I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 553: The idea of ​​the Di people!

The dark night is still there, but today's night in the imperial capital is destined to be an extraordinary night. Not only a brief conflict broke out in Jin's Mansion, but also a scene of tracking and anti-tracking was staged in this bustling street.

"Mother, no, this guy seems to have found Lao Tzu! Otherwise, he won't be able to hold his breath! It seems that Lao Tzu is going to hold his breath further!" At one point, Jin Shangyu discovered that his tracking was discovered by others. , He also quickly improved his hiding ability.

However, at this moment, Yu Qili suddenly stopped, and three figures shot from him.

"It's you! Why do you look like this!"

"My lord, it's not good! They, they actually have strong men standing there!"

"What is strong but not strong! You are the three brothers who are proud of your physical fitness. How can you be defeated by one blow! No, your left hand!" At the end, Yu Qili's eyes fell on those three brothers. Above his left arm.

"Mother, I just let you play, but I didn't expect to lose all of my left hand! Brat, if you do this, who else wants to patronize our house in the future!" When the three oncoming people communicated, Jin Shangyu also clearly saw the changes of the three.

"My lord, you must go there, saying nothing can make him feel better!"

"Shut up! This son has already said that he is only allowed to inquire, no action! You waited but didn't listen to my words! Now know that there is a sky outside the sky!"

"Yes, but it's just a small mansion. We just want to take away a few people, so we can ask the surname Jin!"

"You dare to speak wildly! Can't you use your brains! People will let us know this news, shall we do it! God knows who this Jin Shangyu is! In short, today's affairs, so far, nothing in the future? No one can act without authorization from my son's orders! Otherwise, cut!" At the end, Yu Qili also showed a strong sense of confidence.

However, in the face of Yu Qili in rage, the three of them wanted to say something, but in the end they didn't say anything, but followed Yu Qili silently.

"My mother, what a rainy day, you changed your plan temporarily! Worth it, since you have retired because of difficulties, you can be considered a sensible person! Then I will let you go temporarily!" From a distance, seeing Yu Qili walking towards the same direction with the injured three brothers, Jin Shangyu also muttered in his heart.

Of course, because tonight’s goal is the Di people, Jin Shangyu is still far behind.

However, this time, Mr. Jin can intuitively know that Yu Qili should not be able to find someone behind him.

In this way, as time passed a little bit, Yu Qili also slowly walked into the "Qin Shi Inn" with the injured three brothers!

"Mother, it's called Qinshi Inn! This is too that! This great Qin Dynasty has long been destroyed, why is there still people thinking about it like this! No, there is a Qin word in it, it is impossible, this inn itself is 氐A stronghold of people!" After thinking of the key points, Jin Shangyu also shivered fiercely in his heart!

After all, if it is really like what Mr. Jin analyzed, I am afraid that there is more than one foreign stronghold in this imperial capital.

In this way, in order to better understand the attitude of the Di people towards Jin Shangyu, Jin also sneaked into the Qin Shi Inn very carefully.

Speaking of which, the area of ​​this inn is really big, not only has guest rooms, but also has a small detached house where you live.


And that Yu Qili and others went to the small house.

"Mother, it seems that Lao Tzu's guess is not wrong. This store is really a stronghold for people from the Di clan! Good! Good! Lao Tzu can not intervene how you want to play, but there is one thing that won’t work, unless you want to play. Lao Tzu's idea!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu had already arrived at the top of the small building.

Here, through strong perception, Jin can almost control any disturbance here in his palm.

However, just when Jin Shangyu was in control, the people in the small building also started a dialogue mode.

"The son is back! How are things going!"

"Worried Old Yang! But fortunately, nothing major happened!"

"My lord, our three brothers have all become like this, how can they say that no major incident has happened!"

"You guys have disobeyed this son's order! If you don't kill you, you are already taking care of you! You dare to talk gibberish and die!"

"That, your lord is right! We dare not!" Seeing that Yu Qili suddenly seemed to have changed people, the three of them dared to say anything, they turned around and left in shock.

"My son! What's the matter with them!"

"Old Yang! Actually, I was walking a quarter of an hour late because of something, but during this time, the three of them actually attacked others! And they were defeated! Look at their injuries, the other party should He is a super killer, if you want to take their lives, I am afraid it will be a matter of minutes!"

"The son means that there is a strongman guarding Jin's mansion!"

"Forget it!" At the end, Yu Qili let out a sigh of relief.

"Mother, what a king of dead men! This blow knocked out their arrogance, good thing, it's really an exciting good thing!" At a certain moment, I saw these two people like Ben Lei. Jin was also secretly happy in his heart.

After all, his commander Jin Jun can have such a deterrent, how could Jin Shangyu, the boss, be unhappy!

However, when Mr. Jin was secretly happy, the person known as Old Yang also said again: "My son, forget it this time! In fact, I said before that he released the news, himself. I just want to use our strength to destroy that Jin Shangyu! Since the emperor himself can’t move to him, he must be unique! So, let’s wait, maybe in the Celestial Competition, Jin Shangyu’s true strength is Will be exposed!"

"Lao Yang is still analyzing it! Next, I know what to do! It's just that, for that land, do we really give up!"

"No, no! In fact, this piece of land may be the bait thrown by the emperor! We don't have to fight with it for life and death! Besides, we are not at all strength here! As long as the time is right, what kind of territory we are No! Why do you become a target for that piece of land!" At the end, the man named Old Yang also gave a weird smile.

"Mother, it seems that this old guy is not easy! He can see the problem so thoroughly! Old Yang, I remember you!" I wanted to inquire a little bit more, but after hearing the conversation between the two, Jin also knew that there was no point in listening any more.

Therefore, Jin Shangyu did not stay, but showed off his body, like a breeze, flying slowly, and he left this Qinshi Inn not too long!

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