I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 136 You are surrounded by me!

Having said that, Louis had played a little bit in his previous life, and he had beaten the big tree guard, but he always felt that this guy seemed different from the one he fought before.

Something was wrong, very wrong, he didn't know where to put it, but there was always a sense of crisis lingering in his heart.

After escaping nearly a dozen lightning strikes from the big tree guard, the sense of crisis suddenly broke out. Louis was so blessed that he quickly controlled Torrett to accelerate forward.

A wave of heat almost passed behind him and Torrett. From the corner of his eye, Louis saw that the horse guarding the crotch of the damn big tree could actually breathe fire.

Ma Songji, I haven’t heard that the big tree guard can do this?

Louis even had the mind to amuse himself, thinking that I am indeed a little master of accidents. When I go to the high wall, I can kill the dancer first, and when I come to the junction, I can meet this strange big tree guard.

My luck is so amazing!

Thinking about it, he couldn't stop moving his hands. He and Thoret were running, and the big tree guards were chasing them. They were not yet unable to fly, but they were getting closer.

He wanted to take out Lemonia, but thought about it and decided against it. After all, his riding skills were indeed good, but he had never practiced riding or slashing...

When he turned back again to cast lightning, he found scarlet lightning gradually creeping onto the ax guarded by the big tree.

Lewis didn't dare to be careless, and after throwing a lightning bolt, he quickly drove Torrett to run wildly.

As he expected, the moment he accelerated, a thick scarlet tear struck directly at the spot where he was just now.

The thunder struck the ground with a rumble, and even the earth was shaken.

Louis couldn't sit firmly on the horse and was almost shaken.

Looking at the mess behind him, Lewis couldn't help but feel scared.

If he was hit, Catherine wouldn't even be able to collect his body...

The guard of the big tree took advantage of the victory and pursued it with a leaping horse. While in mid-air, the horse's mouth was spitting fireballs, and it kept chasing behind Louis. Lewis was in a tight situation and didn't even have a chance to fight back.

Thoret is also worthy of the name of a smart horse, and he doesn't feel tired at all. If this were a horse in the real world, no matter what kind it was, it would probably be so tired that it would foam at the mouth.

Not necessarily, maybe he would be frightened to death when the big tree guard fell down and thundered.

After all, the heavy armor couldn't catch up with the light armor. After a while, they distanced themselves. Now Louis found an opportunity to deal damage. Taking advantage of the distance, he transformed into Professor Yang and continuously applied electrotherapy to the Internet-addicted boy Big Tree Guard.

No matter how brave the boss is, he can't withstand Louis's kiting. After almost half an hour, the big tree guard finally fell to the ground.

Torrett was actually not doing much, but Louis was already panting from exhaustion. He lay on Torett and panted for a while, then turned over and dismounted and lay on the ground, continuing to breathe heavily.

*"Congratulations on successfully defeating the alienated BOSS: the dragon-suited tree guard.

Rewards are being settled...

Congratulations on getting the rune: Um

Congratulations on getting Rune: Ist

Congratulations on getting skill point*1

Obtained soul: The soul of the dragon-suited tree guard. "

At this time, Louis finally thought of Lemonia.

He released Lemonia, held the soul of the dragon-clad tree guard, and placed it next to her.

"Hmm... A very delicious soul, and it seems to have a smell similar to Arden Fairyland..." After Lemonia finished speaking, she didn't see any movement. The soul was absorbed as if it were water. All.

"And this." Louis also took out Bordeaux's soul. Neither the ice dog hammer nor the Pope's right eye was what he wanted. He might as well replenish Lemonia's body.

After absorbing the soul, Lemonia burped ungracefully. She smiled seductively and turned into a succubus under Louis' surprised gaze.

Is this the legendary quick change for me?

Hmm... not really a succubus, more like a female vampire.

Louis' first reaction was big.

"How about a scare, little brother?" Lemonia looked as evil as she could, looking like a man-eating big sister, and she came up and sat on Lewis's body.

"...You go down." Lewis said somewhat uncomfortably.

