I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 120 There must be something wrong with everything

After passing through the hut opposite the door, the group of four came to the roof where human pus was entrenched.

The hideous and terrifying human ichor shocked them, but after a while Hermione found a way to crack it with fire attacks.

However, the Fat Brother and the Four Knights of Lothric they met were obviously not as smart as the ones Louis met. They always had a range to search for enemies, and would not continue to pursue them beyond a certain distance.

After a thorough discussion, the four of them did not go to the church to be trained by the dancers. Instead, they chose to turn right and go down to the seemingly open area.

The four of them were careful all the way. They were really frightened by Louis. They almost looked back every step and groped forward with a pause.

The open and square-like Wengcheng made them instinctively feel that something was wrong.

There was a huge door at the other end of the urn city, with a twisted and growing tree entangled in the middle. The four of them walked to this side and saw the open scenery outside through the gap in the door.

"It should be here." Hermione said, "If I guess correctly, our destination is behind this door."

She looked around worriedly, and when she saw nothing was wrong, she took out her wand and pointed it at the tree, preparing to burn it down with blazing flames.

"Hermione..." Ron's horrified voice rang in her ears. Hermione quickly turned her head, followed the direction of Ron's finger, and saw a dark mist emerging in front of the gate where they came from...

A shrill and deep beast roar came, and gradually, a thick arm protruded from the black mist, and the other arm was also lifted out, holding a huge blue war hammer.

With the dull pace of "dongdong", Bordeaux's strong beast body gradually appeared in everyone's eyes. The beast-shaped knight held an ice hammer, stared at the four people with his scarlet eyes, and let out a dull cry at them. roar.

"I don't think I'm as big as his arm," Ron stammered.

"You are overthinking. The four of you bundled together are not as thick as his arms." Louis complained leisurely outside the court, "By the way, defeat this 'Bordeaux of Cold Valley' and you can return to the real world. La……"

"Oh yes, I need to remind you that this beast-shaped knight is the worst leader-level enemy in this world..."

Harry looked at the hammer head in the beast-shaped knight's hand, which was bigger than his head, and swallowed.

Is this the most delicious thing?

Dumbledore sat leisurely on his seat, eating the chocolate frog in his hand comfortably, looking like he was watching the fun, not caring about the little thing in front of him at all.

Anyway, Louis said that he wouldn't be really hurt, right?

The four of them had no chance to complain. Bordeaux once again let out a beastly roar, rounded the sledgehammer and began to charge.

"One person occupies one corner, hurry up!" Hermione quickly commanded: "Let's try the four-corner strategy first. If it doesn't work, we'll think of another way!"

After saying that, she turned around and ran away, but within two steps, she heard Ron's exclamation.


Then she felt herself being pushed out by a force. When she turned around, she happened to see Ron being hit by the huge hammer. Like a golf ball being hit high, it drew an arc and flew away. Towards the distance.

"Ron! No!" Hermione forgot that they were in an illusion, and she was heartbroken at this moment.

But Bordeaux didn't give her any time to feel sad. Without even looking at Ron, who was knocked out of the urn, he brought up puffs of smoke and flew towards Hermione Pig.

The students outside the field were also sweating for them.

Only when you really face Bordeaux can you feel the sense of oppression. The cold air emanating from his mouth is like substance, and a thick layer of frost instantly forms on the ground.

Hermione didn't even bother to wipe her tears. She rolled around, dodged Bordeaux's attack, casually threw two crushing spells and hit Bordeaux on the butt, turned around and ran away without even looking.

That's called a neat move.

Harry and Draco also reacted quickly and began to attack Bordeaux with spells. It should be said that with the addition of the favor ring, at least their spell can cause damage to Bordeaux.

There is damage, but not much.

And Ron has been teleported outside the urn city. He looked at the door blocked by the condensed fog in front of him. He wanted to go in but was unable to do anything. He could only sit aside and listen to the bang inside! Boom! Snapped! the sound of.

