I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 101 Night Banquet

Lucius Malfoy estimated the time and had already been waiting at the gate of the manor with his wife and son.

Logically speaking, Lucius should not wait for his son's classmates at the gate of the manor in person, but Louis' status is different. First of all, as a Duke, even if he is a Muggle, Lucius must pay three points of respect. This is different from pure It doesn't matter whether the blood is pure or not. This is a tacit understanding among the nobles. After all, Lucius's ancestor also had a Muggle title. Secondly, as the "future talkative in the magic world" whom he had bet on early, Louis still had to show his proper attitude.

Finally, it was Lucius's little thought to improve his impression in the mind of the future Demon King, who was not sure whether he was black or white.

He doesn't care whether Louis is black or white, he only cares about whether the Malfoy family can take advantage of the situation to move to the next level.

"Calculate the time, Louis should be here too." Draco looked at the magic watch on his wrist and said first.

Draco's mother, Narcissa, pursed her lips and chuckled, teasing: "I have never seen Draco care so much about any of his peers, but as a mother, I should really thank him for admonishing you."

After all, as a person from the Black family, she was still a little mean to Muggle-born people: "Well... he probably came by car. I don't think he kept any magical animals at home to pull the car. "

"Narcissa." Lucius reminded softly: "You are talking about our son's best friend and most respected classmate."

In fact, he thought the same thing as Narcissa. This was the so-called "pride" engraved in the bones of the old pure-blood families.

Just as he was thinking about reminding Louis that he should raise some magical animals to show off his appearance, but he was still struggling with how to say it in a way that would appear appropriate and polite without being sarcastic, Lucius heard something in the distance. There was a faint sound of bells.

"It seems like someone is ringing a bell?" Draco asked first.

Lucius frowned and said uncertainly: "I heard it too...but I don't remember where there are clocks around."

Just when the father and son were entangled, Narcissa suddenly pointed to the horizon in the distance and said, "Look over there, what is that?"

The two of them looked in the direction of Narcissa's finger. A small, bright dot kept getting closer, and its outline became clearer and clearer. The five elemental fat men were extremely conspicuous, especially the fire elemental Karl and the arcane elemental Harveys, which shone with orange-red and violet light and looked extremely hot.

"It's a carriage." Draco said first, and then he said uncertainly: "It can't be Louis, can it?"

"Probably not..." Narcissa was also a little unsure, and there was one thing she didn't say, which was that no matter how rich the Muggle royal family was, it would be impossible for them to come up with such a magical and mysterious thing, right?

The bell kept ringing, and along with the vibration of the bell body, circles of ripples visible to the naked eye swayed in the air and gradually spread to all directions. Wherever the ripples reach, there is peace and tranquility.

Narcissa and Draco were bathed in the sound of the bells, and they had the rare feeling that the noise of the world was washed away from their hearts. Even Lucius, the dark mark that had been causing trouble on his arm recently and was about to move, began to return honestly. Silence.

Before he could feel the bells carefully, the extremely gorgeous carriage was already approaching, and the five burly elemental fat men pulling the carriage all brought a visual impact to the Malfoy family.

Then, the closed car door opened, and a tall maid wearing a black and white maid uniform walked out. She got out of the car, first took out a brocade pier from somewhere and put it under the car door, and then whispered something. Then she saw Louis walking out of the carriage, followed closely by Catherine in a black dress.

The two of them had just changed into formal clothes in the dressing room on the carriage, and it was Athelia who reminded them.

Draco tensed up excitedly and wanted to say hello, but Lucius secretly suppressed him.

"Good evening, Your Highness, madam." Lucius bowed formally as a gentleman.

Louis did not stop his movement. He waited until Lucius straightened up and then said with a smile: "You're welcome. Draco and I go to Hogwarts together, and we are good friends in the same dormitory. I should call you Lucius." Uncle Si is the one.

"Don't dare, don't dare." Lucius smiled and greeted Narcissa and Draco. After the two parties exchanged polite greetings, Lucius asked again: "Your Highness, the five in your carriage... um... …What should I feed?”

