I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 132 Is that what you call liking? That’s what you call greedy...

Cedric stayed for a while and then went to visit other rooms. He was like a slut. He felt like he knew everyone and could talk to everyone.

Maybe it was because of the big boy's friendly approach, but everyone in the room had a good impression of Cedric.

When Louis and Harry were walking on the road, they heard that one of the Weasley twins had been deducted fifty points by Snape for making trouble.

Laughing to death, Louis was secretly happy, regretting why Snape didn't deduct more points.

He didn't even think about things that Snape couldn't afford.

He took Harry and knocked on Professor Snape's door.

"Trick or treat if you don't give me candy!" Louis said softly, imitating a female voice.

The door opened, and it was Snape who looked astonished for the first time, cosplaying as a ghost.

"Senior Jade?" This was his first sentence, and then he reacted, and his shocked face instantly recovered: "Oh, it's Lewis..." As he said that, he complained with a look of disgust: "I really didn't expect it. , you can dress up as a woman, you are really a good student of Slytherin."

Snape obviously had a stress reaction - back then, Emma and Solanlian had held up their wands and forced him to dress as a woman.

It can be said that he is the dominant one on campus, and even James is not immune. This is the only thing that Snape finds comforting.

Then he saw Harley.

Louis clearly saw a brilliant brilliance burst out of Snape's eyes, which was then extinguished in an instant, and his lips murmured for a long time, but in the end he said nothing.

He took out two bottles of Felixir from his pocket and put them into Harry's hands.

"Just think of the blessing elixir as candy...Okay, I have something else to do, you two can go."

Louis hurriedly pulled Harry away with a question mark on his face.

That's about it. It wouldn't be fun if Snape got really upset.

On the way, Harry touched the two small bottles of potion in his pocket and asked curiously: "Louis, what is the Elixir of Fortune used for?"

"Young man, you probably don't read potion books very much, right?" Louis squinted at Harry: "But it should be considered extracurricular knowledge for us - the elixir, as the name suggests, is that within a period of time after drinking it Improve your luck."

"Wow!" Harry looked at the potion in his hand exaggeratedly. He was surprised for a moment and then asked suspiciously: "But why does Professor Snape treat us so well? Even advanced potions like Felixir can Give it to us..."

"I know that my mother has a good relationship with him. Maybe your mother also has a good relationship with him. I don't know. You might as well ask him personally when you have the chance." Louis suppressed a smile and started to come up with bad ideas.

Harry, a silly boy, actually considered Louis' suggestion seriously and nodded in agreement: "It sounds good. I will definitely ask him if I have a chance."

Louis thought for a moment how Snape would react if Harry asked him about Lily.

Then he said "special", couldn't hold back his laughter, and forcefully swallowed it back.

It was quite hard to hold it in.

"What's wrong with you?" Harry asked concerned.

Lewis waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay."

The auditorium was very lively, and Louis even saw Dumbledore wearing a bee suit, smiling heartily and sharing his plump bee butt behind him with his classmates.

It should be because of special effects, but no, because of the invisible stretching spell, Dumbledore seems to be able to take out countless candies from the pocket on the bee's butt.

"Oh, Louis, Harry, are you here?" Dumbledore saw the two of them and ran over happily, grabbed two handfuls of candies from his butt pocket and stuffed them into the two of them: "I have to say, you two All of them are very similar to your mother, oh, especially Harry, I always thought you looked like James, haha... I wish you a happy day."

"You're welcome, Professor." Louis chuckled.

He looked around and saw that the three deans were even more festive. Professor Sprout dressed himself up as a large mandrake; Professor Flitwick had two white wings on his back and added special effects. The fluttering figure was flashing, and he was holding a love bow and arrow in his hand. He looked like he was pretending to be Cupid. Professor McGonagall was the most interesting. She was still in her usual clothes, but she put a picture on the top of her pointed hat. A piece of white paper with "CAT" written on it.

When she saw Louis, Professor McGonagall blinked and stretched out her arms to make a cat gesture.

Harry's hair almost stood on end, my Head of House couldn't be this cute! ! !