"No." Lemonia leaned over Lewis's face, took a deep breath, and said intoxicatedly: "Well, I'm not full yet, how about... little brother, why don't you reluctantly give your sister a bite? "

"Hey, don't mess around..." Louis was a little anxious, why are all these women coveting my body?

Shameless! Obscene! The impact is extremely bad!

"Humph." Lemonia narrowed her eyes, with two pointed little tiger teeth exposed. She stared at Louis for a while, then hummed: "Forget it, it's really boring... These two souls are really stupid. To my surprise, the powerful energy contained in it has benefited me a lot..."

As he spoke, he leaned down and took a deep breath on Lewis's neck, planting a big strawberry.

She stood up and wiped her lips, staring at Yu Zi's saliva-stained strawberry marks with unfinished thoughts, smiling evilly and returning to her original form.

"This form can't last too long. If you want me to unlock more abilities, I still need to work harder, little brother~" Lemonia's words were seductive, just like the poisonous snake that tempted Eve to fall.

"Come on, if I want you to stay in this form, I have to lose ten years of my life." Louis said with a headache. It is already torture enough to have Vitali who likes to make trouble in the Slytherin lounge, and add Lemo to the mix. Nia, I'm afraid they won't be able to demolish the entire Hogwarts Castle.

"Actually, you should have called me to fight just now. I can feel it from this soul. This enemy is very powerful and cannot be easily dealt with by you at this stage..." Lemonia reminded Louis of his mistake just now in a delicate voice.

Lewis said helplessly: "I would like to...but the situation is quite urgent, and I haven't learned how to fight close to the horse, so I didn't take you out..."

Look at the word used, dig.

Those who didn’t know thought they had to pay for something.

"You should notice that after absorbing these two souls, I can fight freely without your hands. In other words... I can assist you in fighting like a normal person." Lemonia paused and continued: " However... there is a time limit, after all, I am still in the seal."

The system suddenly also prompted a line of small words.

"In order to build mutual trust, there will be no limit on the time Lemonia can temporarily unlock the seal before defeating the 'Omen Demon Malkit'."

Lemonia: Current time to assist: -/60 seconds.

Note: Each powerful soul can provide Lemonia with assistance time ranging from ten seconds to three hundred seconds.

"I feel... full of power. My power seems to be back." Lemonia's voice sounded at the right time.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Lewis suddenly became excited: "Then let's go quickly, the bad omen and the monster are still waiting for us..."

He communicated and blessed, teleported to the front of the level where he met Melina before, and summoned Thoret to run wildly on horseback.

The road was clean and there was nothing. Louis was still wondering where those enemies had gone. Could it be that they were all hiding with the ominous monsters?

Right in front of the castle, there was a small house. As he was galloping, Louis suddenly saw a figure in the small house.

He rolled up his sleeves and turned over to dismount. The evil sword was half hanging behind him, looking as weird as possible.

I didn't meet anyone who didn't have a good eye along the way. I finally saw a strange person on this windy hillside. So why don't I open a car?

But the reality was different from what he imagined.

Sitting in the room was a girl wearing a red headscarf.

The girl looked very beautiful and normal. The only thing that was abnormal was that she was sitting there with a depressed face and looked very sad.

"Who are you?" Louis asked alertly.

"Me?" The girl raised her head, saw Lewis, and forced a smile: "I am Roderica..."

Then, she looked at Louis with blank eyes, a nervous expression on her face, and murmured to herself like Mrs. Xianglin: "Everyone has been grafted, come to the junction with me, those who are fighting for me The person... haha, the head, hands, and feet were all cut off and turned into a part of the human spider... Did you know that after being attached to the spider's body, the person will look like an insect chrysalis? It's really... Wonderful, isn’t it…”

"Are you moving alone? Are you heading towards Stonewell City? Is it because you listened to the obedient gentleman wearing the white mask, or do you want to become a part of the spider? If so, then you are just like me. …I really want to be with everyone, but I don’t have the courage. It’s too scary to have my head and limbs chopped off. I’m really afraid of pain…I’m really too cowardly…”

Lewis frowned and asked: "What is going on...can you tell me carefully?"

