I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 157 I’m not born to be strong

Time flies, and spring comes in a blink of an eye.

The Lockhart siblings seemed to have disappeared and never returned to Hogwarts.

The attack disappeared, and no one would have remembered that the attack had happened if it hadn't been for those three unfortunate guys lying in the hospital wing.

Hogwarts has gradually returned to its original days, and the students have gradually relaxed, but the professors are still secretly protecting the students, showing signs of looseness on the outside and tightness on the inside.

It was not like Louis had not inquired about the whereabouts of the Lockhart brothers and sisters, but the two of them disappeared as if they had disappeared from the world.

This incident also alarmed the Ministry of Magic. Fudge sent people to conduct an almost dragnet search, but found nothing.

Ye Ziyan's astronomy class was very successful, at least much more popular than Professor Sinista's.

After all, Teacher Liv is very good-looking and her lectures are lively and interesting.

It's a pity that in order to allow students to observe the stars, most astronomy courses are held from 10 to 11 o'clock at night.

Ye Ziyan is afraid of the dark, so Catherine comes to pick her up every time after class. Louis' nerves were thicker and he didn't notice this problem.

Solanlian wrote to Louis more than once, her words full of dissatisfaction with Ye Ziyan for taking her position as astronomy professor.

Catherine has completely betrayed Solanlian's camp, and now she and Ye Ziyan are studying how to cause trouble for her mother every day.

She was very filial, so Louis planned to give her Frostmourne or Ebony Chill.

The former is the sword of the most dutiful son in Azeroth, and the latter is the artifact staff of the most dutiful daughter of Azeroth.

It can only be said that it is not that one family does not belong to the same family. Perhaps 2234 and Gianna are together because of their filial piety.

Looking at the beautiful backyard, Louis always has an illusion.

Perhaps the reason why Catherine accepted Ye Ziyan was really her...

He didn't care.

But a good relationship is much more worry-free than fighting every day, right?

Due to the disappearance of the Lockhart brothers and sisters, Professor Snape temporarily took over the Defense Against the Dark Arts classes in other school years.

This is a pain for them. Compared to Snape, the senior students prefer the sweet-smelling and soft Miss Tifa.

Even if Lockhart is a little oily, he can tolerate it. If it is oilier, can it be as oily as Snape's hair?

It's simply not possible.

This harmonious atmosphere lasted until the summer vacation was approaching.

The most direct beneficiary is Harry. The rumor of the "Heir of Slytherin" due to the duel was unfounded in this harmony. Besides, this argument is untenable in the first place, and it is just a few thoughtful people secretly. Just talking nonsense.

Nowadays, Harry can be said to be very light-weighted. He acts like an old man every day. Every evening at the end of self-study, he hugs the chessboard and asks someone to play a game if he has nothing to do.

After experiencing Louis' reminder, Ron's life was no longer miserable, and his strength was increasing day by day under the combination of work and rest.

Now for Ron, it is not a problem to pass through the undead settlement alone.

Lewis finally couldn't bear it anymore. The basilisk in the underground secret room was a scourge after all, so it was better to kill it as soon as possible.

This time he did not choose to bring anyone with him. After notifying Dumbledore, he was the only one who carried Lemonia to support him and walked majestically to the underground bathroom.

Well, it's the girls' restroom. To put it in layman's terms, it's the women's restroom.

Louis is really tied up. This is the first time in his life that he has bravely entered the women's restroom. If he is not careful, he will be ruined, okay?

He was looking for the entrance to the secret room when a sweet smile came from behind him.

"Hey, little handsome guy..."

Louis was startled, thinking he had been caught breaking into the women's restroom. He looked back and breathed a sigh of relief...

It turns out that the girl is a female ghost, she looks like a long-haired version of Potter.

I muttered in my heart and felt it was inappropriate.

Why have you been with your aunt for a long time and you have learned all the idioms in Edinburgh?

Yes, Ye Ziyan is an Edinburgh native from Siris.

Having said that, Louis has been eating a lot of gold recently. He has actually grown more than ten centimeters in one spring. His eyebrows that originally reached the top of Catherine's head have now reached the top of her head.

