I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2350: Yunshadu (64)

At this moment, Yi Jianzi and the others did not have any major emotional changes, but gathered in an area and communicated quietly.

"Uncle Yi, what should I do! It seems that they really found out first! Let's follow the snatch, or sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight! If there is a war, Wan Yu is willing to take the lead!"

"Little guy, when did you become so emotionally stable! The old man thought you, a brat, would rush over in the first place!"

"Uncle Yi, you look down on Wan Yu too much. Don't say what they found is just a stone chamber. Even if there is a gold mountain and a silver mountain there, Wan Yu is not in a hurry! After all, don't they have to return to the hall! As long as there is enough You can get everything in your hands with the strength value of the same!"

"Boy, when did you still have such a state of mind! That's all, it seems that the son is right about you!"

"Uncle Yi, you mean that he even praised this son!" Zhang Wanyu at this moment also "exposed" a very strange smile.

Faced with Zhang Wanyu like this, even if the second elder in Southern Capital was a little moved, in the end he didn't say anything, just stood there quietly, waiting for Yi Jianzi's decision.

After all, in this team, in principle, Yi Jianzi is still needed to get the final idea.

"Well, let’s talk about it, let’s just laugh, let’s do something, otherwise people will say we don’t pay attention to it!"

"Yes, yes, that, Uncle Yi, Xiaotian thought, shall we wait? You see, they seem to have really fought! So that Yuanhong became the first person to enter the dark room! I don’t know. What kind of good baby is there!"

"Young Master Yuan Tian, ​​in fact, you don't need to listen to the old man's arrangements, but since you are willing to follow the old man, the old man must also think about your safety! So even if there is a baby there, it is not the best time for us to go in!" , At this moment, Yi Jianzi also slowly cast his gaze to the dark stone room not far away.

Here, after some exchanges, everyone finally decided to wait a while, and at this moment Yuan Lie, Tuoba Ye and others had already been fighting together.

That was when Na Yuanhong became a person who didn't care, not only entered the stone room smoothly, but also closed the stone door of the stone room in the shortest time.

This action made people mad for almost an instant.

"You, you old fellow, want to do something alone! Come here! Don't go around and open the gate of the stone wall!"

"This, this, it seems that he is from Yuanhong University! This, what can I do! Do you really want to shoot him!"

"What's wrong with you guys today! Are you not my Yuanlie's bodyguard!"

"My lord, of course we are willing to sacrifice for the adults at any time! But, after all, he is also a member of the Yuan clan, and even a senior figure in the clan! In addition, his identity is also known to the adults!"

"You, you are really unbelievable! Now the deity orders you to break into the stone room and get the treasure! Understand!"

"This, this, I'm waiting for the order!" Although they were still looking at each other, in the end, three strong Jie people quickly rushed towards the gate of the stone wall.

Such a scene is also seen in the eyes of Yi Jianzi and others. Although there is some heartbeat, in the final analysis, there is no intention to shoot.


"Yuan Lie, you, you are really interesting! You started fighting in your nest! Well, you will definitely become a lonely person if you continue like this! Hahaha..."

"Tuobanye, stop talking nonsense! We haven't seen a high and low yet! Don't think that you can control the deity with some combined strikes! If you only have this kind of combat power, I'm afraid you don't talk about getting treasures here, even if it is. It is difficult to go out alive!"

"Really, you seem to be more confident as the leader of Yuanta! However, you have seen it too. Now Yuanhong has succeeded, you have to think about how to confess when you go back!"

"You, you are still instigating our relationship! Well, if that's the case, let you know the deity's methods!" As he spoke, Yuan Lie at the moment also "exposed" a very cruel expression.

However, just when Jie Ren Yuan Lie was about to make a big fight, the door of the stone room, which had just been closed, opened again.

"Well, you, you are preparing to be an enemy of the old man! Are you not!"

"This, this, the villain dare not! The villain is just following orders! Please stay aside! I'm going to check it out!"

"Good, good! You are really loyal dog slaves! I want you to be able to say such things while knowing the identity of the old man! It is also a miracle! You know, you are originally from the Yuan family, but you were just sent I just gave Yuan Lie to be a dead man! Now I see that the old man can say such things, nothing!"

"Elder Yuan Hong, don't have to say such things here, it is the deity who made them act! Just say that you want to get out or not!"

"Hahaha, really ignorant people! Well, since you have to go in and take a look, the old man will get out of the way now! Go in! I just don't know what you are interested in an empty stone room!"

"Stop, stop for the deity! Yuanhong, what do you say! Don't tell me!" This time, after hearing Yuanhong's words, Yuanlie also thought of something, and the whole person also quickly issued a new message. The command.

The three strong Jie people who were just about to enter the stone room stopped their pace.

Seeing such a scene, everyone, including Tuoba Ye, did not pursue any more, but stood watching from the far end.

At this moment, Yuanhong is very calm, as if everything is under control.

"Yuanhong! You, you should know what I am doing for Yuanlie! I want to come, you have a very leisurely life in the Holy Land Handicap, why are you disturbed by the "chaos"!"

"Yuan Lie, you, when you said this, didn't you think about who the old man was doing? Just now you said it was a "chaotic" situation! Then, who would benefit from the "chaotic" situation, and no one! Tell you the truth, the Chief Chief is not what you think!"

"You, you are hinting at me! No matter what happened in the clan, go back to talk about it, you first talk about what you just said! Is it really empty in that dark room!"

"This, this, nothing, let me tell you! It's not that there are no things, specifically, there are a few boxes made of unnamed metals! And the contents of that box are gone! According to my guess and observation, it should be Someone got on the board first!" At the end of the talk, everyone present at the moment, including Yi Jianzi and others, were surprised!

The reason everyone was amazed was because the current situation was too important. For one thing, if someone really came, then their previous efforts would have looked pale and powerless. Secondly, if the person took away the treasures in the box, there might be lurkers in the cave hall.

Of course, from astonishment to astonishment, some people at this moment also thought of other things. For example, Zhang Wanyu, his eyes didn't have any big surprise, and even a hint of excitement and contentment could be seen in his eyes.

After feeling the change in Zhang Wanyu's mood, Yi Jianzi also rarely became impatient, and even patted his hand on Zhang Wanyu's shoulder at a certain moment.

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