I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 947: New Deal ceremony!

In the imperial capital city, in the imperial palace, in a large square-like ground, more than a hundred ministers and workers are standing.

However, just in front of them was a high platform, on which stood a person impressively. That person was not someone else, and it was Sima Lun, the king of Zhao, who is now in power.

"Li Zhao, it seems that you are also a person who knows current affairs! That's right! Well, sirs, do you have any other opinions!"

"My lord, when is this, waiting for those to do anything! Even if they have opinions, they don't dare to mention it!"

"That's right! But you, Li Zhao, do have some changes! Well, today Wang Feng aims to carry out this New Deal promotion ceremony! In fact, there is nothing, just want to clarify the rewards and punishments! You can never say nothing, nothing. Don't talk about it!" At the end of the talk, Zhao Wang Simalun also slowly cast his eyes on the ministers and workers under the high platform.

However, in the face of Zhao Wang's strong behavior, as Li Zhao said, no one dared to make any comments. Of course, there are still some quiet discussions.

"What, there is even a reward and punishment! Then, does that mean that those who do not cooperate with the New Deal will be punished! Fortunately, I have been very cooperative these days! Otherwise, I really don't know what to do!"

"Look at your little courage. People are talking about big ones. Even if we pay more taxes, how much can we get! Besides, we don't even have a soldier. Don't worry, it has nothing to do with our brothers!"

"This, it's hard to say! Maybe the prince is going to catch a few adventurous people today!" At a certain moment, after Zhao Wang Simalun on the high platform said today's theme, the whole crowd was also whispering Of the discussion.

However, just when everyone didn’t know how to express their ideas, Simalun also said again: "Okay! Okay! It seems that you all agree! Let’s talk about rewards first! According to Long Live Lord’s oracle, Rewards for those who take the initiative to pay taxes, and those who provide more soldiers, rewards!"

"My lord, don't tell me one by one! Let's just say who to reward!"

"It seems that Master Li thinks ahead! Okay, then, the king will talk about the best official with the New Deal in the past few days! He, he is the Dongan King!"

"What, it turned out to be him!"

"Really, I heard that the royal palace didn't want to pay it at first, but later it was the tax and silver that Dongan King ordered to pay! It turned out that people had known that there were rewards for a long time!"

"Yeah! It seems that our brothers don’t know anything! However, I don’t know what the imperial court will reward!" At a certain moment, when Sima Lun said that the rewarded person was the Dongan King Sima Yao. The ministers once again entered the situation of whispering.

However, without staying for too long this time, Sima Lun, the king of Zhao, spoke on the stage.

"Because King Dong'an has done a good job in cooperating with the New Deal, Your Majesty has already made an order to upgrade King Dong'an's official position, and there will be a lot of rewards! I will not mention them all here! Of course, if there is a reward, there will be a penalty! I don't know what you think. Who should be punished!"

"My lord, what are you doing? How will I know later! After all, you are implementing the New Deal these days! Let's just say it, save everyone having to worry about it!"

"Li Zhao, this king likes your character more and more! In fact, the person who should be punished is Feng Luoyun from the Royal Farm!"

"Feng Luoyun! Oh, it turned out to be him, a young man! Excuse me, Lord, why did he offend you!"


"Master Li is joking! He is not offending this king, he is fighting the New Deal! You may still know everything. Just a few days ago, we sent many waves of people to the Royal Farm to collect taxes and silver to transfer military power! But you guys! Guess what, this guy named Feng Luoyun couldn't pay a penny, and he injured our officials who implemented the New Deal! You said, such a person should not be punished!" In the end, the same goes for Zhao Wang Simalun. There was a strong killing air.

However, in the face of such a topic, although the monarchs and ministers in the audience were very surprised, this time, they did not immediately express their opinions. After all, with the current situation, anyone with a little thought knows that this royal farm is not an ordinary place. To put it bluntly, he really is like the back garden of the True Dragon Palace.

This time, perhaps he encountered resistance, so Zhao Wang Simalun was also a little unhappy, and the whole person was slowly pacing on the high platform.

At a certain moment, when everyone had no reaction, Li Zhao still spoke. After all, he had to speak about the Royal Farm.

"Master, I don't know where you are referring to the Royal Farm!"

"Li Zhao, don't mess around! Of course it is the Royal Farm outside the Imperial City!"

"Oh, it's really there! The official doesn't know why the prince can still manage the royal place! It's the number one wonder in the world!"

"Li Zhao, what do you want! This New Deal applies to everything, of course, including there!" Feeling Li Zhao's deliberate embarrassment, Zhao Wang Simalun's tone became increasingly cold.

However, Li Zhao was originally against it, how could he be frightened by the other party!

"My lord, the New Deal is nothing more than tax collection and military power for the Royal Farm! But these two are owned by the Lord Long live, how do we take it! You know, the Royal Farm itself guarantees the food security of the palace, and The sergeants there are even royals, no different from the guards of the palace! Just ask, should we implement the New Deal in such a place!"

"Yeah! Lord Li's words are not unreasonable! But, forget it, let's stop talking nonsense, and be careful to speak out!"

"Yes, yes, let's leave it alone, let Li Zhao talk nonsense by himself" I felt that the atmosphere was not normal, and the officials were not talking, but their eyes did not leave Zhao Wang Simalun at all times.

"Li Zhao, you are sophistry! Do you know that the reason why this king promoted the New Deal is what Long Live Lord meant! Now that some military forces are included, it is to gather power for Long Live Lord! Is this king done wrong! That's right! If you dare to talk nonsense, don't blame this king for being polite!

"Good, good! You are the prince! The next official is not to say it!" After feeling the emotional change of Simalun, Li Zhao really didn't say much.

Of course, in the face of Li Zhao like this, maybe Zhao Wang Simalun did not expect that for a while, he really didn't know what to do!

In the end, if it weren't for the old surname standing in the crowd, he really didn't know what to do.

"Well, okay, if that's the case, then I will announce the result of the punishment! This king has asked Long Live Lord for instructions. Starting today, Feng Luoyun's salary will be reduced by two-thirds and used for tax payment. In addition, the Royal Farm The command of three thousand sergeants must be handed over within ten days!"

"Look at it, I know it won't end well if you are right against the prince! Now even Li Zhao dare not speak! It seems that this court has already reached the point where a family dominates!"

"Forget it, let everything follow, don't talk nonsense! Maybe in a few years, everything here will change!" At a certain moment, after Zhao Wang Simalun announced the punishment of the Royal Farm, the whole crowd was also instantaneous I was restless.

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