Offensive and defensive changes!

Although his face is still a little childish, his height is definitely not false.

"Moaning Myrtle, it must be you." Louis guessed the identity of the person...or the ghost.

"I didn't expect you to know poor Myrtle." Myrtle was obviously interested, and her ghost glasses flashed.

"Of course I know you, look at your face and that of the savior, Mr. Potter, who look exactly the same..." Louis complained: "If Harry Potter had grown his hair long and combed it into a double ponytail, he would be another you."

Myrtle was so angry that she plunged into the toilet with a fierce thrust, bringing up a large wave of water. Unfortunately, Louis was quick to dodge and dodge the splash.

This is the only way she can hurt Louis, but it's not very harmful, but it's very insulting.

The main insult was not to Lewis, after all, the water did not fall on him.

Think about it, who would get into the toilet without any trouble?

Louis hiccupped in joy and lowered his head to find the snake-shaped mark.

As a result, he discovered a very important problem.

He doesn't know Parseltongue...

This was embarrassing, Louis thought about it and had no choice but to go back and ask Harry for help.

He originally planned to do it alone, but this thing made him lose so completely.

I'm sorry, family.

Harry himself refused to bravely break into the women's toilet, but since Louis changed the topic and said that he was going to fight monsters, Harry's attitude immediately changed 180 degrees.

Even Ron and Hermione wanted to go.

Louis tried to talk, but he couldn't stop the three little ones from eagerly trying. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. How could the three of them know what was in the underground secret room?

He could only glance in the direction of the principal's office and make a helpless expression.

If there is any problem, principal, you can take care of it yourself. I can't be the nanny...

By the way, after passing a small message to Christasa in his heart, he led the brave trio along the dim corridor to the door of Myrtle's bathroom.

While Ron and Hermione were walking in front without paying attention to what was behind them, Louis shook out the invisibility cloak he took out from Harry's dormitory, made a silencing gesture towards Harry, and silently buttoned the cloak around himself. And on Harry.

They were greeted by Ye Ziyan at the door of the girls' bathroom.

"Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger, I think you two should give me a reasonable explanation." Ye Ziyan's expression was extremely serious. She looked at the two little guys in front of her with an unhappy look, her lips trembling slightly. He looked like he was almost pissed off.

"Professor, I..." Hermione wanted to defend, but was interrupted by Ye Ziyan.

"Enough! The impact is extremely bad! You two come to the office with me!" Zi Yan looked in the direction of Louis and Harry with deep meaning.

"But Professor, way..." Ron was about to mention Louis, but when he looked back, he found that Louis and Harry were missing.

He touched his head and didn't understand what was going on.

After the two obstructionists were taken away, Louis lifted his cloak and revealed himself.

"Oh my god, Hermione will go crazy if we betray our teammates so unfaithfully..." Harry muttered, as if thinking of Hermione's violent appearance, he couldn't help but shudder.

Gryffindor women are unrivaled in the four houses when it comes to hitting people.

"This is your fault, Harry." Louis patted him on the shoulder earnestly: "We call it stop loss! It's not that we are unloyal! It's not that we are betraying our teammates, okay?"

"Stop loss?" Harry chewed on the new term and didn't understand what it meant for a moment.

Lewis sighed and pretended to be helpless: "You don't want us to be caught together by Professor Ye, do you?"

"Ah..." Harry suddenly realized and resumed his silly smile: "As expected of you, Louis, you really have a good idea."

"I have a lot of options." Louis said, pushing open the bathroom door.

Moaning Myrtle was sitting on the tank of the innermost toilet.

"Why is it you again..." Myrtle looked up and saw Louis, showing an expression of disgust.

It seems that she is still a little worried about the "female version of Harry" thing just now.

Louis didn't answer. He stretched out his hand and pointed at Harry: "Compare it yourself and see if you two are similar..."

Myrtle came closer and held out a big face plate in front of Harry, almost scaring him. After a long while, she finally said reluctantly: "Okay...well, it's a little bit similar."

"Hi, Myrtle," Harry greeted, "By the way, how did you become a ghost?"

Myrtle's whole ghostly demeanor suddenly changed, as if this had been a great honor and honor to her.

