I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 162 Everything is carved into DNA

Hagrid's potion... It should be said that Madam Pomfrey's potion was very effective. At least the four people's legs were less itchy.

The velvet of spiders is so hard that it is difficult for pants to protect them. Occasionally, a few will not be honest enough to penetrate the pants and get stuck on the tender skin.

Not only Hermione, but even Harry and Ron, who were wearing trousers, were a little itchy by the spider fluff, but after all, they were separated by trousers, so it was tolerable and not as serious as Hermione's.

What is gratifying is that the potions in the magic world are relatively wild. They have immediate effects and have additional effects. They can clean up all the poisons of spiders and so on.

Hagrid didn't keep them much longer. After a few words, he let them go back to Hogwarts.

After thanking Hagrid, the three returned to Hogwarts Castle with Tifa.

So, there was a scene that happened before.

"Well done." Louis nodded approvingly and said to the three of them: "In view of your outstanding performance, each of you will receive two hundred credits as a reward."

The trio looked at each other and felt that the trip was worthwhile.

Even Ron, who was full of resentment, forgot about the big spider in an instant.

"Yeah! Louis is great!!!" Ron said something very misleading to himself.

"Okay, I think you three should go back and take a good bath and sleep." Dumbledore said: "Fighting with spiders is always exhausting."

"We're fine." Hermione said immediately, her heart not allowing her to take a step back, and she grabbed Harry who was about to leave.

After Hermione said this, Ron and Harry were no longer sleepy. They stared at each other and sat down on their chairs, looking at Tifa and Dumbledore longingly.

Gossip is human nature, especially children who are very curious.

Dumbledore and Louis looked at each other. Neither of them wanted to be the villain who tried to persuade three curious babies to go away.

Forget it, it's not a dirty secret anyway.

"You..." Dumbledore finally couldn't help but said.

Hermione immediately said politely: "Don't worry, Professor, we are definitely not Hagrid!"

Courtesy Hagrid: You?

But what is worthy of recognition is that at least Hagrid's big mouth is well-known. After all, this straight man can't hide any secrets.

Not only the students at Hogwarts, but also people from the Ministry of Magic know this.

Dumbledore naturally knew this, but what he told Hagrid were things he could tell others, or he told him on purpose.

"Okay." Dumbledore glanced at Hermione thoughtfully, then stretched out his hand to add a full glass of ice-cold lemonade and snacks to each of the three of them.

Watching Dumbledore stuffing cockroach candy into his mouth, Louis suddenly remembered something important: "By the way, did you guys bring back the corpses of a few Acromantulas?"

"No, what's wrong?" Hermione bit down a piece of potato chip and made a clicking sound. Then she remembered the Acromantula's exchange just now and put the potato chip aside in an instant.

Louis subconsciously made a motion to push up his glasses, and said enthusiastically: "Such excellent ingredients, why don't you bring them back? Really, I thought Hogwarts was going to add a new food source. …”

The three little ones just looked at each other, and were so shocked by Lewis that they had the snack in their mouths and even forgot to chew it.

"Spiders...can they still be eaten?" It was Ron who asked this question. He was suffering from an advanced arachnophobia and could not accept this fact.

"Have you ever eaten crabs?" Louis asked seemingly without knowing anything.

Ron nodded without hesitation: "Of course I have, I love crabs the most...but what does this have to do with crabs?"

"I can responsibly tell you that the Acromantula not only looks like a crab, but also tastes basically the same - you know, after you break the Acromantula apart, you will find that the structure inside is almost the same. It's exactly the same as a crab." Louis looked nostalgic: "Especially the part of the spider silk sac under the belly, it tastes like jelly..."

Ron's face was livid and he retched unconsciously, and Harry and Hermione's expressions were not very good either.

"I need to remind you." Louis put on a serious look: "Spiders are not suitable for steaming, because compared to crabs, spider meat is greasier, and water will affect the taste. I personally think Spiders are more suitable for roasting, and you must remember to remove all the body hair of the Acromantula and burn it with fire as much as possible. After all, you don’t want your throat to feel itchy after eating, right?”

