I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 104 XX area cannot live without XX, just like the West cannot live without Jerusalem

When I went to Gringotts to withdraw money, I happened to see Hagrid.

"Harry, my God, why can't I see you and get lost again?" Hagrid's tone was very much like that of a male mother. His worried look coupled with his tall stature and big beard really made people laugh.

"Sorry, Hagrid, I was so crowded that I didn't know where to go." Harry scratched his head and apologized, then introduced Hagrid: "This is my good friend, Louis."

"Louis..." Hagrid's eyes immediately became moist. The sentimental giant sniffed and sighed: "Oh my God, you look almost exactly like Emma..."

"Do you know my mother?" Louis was used to everyone acting like he was very familiar with his mother, and now he was no longer surprised.

"My mother and I are very good friends, um, and Solanlian." When talking about Solanlian, he looked at Catherine and said hello: "Hello, Catherine."

"Hello, big man," Catherine responded with a smile.

"I have to say, your mother's cooking is delicious. None of the food at Hogwarts is suitable for me, except for those dishes full of chili peppers made by your mother." Hagrid's big face was full of nostalgia: "Si Professor Raghorn's potions class almost turned into a cooking class for her. Oh, and Severus, you should really ask your dean about the story when Emma taught him to use a crucible to cook meat slices. "

At this point, he seemed a little embarrassed and stopped talking.

"What's wrong Hagrid?" Harry asked concerned.

"Uh, um... there was a little unpleasantness between your father, James, and Louis' mother." Hagrid's big-mouthed personality was completely unable to hide the matter. He also realized this and sighed helplessly: "Okay, okay , your father James and Severus didn't deal with it, and went to find trouble with Severus while Emma was still there, and the result..."

"What happened?" Harry subconsciously ignored his father's trouble with Snape.

"Of course the result was that he was hung upside down, and Gryffindor was deducted twenty points by Professor McGonagall." Hagrid said helplessly.

Louis burst out laughing. This was very Professor McGonagall.

At this time, Miss Beaver's voice also sounded.

"Louis, Hagrid, Harry, Catherine!" She smiled happily and waved hello, her two bright big teeth flashing dazzlingly in the sun.

She ran up to several people like a gust of wind, first gave Hagrid a big beaver hug, and then hugged everyone in turn.

When it was Catherine's turn, she hesitated for a moment, but Catherine took the initiative to hug her.

"Little Beaver, your big teeth hit me!" Catherine whispered in her ear.

Hermione's face suddenly fell, and she snorted: "Huh, I won't pay attention to you!"

"What a kid." Catherine pursed her lips and chuckled, stroking Hermione's head.

It's furry and fluffy and feels great in the hand.

When the people behind Hermione also came forward, she walked over and pulled her parents, introducing them one by one: "Dad, mom, these are my best friends in school."

The Grangers are also very polite. As middle-class people in London, they can be regarded as wearing the Union Jack, and they are definitely different from those football hooligans.

They always felt that Louis looked familiar, but they couldn't remember him for a while.

"Louis Mountbatten, Hermione's friend." When it was his turn to introduce himself, the Grangers were really shocked.

"It's that...oh my God." The couple immediately became a little embarrassed.

Louis was quite eloquent, and he could put the Grangers' discomfort away in just a few words. Mr. Granger even dared to ask questions such as "Does your grandpa like fishing as the legend says?"

"Harry! Harry! God, I hope you only went through the wrong furnace door."

It was Mr. Weasley, flying in with the twins, Percy and Ron.

Running closer, he wiped his shiny forehead.

"Molly is going crazy...she'll be here with Ginny in a minute."

Mr. Weasley put his hand on Louis' shoulder and panted for a long time before he realized that he had picked up the wrong person.

He looked up, feeling dazed for a moment, and subconsciously asked, "Emma?"

Then he quickly reacted and held Louis' right hand: "Arthur Weasley, you must be Emma's son Louis. Ron talks about you to me every day."

"You know my mother too?" Louis was already tired.

"I know you, but she has a very good relationship with Molly." Arthur patted Louis on the shoulder: "I'm so happy to see you, good boy. Your Aunt Molly will be very happy to see you."

