I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2732: Burial Place (2)

Facing his own interjection, the old man dressed in black did not change his expression, but continued to scan the group of people in front of him with the eyes of a hunter.

At this moment, the old woman was a little out of control emotionally. Not only did she swear repeatedly, but she was also shaking violently.

"You, don't you just want us to die so that we can't reveal your secrets! That's all, children, it seems that this is our life! Kill the little boy with a dagger in his hand! Save it! The hands of the devil!"

"Mother, you, you really decided! You know, they are the hope of the village!"

"Hope, is there any hope under their siege! The best thing we should do now is to prevent the little baby from becoming someone's meal on the plate!" While talking, the old woman at the moment also quickly moved from her waist He took out a dagger that was not too long, and slammed it at a little boy with seven or eight appearances next to him.

However, in the horrified eyes of everyone, a dark shadow slid across the old woman's side with ease.

"Hahaha! You old thing, you still want to ruin our brother's good deeds! Want to ruin our food! There is no door! Brothers, if you don't do anything yet, tie them all up!"

"You, you are all demons, you must not die!"

"Hahaha! You old immortal, dare to curse at us! Not to mention it's a bad death, you guys might die without a place to hide!"

"Old man, you, you seem to be very confident! What is meant by the dead without hiding place? Why don't this son understand! Why don't you say it again, you old man!"

"No! Someone is here! Who are you and why are you here! Besides, don't you people from the Central Plains have a famous saying! That is, don't take care of trouble!"

"It's really you, the old lady has said so many times, don't worry about us! It's fine now, even you can't escape!" When talking, in fact, not only the look of the twelve strong men changed, but even The very poor old woman also showed a touch of despair.

The people here are of course Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan.

But seeing that they did not ride a horse, but walked from the woods to the old woman.

When the twelve strong men saw one more man and one woman in front of them, their mood changed a little.

"The deity is asking you! Who is it! Why are you here! If you don't speak, I'm afraid you two will really die without a burial place!"

"Yes, yes, our boss is talking! The two of you dare not answer, really tired of life! Boss, let me take it, brother! It seems that the girl is pretty good! Just wearing a mask Something is not good!"

"Old Qi, don't move, even if you let them die, you have to ask them clearly! It seems that the old lady has already explained our details! Not to mention, even if you have some tricks, the deity is not afraid! "

"Don't be afraid, you are really not afraid! Girl, they say you are not afraid of us!"

"My son, do what you say!"

"Hahaha, what else can we do, didn't people say that we want a dead end without a burial place! Then, that son will complete you today!" While talking, Jin Shangyu at this moment is also showing his figure, the next second Disappeared before everyone's eyes.

"No! Brothers quickly defend! He, he is too fast! Ah! No, impossible!"

"Boss, you, you! Save me!"


"Die! You **** guys!"

"Girl, it seems that your speed has improved again!"

"My son, don't talk nonsense, just finish the task and talk about other things!" At a certain moment, under the gaze of the poor group of people, the twelve people surrounding them also turned over in the blink of an eye.

Although the screams were endless, there was no answer at all for the old woman to tell what she saw.

When the breeze blew the trees here, everything was calm, as if nothing had happened.

At this moment, Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan were still standing in front of the old woman.

"Um, old man, I'm sorry, I didn't want to start in front of the child! But there is no other way! Who told them to end without a burial place!"

"You, you actually killed them all! How is this possible! Are you gods sent from heaven!"

"Old man, don't think about it! It's better to tidy up your things. It seems that they still have some food on them! In addition, you can use these horses, even if you don’t know how to ride! You can also use them for two. A horse!"

"This, this, thank you girl Yuyan! It seems that the sky is endless! Children, hurry up, come here to thank Xie Engong's life-saving grace!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan used thunderous means, an instant When the Twelve Big Capricorn masters were killed, they were also "siege" by the old woman.

Although there were only a dozen people, they were very embarrassed to kneel around Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan.

It took about a quarter of an hour before everyone's emotions eased. And Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan also helped them clean up the battlefield. Except for the corpses of the dead strongmen, the rest of the usable things were taken away by the poor people.

With these extra food, they are also full of confidence in continuing to flee south.

"Old man, you shouldn't encounter any danger this time, as long as you go southward! Remember, when you get there, you will take out the manuscript of this young man when you meet someone. Someone will help you then. of!"

"Thank you, Mr. Rufeng! I used to be an old lady and I didn’t know what a real person! Now it seems that you two are magical people sent from heaven! Old lady, I understand, don’t worry, this time, we will go well. Arrived in the land of Huayu!"

"Okay! I believe you will be safe and smooth! However, we still have important matters to deal with, so we won't be here with you!"

"Yes, right, right, Young Master Rufeng and Girl Yuyan must be people who do great things. If there is nothing else, please continue on your way!"

"Okay, then let's not live here. I hope the elderly can have a good life! Girl, let's go too! Let the elderly take care of the matters here!" While talking, Jin Shangyu at the moment also took two out of the forest. A tall horse.

The next moment, the two also turned on their horses and quickly disappeared into the mountains.

Here, how does the old woman deal with the follow-up matters and lead this group of people to the south. Let alone talk about Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan at this moment, because they have solved the poor people's affairs, the two are in a good mood. .

"Girl, your tactics are still quite powerful! Even with this young man!"

"Jin Shangyu, you just want to talk! If it wasn't for fear that they would jump the wall and hurt the old woman, this girl would be too lazy!"

"It turned out to be like this! Okay! Even if this matter is over, we should go to their camp to take a look! After all, should we see if we catch up!" After the brief conversation, Jin Shangyu also speeded up his walk. speed.

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