I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 825: Changes in the North (1)

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In the imperial capital city, in the Fengyun Palace, the atmosphere became very strange...

Nothing else, just because Jin Shangyu said something vaguely. And these hidden messages will be precious to Queen Jananfeng, and may be life-saving.

"Well, sister, thank you! I'll take care of these things! However, sometimes it's not good to be hasty!"

"Yes, yes! What my sister said! These situations seem to be accidental, but they are inevitable! Only the queen sister can always notice, I believe nothing big will happen! When it comes to the True Dragon Palace, I don’t know what my sister is. How did you plan!"

"Boy, dare to ask even this kind of question now!"

"Actually, it's the right time for you to ask! You have seen it before that he hides murderous intent everywhere, and even cultivates some forces! However, you also know that I am not the kind of person who is passively beaten! So, he has become now A real lonely family!"

"It turned out to be like this! It seems that Shang Yu thought too much!" I wanted to ask a few more questions, but after hearing the words of Queen Jian Nanfeng above the Phoenix Seat, Jin Shangyu knew that there was no need to ask any more.

In fact, both parties know that what Jin Shangyu wants to know is not the strength of the current queen Sima Zhong. What Jin wants to know is how the lofty Jian Nanfeng is going to deal with Sima Zhong.

But such a question, after all, is too straightforward. To put it bluntly, if it is used by someone with a heart, just this sentence can already push you out of beheading.

Of course, with Jin Shangyu's ability now. In other words, in the heart of Queen Jananfeng, this kind of result will not happen.

"Why, why don't you talk anymore! I'm angry! Because my sister is prevarication from you!"

"No, no! Just thought of something!"

"What do you think! Don't lie to your sister! Actually, I didn't mean to perfuse you just now! In fact, his situation is really lonely now! Don't say that Ling Yun is his henchman!"

"Mother, no! You bastard, you know everything! It seems that it's really not easy to do!" At a certain moment, the queen Jia Nanfeng, who was above the phoenix seat, said something like this. At the time, Jin was also stunned on the spot.

After all, Ling Yun’s identity is too important. If someone else pulls out, I’m afraid Jin will lose more than just a few people. Maybe the entire "Jin Jun" will be hit hard.

However, now, the queen Jananfeng was able to know Ling Yun's identity. This can't help but shock Jin Shangyu!

"Boy, won't it scare you again!"

"Don't worry! I know it myself, not even that Jia Mi! It doesn't matter who he is, as long as it's not against me, it's fine!"

"Well, it seems that the younger brother has underestimated the platform of my sister! That's right, how can my sister leave it to the True Dragon Palace like this important position of the Forbidden Army commander! Thank you Queen Sister for her hard work!"

"Good! You know good or bad! However, the current situation has reached a point! Especially the situation in the north is getting chaotic day by day! Maybe tomorrow, or soon, the Xianbei Yuwen Department will no longer exist!"

"This, this is not necessarily true! Although that Jia Mi said so! Of course, Queen Sister also has her own intelligence network! However, from the younger brother's point of view, this north will still be a chaotic situation, but any party wants to annex the other. One side, at least in a short time is impossible!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also showed a strong sense of confidence.

Faced with Jin Shangyu's remarks, Queen Jananfeng frowned, her expression obviously changed.

"Why? Isn't the Queen sister not very convinced of the younger brother's remarks! In fact, some things may not always develop in the desired direction!"


"Okay, it seems that my sister is underestimating you! It turns out that you really do something in the north! It is not as simple as it seems! In fact, this is a good thing! My sister should be happy for you!"

"Thank you Queen Sister! It seems that after today's conversation, we really don't have too many secrets!"

"Yeah! Since there is nothing to talk about! It is late at night, you should go back first! Don't worry, you have heard it just now. I have done my best for Li Zhao's matter! As for whether he did it, just I can see it later! After all, no one knows if there is a stronger force behind us!"

"That, little brother understands! Good night sister!"

"Good night!" That's a good word! "

"Not bad! If it sounds good! Change to good night from now on! Let's go!" While talking, Jin Shangyu's figure was already sneaking out of Fengyun Palace quickly.

Here Jin Shangyu got up and walked out of the palace, and at this time, there was already a masked person in Jin Shangyu's palace.

"Who are you! Why did you break into our house! Why don't you report your name quickly! Otherwise, you know the consequences!"

"Master, I'm quite cautious! It's me!"

"Luo Yun! Why did you come here in the middle of the night! What happened! Why do you have to cover your face!"

"Um, father, I won't tell you more! The boss is not! Isn't he going to bed? If he didn't sleep, he should have appeared long ago!"

"Well, he, he is not here!" At a certain moment, Wen Shuo, the old housekeeper in the small courtyard of Jin's Mansion, said slowly.

The visitor was really no one else, but Feng Luoyun, the guard general of the Royal Farm.

Maybe it was because I saw that Jin Shangyu was not in the mansion, maybe it was for some other reason. In short, after the old man Wen Shuo told the fact that Jin was not at home, Luo Yun laughed and entered the main hall of the Jin mansion.

"Luo Yun! What's the matter with you! Could it be that someone attacked the farmyard!"

"No, no, actually, it's something else!"

"Okay! If that's the case, then, then you can wait here for a while! He has been out for a long time! He should be back soon!" As he spoke, the old man Wen Shuo also stepped out of the living room, leaving only Feng Luo. Yun sat alone in the living room.

In fact, this can't blame Old Man Wenshuo, because if he is still here, he will be embarrassed when he meets Luoyun. Because it was obvious that Luo Yun wanted to meet Jin Shangyu and talk about it!

Of course, time slipped by in such a small embarrassment.

At a certain moment, when Luo Yun was very boring, there were not too many footsteps in the small courtyard of the Jin Mansion.

"Boss, why did you come back! I really made my brother wait!"

"Oh, it turned out to be Grand Master Luo Yun! What brought you here! Let's talk! What's the matter! We must come personally!"

"No, I said the boss! People came over to send a letter in the middle of the night! You didn't have a word of gratitude, it was like this! It's really sad!"

"Okay! Brat, you don't know what's going on anymore! Tell me what happened!" When Luo Yun had to deal with himself, Jin also said slowly. .

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