I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2633: Weird Sand Ridge (30)

The situation on Fenshaling became more and more weird, while Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan at this moment did not take any action. Because they no longer pay attention to the Hun cavalry on the move.

"Jin Shangyu, you, don't you want to fight the Huns' Blood Guard! You know, they are the most mysterious organization in the world. If you don't meet head-on, it's better not to deal with them!"

"Beauty, you, are you talking about them! You know, there are no people in this world who dare not deal with! Although they are called blood guards, they are not vegetarians! I have not met before, I met today, so I have to make a few tricks to say anything!"

"Jin Shangyu, you, why are you so unreasonable! What is the most important thing for us now! Obviously, the most important thing is to prevent the Huns from chasing forward!"

"It may not be necessary. You must know that the person who can command the Huns cavalry now is the Blood Guard, so this young man will come to fight a snake and fight seven inches! Of course, their cavalry now has no strong Fighting aura, even if you chase them, I believe Brother Mo will greet them well! Forget it, let’s not talk about it, let’s look for the hiding place of the Blood Guard carefully."

"You, you don't even know where they are!" At a certain moment, just as Jin Shangyu's voice fell, Na Murong Yuyan also showed a helpless smile.

After all, who is the real king here, at least from the actual situation now, is the Huns Blood Guard.

Of course, Murong Yuyan was still full of confidence in Jin Shangyu's ability, otherwise she would have pulled her away from this area.

Here, Jin Shangyu was going to meet the Huns blood guard hidden on Fenshaling for a while, and at this moment the Huns cavalry finally let out a long sigh.

After all, for a period of time before, they spent almost every second in panic.

"Hahaha, freedom is great! The scene just past is like a dream! You guys talk about how we should get here now! Should we continue to chase the Jin Jun convoy or do something else!"

"You, what do you mean by this! You know, we were able to walk so far safely, in the final analysis, it was the master of the blood guard who successfully delayed Jin Jun's super power, and even said that they have cleaned up each other!"

"Brother, you wouldn't like to listen to these words anymore. In fact, we shouldn't have fallen into this dangerous situation from the beginning! Now that we have stepped out of their control area, shouldn't we find a safe one by ourselves? road!"

"Security! What is security? If we can't hold Jin Jun down, I am afraid that sooner or later, we will face heavy fines from the upper management. I believe you have no opinion on this point!" Although someone suggested that we should change our situation, At the forefront of the team, many generals still expressed their opinions.

Facing such a chaotic situation, the generals also launched a fierce verbal confrontation.

In the end, the main battle faction had the upper hand.

"Finally, since you all agreed to move on, then the general is not afraid of death, just go!"

"Well, well, this is what you said. If you mention other things later, don't blame our brothers for being ruthless!"

"Okay, we are all good brothers for many years, why bother to say something so ugly!" Knowing that he alone can't reverse the overall situation now, so the little general Hun who held different opinions also decided to continue with the brigade.

In this way, because they were faster, they came to a relatively dense mountain range at a certain moment.

"My mother, I didn't think this Fenshaling was too big before, but it's a different scene to really walk here!"

auzw.com "Of course! But we can make adjustments when we cross this mountain in a while. After all, our horses also need to rest!"

"Brother, you, you are referring to the sinking sand pool! That's right, the water and grass there are beautiful, it is a place to rest and rehabilitate soldiers and horses!" While speaking, the group of people did not lower their speed, but continued to move forward quickly.

About half an hour later, this Huns cavalry team finally saw a blue, barking scene like a paradise outside the world.

"This, this is really a good place! But this Shensha Lake is not small! To let the generals say, it might as well be called Shensha Lake!"

"Brother, this is what you don’t know about the specific situation! At first, it was really a pond that wasn’t too big. It was named because of the relatively large amount of sand under the pond! Of course, I don’t know how many years. This Shenshatan has grown a little bit bigger, and it looks like this in the end!"

"It turned out to be like this! I just don't know if the water of this lake can be drunk directly!"

"Of course I can drink it! Come, come, let's take a break now, and then we will have a quick march, and it is estimated that we can catch up with Jin Jun's convoy!" In fact, there are seven generals who are the first to face Shen. Walk to the sand pool.

As for the cavalry behind them, they also uttered cheers like the sky. Those who didn't know thought they had won a big battle.

"Yes, the water quality is good and the mouth is sweet and smooth, but why is there no humans here!"

"Well, it's not that there are no people, but the war has been constant over the years. People here have already moved to other places. How dare you live here!"

"That's right. After all, this is already an area under our control. It is not enough manpower. Otherwise, we should really recommend sending some people over to live!" While talking, the entire cavalry team is already running horses and drinking water. Drinking water, in short, is a busy scene.

However, at this moment, a young general standing by the pool suddenly roared.

"Monster, what kind of monster is this, get out of here!"

"Brother, you, what's wrong with you, why are you shouting so arrogantly! Isn't it just a few big fishes! Come on, now we brothers will go into the water together to see who can catch the big fish? Come!"

"Um, I said, brother, this, something really seems to be moving here, just now, my foot seems to be caught by someone!"

"Okay, don't scare us here, let's go, let's not see the fish or catch it anyway!" While talking, the remaining seven generals also slowly entered the Shensha Lake.

At first, because the pool just lost their knees, everyone talked and laughed, but then because someone swam to the depths of the pool voluntarily, the rest of the people laughed loudly.

"You, what are you doing so far! Do you still want to catch fish in deep water!"

"Hahaha, that's what you don't understand. Actually, this general is very water-based! Now I will show you a good show of catching big fish in the water!"

"You, you have to be more careful, after all, there is weirdness everywhere!"

"What's weird and not weird, let's go and take a look, don't think he knows how to do water kung fu, this general is also a master in this field!" For a while, a person who looked like a general swam to Shenshatan. In the depths, another two young generals swam past.


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