I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 145 Senior Sister under Candlelight

After the three classmates walked out of the office, Tifa's face immediately darkened. She looked at Lockhart with an unkind expression and reprimanded in a cold voice: "Gilderoy, it's okay to be vain, but don't be too presumptuous..."

"Yes, yes..." Lockhart wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Tifa's anger made him tremble and sweat profusely.

"What's going on?" Her voice was cold.

Lockhart told Tifa the ins and outs of the incident. After hearing this, Tifa tapped her fingers on the table and said coldly: "The students of Hogwarts are really wanton nowadays. Some of them even dare to fight in class... ..." At this point, she narrowed her eyes slightly and carefully recalled the details just now.

"Something's not right. Why is that Percy different from usual? I remember that he has a very calm personality..." Tifa seemed to be in a bad mood, and the rhythm of her fingers tapping on the table became more and more rapid.

"Maybe he took the wrong medicine today." Lockhart chuckled.

"No, I have some bad feelings." Tifa raised her eyebrows and looked at Lockhart, who was still giggling, and her mood suddenly became worse.

Having such a brother is really...

Tifa held her forehead, really not wanting to talk more.

On weekdays, she was in charge of the teaching work, and even taught magic to his classmates. But Lockhart, who was just a professor, thought about nothing more than replying to fans and promoting his glorious deeds. As for teaching issues, Don't want to interfere at all.

Tired, destroy it.

She really wanted to cast the Imperius Curse on Lockhart so that he could focus on his teaching career.

If Beauxbatons had an academy, it would be Azkaban.

Let's say that the three little ones wandered back to Louis' office and found that everyone was still sitting there waiting, with small notes stuck on their faces. When they looked carefully, it turned out that the four of them were playing poker...

"Three fours." Penello threw down three cards.

"No," Percy and Jack said in unison.

"Three sixes, place your order." Seeing that everyone was silent, Penello thought he had a chance to win. With three sixes and a three in his hand, Penello decisively chose to hit three sixes first.

Not greedy enough...

Lewis watched her place the order, smiled confidently, threw out two cards, and slowly said two words.

"Two kings!"

"No more playing, no more playing!" Penello threw the three in the card pile. Anyway, she was definitely defeated. There was no need to play anymore. She raised her head and noticed the three little ones coming in. , hurriedly screamed and turned around, grabbing randomly with his hands, trying to tear off the note on his face.

"Come back so soon?" Louis only had two pieces of paper on his face, so he tore them up quickly. He looked at the three little ones with a bit of expectation in his eyes.

Hermione nodded and replied: "Well, Professor Lockhart didn't find any information that could prove that he has a problem...but there is something strange."

"Tell me about it." Louis was not surprised. He sent the three little ones there just for a shot.

Hermione did not respond to Louis, but looked at the three senior classmates: "I noticed a strange thing in Professor Lockhart. I always felt that Professor Lockhart's attitude towards his sister was not quite right, that kind of condescension. His attitude is really not what a brother should have towards his sister."

"Oh, you said this." Percy said without thinking: "You haven't taken their class, so you may not know much about it. Assistant Tifa has always been relatively strong, and he is really strong and has very good teaching methods. , and you also know that Professor Lockhart is usually more vain, and Assistant Professor Tifa is actually disgusted with him like that."

"So she always scolds Professor Lockhart, right?" Louis asked suddenly.

"Yes, that's right," Percy replied.

"That's not right... I have never seen such a strange relationship between brother and sister. My intuition tells me that something is not right... It feels very awkward, but I can't put it into words." Hermione frowned, really not understanding it.

Louis thought to himself that he had been watching less Japanese comics, and there were more sisters with such strong personalities... and there were also many sisters who were strict, okay?

"Probably because of his strong personality." Lewis shrugged, not feeling anything was wrong.

But Hermione still frowned and held on to the question, but seeing that Louis didn't seem to care much, she suppressed the doubts in her heart and planned to pry out the information again when she had the opportunity.