He thought for a long time but couldn't think of an adjective.

"You mean these five elemental bodies, right?" Lewis looked at the five fat men: "They can get energy from the air, just find a spacious place for them to rest."

"Okay." Lucius turned around and said softly: "Dobby?"

An elf suddenly stumbled out and looked at Lucius with fear and respect.

"Take His Highness' carriage and these elemental bodies to a spacious place behind the manor," he ordered.

"Yes." Dobby replied respectfully, glanced at Louis, and murmured in a low voice: "His Royal Highness Louis is his friend...ah...his friend."

Lucius thought that the "him" Dobby meant was Draco, so there was nothing to worry about.

But now he couldn't even imagine that Dobby was actually talking about Harry Potter.

Lewis glanced at Dobby and said nothing.

He didn't plan to say anything more. In his last life, whether he was reading the original novel or watching the movie, he actually liked Dobby quite a bit.

But in this life... putting himself in his shoes, he sadly discovered that he had no reason to like a servant who betrayed his master, no matter how sufficient and legitimate his reasons were.

Maybe that's why the butt has changed.

How did Humphrey say that? I'm talking about my position, not the facts.

Of course, it has nothing to do with right or wrong.

"Please." Lucius made a gesture of invitation.

"Please." Louis also gave in politely, and finally the two of them walked into the gate of Malfoy Manor side by side.

The strength of the old pure-blood family cannot be underestimated. When passing through the exquisite wrought iron gate of the manor, there is an illusory feeling as if you are passing through smoke. The entire manor is dignified and grand. Surrounding the mansion is a well-tended garden with an active fountain in the middle. Occasionally, you can see a few pure white peacocks pacing in the garden, looking leisurely and comfortable.

Lucius also knew that Lewis's family really had nothing to show off to him. Maybe his manor was much more luxurious than his own.

It is somewhat self-aware.

Entering the door of the Malfoy family mansion, Louis was slightly shocked by the extremely luxurious decoration inside. He was not shocked at how luxurious the house was, but he just felt that he seemed to have underestimated the pure-blood families who had spent hundreds of thousands of years. The foundation accumulated over the years.

There are portraits hanging on the walls on both sides of the large foyer, as well as some landscape oil paintings that are obviously painted by masters. The stone tiles on the ground were basically completely covered by gorgeous carpets, all of which showed the financial strength of the Malfoy family.

No wonder Voldemort likes to set up his headquarters here. With such a majestic mansion, it's strange that Voldemort doesn't keep an eye on it.

But Lewis was keenly aware of some traces of messiness. He did not point it out, but continued chatting with Lucius.

Ever since Louis came, Lucius has always had an attitude that is neither humble nor overbearing. He neither seems overly enthusiastic nor means to be distant, and he manages the distance well.

Louis also enjoyed this feeling. To be honest, he didn't like it if he was too familiar. Lucius' ability to grasp this distance made him very happy.

It would really turn him off if he used his relationship with Draco to appear overly enthusiastic.

Catherine was being pulled away by Narcissa, and Draco was looking at his father and Louis talking with longing, wondering when he would be so classy.

"Your Highness, please forgive my curiosity, can you tell me about your carriage?" Lucius finally couldn't help it. His heart was full of curiosity about those fat elementals who had never appeared in the magic world.

As a wizard, he can naturally feel the powerful power contained in the body of those fat guys with elements.

Louis called Athelia and asked her to explain it carefully to Lucius. By the way, he lied that it was left by his mother. After hearing this, Lucius said with some emotion: "You are indeed Miss Emma..."

Louis remained calm on his face, but he was complaining wildly in his heart, "How come a random person in the magic world knows my mother better than me?"

Why, this kind of abnormal thing is normal when it happens to her?

"I'm not very proficient in this method of controlling elemental servants." Louis said with a smile: "When I can control the elements like my mother, I will definitely select a few suitable and docile elemental creatures to give to Lucius. uncle."

"Thank you so much. Don't worry, Your Highness, the Malfoy family will never accept Your Highness's gift in vain." Lucius said wisely.

At this time, Narcissa discovered the crown on Catherine's head.

