I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 930: Jia Mi disappeared!

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In other words, just after Li Zhao entered the Jin's mansion, the old man Wen Shuo accompanied him, but he did not sit down. Maybe he wanted to be more humble in front of outsiders!

However, who is Jin Shangyu, how could he not see Wen Shuo's mind, so he said the above words.

"Well, look, this time it's all the old man's, isn't it! I forgot Old Man Wen aside!"

"Master Li is joking! The old man is a subordinate of Jin Mansion, so how dare he advance and retreat together with the adults!"

"Well, old man, let's just say it, Li Zhao is our own person! Actually you know it before! But Shang Yu said again, although Mr. Wen is my housekeeper, he is even more of my elder!" In the end, Jin Shangyu's expression became thicker.

When Na Wenshuo and Li Zhao saw Jin Shangyu like this, they were a little embarrassed. They looked at each other and smiled at each other.

"You girl, you should have been like this a long time ago, one pretends to be someone, the other dare not speak! If this continues, how can Laozi's big business develop!" It is not a momentary intention to feel the sincerity of these two, and Jin Shangyu also Secretly thinking in my heart.

After all, these two people are really indispensable to Jin Shangyu.

"Well, Shang Yu! It seems that I was a little rude to my brother today! However, even if this matter is over, I will get along well with Wen Shuo in the future!"

"Master Li joked! Actually, it was the old man's fault!"

"Okay! Okay! It's the best that you two can do this! But you can't be too humble! Let's talk about the disappeared Jia Mi!" At a certain moment, after Wen Shuo and Li Zhao showed their greatest sincerity, Jin Shangyu also turned the topic to business.

"Shang Yu, let the old man analyze it. It is possible that Jia Mi has hidden heavy soldiers in a certain location, or built a super base!"

"Well, Mr. Wen, you are right! But this possibility is extremely low! After all, who has soldiers in this big Jin Dynasty, and who has the sphere of influence! Almost all are transparent! Although Jia Mi walks step by step It’s weird, but it won’t happen!” After listening to Wen Shuo’s analysis, Li Zhao also expressed his views.

However, at this time, Jin Shangyu didn't speak much, just listened quietly, sometimes nodding, sometimes inserting a small sentence.

"Shang Yu! You haven't spoken for a long time! Have you thought of any good countermeasures!"

"Yeah! The two of us are fine, why don't you seem to have much energy!"

"That, I'm sorry! I just did some analysis! This Jia Mi should be more complicated! Now that he disappears, let him disappear! As long as he has ambitions, sooner or later he will show up! However, The top priority is still Simalun! Now, as soon as he succeeds, he has lost the main character! It is estimated that there will not be a few dead soldiers secretly sent."


"Yeah! This Smalun, if it is really like our analysis, he would really do it! Forget it, let's brake it quietly! As long as his Smalun acts, it proves that our previous analysis is correct. !" After listening to Jin Shangyu's analysis, Li Zhao also said with a slight smile.

In this way, the three people also talked for a long time because they had to analyze the current situation and had to make some necessary preparations.

Here, Jin Shangyu and others are comprehensively analyzing the changes in the political situation. At this time, the Zhao Wang Mansion has long lost the strong and festive atmosphere of the past, and some are hysterical and angry!

"Asshole! Rubbish, you are all rubbish! Even a woman in a cage can't stand it! You say, who on earth was she rescued by him!"

"The prince calmed down! Didn't they just say! There is no clue, as if they disappeared out of thin air! This, what this shows, shows that the opponent is too weird! So you should forgive them!"

"Rao, you can spare you a few, but if you want to live up to the responsibility, you will leave the gate of the palace! It's impossible, come here! Push the three of them out and hit fifty big boards again! Every board must be hit. , If you dare to fake it, then you don't have to come back!" At a certain moment, in a living room of the Zhao Palace, Sima Lun, the king of Zhao, who was above the throne, also showed a touch of cruelty.

The three generals who were kneeling in the lower position were full of horror. Had it not been for the old man standing next to Zhao Wang Simalun to wink from time to time, it is estimated that these three generals would have shouted for mercy!

"Well, prince, since it's a 50th board! That's right! Then, let the old man come to monitor it!"

"Okay, ancient! How can you do these things with your identity! Let's do it like this, let's play twenty boards!"

"The old man thanked the prince! You guys can't go down to lead the fight! Do you still want to wait for the one hundred boards! Besides, the prince was only dissatisfied with your behavior just now, but overall, it is already out of law. ! I hope you all can do it for yourself!"

"Yes, yes! This is the end! Thank you for not killing!" Seeing the old man in front of him begging for himself like this, the three generals were also extremely grateful.

In this way, when it was not too much time, only Zhao Wang Simalun and the person called ancient were left in the entire small living room.

"Old, they are all gone! Let's talk now! Our plan can be said to be done in one go, there is no flaw at all, why at this most critical moment, we lost Janannan! This, what is going on? !"

"The prince is not anxious! This matter is really strange! However, it is unrealistic to say that there is no clue! Didn't the three of them just say that the four people at the scene were all killed by the same sword! What does this mean? The opponent's body is extremely fast, otherwise it would be impossible to kill four people in a row at the same time!"

"Yeah! The four people are said to have good physiques, but they are all dead! It seems that this Jananfeng really has a back hand! However, this king just doesn't understand, she has already become the next one. Prisoner, why did those people save him! This, this is not in line with common sense!" At a certain moment, after listening to the ancient analysis, Zhao Wang Simalun also fell into a kind of hesitation.

However, when Zhao Wang Simalun was a little overwhelmed, the ancient surnamed old man also said again: "The prince does not need to worry! With your current power, as long as you don't tell the person in the True Dragon Palace, I believe no one I don’t know about this! As for Jananfeng, it’s already a blessing to be able to survive, so how could he show up on his own initiative!"

"Oh, if you don’t talk about ancient times, this king hasn’t thought of this section yet. It seems that we are right to postpone the report! If that’s the case, then I assume that Jananfeng is still in Jinyong City! Anyway, there is no intention of this king, who I won’t go there to check it out! Hahaha, Jananfeng, since you shouldn’t be dead, then let me let you live a few more days! One day, you will know how great this king is!" When the words of the old man with the ancient surname just fell, the Zhao Wang Simalun also showed an unscrupulous look.

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