I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 966: Sister Jiufeng!

In the Royal Farm, inside the Central Army’s tent, there was constant chatter and laughter, but the topic that everyone paid most attention to was Jia Nanfeng’s new name.

"Zhen Jiufeng, what a good name! Then, my younger brother will call you Sister Jiufeng from now on!"

"Smelly boy, do you need to talk about it! Scream, there will be no Janan wind in the future, only I, Zhen Jiufeng!"

"Since the sister is so happy, it seems that the younger brother still has some credit, but I just don't know what the sister plans to do in the future!"

"Oh, Shang Yu, you want to say something! Let's talk! We are all our own! Besides, my life after Zhen Jiufeng will follow you! I'm afraid you will dislike me!"

"How is it possible! But my sister is really amazing, I thought of the front! Let me put it straight, in fact, the younger brother wants my sister to live in Jinjiazhai, after all, it is relatively safe there! Here, although within a short time There may not be anything wrong, but in the long run, no one will keep it, they will come again!"

"Jinjiazhai! It's a good place! It seems that your little beauties are there!"

"Look at what you said, they just took a look at it!" At a certain moment, it was in Jiananfeng. No, she should be called Zhen Jiufeng. Just when she had a slight mood swing, Jin was also a little embarrassed.

However, in the face of the current situation, Jin Shangyu still insisted on sending Zhen Jiufeng, the former queen Jananfeng, to Jinjiazhai for shelter.

"Um, sister, in fact, my little brother understands your thoughts! But it's too unsafe here!"

"Well, Shang Yumo said this matter, my sister has decided! Although I am no longer the one I used to be, my sister wants to see you succeed! Rest assured, after this battle, they will no longer doubt this place! And I do too. A new name! I believe time will forget everything!"

"This, this, that's fine, since my sister thinks so, Shang Yu won't force it anymore! Then, let's stay here! Luo Yun, Feihu, you should know what to do!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu felt Zhen Jiufeng At the time of his decisiveness, he also pushed the topic to Feng Luoyun and Murong Feihu. After all, in this royal farm, only the two of them would protect the former queen Jananfeng.

In this way, because of Zhen Jiufeng's persistence, Jin Shangyu finally agreed with her point of view.

Of course, in order to better protect Zhen Jiufeng, the former Jia Nanfeng, the entire farm has been mobilized. That is to give out Zhen Jiufeng's name, whose identity is Jin Shangyu's cousin.

How does the farm sergeant adapt to the new changes brought about by the new name, not to mention it, just talk about the imperial city at this time.

The imperial capital city under the cold wind seemed to be particularly deserted. Because of the winter, the bustling streets became deserted.

Of course, there is another place that is lively, even noisy. That place is the Zhao Wangfu where everyone is afraid.

"Let's talk about it, what's the situation! It's been a few days, but you guys just came back! Did you really find anything!"

"Return to the prince! Actually, since we went to the Royal Farm, the six of us have been divided into two groups to detect information. Of course, in order not to attract their attention, we also found some pure ordinary people to go there!"

auzw.com "Okay, serious business! This king doesn't want to hear stories here! Do you understand!"

"Understood, I really understand! Actually, just today, we started to search the farmyard!"

"Enter the farm to search! It's up to the six of you! How could this be possible! After all, Luoyun is not a fuel-efficient lamp! Otherwise, will this king return without success!" At the end, that king Zhao Simalun also showed a touch of cruelty.

It is not difficult to see from his expression that he still hates Luo Yun. After all, the high-profile leaving that time, the low-key return still made him very shameless.

"Yes, yes! What the prince taught! However, this time, the six of us took the approach of arguing! First, the three of us led Feng Luoyun out, and then, the old slave and the other two broke into their Chinese army's tent. The reason why we did not go to other camps is because we have already tried it before, and it should be only the Chinese army’s big account that has the most problems!"

"Oh, it turned out to be using this method! Well, then you have to talk about it, do you see Jananfeng?"

"No, this is really nothing! However, with the help of the two younger brothers, the old slave still scored into the army account, and finally saw two women in one of its small ear accounts!"

"What, you got it!"

"No! What the old slave wants to say is that through field inspections, there is no trace of Janan Feng in the farm!" At the end, the old man dared not say any more. After all, because his level of expression is somewhat problematic, this one is superior. The prince of Wang is already on the verge of an outbreak.

However, in such a small embarrassment, the old surnamed old man who had not spoken also came to the front desk with a smile.

"The prince is relieved! Actually, the six of them have done a good job! However, the old man wants to know how you escaped!"

"Old! In fact, this time is more dangerous. After all, Feng Luoyun is really a super expert! If it weren't for the little old man to throw the dagger out, I'm afraid it would be really hard to get out!"

"Oh, it turned out to be this trick again! It seems that in these two actions, you have used unique tricks, and the other party has also been tricked!"

"Forget it! However, the little old man shouldn't have suffered any serious damage when he watched him fall to the ground! After all, his body is too weird!" Feeling that there is something in the old words, the black-clothed old man is also weak and weak. One sentence.

However, after hearing such an explanation, the old man surnamed Gu did not continue to ask, but said softly, "Master, it seems that this royal farm is not easy! Even if Jananfeng is not there, they are not objects we can despise!"

"Yeah! Actually, the people in Jin Yongcheng are all to blame for the current situation. How could they have been ashamed if they hadn't been messing around! It's good now! She still has a vital talisman on her body! Really angry! The king is dead! Jia Nanfeng, Jia Nanfeng, if you fall into the hands of this king, you will definitely die!" At a certain moment, when Zhao Wang Simalun knew that there would be no more news of Jia Nanfeng in the Royal Farm, he was also The furious mode is activated.

For a while, everyone including the old surname did not make any noise, and they were silently watching the changes in Simalun's situation.

In a short while, when Zhao Wang Simalun's mood improved slightly, one person also stepped forward and said softly, "The prince calms down! The minister thought that the current situation is not all against us! Think about it! Today's dynasty! In, who would dare to do it right with us!"

"Well, Sun Xiu, this king knows what you mean! But the power of the army of the north camp is not what you can imagine! Forget it, the search for Jia Nanfeng will not produce results overnight, you guys Listen well, the next target is Jingu Garden! I hope you can find useful information as soon as possible!" As he spoke, Sima Lun, the King of Zhao, also showed a cruel and unpredictable color.


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