"Little brother... this woman's spirit seems to have been stimulated. She... can be said to be a madman." Lemonia's voice emerged in his heart.

Roderica didn't answer, but just took out a handful of pink ashes and handed it to Lewis: "Can you please take this child with you on the trip? It's really pitiful for her to accompany me who is so cowardly, but this soul likes you very much, She has always had a good eye, and I think she will also be very happy."

Louis took the handful of ashes and carefully placed them in the system space.

He knew that the girl in front of him was a little insane due to being stimulated, so he didn't say much.

"Then, please take care of yourself. If you are going to Stonewell City, please help tell everyone who has become a chrysalis that I love them. Although they are still scared, sooner or later they will become like everyone."

Lewis nodded and replied solemnly: "Yes, I will."

He sighed and planned to go to Stonewell City to chop up the bad omen demon first, and then see if he could bring Roderica back to the real world.

This child is so pitiful and should be left to Professor McGonagall to take good care of.

Presumably the kind-hearted Professor Cat will not refuse this... drudgery?

With this thought in mind, Louis turned around and left the hut, vaguely hearing Roderica's mumbling to herself.

"I finally...I finally became less afraid of pain..."

What kind of stimulation can make her look like this?

Turning on the horse, Louis and Lemonia stared at each other.

"Don't look at me, I can't free her." Lemonia said with disgust, "I'm not interested in the soul of a madman. If you want to free her, please don't let me do it for you."

"Where are you thinking..." Louis' face darkened: "I'm not going to have trouble with a madman."

After passing through the dense obstacles of horses and arrows, Louis finally arrived at the door of the ominous monster.

Pushing open the small door, there is a spacious urn in front of you.

No wonder there weren't any enemies on the road, Louis understood it all now.

This kid became smarter and summoned all the people on the road to his side. There were almost hundreds of people, crowded together, and they were lined up densely in front. At the front was the tallest "Og" "Omen" Malkit.

"O faded one... you were manipulated by the fire of your foolish ambition to get the Ring of Elden?" Malkit's words were full of disdain: "Then everything including that fire should be destroyed. Fight, you should understand that this is not something you can try to get involved in... I, the 'Ominous Demon Ghost' Malkit, declare that you will be executed immediately!"

"You're pretty good at it." Lewis said disdainfully: "I'm curious, does a little trash like you only know how to talk in addition to sneak attacks?"

"O sharp-tongued fading one, it's a pity that your smooth talk will not bring you glory, but will make you die without a burial place." Malkit laughed wildly and pointed to the crowd behind him: "Look We, I am fully prepared, but as for you, you only have one person, the Faded One."

"If it is true that more people can defeat fewer people, I think the King of Mosquitoes would have sat on the throne of King Elden long ago." Louis said mercilessly.

"Looking at your age, you are only in your teens. Do you really think you can possess the strength of a demigod?" Malkit laughed wildly: "Do you think you are His Highness Grek with the 'Extended Limb'? Hahahaha... Grek Your Highness is a king who has lived for hundreds of years, and what about you? Hahahaha..."

As Malkit said, the tallest troll behind him seemed to understand what he said, and it hammered its chest hard like a gorilla, howling and laughing wildly.

"Looking at you, do you think you've convinced me?" Louis asked with a chuckle.

Malkit pointed the big knife at Louis and said loudly: "Don't say that we have more people and bully the less people. Faded one, I will give you a chance to strike first."

Louis was not annoyed, and just asked with a smile: "Really?"

"Of course there will be no lies." Malkit said firmly, as if he had a chance of winning.

"Okay." Louis stretched out his hand and pointed forward, and ordered loudly without any guidance: "Lemonia - kill these ants!"

The boldness and undue confidence in his tone made Malkit suddenly regret it.

Then, the originally bright sky was swallowed up by blood red almost instantly. In the dim blood light, sword traces formed by dark red blood light divided the entire Weng City into countless narrow spaces.

The ominous sneers seemed to penetrate Malkit's eardrums, directly interfering with his thinking.

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