"Ouch, tsk tsk, it's so scary." She even smacked her lips and said with relish: "It happened here, and I died in this toilet. Well, I remember it very clearly. At that time, Oliver ·Hong Bei laughed at me for wearing glasses like a four-eyed dog, so I hid here. I locked the door and cried inside. Suddenly I heard someone coming in. What they said was very funny. I thought it was in another language. Bar."

"At that time, I heard a boy talking, so I was very angry - this is the girls' bathroom, why do you, a boy, come in? So I opened the door, scolded him to go back to the men's room, and then - "

Myrtle puffed out her meager breasts very proudly, and her face was radiant: "I'm going to die."

"How did you die?" Harry asked.

"I don't know," Myrtle said in a mysterious and low voice: "I only remember a pair of scary big yellow eyes, like huge light bulbs, and then my whole body seemed to be caught, and then I floated Fly away leisurely."

She looked a little dazed and said, "I remember very clearly what that boy was talking about..."

Louis said a few words in Harry's ear.

Harry understood and said in Parseltongue: "Get rid of those who are in the way!"

Myrtle's hair exploded instantly - I don't know how a ghost of her did it. She screamed, ran up and down frantically, and finally plunged back into the toilet.

She once again recreated the classic of the Philippine diving team, and the splashing toilet water covered Harry's body.

After a long time, Myrtle came back angrily, pointing at Louis with one hand on her hip: "I knew you, this little handsome boy, are the worst! You are a pretty boy with a fair face, and you are so fair-faced that you have no good intentions!"

"You are just jealous of my good looks, Miss Myrtle Potter." Louis shrugged.

Myrtle frowned, rushed over and swung her fist like a windmill, but she couldn't hurt Louis at all.

"If I were you, I would first recall where you saw those eyes." The thick-black Lewis suggested.

Myrtle was stunned for a while and pointed to a pool with a gloomy expression. Louis and Harry hurried over to take a look. After searching for a long time, they finally found a small snake-shaped mark engraved on the side of a copper faucet.

"There is never any water from this faucet." Myrtle said with a rather gloating tone when she saw Harry trying to turn on the faucet.

Louis tilted his head and made a "Go Pikachu" gesture towards Harry: "Come on Harry, it's time for your performance."

Harry stared at the snake-shaped mark and held it in for a long time, his face flushed.

Finally, he choked out the words "open".

To Louis' ears, it was a "hissing" sound that sounded abstract.

Suddenly, a dazzling white light emitted from the faucet and began to rotate rapidly. Then, the pool also started to move. They watched as the pool slowly sank into the ground from their sight, revealing a very thick water pipe that could probably accommodate one person. pass.

Harry gasped, and Louis looked at him and asked, "Are you going to continue to act as an air conditioner here to absorb the cold air, or do you want to go down with me to have fun?"

Harry quickly expressed that he also wanted to go down and see the world.

"As promised in advance, if you die, I won't be responsible." Louis inoculated him: "You also heard what Myrtle said, the monster stared at whoever got pregnant... whoever died, someone like her could change Becoming a ghost is already a blessing among misfortunes, but I can't guarantee that you will be as lucky as those three unlucky guys in the hospital wing."

"You are not a Gryffindor who is afraid of death!" Harry said with a righteous look: "There are only Gryffindors who die calmly, there are no cowards and fearful people——"

"That's not necessarily the case." Louis looked at Harry meaningfully, thinking of the first negative example.

Yes, that's Peter Pettigrew.

I have seen the brave and fearless Slytherin, and I have also seen the miserable Gryffindor.

Of course, Louis did not say these words. Harry only thought that Louis was provoking him. The rebellious psychology in his heart rushed to his head, and he plunged into the thick pipe without saying a word.

"Ah——" Harry's voice floated up the tube, and the fear in his heart could be heard in his voice.

The sound gradually faded away, and with a muffled sound and the sudden end of the shouting, Louis knew that Harry had landed smoothly.

"Harry? Harry?" Louis called Harry's name along the pipe, but received no response.

Damn, you won't just jump into the mouth of the basilisk, right? Lewis's heart skipped a beat.

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