I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 560: Go home!

In the winter, the imperial capital Luoyang, although with a little bit of chill, is really not as cold as the northern winter!

"Big brother, the news is over, and it's time for the younger brother to go back. After a long time, it is estimated that those guys will be suspicious again! However, during this period, I just don't know if Ben Lei has made any progress!"

"Smelly boy! You ask me about this kind of thing, who am I asking! If you want to know if he has made progress, you can find him and learn from each other and you will know everything!"

"Competition! I won't compete with him after chasing the wind! I used to pester him to compete, but now it's better, I will practice with me whenever I have time! I don't want to be his sparring partner!"

"I don't want to! I'm afraid I can't take advantage of it, so I feel upset!"

"You! You guy, you said that! Forget it, I will leave the job of training for that boy Benlei to you, Mr. Jin!" Seeing Jin Shangyu push Benlei in front of him, the chase is also Said angrily.

Of course, anger returns to anger, but chasing the wind still understands the overall situation. For this, Jin Shangyu also sees it.

"Well, you guys talked a lot just now, and it's time for me to say a few words every time Luoyun!"

"Oh, what do you say! When will you not be allowed to speak! It's not your kid who wants to go to Ben Lei for a while!"

"Boss, how is this possible! Actually, brother, I just want to see what the boss will be if you meet Ben Lei!" At the end, Luo Yun was a little embarrassed.

After all, his suggestion directly pushed Jin to the front desk.

"Boy, these are your thoughts! I'm sorry, your brother, I won't let you get what you want!"

"No, I said the boss, it's not you who are afraid of him too!"

"Is it true? Well, even if your boss is afraid of him, this time you are satisfied!" Seeing that Feng Luo Yun still used the method, Jin also played a rogue.

In this way, because the brothers are very knowledgeable, there is no scruples in speaking. Of course, such exchanges have also unknowingly enhanced mutual understanding and trust, and the brotherhood is even stronger!

However, in the end, Jin Shangyu still did not decide to return to the imperial capital immediately. Instead, he watched the commander of the wind and left the royal farm alone!

"Boss, you really don't worry about going back!"

"What anxious! When that day comes, we will definitely go to the theater! Don't worry, brother!"

"Well, when the time comes, the younger brother will wait for the older brother to take it along!" After the figure chasing the wind disappeared a little bit, Feng Luoyun and Jin Shangyu also communicated in a low voice.

Of course, time passed a little while waiting like this.

One day, while the sergeants of the Royal Farm were still working, Jin Shangyu was also discussing something with Feng Luoyun.

"Luo Yun, according to the previously set date, tomorrow is the time for the ceremony! It seems we should start too!"

"Big brother, brother, I can't wait! I really want to see what level those masters are!"

"Smelly boy, if you think carefully, I don’t know! You’re just a handyman! But this time, no matter how strong you are, there’s no time for you to show off your skills! After all, you’re not going to have a good place. A strong man!"

"Really, I had already forced the eldest brother to form a team! But, forget it, in fact, Lingyun and the others teamed up, it is equivalent to us teamed up!" At the end of the day, Luo Yun also returned to normal. .


"Oh, this kid is really a player! I'm afraid that ordinary people are not his opponents! Even Ben Lei wants to challenge him, you can imagine how strong he is!" After feeling the emotional change in Feng Luoyun, Jin Shangyu It was also muttering in his heart.

In this way, because the ceremony of sacrificing the heavens was coming soon, Jin Shangyu and Feng Luoyun and the others packed up and prepared to return to the imperial capital city.

Of course, this time you must bring Ran Yuyang and Duan Yunyan. After all, this task of preparing for farming has been completed a long time ago, and there is no big meaning to staying on.

"Brother Yu, in fact, it's really nice here! The environment is quiet, and the most important thing is that you can often relax!"

"Really! It seems that the two beauties still like it better! It's okay, maybe next year, we will come here to work again! At that time, you should not be bored!"

"Don't worry, Brother Yu, as long as you are, we will go wherever you are!" Seeing Jin Shangyu's words like this, the two women also answered together. Of course, a sense of warm affection also floated out.

This situation and this situation also made Feng Luoyun very embarrassed by the side, but fortunately Hu Bi'er came over at this time, and this somewhat embarrassing situation was solved.

"Bi'er, you are all packed! That's all!"

"My son, that's all!"

"Okay, leave it to me! You just need to ride a good horse!" As he spoke, Luo Yun also took the package in Hu Bier's hand.

In this way, because everyone doesn't want to ride a carriage, it's easy to think of everyone alone and one horse.

Although the official road is not as smooth as the highways of modern society, it is still good, and it has no good intentions. A group of people walked on horseback, talking and laughing along the way, and the scenery on both sides of the road also flew backwards from time to time.

"Wow, that's great! I haven't felt this way for a long time! Sister Yuyi, come, hurry up, it doesn't matter, just grab the reins!"

"Don't, don't be too fast! It's good to be able to keep up with the team! Yunyan, slow down!"

"Don't worry! With our eldest son here, you just want to fall down, it will be difficult! Say yes, Lord Jin!"

"What the beauty says is what!" Seeing Duan Yunyan's speech at this time, Jin also answered very witty.

Of course, this is not only the interaction between Jin Shangyu and the beautiful woman, but also when they meet Luoyun and Hu Bier, they also love me and I am very free and easy!

"My son, hurry up! Look, let's target the tree above!"

"Bi'er, you actually have this kind of equestrian skills, you are really amazing! It seems that the girl who grows up in the prairie has one more skill than the Central Plains!"

"The son is joking! In fact, every woman has her own characteristics!" At the end, Hu Bier's face also showed a touch of crimson.

"Brother Yu, look, now Bier is like two people from before, not only confident, but also talking! It seems that love will change a person!"

"Yeah! I didn't expect this to happen! Lovers are destined to be rewarded! The same is true for us!" Seeing that Duan Yunyan was very happy with Hu Bier's change, Jin Shangyu also expressed his own opinions.

However, after listening to Jin's comment, Duan Damei didn't answer immediately, she just stared at a man and a woman in the distance, that was Feng Luoyun and Hu Bi'er.

"Yun Yan, this time you should rest assured! Now that Bier has found her happiness, you should let go!"

"Yeah! In the future, I really have to let go! It seems it's time to send this girl out!" While muttering to herself, Duan Yunyan's eyes also rolled down two rows of clear tears.

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