I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2737: Jieren Camp (5)

Accompanied by the night, with light steps, a pair of young men and women quickly walked through the Jieren camp.

The reason why he didn't make any stay was because Jin Shangyu at this moment had already discovered the area where the Jie people concentrated their gunpowder.

"Girl, you have to get tired for a while! After all, they burned their firearms a little lighter!"

"You, you don't mean to burn their people together!"

"That's not it! After all, these firearms are also difficult to achieve such a big goal! But it is still possible to burn their food! In addition, there is also a special area in the northwest corner, where the people may be their recent The strong man caught here!"

"What, I actually found them! Then, what shall we do! Can't be saved!"

"Why don't you save it! Since we have encountered it, it is their good fortune! When it comes, don't move, the gunpowder here is very strong, and if you accidentally burn it, it will burn yourself!" At one point, it was relatively rough. Before the camp, Jin Shangyu also slowly stopped.

Here, Jin Shangyu brought Murong Yuyan and wanted to burn the Jie people camp, but at this moment, the voice of arrogant laughter came from the big account of the Jie people center.

"Hahaha, you guys have also heard that Liu Kun actually put the supplies here! It seems that God helped me too! Come on, let's study how to launch a surprise attack!"

"If we go back to the commander, we will finally think that we don't need to worry! After all, the twelve of them are still quite powerful! If they are as an assault force, they can still solve big problems!"

"Oh, you're right! Why didn't you think about it! Come here, let's wait here this time! You guys still don't bring the wine and food! This commander wants to drink with you until dawn! "

"Yes, yes, you must have a good drink! As long as they catch those guys back, we can go! The earliest tomorrow night is when things happen! Liu Kun, your anger is ready to face Murong's family Let vent!" For a while, within the Jie people's camp, the arrogant laughter also appeared one after another, which made people very puzzled.

However, at this moment, a person trot in again from outside the camp, but when he saw that person arched his hand straight to the person in the middle seat, he spoke loudly.

"Master Commander, the future is too late, please forgive me Master Commander and generals!"

"It's okay, just come here! You, you seem to be out for errands! I don't know how the situation is over there!"

"If you go back to the commander! Our temporary defensive formation is not too far behind! Those guys are a bit tricky! Everyday they clamor for us to let them go! If it wasn't for the end to use their family as a bargaining chip, I'm afraid They have rioted long ago!"

"Oh, there are such things happening! But, after all, we don't have their family members either!"

"No, but they don't know the base number! What to do! Now that the defensive positions have been built, it is better to kill them all! There will be no night long dreams!"

"No, it's not the time yet! After all, we are going to launch a surprise attack tomorrow night! By then this will be our best position to block and chase the enemy!"

"It turns out that it is! That's good! Let them live a few more days! Come, come, the commanding lord of the end will have a drink!" While talking, the general who had just entered the camp also toasted and drank.

In the following time, there was also a group of laughter in the central camp of the Jie people. Not only was an altar of spirits drunk by the generals of the Jie people, but the sound of laughter also covered the sound of night insects around.

But the Twelve Jie Ren masters they were waiting for did not appear.


At ten in the middle of the night, the leader of the Jie people who had been drinking for three rounds also had some emotional changes. But seeing that he slightly shook the wine glass in his hand, he then cast his eyes on the door of the camp.

"Master Commander, are you worried again? Don't worry, since they have found those guys, they can definitely bring them back alive! Of course, maybe they don't want to catch alive, it's possible to kill them directly!"

"Yes, right, right, don't you need to worry, Master Commander! Anyway, there is still some time before dawn! Come on, let's drink two glasses!"

"Fine, don't drink anymore! This commander always has a bad feeling! It is said that they have the combat power of the deadman level, even if they don't have the super deadman combat power, they will not be affected by a group of old, weak, sick people. Hold on! Unless, unless they are in trouble!"

"My lord, don't scare yourself! After all, there will be new news after a while! It's not known!" For a while, when the Jie leader was a little worried, the generals around him did their best. Persuaded as much as possible.

After all, they are already drinking very happily, if it is delayed because of something, I am afraid some people are not too happy.

However, at this moment, another person came in outside the camp. Not only did the person not ask for a drink, but he was still crying.

"That's not good! Lord Commander, just now, our people discovered a big problem!"

"What's the big problem, don't tell me directly! Do you want to die in a hurry!"

"The villain dare not! Just now, when our team of guards wanted to replace the previous sergeant, they couldn't find each other!"

"What are you talking about, I couldn't find the patrol sent by us!"

"Exactly! What is even more shocking is that they actually found their bodies in a bush!" At the end, the informant fell to his knees in the middle of the camp with a plop.

After hearing such news, the entire camp became extremely silent. Because everyone will think about it a little bit and know that something big has happened!

"This, this! You all heard it too! So, the twelve of them might have died!"

"The leader of the analysis is extremely good! If you guessed right, now there are enemies lurking in around our camp!"

"This, this! Come here! The whole army is assembled, if the enemy is not found tonight, it will not be finished!"

"Yes! I'm waiting for my order!"

"Report, report commander! The big thing is not good! The firearms we stored together have already been burned! And?" During the speech, because the atmosphere in the entire camp was tense, the sergeant who came to report the news started to choke up.

"You, do you want to die! Tell me everything you know! Otherwise you have to die!"

"Return to the commander! And our food has been set ablaze! Now the entire barracks are in a mess!"

"This, this! Yeah! It's been hot outside for half a day! Come on! Come out with this commander to fight the fire!" For a while, when two whispering sergeants made unfavorable news one after another, it was said The middle-aged Capricorn man who leads the adults also stood up directly.

The reason why he had such a violent reaction was because the fire outside the camp had already explained everything.

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