I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 122 Xiaolu wants to bully Catherine

Brother Xun's words are right, Siris people always compromise.

But what he said was actually a bit biased. In fact, not only the Seris people, but everyone in the world likes to compromise.

Perhaps it can be said that the nature of human beings is a compromise between repeaters and pigeons.

Of course, the great law of true fragrance is indispensable.

Just like at the negotiation table, if you are the first to put forward your psychological bottom line, it will not be accepted. However, if you come up to the lion and ask for a condition that the other party cannot accept, and then slowly lower the requirements, The other party will have a clear sense of gap, and perhaps what you get is higher than what you expected.

The same principle applies when you're buying something. For example, if you want to get a two-hundred-yuan item for $12, you can cut it down to fifty-yuan, and then slowly bargain with him.

Take today's example again. If Louis came up and made his own request, Catherine would not agree to it at all. But he first made a request that Catherine would never accept, and then used Vitali, a competitor, to make insinuations. Catherine, who was distracted, would definitely be taken advantage of by the cunning Louis.

This is the routine, Louis’ thousand-layer routine.

It’s an old Thousand Layer Cake, but good children must not learn from it.

In addition, Louis doesn’t think this is PUA. For example, if you are a little bear, Louis says your bear is too small. This is a statement; Louis says that you are a little bear and should undergo surgery to enlarge it. This is a suggestion; Louis said Your bear is too small. If others don't like it, but he likes it. This is PUA.

But if Louis says that he only likes Xiong Xiao, then this is completely a lie.

Therefore, Lewis advises you not to just learn a word and then use it, otherwise it will appear that you have bitten off more than you can chew.

Catherine was obviously anxious, and she blurted out: "No! You are not allowed to go to Vitaly!"

"Then you won't help me, and you won't let me go find Vitaly. This makes me very embarrassed..." Louis, the little scumbag, spread his hands, looking helpless.

"You...!" Catherine was so anxious that she didn't say anything for a long time. She was fighting with heaven and man in her heart. After a long while, she bit her lip and said, "Just this once! Don't push the envelope too far!"

"Okay, okay, okay, okay!" Louis promised happily, but he muttered secretly in his heart, it's not up to you what you want to do in the future...

Catherine's training went on as scheduled. As for Louis' small conditions, that would have to wait until he gets home for Christmas.

After all, Louis also considered that this kind of thing would not have a good impact on the school.

Well, let’s talk about this kind of thing at home...

If Professor McGonagall were to catch him, it would not be a matter of simply saying "the impact would be extremely bad".

After sending Catherine away, Louis took out his diary and continued to train... No, he was teasing Tom Riddle.

That is Voldemort.

As for why he called him by his full name, it was because he didn't want to confuse Tom with Tom.

Yes, cats and people.

"The weather is good today, quite windy and sunny." Louis wrote in his diary.

"Can you not write everything in the diary?" the diary replied.

Louis drew a pig's head in his diary and wrote: "Because I think you look like a pig's head. By the way, you don't believe that, do you?"

"I only believe in myself." The diary replied.

"This is your fault." Louis drew a few circles and then drew a Union Jack flag: "If the people have faith, the country will have strength, and our nation will have hope."

Louis' Chicken Soup for the Soul had no effect. The diary obviously had a scornful attitude, and even the handwriting became messy: "But what does this have to do with me being a diary?"

"Oh, yes, I forgot that you are just a diary." Louis smacked his lips: "I heard that Filch, the squib in school, seemed to be short of paper in the toilet recently. Why don't you give yourself a hard time?"

The diary was silent for a moment, and the handwriting imitated Louis' Hengshui style very neatly: "I'm sorry."

He added: "Sir, please tell me something about the people's beliefs."

Louis took his mentor's books and began to instill chicken soup for the soul into young Tom.

He obviously listened to it, otherwise he wouldn't have been having a heated discussion about class issues with Louis while he was copying the article.

"Have you ever heard of Voldemort?" Louis said suddenly.

"I've heard of it, but I'm not familiar with it," the diary replied.

"What would you do if you were Voldemort?" Louis wrote in his diary.

"What if I were Voldemort?" The diary murmured in his heart, can you remove the if, I am Voldemort, Voldemort is me...

But he didn't dare to say that. The young man in front of him who didn't know his name was obviously an inexperienced person, and his always powerful temptation had no effect on him. He was really afraid that he would say the wrong thing and make this kid unhappy. He gave it to Filch as toilet paper.

"Honestly, I don't know either." Diary suddenly fell into confusion, because after thinking about it carefully, he actually didn't know what his ultimate goal was.

"I personally believe that the most precious thing for a person is life, and everyone has only one life. A person's life should be spent like this: when he looks back on the past, he will not regret for wasting his years, nor will he regret it. Being ashamed of doing nothing, so that when he is dying, he can say: 'My life and all my experiences are dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world - the fight for equality among wizards'!" Louis Brush The writing was written on the ground very quickly.

"If I were Voldemort, then I would definitely fight for the rest of my life to overthrow the old ideals of pure blood and the corrupt rule of the Ministry of Magic." Louis' chicken soup for the soul was at his fingertips: "Think about it, Dumbledore once said to me, Voldemort is a mixed-blood wizard... So, his natural position should be to oppose the pure-blood concept, but why did he start pursuing the so-called pure-blood concept when the dark wave started? I can only say that he betrayed his own Origin.”

"He is a 'spiritual pureblood', forgive me for saying that, tsk..."

Yes, just like the spiritual landlords and spiritual capitalists in his previous life.

Diary wanted to retort, but he found that he had nothing to say.

Unlike Voldemort in the future, Tom Riddle is still only a sixteen-year-old young man, and he does not have any deep scheming or careful thinking. It should be said that sixteen is the age when it is easiest to reshape one's outlook on life. .