"Okay, you have been busy all night, and you must be tired." Louis saw that Harry and Ron were a little tired, so he said to them: "If you are hungry, eat something here first before going back. "

Ron's eyes lit up as soon as he heard that he was eating, and his sluggish energy was swept away.

The end result was that he and Harry devoured their food in a hurry, and returned to the Gryffindor common room with their robes on their belly and crab steps.

After everyone left, Lewis returned to the bedroom.

Under the candlelight, the senior student was lying on the pillow reading a book. Her slender waist was slightly arched downwards, and her plump peach and exquisite back formed a curve with many mountains.

The senior sister's two jade-white little feet were swinging back and forth leisurely. When she heard Louis opening the door and coming in, her crystal toes even scratched at him, as if sending an invitation.

"What are you looking at?" Lewis walked over, and Lushan's claws naturally supported the senior's straight and slender calves.

The warm and delicate touch suddenly made Lewis feel something, and he subconsciously made a move to put it into gear.

"What are you doing?" Catherine felt Louis' movement and was stunned.

"Oh, subconsciously..." Louis explained with a sneer: "I thought I was driving, so I subconsciously shifted gears."

The result was a look from the senior sister, plus a kick that was neither light nor heavy.

"So what are you looking at?" Lewis smiled and stepped forward to see what the senior sister was looking at.

"Hey, take your hand away, it's so itchy..." Catherine broke free of her right foot from Louis' hand, and then said: "Isn't that the books you got back? I was reading that... well, "On Contradiction" "."

"Hey, why are you suddenly interested in these?" Louis also became interested. He held the senior sister's little foot in his hand again. The senior sister struggled to break free, but she no longer resisted and let him squeeze it. Went on.

But Louis' next words made Catherine so angry that she wanted to hit someone.

"I always thought you were a muscle-first woman, why are you starting to use your brain?"

That casual tone and the tone that wants to be beaten can really make people so angry that Jesus was born and the Virgin ascended to heaven.

Catherine silently recited a few words in her mind not to be angry, and her anger actually subsided. She rolled her eyes coquettishly and closed the book in her hand: "I can't just think about learning magic every day... Now that I have become your girlfriend, I have to keep up with you. I can't be Your burden can't help you at all, can it?"

Louis patted his senior sister's peach with satisfaction and praised proudly: "My beloved concubine is really becoming more and more popular with me."

Louis here calls himself "we", which is an ancient and sacred usage. In 1169, Henry II of England elaborated on the theory of "the divine power of the king". This theory is that "the monarch and the Creator work together", so He used the word "we" to express "God and I", which represents that the monarch not only represents the royal majesty, but also represents the will of God.

In fact, it is probably equivalent to the Chinese words "朜", "无人", and "古". The fundamental purpose is to declare oneself to be unique and to consolidate the supreme status of power.

This usage is also used in some very formal styles, such as magazine editors or judges, etc. The purpose is to declare one's authority in professional standards and professional qualities - but in fact it is just like Siris now. , you rarely hear others call themselves "this official" or "this professor". After all, we are now in a harmonious society where everyone is equal. If you say that you put on airs at every turn, then who do you think you are as a fortune teller?

In fact, the Pope has been using this title all the time. Although he does not have many teachers, his status in the Catholic world is indeed unique.

"You are fat, and you are breathless." Catherine snorted, took her little feet away from Louis' hand, and changed her position to lie on her side on the bed, with one arm leaning on the pillow to support her chin, and the other hand Pinch Louis' clothes and take him to the bed.

After looking face to face for a long time, Catherine's eyes were as gentle as water, as if she was talking to him, or she was whispering to herself: "My little deer is so handsome, I can't get enough of it..."

"I remember you were not like this before, you couldn't say such things before." Lewis smiled and teased her chin, as if he was teasing a kitten: "You used to blush when nothing happened, but I see you now... …”

He forcefully suppressed the words 'thick-skinned'.

