I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 126 Vitali’s Night Attack

Fudge thought that his life was very difficult. The Minister of Magic did not have the freedom to do what he did. There was also Dumbledore above him who was suppressing him, which restricted him from doing anything he wanted to do.

In fact, he thinks too much, which is more or less to add drama to himself.

Dumbledore was not interested in so-called "power", nor was he interested in turning Fudge into a "puppet".

He had never even considered this issue.

Old Deng is actually more interested in this three-acre area of ​​Hogwarts. Just don't bother me with any trouble. You can play whatever you like. As long as you don't collude with the dark wizards, he, Old Deng, won't bother to care about the Ministry of Magic. how how how how how.

But as Louis said, people always want to be high when they are high. Fudge, who became the Minister of Magic, has long lost the gratitude and awe he had for Dumbledore. Now his mind is full of intrigues and how to sit still every day. own position.

He was so insecure that he even created an imaginary enemy like Dumbledore for himself.

But in fact, Fudge cannot be entirely blamed. After all, he is in this mountain, so how can he know the true face of Mount Lu. If you don’t look at it from God’s perspective, Dumbledore holds the Order of the Phoenix and has been in charge of Hogwarts for many years. Even Fudge himself once listened to Dumbledore’s lectures in class. Such a deep-rooted tree It's not normal for such a big tree to not be suspected by others.

It also shows that Fudge's height is just like that.

And now Fudge has another ambition - to bring Hogwarts under his control.

Under Lao Deng's wing, Hogwarts was somewhat of a lawless place. Unlike back then, the previous Ministry of Magic could at least suppress Hogwarts. However, after Lao Deng defeated Grindelwald, his reputation was at its peak, and he began to become the principal of Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic's control over the school The strength is not as good as before.

It's not that the Ministry of Magic can't control Hogwarts, but it doesn't dare to bypass Dumbledore and interfere with Hogwarts affairs.

Fudge, who was sitting in the office, actually had no anger in his heart. Now he was just using the topic as an excuse. This man has a very bright mind, especially when it comes to political intrigues. He is full of clever tricks. Now he is looking at the "Daily Prophet" in his hand, and a bold idea flashes through his mind.

Should we take this opportunity to attack Dumbledore, so that even if he cannot abdicate, at least the power of the Ministry of Magic can be infiltrated into Hogwarts?

Not even a little bit.

He didn't expect much from Lockhart. A smart person could see at a glance that Lockhart was actually a piece of shit.

Well, the surface is glossy...

By using Lockhart to mix this muddy water, Fudge actually felt like he was trying to get something out of his mind. It would be best to gain something, and everyone would be happy; if there was nothing to gain, at least the Ministry of Magic wouldn't lose anything, right?

After all, Lockhart was not promoted by his Ministry of Magic.

The Ministry of Magic moved very quickly. They had never seen them move so quickly when they were dealing with the Death Eaters. They could not control the two Muggle factories, but the Squib's handicraft factory was sealed within a few days. .

How did you say that? I can't beat the Death Eaters, so I can't beat you?

It is true that the old lady picks the persimmons and looks for the soft ones.

Louis had long expected this emergency to happen, but he didn't expect the Ministry of Magic to act so quickly. He wrote urgently to Lucius, planning to meet him and Ms. Skeeter at Malfoy Manor.

That night, Louis took his little secretary Vitali and used the fireplace floo network in Hogwarts to teleport to the Malfoy house.

Floo network is really convenient, but it is a bit clean and hygienic.

Catherine didn't have much interest in this kind of business or political matters, so she didn't go with Louis. Besides, she really didn't like the Malfoy family very much.

Lucius had been waiting by the fireplace early. When he saw Louis and Vitali, he was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses and stepped forward to say hello: "Your Highness."

"Sir Lucius." Louis smiled elegantly and made a gentlemanly salute, making a small joke.

When Lucius heard this, a happy smile filled his face. He bowed down decently and said with a heartfelt smile: "Thank you for your support, Your Highness. Narcissa has been saying that she must prepare a good banquet and thank Your Highness personally." After saying this, he looked towards Vitaly, who was dressed in a black lady's outfit: "Your Highness, who is this?"

"Oh, Cathy wasn't feeling well, so she stayed at school. This is my secretary, Miss Vitali Healyx." Louis introduced.

Vitaly took off the dark green beret on her head and gave a ladylike salute to Lucius: "Hello, Sir Lucius."

Vitaly said "Hello" in French.

"Hello, Miss Healyacres." Lucius politely replied in French.

After a few words of greeting, the fire in the fireplace flickered again, and with a soft sound, Ms. Rita Skeeter made her debut.

"Oh! My respected Highness!" The moment Rita saw Louis, she almost ran over at a trot. "Please forgive me for being dusty and unable to hug you, Your Highness, but you can definitely feel my respect."

Her tone was very exaggerated, and she was a happy person.

"Hello, Ms. Skeeter." Louis nodded as a greeting.

"Sir Lucius." Rita also greeted Lucius, her eyes full of envy.

GBE, as long as you are guiding Ying, who wouldn’t want it?

She also wanted to be called "Dame" before her name, instead of sounding silly and rustic like Ms. Skeeter.

If you have watched Khan's video, you will know that the authentic old Londoners talk in roundabout ways. The three of them chatted for a long time before they dispersed and went to the guest room to take a bath first. Let’s have another banquet.

A formal banquet is the time to talk about serious business. After drinking, Lucius began to talk about what happened in the morning.

"This matter... after all, the fact that the Ministry of Magic possesses the International Statute of Secrecy is not completely unfounded." Lucius said with concern: "I think Fudge's idea is not as simple as banning the Squib Workshop. Maybe he has a deeper level of action.”

