I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2342: Unsado (56)

Because he didn't know what was at the end of the passage, Jin Shangyu at this moment was not too anxious, but quietly observed the changes that took place here.

"This, this should be the last way to the treasure! No matter, if you come, you will be safe! As for this key to the desert, it should already be integrated with the rock wall here! Go! After all, the route to the treasure is not just This one!" While muttering to himself again in his heart, Jin Shangyu also held a burning torch in front of him.

The next moment, one person and one torch also slowly walked towards the end of the passage.

In other words, because Jin Shangyu’s perception has improved at this moment, Jin does not forget what the end of the detection channel is when he is walking!

It didn't matter if he was probing, Jin Shangyu was shocked, his scalp was numb, and he was restless. Because in the depths of his sea of ​​knowledge, a large number of skeletons and bones appeared.

"Well, what is going on here! Could it be that the bones here are the workers who built this treasure land back then! If this is the case, then Liu Bang is not too particular about it!" Although just thinking about it in his heart, Jin Shangyu at this moment Don't dare to neglect, the whole person has also entered a state of extreme alertness.

Here, Jin Shangyu finally found a way to use the Key of the Desert, and successfully marched towards the treasure hiding place. At this moment, very magical things were happening in the other two stone chambers.

Let me talk about Yuanlie, Yi Jianzi and others. Because they are in a cooperative relationship, there are many differences when using the Key of the Desert.

But in the end, Yuanlie made further concessions.

"Yi Jianzi, you, you are really good, and you really convinced the deity! No matter, for the baby, the deity will let you give in! Come, come, you can all stand over, let's retreat over there!"

"Master, this, this is not! You know, if they really use the desert key on that little guy to open the treasure, we might be calculated!"

"Yes! Sir, what is happening now, we must stand with them, if they succeed, we will succeed! If they fail, we will fail too!"

"Nothing, don't say these things! Didn't you feel the sound of vibration just now! This, what does this mean, shows that someone may have found the legendary treasure channel! If someone else takes the lead, how many of you Can you afford it? Don’t leave with the deity!"

"This, this, yes! I'll wait to obey!" Although still a little reluctant, the six strong Jie people at this moment know that they must obey their master.

In this way, because Yi Jianzi, Jue Shenzi, Zhang Wanyu and others can gather together smoothly, the sword-shaped desert key is also smoothly "inserted" into the "hole" of the earth.

"Uncle Yi, this, this has been "plugged in" for a long time, why there is no response at all! Is there any other mechanism that can't work in secret!"

"Wan Yu is not anxious, let the old man understand it more carefully! After all, this is the key of the desert, how can it be opened directly! In addition, the more such a place, the less brute force can be used! Otherwise it may bring disaster , I don't know!" Although both hands were still pressing on the key of the desert, Yi Jianzi's words still surprised everyone and even agreed.

However, just when Yi Jianzi was unable to re-enter the Key of the Desert a few points, Zhang Wanyu, who had just taken the initiative to comment, also leaned forward.

"Uncle Yi, or let Wan Yu take a look!"

"Well, you have to be careful! If something happens, protect yourself! After all, this is not an ordinary area!"


"Uncle Yi, don't worry! Since it is the key of the desert, it should be easy to use! Come, come, open it for the young master!" At a certain moment, when Zhang Wanyu took over the key of the desert, its powerful internal strength was also from time to time Pour into the key of the desert.

At a certain moment, just after Zhang Wanyu turned the Key of the Desert a few times in the left and right directions, the dramatic change happened in vain.

It's too late, it's fast, just as the Key of the Desert in Zhang Wanyu's hand merged with the stone wall a little bit, under the gaze of everyone, the stone wall of the stone room was slowly moved away by some inexplicable force. Then there was a dark passage.

"It succeeded, it turned out to be a real success! Your lord, look! That's a passage! I believe the end of the passage must be the place where the treasure is stored!"

"Well, do you still need to talk about it! Your lord, let's go now! It's late, and the Central Plains will definitely take the lead!"

"Shut up! When is it, don't they know the passage is open! Why didn't Na Yi Jianzi and Jue Shenzi enter! The answer is simple, the unknown end may be a treasure or a trap of death! "At this moment, as the stone wall slowly opened, Yuan Lie and the six powerhouses around him also started a mode of talking loudly.

At this moment, Yi Jianzi, Jue Shenzi and others were very calm, and they didn't even say anything loudly, just quietly observing the dark passage.

After a long time, Na Yi Jianzi calmed down and said slowly: "Brothers, you guys, you have also seen it. This passage should be the place to store the treasure! But the more unknown, the more It's dangerous! Xiao Wanyu, you are talking about what we should do now!"

"Uncle Yi, there are even passages. What are you afraid of? Just go in and you will know what kind of world is inside!" Seeing Yi Jianzi asking for advice at this moment, Zhang Wanyu also smiled slightly, moved his body and swept away. Dark passage.

Seeing Zhang Wanyu flying forward so calmly, Yi Jianzi also paused for a while, and then followed with everyone.

It was very strange that Yuanlie and the seven people did not follow up, but muttered quietly.

But at this moment, Yi Jianzi and the others didn't care about their reaction, and in front of the treasure, they relied on chance and strength. They knew this well.

"My lord, let's really not go with them!"

"Why do you want to go together! Among them, you are not unseen, all of them are abnormal levels of combat power! Not to mention that the Jue Shenzi senior brothers and sisters have the weird skills of the unparalleled immortality, even Yi Jianzi. It’s not what you can fight against! In addition, if the two old guys in Southern Metropolis fight their lives, I believe we won’t take advantage! The top priority is to leave a secret note and transfer our darkhand army over! Hope they can be the last Guardian!"

"My lord, don't worry, I'll do it now!" While speaking, the strong Jie Ren at this moment also understood Yuan Lie's plan of action.

Here, facing the temptation of the treasure, all parties behaved completely differently, and at this moment Yuanhong, Tuobaye and others also found the correct way to open the treasure channel.

"Master Yuan Hong, it's the same sentence, you just step back!"

"Tuobanye, the old man respects you as a man! Now I have been forced to force me repeatedly, this, this is not a good thing!"

"Master Yuan, it's not my son who wants to "force" you! If the Lord is yours, your combat power is obviously higher than ours! After all, are we instinctively weak!"

"Stop talking nonsense! What you did, to put it bluntly, is to take advantage of the moment the treasure channel opens! Don't think the old man is a fool!" At a certain moment, Tuobaye already mastered the use of the key to the desert. Later, Na Yuanhong was also out of anger.

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