I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2260: The Unknown Valley (8)

Under such a fierce attack, within twenty rounds, the old man surnamed Wu and Ge had already been hit hard again. The red blood oozes out of them without money, and the tragic image is already unbearable.

"My son, sorry, the old man is incompetent and can't protect my son!"

"You, you two are really useless! You can't even protect this son! Father, you, why did you send two rubbishes over here! Could it be that God is going to die for me!"

"You, how can you say this! You know, our brothers have already made it to the end, and you really let us down! Lord, it seems that we can't work for you anymore!" At a certain moment, in the southern capital When the second son said this, the two elders also trembled in anger.

The reason for this reaction is because the other party's words are too vicious.

Of course, just after a big problem occurred within the Nandu trio, Jie Ren's last blow came.

It's too late to say, then soon, just before the second son of Nandu's voice has settled, the peripheral attack has already come.

Among them, five sword lights cut through the moonlit night and took the old men named Wu and Ge who had been hit hard. The other sword light was a ghostly electric "shot" at the panicked Nandu Second Young Master.

Facing this deadly blow, the three of them had no power at all, but instinctively waved the weapons in their hands.

"Hahaha, you are so lucky to die like this! You know, for you big people, we have invited the big people who are not born! But you don’t have the blessing to see them! Die, now No one here will save you!"

"Two old guys, you two harmed this son. You are the two dogs in Nandu, but a good dog can help the owner, but you have lost this son's life here. I, I hate it. !"

"Bah! It's shameless to get home! Without these two old guys, this kid doesn't know how many times he has died. Now he doesn't know how to be grateful. Instead, he speaks like this! It seems that the king of Nandu is also a shameless person!" After listening to the words of the second son of the southern capital, before the second elder of the southern capital could respond, the opponent Jie Ren expressed his own voice.

However, in this moment of life and death, without knowing where it came from, suddenly a few crossbow arrows were "shot".

Although the body of the arrow is relatively short, the speed is surprisingly fast, almost reaching first.

"No! Go back! Someone secretly used tricks!"

"Who, who is it! How dare to take care of my family's affairs! If we don't come out, we will really do it!" Although the situation has changed drastically, the six men who besieged the Nandu trio were not too impatient.

Not only did he jump out of the ring to avoid the crossbow arrows in the first time, but the long sword attacking the second son of the southern capital had already fallen.

Of course, under this deadly blow, the second son who had just cursed had fallen into a pool of blood.

"My son, you can't die! Now how do our brothers confess to the prince! Yes, you killed my son!"

"Two old guys! We have seen fools, but we have never seen a real fool like you! This guy treats you like dogs, but you still care about his life and death! What a big joke!"

"This, this, Elder Wu, it seems that what they said is also true! It seems that our luck is not so good!"

"Fine, don't talk about this, anyway, tonight is already a mortal situation! You die! You can retreat to the masters who help secretly! After all, this Jie is so powerful, let us brothers fight to death!" Meanwhile, the second elder in the southern capital who had just escaped a catastrophe again wielded his weapon and rushed towards the lined-up Jie Ren team.


This time, the Jie Ren six-man team didn't take the initiative to attack, but waited and watched quietly, maybe they were also waiting for someone who secretly shot.

However, this time, they guessed it correctly, because just after the second old man in the southern capital launched a "suicide"-style charge, the three crossbow arrows were also "shooting" like thunder to the static and immobile Jie Ren team.

Faced with this attack, the six people reacted almost at the same time.

"Northwest, kill without mercy!"

"No, there is movement in the woods, it seems that they want to run! What to do?" Through the flying direction of the crossbow arrows, the six already instinctively rushed to the northwest.

However, after rushing out three or four feet away, someone also asked a new question, that is, what should we do now, is to kill the old southern capital? Or chase the strongman who secretly shot?

Faced with this dilemma, in the end one of the six elders gave the final order.

"Fine, these two old guys, even if they survive, they won't have the power to fight again in a short time! If they want to come, they will eventually die at the hands of our clan! Since they dare to do anything to destroy our good things, then they must have health. The consciousness of the Oasis of the Dead Desert! Go!"

"I'm waiting for my orders!" In fact, this kind of dialogue happened between the electric light and flint.

After a few breaths, it was still a life and death battlefield, and now it has become a place of sorrow and sorrow.

Because at this moment, the two elders of Nandu have already realized one thing, that is, they can survive temporarily.

The reason for saying this is because they don't need others to say, they also know that this place has been controlled by the Jie people a long time ago.

"Brother Wu, it seems that we really shouldn't enter the desert this time!"

"Old man, everyone is here, and now what good is it talking about! I don't know who is helping in secret! Otherwise, our brothers would have seen the King of Yama!"

"Yeah! This is already in the depths of the valley, we still went a bit anxiously before! However, since they are willing to help, it means that they are not too afraid of their opponents! As long as no new helper appears, I believe to save us The benevolent society is safe!"

"I hope so! No matter what will happen to him in the future, since the master and servant will go and bury him!" At a certain moment, when the two elders in Nandu stood up while supporting each other, they did not forget to deal with it. The dead second son of Nandu.

About a quarter of an hour later, the two of them also simply converged the once superior son. To call it a burial, it is actually a simple digging of a pit and pushing up the soil.

"Brother Wu, we are already seriously wounded now. If we move forward again, we will definitely be killed!"

"That, brother Ge, what do you mean?"

"Brother, I mean, let's stay here to heal our wounds. I just took a look. There are some water and dry food! As long as we can hide our body in the bushes! Even if the Jie people pass by, it will not I will definitely check it out so carefully! Take a step back and talk about it. Since someone secretly rescues us, we brothers must work hard to survive!

"That's all, it seems that this is the only way to do it! I hope Jie people will not investigate this place carefully for the treasure! Let's go! With our current injury, it will take at least a few days to control the injury!" People also made up their minds, that is, dive in the nearby bushes and meditate.

As for whether they will be found and killed by the enemy, the second elder in the southern capital cannot think so much at this time. After all, they are very aware of their situation, that is a situation of nine deaths!

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