I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2279: Unknown Valley (27)

Under Qianlong Lake, even a trace of vitality is hard to find in the dim water. This makes Jin Shangyu very strange. After all, when he first entered the lake, he could still feel some fish or unknown creatures appearing, but at this moment there was nothing but a strange underwater cave "burrow". Lying here.

"It seems that there are more weirdness here! But the biggest possibility is that there is a strong magnet in the water cave, otherwise Lao Tzu's perception will not be hindered! No matter, since it is here, then go into the water cave and take a look. What a great thing is not known!” At this moment, driven by curiosity, Jin Shangyu finally decided to enter the Tanxia Shui Cave for a look.

Speaking of it, this is not the first time Jin has dived, and the previous experience can still be used.

In this way, with the rebounding force of the cave wall, Jin Shangyu also cautiously descended down the water cave. Although the visibility inside is already very poor, but with strong perception, at least at close range, Jin can still move forward smoothly!

Here, Jin Shangyu is bold and careful, wanting to explore the secrets of Qianlongtan, and at this moment, Qianlongtan has gathered more Jieren dead men.

"Report, report your lord, two more teams are here!"

"Oh, their speed is so fast! Tell them that they can only guard the outside, not close to us! Otherwise, the deity will never be merciless!

"The villain understands! But there is one more person here!"


"Master Yuanhua!" At the end, the man in black who came to report the letter also showed a strange smile.

"It's him, he is here too! Isn't he injured! Why not quit the valley! Is it possible that he also wants to see the true face of the baby!"

"My lord, you are from the same clan, is it something wrong to not let him come over? Besides, Master Yuanhua's status in the clan is also detached!"

"Okay, you, you let him in! However, his attendants can't enter! Understand!"

"Subordinates obey!" At a certain moment, when the person mentioned the word "Yuanhua", the man in black who was standing on the side of the pool finally compromised.

After a few breaths, the figure of the life-threatening hand Yuanhua also appeared in front of the man in black.

"You came!"

"Here! You seem to be in a hurry!"

"No hurry! No hurry! There will be results!"

"Really! Looking at the current situation, I am afraid it is difficult to achieve results before dawn!" After a sigh, the life-killing hand Yuanhua also cast his eyes on the calm surface of the mirror.

After feeling the change in Yuanhua’s mood, the man in black followed with a sigh, and then said without sorrow: "I heard that you were seriously injured! This is a rare thing! After all, your name is not the killer. For nothing!"

"Yuan Lie, you are just a leader of the younger generation, don't do too much!"

auzw.com "Yuanhua, you are a master of the older generation, I admire Yuanlie very much! But you also know that the strong in my clan are respected!"

"Yuan Lie, what do you want to say! Do you have full confidence this time to seize the Key of the Desert!" As he spoke, the death-killing hand at the moment Yuanhua also "showed" a very strange smile.

Facing such Yuanhua, the man in black called Yuan Lie also rolled his eyes weirdly, and then stopped talking.

Here, open and secret struggles are staged by Qianlongtan, and Jin Shangyu at this moment has already penetrated into the water cave.

Because he wanted to clarify the secrets in this water hole, Jin didn't dare to stay, and almost kept sneaking.

At a certain moment, just as Jin Shangyu released his perception as much as possible, three vague figures appeared in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

"No, I met them so soon! Good! Since I met the three of them, I should be about to reach the bottom of the water hole!" Just after feeling the situation of Beihai Sanxiong, Jin quickly felt in his heart Thinking about it.

However, what happened next made Jin couldn't believe his perception. Because at this moment, as Jin's perception became clearer, the true situation of the three people was also revealed.

The reason why Jin Shangyu was surprised was that the "front" Beihai Sanxiong was surrounded by a group of inexplicable creatures, or controlled.

"Mother, you damn, what the **** is this! Why are you so cruel! You can't move the Beihai Sanxiong at all! No, they seem to be a group attack method! It's really strange, it can With such a small individual, mankind can be controlled! This, what exactly is this, is it possible that it is a freshwater fish that has never been born!" At this moment, Jin Shangyu has already thought of a lot of pictures in his mind, but he just didn't figure it out. What kind of inexplicable creature is?

But anyway, Jin Shangyu wants to keep going, because he has already sensed the changes on the shore of Qianlongtan.

Although the life-threatening hand Yuanhua was defeated by the Huayu trio, now the members of the Yuan clan have met together, and they have staged a scene of fighting against each other. These inexplicable changes cannot help but make Jin think of something.

However, Jin Shangyu at this moment has no time to consider what happened on Qianlongtan. Because he had to solve the trouble in front of him, that was the inexplicable creature that appeared in the water hole of Qianlongtan.

"Mother, it looks like a fish is not a fish, like a frog is not a frog, but it seems that these little guys have a very strong IQ. What a strange thing!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu came to the front of the Beihai Sanxiong, Those inexplicable creatures actually exerted their strength at the same time, slowly pushing the three vague figures to swim deeper.

Seeing such a small situation, Jin Shangyu almost laughed out loud. After all, these inexplicable creatures are too humanized.

However, at this moment, the somewhat vague three figures also felt the arrival of an outsider, that is, Jin Shangyu.

It was time, but seeing that Beihai Sanxiong was shaking his body strongly, as if sending a signal for help. And that full of hundreds of fish-like creatures was tightly surrounded by the three of them, giving him no chance at all.

Faced with this somewhat weird picture, Jin Shangyu was also energetic, and the whole person quickly chased the Beihai Sanxiong.

After a while, because of the difference in speed, Jin Shangyu finally came to the slow-moving Beihai Sanxiong.

"Mother, although I feel very interesting, but in the final analysis, these are also three lives. If controlled by you like this, even the gods will not escape the fate of death! Little guy, when will you wait if you don't retreat!" For a moment, because Jin Shangyu wanted to rescue the three males of Beihai, the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge quickly released a strong sense of perception outward.

And such a move really attracted the attention of inexplicable creatures. But seeing them wagging tails one by one! Although he stopped moving forward, he didn't let go of the Sanxiong Beihai!

"Little guys, it seems that you don’t know how good this young man is! That’s all, if that’s the case, let you see what Lao Tzu is capable of!" After feeling the emotional changes of those inexplicable creatures, Jin Shangyu also conquered the ultimate fairy beast. In that way, a consciousness attack was launched directly!

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