The classes for the little wizards were not stressful. Unlike Louis' previous life, each class at Hogwarts only lasted thirty minutes.

After the theory, it’s time for practice. Professor McGonagall waved her wand and distributed a match to each little wizard.

"In this class, students will try to turn this match into a needle." She said, picked up the wand in her hand, and said to the students: "The transformation spell does not require specific gestures, but it requires a strong feeling in your heart. The wish…Vera Verto!”

Professor McGonagall raised her wand and turned the bird on the table into a beautiful crystal goblet.

"Okay." She waved her hand and turned the goblet back into a bird, and said to everyone in the audience: "Let's start practicing. The first student who successfully turns a match into a needle will get extra points."

Just like the teacher in the previous life, Professor McGonagall walked around the edges of everyone's seats to check the students' practice results when they were practicing transfiguration.

As soon as Louis picked up the wand, he felt two blade-like eyes focusing on the match in front of him. He turned around and saw Professor McGonagall's sharp eyes scratching his face through the glasses.

His heart trembled slightly, but why has he never seen such a big scene in his life? "Professor." He nodded slightly, turned his head, picked up the wand, and concentrated on building a model of the embroidery needle in his mind. Then, he pointed at the match in front of him and shouted: "Vera Verto!"

As Louis finished speaking, the color of the match gradually changed, as if melting, turning into a pool of semi-melted liquid, and then instantly reformed into a silver embroidery needle.

"Mountbatten performed very well. He successfully turned a match into a needle on the first try... Then, ten points for Slytherin." Professor McGonagall's eyes gradually softened and she smiled for the first time.

"Yeah!" There was a burst of cheers from the Slytherin seats, with Malfoy shouting the loudest.

"Quiet." Professor McGonagall instantly became serious, and under her influence, the classroom became quiet again.

Louis was a little confused. He obviously only had a talent of three in transfiguration, so why did he learn things so quickly?

"Congratulations on learning the magic spell: the Transformation Charm."

"*Tip, due to your talent for transformation, each time you successfully use the transformation spell, you only gain 1 proficiency point. The required maximum proficiency is increased by ten times, the required magic power is doubled, the casting time is doubled, and the maximum skill is Level 5."

Transformation Spell: Current Level 1 (1/1000)

Mana required: 4

Casting distance: 30 yards

Casting time: 3.0 seconds

Skill introduction: Transform the target into any form.

After checking the introduction of the Transformation Spell, Louis couldn't help but secretly complained. It turns out that there are only 3 talents waiting here... It seems that learning the spell is the easiest. The difficulty lies in the advancement of the spell...

In order to conceal himself from others, Louis carried a thermos cup with him - it was too scary to create drinking water out of thin air, but this way he could keep a low profile.

While drinking the cool magic glacier water, he spent the rest of the time practicing the transformation spell. Professor McGonagall kept nodding and worried about whether the child would have an overdraft of magic power.

But looking at Lewis's energetic little face, she became unsure again.

Could it be that this kid is a freak?

At this time, Professor McGonagall had long forgotten the unpleasantness she had with Louis, and now her mind was filled with love for this "talented" and diligent student.

After teaching at Hogwarts for so many years, this was the second time she saw a genius who worked so hard.

Then, she turned her attention to the classmates in her college who were thinking about life, and a sour feeling arose in her heart.

Yes, she remembered that the Sorting Hat was supposed to sort Mr. Mountbatten into Gryffindor. Ah... Mr. Mountbatten was supposed to be the glory of Gryffindor.

Damn hat!

With that in mind, get out of class time soon came. Besides Louis, there was only one Hermione who turned a match into a pointy head.

Professor McGonagall might be very happy if there was no Louis, but now Professor McGonagall is worried about what she thinks.

It was still very early before the next class, so Louis was not in a hurry to go back to his dormitory, but chose to practice the transformation spell in the auditorium.

At lunch, Harry and Ron joined him again.

"You were so cool in class today." Ron's words were full of excitement, and Harry answered without stopping: "Yeah, ha... you must have some tricks, can you teach us?"

"Of course." Louis didn't mind sharing his experience with his good friends. It happened that he also wanted to ask Harry and Ron for help. Just as he was about to speak, he heard a joking voice.

"Hey, isn't this our little brother?" A red-haired head popped up on Ron's left side.

"I heard that a remarkable person appeared in the Transfiguration class today." Another red head came out from Harry's right side. The two heads looked at each other. The head next to Ron said: "Slytherin's genius. .”

"The savior of Gryffindor." The head next to Harry chuckled.

"You actually make friends with our stupid brother." The two heads turned to Ron and joked with a smile: "People say that stupid people are blessed with stupid things, is this true?"

"George! Fred!" Ron's face turned red. The two brothers' teasing in front of his good friends made him very embarrassed.

"Brothers are joking with you, good boy." The twins smiled and stroked Ron's head, then looked at Louis. The one on the left said, "Hello, I'm George."

"I'm Fred." This is the one on the right.

Louis saw the flash of banter in the eyes of the two people, and he knew that the twins with bad taste were playing tricks again. So he greeted the one on the left with a smile: "Hello, Fred." Then he looked to the right: "Hello, George."

"Ha! The genius was also deceived by us." Fred said with a smile: "You are very clever, Mr. Genius, but we just deliberately lured you into the bait. In fact - we did not lie."

"Yes, we didn't lie." After George said this, he looked at Fred and stretched out his hands to high-five in the air: "Yeah!"

Louis was dumbfounded. The Weasley twins were indeed masters of pranks, and they played tricks one after another. Good guy, I thought I was on the third floor, but I didn't expect that the twins were waiting for him on the fourth floor.

The old Thousand Layer Cake made Hema feel ashamed when he saw it.

"Since you are good friends with baby Ronnie, you are also good friends with the big brothers." The tone of the twins sounded very interesting, "This castle has no secrets in front of the great Weasley twins - oh yes , especially you, Mr. Mountbatten, you really surprised us."

"Just call me Louis." Louis drew closer to each other without leaving any trace.

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