Professor Flitwick took out his bow and arrow and shot Louis on the shoulder. When he saw Louis looking at him, he waved excitedly.

Among the teachers, Mrs. Hooch from the flying class dressed herself up as a large golden snitch, looking very naive; Professor Trelawney from the divination class wore a crystal ball costume, which was a bit weird but not unacceptable; Hart did not disappoint, and dressed up as a pumpkin man with his sister Tifa, but he looked very unhappy. It was obvious that Tifa forced him to participate with a wand; Muggle studies professor Bubba Ji wore Muggle clothes, and It is the most fashionable and fashionable style.

The most powerful one should be Hagrid. He was wearing clothes that looked like rocks. He was probably cosplaying a stone man, but the moment Louis saw him, a sentence popped into his head.

“A rolling stone gathers no moss.”

Holding a tree in your hand should make you more suitable for the occasion.

"Oh, Louis, Harry." Hagrid's beard twitched, very funny, and he hugged Harry and Louis like a male mother.

The rock costume on his body was different from what Louis imagined. It was not hard, but very soft.

Maybe this is just like him himself, with a soft heart underneath his tough exterior.

"Hagrid!" Harry called with a smile. Hagrid looked dazed for a moment, seeming to think of Lily. Then he shook his head and patted Louis and Harry with a simple smile: "You two go over there and play, go, go, your friends can't wait."

After bidding farewell to Hagrid, the two walked to the seats belonging to the students.

It was not as restrained as usual during gatherings or meals. Today was in a carnival mood. Everyone began to release themselves. Ron stood on the table, his lion's mane twitching, performing a lion's roar for everyone. Next to her, Hermione was clapping and screaming as she applauded Ron. In fact, she might not know that the reason why Ron could imitate so well was because he ate prank candies from Zuko's Joke Shop.

Fortunately, what he ate was not from a steam train, otherwise his fake lion's mane might have been easily blown off by such a puff of air.

Slytherin House was also very lively. Marcus Flint played the role of a troll and was tap dancing... In fact, he looked quite like a troll, especially the pair of wind ears and big teeth.

Draco dressed up as a snake, but he didn't look like it. His head was still exposed under the snake's head, which was a bit nondescript. Some people who didn't know it thought it was some kind of fat-headed fish... When they saw Harry and Louis, they were obviously... I tripped over myself.

"I have to say, you two are better." Draco gave a thumbs up.

"Just average." Louis smiled nonchalantly: "Only third in the world."

Before he finished speaking, he was carried away by Catherine.

In the evening, with the arrival of the most famous "Weird Sisters" band in the wizarding world, the atmosphere of the party reached its peak.

If you can’t imagine how excited the students were, just imagine how the guests behaved when Magic Red cheated the wedding venue with food and drinks.

The atmosphere reached a climax, with everyone coaxing the students around them to sing a song for fun. Amidst Louis' coaxing, Catherine had to go up and sing a song called Twinkle Star.

Yes, it’s that twinkling twinkle...

According to Catherine, she only knows this one.

When she sang, no one dared to breathe loudly, and some wanted to laugh but were unable to do so. The Weird Sisters politely didn't laugh out loud. They just kept their heads down and laughed while accompanying Catherine. The lead guitarist Johnny Greenwood even played out of tune.

Catherine had nothing to be embarrassed about, and she didn't think it was shameful to sing a song called Little Star. She even accepted the bouquet from Louis generously after singing.

"What's wrong? Are they all so weird?" Catherine accepted a handful of small wild flowers from Louis and looked curiously at the students around her who were afraid to breathe.

"Ahem, I was afraid that you would be unhappy, so I didn't let them cheer." Louis coughed twice awkwardly and stretched out his hand forward: "What are you doing standing there in a daze? It's none of your business, keep playing music and keep dancing!"

Seeing that her classmates were in high spirits again, Catherine finally came to her senses.

"It's because the songs I sing are too childish." She wrinkled her nose and hummed cutely, which was completely inconsistent with her handsome dress.

"How could it be? I just like to listen to it." Louis held her slender waist and whispered in her ear: "I just like to listen to it. I can't get enough of it."

"Really?" Catherine's originally gloomy eyes ignited with a sparkling look.