Just as he was talking, Mrs. Weasley came running from a distance, her bag swinging violently in her hand, and holding Ginny in her other hand. Coming closer, she let go of Ginny and touched Harry's little face: "Oh... Harry... dear..."

The violent running made her gasp and pant, and before she could say a few words, she saw Lewis.

"Oh my God, Louis!" Molly gave Louis a motherly hug: "The last time I saw you, you were this big." As she said that, her hand was half as long as her arm: "Oh, it's all strange. Your grandpa is that old stubborn man who won’t let us have contact with you no matter what he says. It’s really..."

"Grandpa is also trying to protect me, Aunt Molly." Louis said shyly.

"Yes, your grandpa really loves you." Molly pinched his little face and said, "He also has his own difficulties. I hope you don't blame him for his stubbornness."

"How could that be?" Louis chuckled.

"After you finish buying the books, come to Auntie's house as a guest. Auntie will prepare delicious food for you." Molly invited warmly, completely unaware that the eyes of her little daughter beside her were almost staring at Harry.

"Okay aunt, Ron always told me that the potato stew you made is delicious. Eating it with bread is the happiest thing in the world." At this point, Louis pulled Ron over and said nothing. The usually elegant and reserved look is a bit like an unruly child.

He put his arm around the back of Ron's neck, as if the two brothers were in good company.

"I've wanted to try it for a long time. God knows how hungry I was when Ron described it to me."

Ron looked at Louis and then at his mother. He didn't know what to say, he just smiled innocently.

Aunt Molly looked very excited. She held Louis' face with her hands and said happily: "I'll make delicious food for you tonight."

"Really? That's great." Louis chuckled and teased Catherine: "Aunt Molly, this is my girlfriend Catherine. See if my mother will like it."

Aunt Molly has a very maternal affinity, and Louis can't help but subconsciously want to get close to her. Now with him, he looks like a silly son showing off his girlfriend to his mother.

Even though he usually behaves very independently and indifferently, perhaps, subconsciously, he still longs for his mother's company.

"Hmm...she must be the eldest daughter of the Woley family. This child is so handsome." Aunt Molly looked at Catherine up and down and was extremely satisfied.

This was the first time that Catherine was introduced to others as his girlfriend by Louis in public. She was a little uncomfortable for a while, but she soon got into the role and had a great time chatting with Molly.

Louis looked over there, and Hermione was also introducing her parents to Arthur.

"Ha... you are Muggles! Sorry, Muggle is the name wizards use for people who don't know magic. It is not derogatory." He greeted and added, and now he extended a warm invitation: "We have to go there in a while Have a drink, um, I’ll buy it.”

Arthur is worthy of being a member of the Department for the Prohibition of Misuse of Muggle Articles. He is not generally interested in Muggle things. He is currently talkative and is having a lively chat with Mr. Granger.

Do you think Mr. Granger is not a chatterbox? How many dentists don’t know how to chat? Socially afraid dentists who don’t know how to chat have basically changed careers.

The two of them have met their opponents in chess and will meet a good talent.

"Okay, kids, you can go and have some free time first, and I'll go have a drink with Mr. Granger." Arthur turned to everyone and said, "See you in an hour."

The children's faces suddenly burst into smiles.

Immediately afterwards, Arthur dispersed their smiles with one word.

"Remember, you are not allowed to go to Knockturn Alley!"

"Know-know-la-" It was Gemini who took the lead in prolonging his tone. Louis found it interesting and also followed suit.

As a result, the twins were rewarded with a chestnut by Molly alone, and Louis received a pat on the head.

The twins snorted in unison.

Louis planned to take a stroll around, but he hadn't had the freedom to visit Diagon Alley yet.

Last time I came with Professor McGonagall and didn't even have time to look around.

Now, I don’t have to worry about shopping now, because I have Kristaza, a bag-carrying tool.

Christasa was carrying a light-colored small backpack on her arm. After Louis asked about it, he found out that it was a Big Mac backpack sold by Mel Francis.

