I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2742: Top ten masters!

In Yuwen City, in a very sophisticated discussion hall, the generals' expressions were a bit ugly, after all, they still had some difficulty in guessing Li Yin's thoughts.

But for some things, they still had to ask questions.

"This, this, my lord, what if it is tracked down from above!"

"What do you know, what will be checked on the top, is it because we want to eat a Jin Jun, they will chase us down! No way, they are too happy to be too late! Just go ahead and get ready!" , Without waiting for the generals to say anything, Li Yin also slowly walked towards the back hall.

By the time the generals were a little bit confused about the current situation, but because of Li Yin's unique weird temper, the generals finally slowly withdrew from the conference hall.

At this moment, in the back hall of the palace, in the main residence of Li Yin, a group of people were whispering about something.

"I don't know how the adults are studying with them! If there really is a war, we will have to be busy for a while!"

"Is it necessary to talk about it! It doesn't matter if you don't fight! It's just that this time it may be a tough battle! It is said that Jin Junzhong's master is very powerful!"

"Brother, you just have poor mental quality! What are you afraid of! You don't know our strength! Besides, when they come here, we have the geographical advantage! At that time, as long as the adults give orders, the commander Jin Jun will undoubtedly die !"

"Oh, what makes you so happy that you are so careless!"

"This, this, it turns out that the lord is back! I can't wait! If there is an order, please let me know!"

"Okay, you are all your own, sit down! Now is the time to start you guys!" Although the voice is not loud at the moment, but in a small living room, none of the ten middle-aged men Dare to say more.

In this way, with the appearance of Li Yin, the top ten middle-aged men who had just laughed continuously turned into silent people who didn't say a word.

"What do you mean! What I said just now is full of joy, why are you dumb now! Let's talk, what do you guys think! After all, the war is in sight!"

"This, this, I am so kind to the adults! I am willing to die! No matter what the adults command, our brothers will fight with all their strength!"

"Okay, don't die at every turn, fight! In fact, this time you are my back-hand method! Let's not hide it from you, I just received the latest military intelligence in the conference hall! Jin Jun really wants to Do it to us! And the person in charge is my old acquaintance Ling Yun!"

"Ling Yun! Your lord refers to Ling Yun, the former commander of the Forbidden Army!"

"It's him! Why, you also know something about him!"

"This, this, let's not hide it from your lord, we knew his details back then. This person is not only outstanding in military command, but also a guy with super deadly skills! Now think about it, if he leads the army to fight, we It's really difficult to get rid of him!"

"Really! It seems that you are very self-aware! However, all of your ten guys have the power to surpass the super killer! Why don't you dare to do it against him!" For a while, Li Yin reported the name of Lingyun After they came out, the ten people were also a little worried.

But when they saw that Li Yin's expression was a little dark, they didn't dare to say anything more.

However, at this moment, another person slowly entered the small living room.

"My lord, there was a letter from above!"


"Oh, so fast! It seems that their news is also very good! Let's talk, what news are they coming from!"

"In response to your lord, the above is an oral message! The general idea is to ask us not to lose Yuwen City! Moreover, no soldiers will be sent to help out!"

"Hahaha, it's really interesting! The deity didn't mean to let them divide their troops to help! Well, if that's the case, then proceed according to the original plan! Jin Shangyu, didn't you send Lingyun over to test! I just let you do it! There is no return of the army! At that time, the deity will want to see if you dare to come over!" For a while, just after Li Yin heard the new news, he also showed a very strange smile.

However, in the following time, Li Yin also returned to his calm expression again. After all, he knew his opponent was not a simple character.

"Ten of you guys, they were considered to be great figures in the Central Plains region back then! Now following the deity, you are also wronged!"

"I can't wait! I've already received the kindness of the adults! How dare I be willing to do anything else! Since Jin Jun has committed the crime, please let the adults give orders! No matter who the opponent is, we will do our best !"

"Okay! I'm here to thank you from Yin Xian! In fact, the task is also very simple, that is, don't start with Ling Yun!"

"What! Your lord, why did you give such an order! Even if Ling Yun is powerful, but our brothers join hands, he has no chance of winning!"

"Hahaha, you still think too much! This deity does not let you move Lingyun, because your target is Jin Jun's generals above the rank of minor commanders! At that time, even if Lingyun's combat power is shocking, he will be a lonely man. !" While speaking, Li Yin actually showed a very strange smile at this moment.

At this moment, the top ten middle-aged men can be regarded as understanding Li Yin's thoughts. After looking at each other, a touch of formidable aura is also rising in the small living room.

Here, Li Yin is already ready to deal with Ling Yun's army, but at this moment Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan have come to a relatively unfamiliar woodland!

"Mother, you girl, how do you look so desolate here! According to the current season, it should be full of greenery!"

"Jin Shangyu, don't move around. If this girl doesn't guess wrong, this place should be on the edge of desert, so this is the situation!"

"The edge of the desert, isn't it possible! According to the records on the map, the Tuoba Xianbei tribe only lives in the north! How could there be deserts!"

"This, this is hard to say! Let's go, as long as you walk a little longer, with your perception of Mr. Jin, you should be able to see some new scenery!"

"That's right, let's go!" For a while, because they didn't figure out where the scene was, they also continued to walk north along the edge of the woodland.

One day, when the twilight slowly fell, Jin Shangyu became a little excited for the first time.

"Prince Jin, it's not that I found something!"

"Yes, yes, girl, you are so right, you actually saw the residential area! I don't know where it is!"

"This, it's hard to say! If your sense of direction is right, we should have entered the area controlled by the Tuoba Xianbei Tribe! I just don't know who owns the control right now!"

"Girl, you mean that this place may have been controlled by the Jie people's army!"

"Forget it! Since there are people, let's go and see it tonight! It's better than sleeping in the open air!"

"Beauty, can't you justify a little bit! On the way, you, the northern lady, are sleeping in tents! Until this young man has been using the ground as a bed and using heaven as a blanket!" Jin Shangyu also accelerated his walking speed.

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