After a while, a burst of light flashed and Draco was sent out.

"What a coincidence, you came out too." Ron said with some embarrassment.

Draco coughed twice and scratched the back of his head, pretending to be okay, but his tone was full of embarrassment: "Well, haha..."

Harry and Hermione were the only two people left in the urn. At this moment, Bordeaux suddenly stopped, leaned back and started howling to the sky. Hermione saw that something was wrong and quickly shouted to Harry: " Harry! Run! Pay attention to dodge!"

Harry didn't understand what was going on, so he just subconsciously started running. He didn't take two steps out when he heard a muffled sound from behind.

Bordeaux has entered the second stage.

Bordeaux, who was in the air, quickly turned his body like a fat beetle and aimed at Hermione in the distance. Like an angry rhinoceros, he was galloping with thunderous footsteps, like a crazy one, opening the acceleration scroll and shaking the earth. sacred cow.

Fortunately, Hermione reacted quickly and narrowly avoided the charge.

Bordeaux's huge body hit the solid city wall with a "dong" sound, and the city wall shook violently, even causing the earth to tremble.

After charging back and forth three times, Bordeaux stopped and began to spit ice mist in Harry's direction. Hermione seized the opportunity and fired a series of shattering spells at Bordeaux as if they were free of charge.

Bordeaux turned his head and was about to charge at Hermione, but Harry's wand flashed a burst of red light and hit him on the head with a bang.

"Expelliarmus! (Expelliarmus)"

Bordeaux was staggered. Seeing that the spell was effective, Harry cast the disarming spell again and accurately shot Bordeaux's head.

Bordeaux tilted his head and let out an unwilling roar. His body like a hill crashed to the ground, and gradually turned into wisps of white smoke and dissipated in the urn city.

Harry gasped and looked at Hermione with a silly smile. Hermione also had a smile on her little face and ran over and hugged Harry.

"We succeeded! We succeeded! Harry!" Hermione's eyes sparkled with tears.

At this time, the fog door gradually dissipated, and Ron and Draco walked in from the door.

When Hermione saw Ron walking in, she ran over like a swallow through the forest, but when she got to his side, she stopped and stretched out her hand unnaturally.

Ron did the same, awkwardly reaching out and holding Hermione's little hand.

"Thank you, Ron." Hermione smiled with relief. For a moment, she even thought that Ron really died to save her. Now that she saw Ron appearing, she felt relieved.

"Well, ahem, you don't need to thank me, eh." Ron winked and looked awkward: "I do it for our team, eh, after all, you are our brains."

Draco looked disgusted and glanced at Harry, only to find that Harry was also looking at him and pointed at Hermione. The two of them looked at each other and nodded, and a bad idea came up in their minds.

Draco kicked Ron in the butt and Harry pushed Hermione in the back.

Ron rushed over and hugged Hermione. The two were stunned for a while, and his little face turned red instantly.

"Uh, sorry." Ron hugged Hermione for a short while, and was awakened by the noise of "oh oh oh" from the students outside the venue, and quickly let go of his arm holding Hermione.

Louis also added fuel to the fire off the court: "Well, it seems that our warriors have also gained their own love, let us congratulate them."

"It's nice to be young," Dumbledore added.

Both of them blushed, and Hermione quickly said: "Let's see what the spoils are..."

"Who will open it?" The four people surrounding Guangtuan looked at each other.

"Ron, come on." Harry suggested: "Thanks to Ron, we can keep our..."

"Your brain." Draco said with disdain: "Stop talking, let Weasley do it. It's really... without Granger, you seem to have no IQ like a troll."

Ron's face flushed, but he still didn't refute Draco, after all, he was right.

They couldn't survive three hours without Hermione.

"I forgot to mention it," Lewis said: "The trophies of boss-level enemies cannot be copied, but everyone can randomly draw the same one... So, it's time to identify the color of your own hands!"

"You go ahead, Ron." Harry patted Ron on the shoulder.

Ron took a deep breath and stepped forward to touch the light ball.

