I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2665: Goodbye Blood Guard (5)

The weird internal fighting made the Huns cavalry sergeants do not know how to choose. Although they didn't know what kind of organization the Blood Guard was, they had all heard of its name, so emotional fluctuations were reasonable.

It was the old man dressed in black, not far from here, but riding his horse in a corner, watching the battle scene of the four.

"Um, General, you, you really don't leave! You know, they are the legendary blood guards! Once they rush over, it will be a big problem!"

"Yes, yes, I will ask the general to retire now! After all, their purpose is very clear, that is to let us give up the baby in front of us!"

"You will talk about it again, behead! The old man has said too much, everything here belongs to the middle and high level of the clan! Do you know what I mean!"

"This, this, I will finally understand a little bit! It's just that the current situation is still more complicated. You must know that the three of them are blood guards from the Tianyuan restricted area!"

"What about the Blood Guard! Even if their master comes, the old man still has to get the treasure this time, because this is what the higher level means!" Although he knows that his subordinates are very worried about their own safety, the current black The old man in clothing seems to have made up his mind long ago, that is to fight to the end with the three blood guards.

Of course, he has such an idea, but also based on strong self-confidence. Not to mention that the gray-clothed old man in front of him used weird swordsmanship to temporarily hold the three blood guards, even if there is no such powerful person, maybe he still has other ways to deal with it, it is unknown.

Here, huge changes have taken place within the Huns, but Mo Jingtian and others at this moment are rarely confused, because they can't see what the Huns are attacking.

"You guys, you have also seen that they even relaxed their attack! In fact, we had already made the worst plan, but they gave up the final storm! Why is this! Could the Huns have more powerful methods! "

"Uncle Mo, don't worry, it's not that they have many methods, but that there may be some problems inside them! Of course, someone will pass on important information to you in a while!"

"Boy, if you can perceive anything, just say it directly, don't stray around here! Besides, you can tell who will come!"

"General Mo, this girl has something important to tell!"

"What, it turned out to be you!"

"It's me! Yu Yan has seen General Mo!" At a certain moment, when Mo Jingtian and Zhang Wanyu were muttering to each other, a familiar voice also floated, and then a beautiful shadow fell in front of everyone, not Murong. Who else could Yu Yan be!

"Sister Yuyan, you, you are finally back! Wan Yu is so worried!"

"Wan Yu, you have worked hard!"

"No hard work! But it is hard work! Even the Wuxiang Beast will lose the power of a battle! If you don't come back, I'm afraid you will really be in a state of poverty!"

"Okay, it's okay now! General Mo, actually Jin Shangyu asked me to tell you, don't worry, just keep going! He will take care of other things!"

"Girl Yuyan, thank you! Since the son is back, why not meet!"


"General Mo, think about it, he's really fine! I guess he is fighting the Huns now! When it comes to you, you should leave soon!" Seeing that the entire Jin Jun has been compressed into a relatively small area , Murong Yuyan is also a little worried.

In the following time, Mo Jingtian also commanded the army to wrap the horses with treasures and slowly continue to move forward towards the east.

Although there were still a large number of Huns cavalry chasing at the same time, under the strong resistance of the old man Duanbu, Yi Jianzi and others, they finally jumped out of the Huns' encirclement.

Here, Jin Jun's dark-handed team has returned from a scattered state to the level of collective action, but Jin Shangyu is rarely busy at this moment.

After all, he is now trying to imitate the appearance of a halfback, creating as many new situations as possible.

"The general, now it seems that he is really a half-guard sent by the old man, you see, his body speed is too strange! We are not his opponent at all! Unless the second general can return!"

"How come back, they probably have already started the war mode now! The top priority is to shrink the military and try not to let him attack us as much as possible!"

"Yes, yes, I'm waiting for the order!" This time, after hearing the order from General Liu Haifeng, someone quickly conveyed the order.

At this moment, Jin Shangyu was very happy, and even more secretly in his heart.

"Mother, you girl, now you know that Lao Tzu is great! You still want to beat Lao Tzu's idea, and you don't want to think about how many catties you have! No matter, now most of your generals are hurt by Lao Tzu. You polished commander should also understand what happened!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu reached the tactical goal, he stretched out and ran towards another small battlefield.

While there, Liu Haiyun and the two blood guards were besieging the gray-clothed old man with a pin-shaped formation.

"Old guy, you really don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick! Even dare to fight the blood guard, do you know that this is a fight against the Tianyuan restricted area!"

"Hahaha, your name is Liu Haiyun, right? With your combat power, it is estimated that you also used some tricks to get into the Tianyuan restricted area! As for the blood guard, the deity is not in the eyes at all! Still that sentence , When you blasted the old man out of the restricted area, you already decided the fate between you and me!"

"You, you still hate what happened back then! You know, back then, but you didn't agree to be a real blood guard, what to do with Yuan Yuan!"

"Bah, although the two of you guys are not weak, that's all! As for the real blood guards you are talking about, I still don't look down on me! If you want to throw away all your emotions, I would rather follow the master for the rest of your life! "While speaking, in fact, the gray-clothed old man at this moment is already angry, and the fighting intensity has once again risen to a level.

"Mother, you girl, I really didn't expect that their fight is still very fierce! It's not right! Such fierce fighting, why the old guy still doesn't retreat? Does he really think that the Xiongnu can be defeated by one person? The three blood guards!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu arrived here with an impressive figure, he was thinking about something quickly in his heart.

In fact, this can’t be blamed on Jin Shangyu’s thinking too much. After all, for the two Huns’ generals, he still cares more about Liu Haifeng. After all, General Liu’s surname was just middle-aged when he was at his strongest. But when he saw the black-clothed old man up close, Jin Shangyu still thought of a lot.

However, just as Jin Shangyu slightly changed his mood, there was also a slight change in the battle circle.

It was too late to say, then soon, under the gaze of Jin Shangyu, the old man in gray also suddenly changed his posture, and the next moment it was Human Sword and Liu Haiyun who hit with all strength.


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