If you don’t believe it, you can look back at your past and see if it’s like this. The first reshaping of many people’s outlook on life basically comes from high school.

"Of course I don't understand it. Forgive me for saying this, Tom. The pursuit of strength is certainly a good thing, but...have you ever thought about it. If a heart is crooked, then...the stronger he is, the more he will have for this society. The harm will be greater.”

"Voldemort is a typical example. He doesn't know what... No, he doesn't know what love is. In the limited records, I have never heard of him caring about anything. He foolishly pursues what he cannot The power of true control..."

As he wrote this, he suddenly found that the diary would not allow him to write. When the pen tip touched the paper in the diary, it would only bring up pieces of wet paper.

"Let me tell you...let me tell you what happened..." Scrawled writing in the diary: "Let me take you to see with your own eyes how the wizard you respect can destroy a person of!"

The diary was turning rapidly as if blown by the wind. At the same time, the entire diary began to shine with light in a very unscientific way. Louis reached out to touch the diary that was being turned rapidly, and was sucked in at once.

It was a bleak world. Louis stood in a house, looking at its stairs in trance.

While he was wondering where it was, he heard the conversation behind him.

"I have to admit that I was a little confused when I received your letter, Mr. Dumbledore." The speaker was a woman: "In all these years, no relatives have ever come to visit Tom."

Louis hurriedly leaned over and looked down the stairs, and saw Dumbledore, who was still an old man with flowing hair parted in the middle, chatting with a woman in her forties.

"Dumbledore?" he called out, but Dumbledore obviously couldn't hear what he was saying, and was still chatting with the lady...that is, Mrs. Cole, the director of the orphanage.

Louis suddenly remembered the plot in the movie where Harry returned to fifty years ago. This should be a memory retained in the diary.

"Some accidents happened to other children, terrible accidents." Mrs. Cole seemed to recall some bad memory. She trembled and walked to a room door and knocked: "Tom, someone is here to see you. "

Dumbledore opened the door, walked straight in, and greeted him familiarly: "How have you been lately, Tom?"

Louis quickly followed in, and as expected, the moment he entered, Mrs. Cole slowly closed the door.

Little Tom was obviously a troubled boy. He stood in front of the window and stared out the window. He didn't turn around until Mrs. Cole left, hesitated for a moment, and then stretched out his hand to shake it.

Dumbledore pulled a hard wooden chair to Tom's side. Not sure if it was an illusion, but Louis always felt that Dumbledore's next sentence was to ask Tom to stick out his tongue and see the coating...

"Introduce yourself, I am Professor Dumbledore." Dumbledore introduced himself kindly.

"Professor?" Tom repeated with an alert look: "Is it like a 'doctor'? What are you doing here? Did that woman ask you to come over and check me out?"

He pointed to the door just now, with a wary look on his face.

"No, it's not." Dumbledore maintained his usual Riddler attitude, smiling gently.

At first glance, he doesn't look like a good person, he looks like a weird old man.

"I don't believe you." Tom said warily, "She wants you to come and see me, right? Tell the truth!"

The last three words were spoken particularly loudly and with a terrifying momentum. Lewis could tell that it sounded like an order from the tone. It seemed that he had given such orders many times before.

His first impression of this child was that he was a bit like the class bully from his previous life, the kind of withdrawn type of class bully.

Tom suddenly opened his eyes wide and stared hard at Dumbledore, with a somewhat labored look on his face. Dumbledore did not answer, but continued to smile kindly. After a few seconds, Tom's eyes relaxed, but he seemed to be more alert.

"who are you?"

"I have told you, I am Professor Dumbledore, I work in a school called Hogwarts, and I am here to invite you to my school - which will also be your new school. Go study, if you want.”

Hearing this, Louis saw Tom almost jumping up from the bed, and the expression on his face suddenly became very angry. He waved his arms and shouted: "You can't lie to me! You are from the lunatic asylum! Professor!" ? Huh, that's right - tell you what, I'm not going, you know? That damn old woman should be in the asylum, I don't give a shit about little Amy Benson and Dennis Bishop, you can Ask them yourself! They will tell you!"

At this point, he added: "You don't want me to go to that lunatic asylum called Hogwarts!"

"I'm not from a madhouse." Dumbledore said patiently: "You can do some things, right, Tom? I know that you can do some things that other children can't do."

Tom's eyes suddenly widened. He had never shared these secrets with others. He hesitated for a moment and then said: "I can make things move without touching them... I can make animals listen to me without teaching. If If anyone treats me badly, I can make them suffer immediately... I can hurt them if I want to."

When he said this, Louis noticed his expressionless face.

"Who are you?" Tom asked.

"I'm just like you, Tom." Dumbledore looked at him with a deep look on his face: "It's different."

"Prove it to me."

Dumbledore didn't make any move when he saw the shabby wardrobe that had been placed in the corner suddenly burst into flames.

Tom's eyes suddenly widened, and he cried angrily: "How could you do this - that's all I have - oh no!"

Lewis understood his current behavior very well. If it were him, Dumbledore might have lost his mind.

The flaming wardrobe was shaking swaying, and Dumbledore said calmly: "There seems to be something trying to get out of your wardrobe, Tom."

Sure enough, the wardrobe made a rattling sound as Dumbledore spoke, and Tom showed a panicked look for the first time.

"Open the door." Dumbledore said. Tom hesitated for a moment, then walked over and opened the closet door.

There were several pieces of shabby clothes hanging on the clothes rail, and there was a small box on the top shelf, which was shaking constantly, as if it contained several Shi Lezhi mice.

"Take him out." Dumbledore's voice was cold.

"Professor, but..." Tom asked in fear: "But this closet is on fire..."

"I said, take it out." Dumbledore's tone left no room for doubt.

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