"He must not only be here for me." Louis put down his knife and fork, looked at Rita and then at Lucius: "I think he seems to have ideas about Hogwarts."

"How to say?"

"It's just some connections." Louis shrugged and briefly told the two of them about Lockhart, "However, these problems should be a headache for Dumbledore, and the only problem we need to worry about is the workshop. "

The old blame-shifter.

Anyway, the headmaster of Hogwarts is Dumbledore. How can you bear it when others want to poach your power and pluck out your phoenix hair?

Dumbledore is not made of clay either.

But Dumbledore's always kind attitude has undoubtedly given many people the illusion that he is a clay statue of a Bodhisattva who is happy every day and does no harm.

"Speaking of which, I expected this situation today." Louis said again, looking at Rita: "Ms. Skeeter, this should be your area of ​​expertise. I think you should go for interviews. Let’s talk about those squibs who have lost their jobs, describe as much as possible their depression, despair, and pessimism, and try to channel their negative emotions toward the Ministry of Magic during the interview.”

"My personal advice would be to capture the feeling of rebirth when getting a new job, and how the Ministry of Magic ruined their new life and killed their hope of living. , in short... don't completely criticize the Ministry of Magic, but guide them to express their true inner thoughts, so that people will have a strong feeling of empathy after hearing it."

"What if they don't dare to scold the Ministry of Magic?" Rita asked hesitantly.

Louis knocked on the table, frowned and asked: "Don't tell me, you have been making big news for so many years, and you don't even know how to speak for others? Even if they don't say it, you can just find someone who doesn't want to A certain representative of the Squib, whose name will be revealed, expresses for him his deep-seated hatred of the Ministry of Magic."

Rita quickly took out her small notebook and started jotting down it like a Bible with an automatic pen.

"Of course, this is what Ms. Skeeter needs to do, and we...Uncle Lucius..."

Lucius said quickly: "Your Highness, please don't call me Uncle Lucius. I can't bear it..."

"Okay, Sir Lucius." Louis stepped down and said, "The first thing we should consider is how to properly arrange these squibs who have been dismissed by the Ministry of Magic. Of course, when necessary, we can also organize these squibs to go Doing something they should do, such as... sit-in demonstration in front of the Ministry of Magic? This is also a way to express their demands."

Both of them looked like they were suddenly enlightened. They were not pretending, but they were truly taught. When it comes to this method of making trouble, Louis has a lot in hand. After all, the wizarding world has not experienced all kinds of turbulent struggles like the Muggle world, so it is normal not to understand these routines.

"Our goal is to win the sympathy of public opinion as much as possible and get the vast majority of wizards to side with us." Finally, Louis set the tone: "No matter how the Ministry of Magic uses the International Statute of Secrecy, we don't care. Just make a fuss about the Squib's survival problem."

"Since the Ministry of Magic has cut off the livelihood of Squibs, let them find another way for these Squibs to make a living." Louis shrugged and said with a chuckle: "We want to leave such an impression on the public, that is, we do The primary purpose of this factory is not to make a profit, but to give the desperate Squibs a way to survive... If the Ministry of Magic can find a way for them to make a living again, then we don't mind."

Thanks to Lucius's kind solicitation, Louis did not return to school, but chose to stay one night at Malfoy Manor.

When I had nothing to do before going to bed, I was lying on the bed browsing the system to see if there was anything good, when I felt a hot body pressing against me.

It's Vitali.

"What are you doing here?" Lewis was stunned.

This thorny black rose is wearing a black dress, which makes the snow-white and bumpy body even more dazzling.

And little Louis seemed to raise his head unwillingly. It was not that he was incompetent, but the enemy was too powerful.

"It is my duty to help the master sleep." Vitaly said with an innocent face, her big dark green and white eyes turning roundly, revealing her dishonest thoughts in her heart.

"This is not good, Vitaly, we can't be sorry to Catherine..." Louis said very pretentiously, but his claws touched her small waist dishonestly.

Senior's legs, Vitaly's waist, women don't need knives to kill...

Lewis sighed with emotion, but his hand lay there quite honestly and did not move.

Vitali smiled softly and said nothing.

"You're here just in time... give me a massage." Louis didn't know what to say, so he could only order Vitaly.

"Yes, Master." Vitaly blew hot air gently into his ear: "Turn around."

Vitaly's hands were strong enough. She sat on Louis' lap and kneaded his shoulders with moderate strength. After squeezing in silence for a while, she asked aloud: "I'm actually a little curious, are you?" How did you conquer Rita Skeeter? I heard that she is a difficult person to deal with... Did you also give her a knighthood like you did to Mr. Malfoy? "

"Oh, no, no, no, Vitaly." Louis smiled: "I will not give the knighthood medal to others casually. In that case, it will look like wholesale."

"Then how did you do it?" Vitali asked curiously.

"It's nothing more than coercion and inducement." Lewis enjoyed the kneading of the beauty's hands and said with a smile: "But for people like Skeeter, just one of them is not enough. This person is sometimes too flexible... "

"So, I took the Cube...that is, Voldemort to the editorial office of the Daily Prophet. As you can see, this guy is quite sensible. After all, young master, I am not a bad person. I am still very kind and reasonable. Yes." Louis chuckled and said, "However, I also mentioned to her that if she satisfies me, I don't mind adding another female knight to the magic world."

"Then why don't you give her the medal first like you did to Mr. Malfoy? Then won't she be grateful and serve you more wholeheartedly?" Vitaly leaned down and hugged her tightly. Sticking to Louis' back.

"You misunderstood, Weiwei." Louis suppressed his wandering thoughts and explained for Vitaly: "It seems that you must have never been in the countryside. Countryside people know that they want to be fucked by Lamo's donkey. To survive, you have to tie a hanging carrot in front of it so that it keeps looking at it but never eats it."

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