A sudden sound startled him.

"Wow! Golden Legend!"

When he came back to his senses and looked at his hand, he found that it was a staff - almost as long as the original one.

"Magic Wand - Ashes of Bane." He read the introduction label: "Increases spell strength by 50%, increases spell casting speed by 20%, increases resistance to fire magic, greatly enhances the blazing spell, constant temperature...?"

He turned to the back of the manual: "Constant temperature... means that when carrying the wand, it can keep the surrounding area around the body at about 24 degrees Celsius..."

"This is amazing." Hermione said with envy.

"Ahem, stop showing off and let me touch it." Draco also moved forward and touched a handful of light balls, but only pulled out two huge spherical emeralds.

There isn't even an instruction manual.

Hermione laughed softly twice and stepped forward to touch the light ball.

She took out two small stones. One was painted with a drop of water with two horns, and the other was painted with something like a centipede.

"Rune Rune Ort, Rune Rune Sol?" Hermione remembered and had seen these two little things before when she was reading rune science books for fun.

It is said that the small stones of rune stones contain mysterious power, but...didn't it mean that the rune stones containing real power have disappeared long ago?

She put the rune in her pocket and planned to find time to ask Lewis for advice.

Finally it was Harry's turn. He reached in and touched a small oak barrel.

"A bucket of lemon juice... can make you feel happy after drinking it?" Harry read the small label and complained in his heart, how the hell does this make me happy?

Louis drew several black lines in his heart, these big black faces...

The things they touched could actually be copied into Lewis's warehouse!

Draco was very happy, after all, if he had someone to accompany him, he wouldn't look so black.

Don't be afraid of being special in everything.

"Okay, how long do you have to be in a daze? It's time for you guys to come out." Lewis reminded: "Go to the light door in front of you... and you can return to the real world."

With the loot in their arms, the four of them lined up through the light door and returned to the Room of Requirement one by one.

"It's a wonderful, wonderful adventure." Dumbledore was the first to stand up and applaud, setting the tone: "Especially Ron, at the critical moment of life and death, he has the courage that is incomparable to ordinary people, sacrificing himself to save others... I propose that for Ron How about thirty points to Gryffindor for Mr. Weasley's bravery, Professor?"

Old Bee's partiality is obvious, but Snape is not a hard worker, so it's hard for Louis to refute.

You've said that, what else can I do?

He pretended to be happy and said with a smile: "Of course, no problem, Professor."

After saying that, he was wondering in his mind whether he should go to fight Snape at night and find an opportunity to deduct the thirty points back.

"That's it for today's Defense Against the Dark Arts course... Of course, don't leave in a hurry, there are still a lot of things that haven't been discussed."

Louis tapped his fingers on the podium and said: "Your adventures in the future will not take up the time of the Defense Against Dark Arts class. This time it is just to give you a demonstration so that you can understand the benefits of taking risks."

"Also, let me announce one more thing. Every day after class at nine o'clock in the morning, and every day after class at three o'clock in the afternoon, we will gather at the flying class venue... We will run as a group to exercise."

"You have also seen that without a strong body, there is no way to deal with such a dangerous mirror world."

Having said this, Lewis looked at Dumbledore: "Your Excellency, what do you think?"

"Oh? Oh." Dumbledore stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Of course, I have no objection. If possible, I would even like to extend the group running activity to the entire school."

Hengzhong people's ecstasy series.

Of course, he didn't say anything about extending the Mirror World to schools. After all, this was the benefit of Louis' own classroom. As the principal, he couldn't wait to start the competition between the two - he had long thought of kicking Lockhart away, and letting him teach in the school was just due to the requirements of the Ministry of Magic.

Lewis smiled back at Dumbledore and continued: "It should be noted that there are conditions for challenging the mirror world. You should remember the credit guidelines I announced before. Each person can only participate in the mirror world twice a month. World Challenge, and requires thirty credits each time.”

"That's it for the basics. Okay, get out of class is over."

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