I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2292: Yunshadu (6)

The silent scream made everyone involuntarily look up, and above them was the black-clad masked man who had just been domineering.

But seeing the man in black at this moment, as if being attacked by the **** of death, the whole person fell straight down from the sky, with the breath of death, which made people afraid to look at it for a long time.

"Big brother, here, what the **** is going on! Why did he fall? Could it be that there are people on it!"

"Impossible, if someone had just launched a surprise attack, it is impossible to wait until that person has passed the middle ground!"

"Brother, you said it's not a human being, maybe it's an unknown creature! Or some ancient beast that specializes in guarding this place!"

"Bah, baah, don’t talk ‘chaotic’! Where are the ancient beasts here? Those are legendary stories told by old people. You can’t take it seriously! Come on, let’s stick to the cliff together, otherwise something new will really happen. You and I can't escape death!" Although it was only a brief conversation, the two brothers knew that something big would happen tonight!

Here, the two brothers watched the masked man fall from a high altitude, falling to death, and the strong men of all walks of life who had climbed high at this moment were also caught in a dilemma.

Because they all saw clearly just now, that is, it is impossible for the person in black above to fall on their own initiative. It should have been attacked by external forces, and no one can tell what the object of the attack is!

"He, he actually fell! How could it be possible that he was still so confident just now!"

"Does this still need to be said! He must have suffered an inexplicable attack! Look at his figure, it was directly photographed by something!"

"You, what do you mean by this! Could it be possible that there is really an inexplicable creature guarding it! No, in that case, the old man is going down!"

"Go down, do you have to go down!" In fact, there was an inexplicable noise on the cliff at this moment, like a tiger roar or a bear roar, but no matter what, the people now could not tell.

"No, there are circumstances. Everyone will go down quickly, otherwise they will die on the spot!" It is too late to say, then it is fast, yes, I don't know who said a word, most people have already started slowly towards the cliff. Retreat.

The reason why the speed is not fast is because they dare not make too much movement, otherwise they will end up falling off a cliff and die.

Of course, there are two people who are more happy at this moment, because they were slow just now, this time they turned out to be the first to descend to the bottom of the cliff.

"Boss, this, this is really scary! I really don't know what inexplicable creatures are on it! It seems that treasures are really hard to find! Nowadays, so many of us, let alone find treasures, even climb a cliff Not going up!"

"Okay, look at them, our brothers are fine! Let's go! Since you can't control the situation here, let's go back and convey the message!" As they spoke, two of them had already climbed directly down the cliff and moved quickly towards Retreat to the south.

Faced with such a strange situation, Jin Shangyu, who was hiding in the dark, was also curious. After all, it is difficult for him to perceive the situation on the "Yunshadu" clearly. And the strange sound of a strange animal made Jin think of a lot of things.

"Mother, you damn, I know that things here won't be smooth, no, no, just at the beginning, an inexplicable creature appeared! That guy should be a big guy! , What is it that can survive on the top of the cliff! Or is it really the ancient guardian beast here! This is not very scientific! You know, even if Liu Bang left some beasts to guard this place back then, it’s impossible. Keep it for now! Could it be someone else!" Although he didn't figure out the whole story for a while, Jin did not believe that there was an ancient beast guarding him.


Here, Jin Shangyu is thinking about something in the dark, and the cliff at this moment is already a different scene. Because he is afraid of being attacked by inexplicable creatures above, the strong men of all walks of life also lose their previous demeanor. Almost people are standing by others. In other words, a lot of people on the top use body techniques to just push away the people who are close to them, and then follow the path of others down the cliff.

Although there is no straightforward and **** battle between the two armies, this approach beyond the scope of traditional human "sex" still leaves everyone in a violent mood.

However, the most annoying thing is that after the black masked man fell off the cliff, there was no vision at the top of the cliff.

"Several people, now we are all down the cliff! We should be able to adjust our mind and body! However, how come the old man feels something is wrong!"

"You, just say what you have! Don't get close to Lao Tzu, otherwise we will end up endlessly!"

"This Xiongtai, the old man doesn't mean to start, just want to discuss with you about the situation here! You have also seen that the situation here is more complicated, not only there are inexplicable creatures! There are also cliffs breaking into the clouds! , "Yunshadu" refers to the area above the mountain top!"

"You, if you say this, we won't believe you! Because too many people have died tonight! If nothing else happens, let's just leave it alone!" Although most of them retreated to the bottom of the cliff, But after a while, the strong from all walks of life also retreated

Perhaps in their eyes, this is not something they can detect clearly. After all, they couldn't figure out the inexplicable creature that appeared on the top of the cliff. In the eyes of these powerful people, sometimes the unknown is the most terrifying existence.

In this way, because there may be inexplicable creatures on the top of the cliff, and many powerful people from all sides have died because of this, many people will leave here in the following time.

At a certain moment, just when the strong people from all walks of life were not too far behind, Jin Shangyu also sensed that three of them had not left.

Although the three of them were also one of the strongest men from all walks of life, in the final analysis, Jin Shangyu did not feel any fear in them.

"Mother, you girl, why didn't these three guys leave here, and look at their expressions, there is no hint of fear at all! It's hardly possible that these three guys know that the'Yunshadu' came on Secret!" After a short pause, Jin Shangyu also thought of a lot of things.

With such thoughts, Jin Shangyu was not in a hurry to "show" his figure, and the whole person was steadily diving into the dark night.

But the three people standing under the high cliff looked at each other for a while, and then turned on the mode of whispering.

"Um, you two, it seems that the son and the others are very clever! They succeeded! So, we can leave here too!"

"Leave! At least I can't leave yet! You know, even if the son's plan is successful, it will only deter the opponent! I believe that after tomorrow, all the strong will gather here."

"This, this is true! Then, what shall we do now!"

"How to do it, let's wait a while! If there is no news from the son, we will not be too late!"

"Mother, what's the situation! Why did they mention their own son? Is it possible that everything here was designed by someone! If this is the case, then, this time the'Yunshadu' may be lively Get up!" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu felt the voice of the three people's dialogue, he thought quickly in his heart.

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