"What now?" Catherine asked with interest.

"It's just that you're getting more and more skilled at teasing me." Louis said sincerely.

"When you love someone, there is nothing to hide and nothing to be shy about." Catherine said so, but under the light, Louis could still see the crimson clouds on her face.

"Really?" Louis put his little face close to her and closed the distance. He could clearly feel that Catherine's breathing was a little rapid.

"Then... can it be false?" Catherine said unnaturally. She really couldn't suppress her shy feeling.

Of course Louis could see it, and he smiled secretly in his heart. Anyway, he was bored now, so he planned to have fun with Catherine.

"I see that you look very unnatural. Could it be that you don't mean what you mean?" Louis asked pretending to be suspicious: "Are you deceiving me..."

Catherine was anxious. She sat up in a hurry, not caring that she was a little naked. She was about to argue something, but she saw Louis' malicious smile. In anger, she reached out and hit Louis hard on the buttocks: "You little bastard, is it fun to tease me..."

"Of course it's fun, hahahaha..." Louis laughed evilly.

Catherine was so angry that she pressed Louis on the bed, wanting to slap him twice to relieve her hatred, but she was reluctant to do it. She was struggling, and suddenly remembered the time when Louis tickled her before, so she stretched out her hands to Louis' waist, Start scratching the itch.

"Ouch... Ouch, Kathy, Little Moon, I was wrong... Hahahaha..." Louis was also very ticklish. When Catherine tickled him like this, he immediately laughed and fell into a ball in Catherine's hand. The carp kept trying to break free, but Catherine had the advantage of age after all, and coupled with the little magic spell she secretly cast without respecting martial ethics, she had the upper hand for a while, suppressing Louis so that he could not move.

After all, Louis had grown up a bit, and it was still somewhat difficult for Catherine to subdue him. After such a fuss, even beads of sweat appeared on her forehead. She just scratched Louis' ribs and said fiercely: "Say! Don't you dare to do anything bad in the future!"

"Hahahaha... Little Moon, stop scratching... I dare, of course I will dare in the future..." Louis is not a man who admits defeat, and being stubborn is his strong point.

Catherine's hand tickled her ribs more frequently, which was good this time. Louis laughed even more cheerfully, out of breath, and even burst into tears.

"I want you to be tough... ha... bastard little deer." After scratching for a while, Catherine had no strength anymore. After all, Louis' strength was not small. Her hands had to be used to scratch the itch. As he struggled left and right, she actually Be freed from birth.

Louis rubbed the ribs and soft flesh around his waist. Seeing that Catherine was about to slip away, he turned over and hugged Catherine's body from behind. He wrapped his arms around her waist and grabbed one of her ribs with each hand. , scratching the itch like playing the piano.

Catherine, whose weak point was caught, softened and fell on the bed, pressing Louis.

"Hahaha... Xiaolu... you bastard... cluck..." Catherine, who was turned against her, giggled. She wanted to get up and resist Louis, but her tickle was scratched, and her whole body was sore under the effect of the tickling force. Powerless, unable to muster any energy to resist.

"Say! Do you dare to tickle me again?" Louis pretended to be threatening, and his hand movements did not stop.

"I don't dare anymore... I don't dare anymore... Hahaha... Stop scratching, it's so itchy, little deer..." Catherine's white legs kicked weakly on the bed, pushing the quilt into a ball. The sheets were rumpled.

"Then are you wrong?" Louis already knew that Catherine was more itchy than him. This time, this time Catherine hurt the enemy eighty times and hurt herself a thousand.

"I was wrong, I was wrong...haha...luck..."

"Then...call me, brother?" Lewis slowed down his movements slightly and whispered against her ear.

There is no brother in English. Catherine has been learning Chinese since last year and can speak Mandarin fluently than Louis, so Louis also said this sentence in Chinese.

"You! Don't even think about it... Hahaha..." Catherine didn't know what her brother meant, and she refused in a hurry, leaving no room for him.

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