"Miss Worley, what you are wearing is...Ravenclaw's crown?" Narcissa asked with some uncertainty.

Catherine smiled slightly reservedly and said, "Yes, Aunt Narcissa, this is Louis' birthday gift to me."

After hearing Catherine's confirmation, Lucius's pupils shrank for a moment, and soon he returned to his normal expression.

But the change in his expression was noticed by Lewis.

The original book did not mention whether Lucius knew about Horcruxes, and there were different opinions about the diary. But now Lewis is almost certain that even if Lucius doesn't know about Horcruxes, he at least knows about Raven. Claw's diadem was vital to Voldemort.

After holding it in for a long time, Draco was finally able to speak, and he said excitedly: "I was there that day, Dad, and the noodles made by Tom are really delicious."

"I just know how to eat." Lucius scolded Draco in a low voice, then smiled apologetically at Louis and said, "I made you laugh, Your Highness, the dog is a bit too childish."

"I really like Draco like this. The reality of childhood will always gradually disappear as we grow older." Louis made a meaningful pun.

At this time, another house elf also came over to announce that dinner was ready. Lucius stood up and said with a smile: "Let's eat first, let's chat while eating."

Louis nodded in agreement. He had always thought that Dobby was the only elf in the Malfoy family. It seemed that he was wrong.

But if you think about it, you can tell that such a large mansion and manor cannot be taken care of by an elf like Dobby.

The dinner was served with French food. It seemed that traditional British pure-blood wizards were not intolerant of British cuisine.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the British food. Apart from being a little sour, a little smelly and a little salty, there is nothing wrong with it.

Since it was a small private dinner, the Malfoy family's long table was not lengthened. Under the guidance of the house elf, Louis sat on Lucius's right side.

This is the rule of the British dinner party. Generally speaking, the first guest of honor should sit on the right hand side of the male host. This will also make it easier for the two of them to talk about something, while the wife of the first guest of honor should sit on the right hand side of the hostess. .

Of course, if the hostess is hosting a banquet, the first guest of honor should sit next to the hostess.

Therefore, as Louis' girlfriend, Catherine sat next to Narcissa without hesitation.

Draco got his wish and sat next to Louis. He was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth for a long time. He chatted with Louis in a low voice about the recent situation, and even asked about Potter's news intentionally or unintentionally.

Louis was a little numb, could this kid really fall in love with Potter?

No way?

But thinking of Astoria Greengrass and little Scorpius, Louis felt relieved again.

This kid is definitely not, he just still has the lingering regret of not being friends with Potter.

I don’t know if Lewis is hypnotizing himself.

After the appetizers were eaten, the main course began to be served, and the content of the chat was no longer just polite politeness, but gradually got down to business as the main course was served.

Louis also specifically asked Krisstrasa to fetch moonberry juice from the carriage. She said that the carriage was magical in that it could supply unlimited moonberry juice from Azeroth, as long as it was purchased with gold coins.

After listening to Catherine talk about the effects of moonberry juice, Narcissa showed a visibly interested expression.

It's all pretense, there's not a trace of sincerity in it.

But after tasting the cup of moonberry juice, her attitude immediately changed and she became more interested in moonberry juice.

How do you say that? Don't look at the advertisements, look at the efficacy.

Moonberry juice is proving its value both in terms of its taste and its quick-acting effect. As the magic fruit of Azeroth, this thing is simply the best health product for mortals.

Perhaps only the bronze dragon dares to say that it can have an unlimited supply. After all, it can be stolen from various time points... I mean take it.

The two ladies were chatting enthusiastically, and the men were naturally not indifferent.

Lewis put down his knife and fork, picked up a napkin and wiped his lips, looked at Lucius and asked softly: "When I came in today, I saw a trace of mess outside. Have you encountered any trouble recently?"

Lucius smiled slightly awkwardly: "Recently, the Ministry of Magic is investigating items related to dark magic. As you know, I was once used the Imperius Curse by a mysterious man and was forced to become a Death Eater, so Malfoy The manor has naturally become the subject of raids by the Ministry of Magic."

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