The terrifying volume of twenty cubic meters is indeed a bit scary.

However, after shopping around for a long time, they still didn't find anything worth buying. Seeing that it was almost the agreed time, they started rushing to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore as agreed.

There were a lot of people crowded at the door of the bookstore, and a large banner was hung upstairs that read, "Gilderoy Lockhart's autobiography "Magical Me" is on sale for autographs, today from 12:30 to 16:30." "

"Wow! We can see him."

It was Hermione's voice, and her tone was full of excitement: "Oh, I, I looked at the book list for the beginning of school, and most of the books on Defense Against the Dark Arts were written by him."

Lewis snorted disdainfully in his heart.

Just a piece of shit looking for fame...

He did not realize at all that his anger towards Lockhart came entirely from the fact that he had stolen his Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

For no reason, he also felt a little resentful towards Lao Deng.

We must add some spices to Lao Deng’s candies! He thought viciously, his face a bit ferocious.

As soon as Catherine saw it, she knew what her little boyfriend was thinking. She hugged Louis in a funny way, lowered her head and whispered in his ear: "Professor Dumbledore can't help it. After all, the school is not his alone. He still wants to Follow the opinion of the school board.”

Louis' anger came and went quickly, especially when Catherine coaxed him like this, he really wasn't angry anymore.

Don't be angry, there will be no one to help you when you are so angry.

He leaned against Catherine and began to look at the crowd.

Most of the crowd seemed to be witches of Mrs. Weasley's age. It must be said that Lockhart was really the idol of middle-aged and elderly witches.

A tired-looking wizard stood at the door and said: "Ladies and gentlemen, please don't get excited and be careful about the books under your feet."

Louis and Catherine tried their best to get through the crowd. The long queue stretched from the bookstore to the outside. It was conservatively estimated that it could reach Ollivander's wand shop.

Gilderoy Lockhart was signing books and selling books in the store. Louis grabbed a copy of "Breaking with the Ghost" and ran to the team of the Granger family and the Weasley family.

"You're here, come here quickly." Aunt Molly greeted, and Louis and Catherine hurried over and stood in front of them.

Gradually, they came into sight of Gilderoy Lockhart, sitting behind a desk, surrounded by large photographs of himself, his face all winking at the crowd, flashing white teeth.

"What a human being." Louis curled his lips and complained to Catherine in a low voice: "He really should go to Hogwarts. Dumbledore is right. In this way, the oil lamp will no longer have to worry about running out of oil to burn. "

Catherine cooed and pinched Louis gently.

This kid's mouth is too bad.

"I remember that unscrupulous merchants among Muggles would sell oily fish as cod. After eating that kind of oily fish, oil would spray out of its butt for three or four days. I suspect that Lockhart's true form is that thing."

Louis looked at Lockhart again. He himself was wearing a robe as blue as the forget-me-not flowers, which matched his blue eyes. The pointed wizard hat was tilted playfully on his curly hair. Next to him, there stood a pretty lady with long black hair and straight hair. Louis always felt that she looked very familiar, but he just forgot where he had seen her before.

"It's an honor, it's an honor, everyone." Lockhart spoke, and a grumpy short man holding a large camera jumped up and down in front of him to take pictures. Every time the blinding lights flashed, a puff of purple smoke erupted from the camera.

Lockhart also stopped talking. He kept posing and smiling at the camera.

"Get out of the way!" the short man shouted to Ron, "This is for the Daily Prophet."

Finally, when the photo-taking stopped, Lockhart continued: "Welcome to my book signing. I feel honored. I am Gilderoy Lockhart. Thank you for your support."

As he spoke, he began to put on his classic smile with greasy and shiny teeth, as if he had brushed his teeth with a toothpaste.

"Oh, by the way, I'm very grateful to my sister for taking time out of her busy schedule to attend my book signing." Lockhart looked at the beautiful girl next to him and introduced to everyone: "This is my sister, Tifa. ·Lockhart!”

A thunderbolt flashed through Lewis's heart.

I'm super, why am I familiar?

Isn’t this Jerusalem?

There will be another one in a while

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