"Really, why did I lie to you?" Louis said sincerely,

Catherine looked at him with sparkling eyes, chuckled for a while and said in his ear: "If you like it, I will keep singing to you, only to you."

"That's great, how about you sing this song to put me to sleep tonight." Louis was overjoyed.

"That's silly." Catherine gave him two big white-eye berries, and after a while, she said softly, "Okay, you can listen to it as long as you want."

"It's settled." Louis patted Catherine's arm happily.

The two big octopuses on the side, Vitali and Kristrasa, kept picking their nails and sucking their noses in their doll costumes, looking as if they were dying of soreness.

Krisstrasa was just having fun, but Vitaly was really sour, and she was also greedy for Louis' body.

"I also like Master very much, and I also want to sleep with Master..." Vitaly took off her doll clothes and leaned forward with a tired voice.

Louis slapped Vitaly's peach gently and said without mercy: "Do you like it? You are greedy for my body, you..."

"You're mean," Krisstrasa added.

"Little Hoof, how dare you make fun of me!" Vitaly ducked into Krisstrasa's doll suit and began to scratch her, but Krisstrasa was not the kind of person to just sit back and wait for death... ...The dragon was sitting there waiting to be killed, and she opened her arms to fight back.

In the end, this battle ended with Krisstrasa's victory. After all, the power of dragons would crush humans by more than 2,000 percentage points.

However, speaking of this wizard band, their lead guitarist Johnny even asked Dumbledore to try Hogwarts’ Mad Thursday meal instead of eating the dinner.

Of course Dumbledore wouldn't object, and he happily told Johnny that at Hogwarts banquets you always get what you order - not to mention the Mad Thursday set menu.

Johnny was so happy that he even improvised a song called "Crazy Thursday."

The four members of the band discussed for a while, looked at the score, got familiar with the rhythm, and immediately set up their instruments and started giving a wonderful performance to the little wizards.

"At Hogwarts

She tasted moonberry juice with chicken wings

Eat one bite at a time

Onlookers wonder why this is so

Turns out it’s Mad Thursday


Turns out it’s Mad Thursday!


Turns out it’s Mad Thursday!

Chicken legs are delicious and juicy

French fries are crunchy and delicious

I love this wonderful festival so much

it makes me happy again and again

Please speak louder and join me -

I love this wonderful Crazy Thursday! "

The magical brainwashing music brought the party to another peak. Even Professor McGonagall shook her pointed hat happily, so much that the white "CAT" paper stuck to the tip of the hat almost fell off...

In fact, Professor McGonagall also hides a fun-loving soul under her serious appearance - after all, she is Gryffindor, how can she be truly old-fashioned?

At the end, Professor Dumbledore announced that a secret ballot will be used to select the best cross-dressers in everyone's mind. The top ten will be rewarded, and the top three will receive the most generous rewards - especially the first place. You will get thirty boxes of Moonberry juice carefully prepared by the Hogwarts school, and free Crazy Thursdays that are enough for the whole family to enjoy for a year until the next Halloween.

Hogwarts lacks everything except moonberry juice. After all, Louis' unlimited supply is still a bit overwhelming.

But everyone is very excited. Moonberry juice is a hot commodity outside. You can take it and resell it after winning the prize.

The Halloween selection event ended successfully with Gemini taking the lead and becoming the first.

After all, the two of them looked very much like Professor Snape in their cosplay, especially the greasy and drawling tone. The most important thing was that the synchronization between the two of them added a lot of points to their votes.

Snape, who was in a ghost costume at the guest of honour, had a look that could kill someone. If he had known about the Six-Mein Sword, he would have developed seven meridians on the spot.

The eyeballs are of their own kind.

What a great coach.jpg.

The second place went to Kristraza's giant octopus with its slender eyes. The moving orange eyes were really impressive - if she hadn't been in such a cross-dressing, she might have gotten a few more votes.

But there was no way, the Geminis were imitating the public enemies of the other three houses, and they would vote for the Geminis just because Snape kept finding troubles and deducting points.

Christasa also had to make Xiang Yu's voice.

It is not a crime of war to kill me today.

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