the rope.


The next moment, the three people were also stunned on the spot.

"Why, I didn't expect it, I still dare not think about it! Let's go! Remember, my name is Jin Shangyu, and I am the one who often goes to Fengyun Palace!"

"You, you really let us go back!"

"Is this still false! Besides, this son has the final say! Chasing the wind, you can verify it!"

"Boss, really let go!"

"Why don't you let it go! General Jin and us are not enemies! It's normal for him to send a few people over to investigate the situation! We don't need to be so nervous!"

"What the boss meant, the chasing wind understands! You go! While talking, chasing the wind also picked up the curtain of the small tent.

Seeing such a scene, the three of them also glanced at each other, and then an older man in black stepped forward and said, "Jin Shangyu, since you let us go, then we are really gone!"

"I already said that if he is hungry, someone Jin still takes care of the meal!"

"You don't have to eat! Thank you, son! I am waiting to retire!" The three of them also quickly displayed the get-up method, and after a short while, they disappeared in front of Jin Shangyu and Zhuifeng.

"Boss, although their physique is not as fast as this son, they are already good compared to ordinary people! It seems that the opponent's strength is very powerful! However, you are really sure that they are from Beiying!"

"You brat! You didn't hear what they said! It should be the default!"

"Oh, then, so to speak, Jin Bufan's army is all around us!"

"It should be! However, the place where there is a large army is often the safest place! The top priority is to build this place well! After all, this is our site!" Jin Shangyu and Chase The wind also slowly returned to the Great Account of the Chinese Army.

"Shang Yu, you really let them go! In fact, our idea is not to hurt them, but we didn't even think of letting them go!"

"Brother Li, the three of them should be from Beiying! However, it is a good thing for them to send a letter to Jin Bufan! It saves us having to find them! Forget it, there are some things, I have already said very much. It’s clear, if Jin Bufan really abides by the rules, he should know how to do it! Okay, let’s talk about our business!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu and Zhuifeng just entered the Chinese army’s account, then Li Zhao also took the lead in asking questions.

In fact, it is normal for them to ask like this, after all, these sentinels are too weird. Of course, they understood what Jin Shangyu did.

In the following time, Jin Shangyu also briefly recounted the information he found.

"Shang Yu, I know the general of the defending army in Pingyang. His name is Mo Jingtian. This man is born with supernatural power. Although he is in charge of the soldiers of a county, he is upright. He is often calculated by Zhao Dongyu, the guard of Pingyang County!"

"General Ge said that! This time the secret investigation also found this problem! And the most important problem is that his family has fallen into the hands of Zhao Dongyu!" While speaking, Jin Shangyu also showed a touch of helplessness. .

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