"Of course, don't fry it. Spiders themselves are rich in oil. Foreign oil will destroy the original taste of spider meat..."

At this time, even Hermione couldn't hold on any longer. She supported the livid-faced Ron and repeatedly stopped her: "Stop...stop talking...I can't accept it..."

"Hey? Don't you really like eating potato chips?" Lewis smiled mischievously: "It seems that you like the crunchy texture of potato chips, right?"

Hermione didn't know that there was a hidden meaning in Louis' words, so she simply nodded and replied: "I do like the crispy texture."

"Look, this is it." Louis spread his hands: "Scientifically speaking, humans like a crunchy texture because our ancestors consumed a large amount of arthropods. Among them, arachnids are the most important species because they cannot fly and are highly nutritious and high in calories. The biggest thing is that this pursuit of crunchy texture is engraved in human DNA..."

Don’t engrave everything into your DNA! DNA can cry, okay?

Hermione couldn't hold on any longer. She thought of the spider's entrails that had disintegrated Ron's body, and she let out a sigh.

She looked at Lewis with a look of resentment, and now she finally knew what it means to know the world, the man who defies heaven...

Dumbledore's face was also a little stiff. Sometimes having too much imagination is not a good thing, but he didn't seem to think that this kind of food was unnatural, but... he was a little yearning for it. After smacking his lips twice, he turned to Tifa: "Tell me, Miss Lockhart, what is going on?"

His attitude gave Louis an illusion - it looked like he was asking Tifa to explain his problems at a specified time and place.

But Tifa acted a little absent-minded. She looked at Dumbledore in a daze and asked hesitantly: "Am I... in Hogwarts now?"

Seeing that her expression and eyes didn't look like she was pretending at all, Louis and Dumbledore looked at each other with puzzled looks on their faces.

"Otherwise, do you think this is Beauxbatons' principal's office?" Louis asked in blackface, pointing at Dumbledore: "Do you think he looks like Ms. Maxim?"

As soon as these words came out, Ron suddenly turned into a Hogwarts flower and sprayed the lemonade from his mouth far away.

His imagination is also very rich, and he even thought of Dumbledore wearing the uniform of Beauxbatons principal Madam Maxime...

"Uh, I'm sorry, I don't remember many things, or I only have some vague memories." Tifa rubbed her temples in distress.

Lewis asked aloud: "As far as I know, you seem to be possessed by something... Is it a devil?"

The ears of the three little ones stood up, devil? What kind of melon is this?

Tifa thought about it carefully, then shook her head: "It doesn't seem to be the case. That kind of power gives me a peaceful feeling, and it shouldn't look like a demon at all... And I actively expelled it. If it is a demon, I don't seem to have it." Can’t do that.”

"I think that should be the case." Dumbledore set the tone: "Hogwarts Castle is full of demon expelling charms. Even if demons possess ordinary people, they cannot enter Hogwarts unless He would have to destroy the entire castle wall."

"That's not a demon, what could it be?" Lewis knocked on the table, somewhat incomprehensible.

Tifa recalled it for a while, then slowly said: "It's an angel... When I was still in the orphanage before being picked up by Gilderoy, I always believed in the Lord. Later, that is, I just graduated some time ago. When I was young, there was a holy voice that always told me that it could help me, so that I could no longer hold Gilderoy back and help him in his career..."

"I also forgot the day when I said yes to him... From then on, my memory became a little blurry. I seemed to have come to an ideal world, very happy and without any worries. , but suddenly one day I woke up from this dream, and I saw that I killed Gilderoy uncontrollably... Oh my God... what on earth did I do..."

"Angel? How could an angel do such an evil thing?" Ron was still chewing, but it didn't stop him from becoming a qualified Hundred Thousand Whys.

Hermione said with an ugly face: "Ron, there are not only angels in this world, but also fallen angels..."

Dumbledore immediately raised his arm and stretched out his hand to draw symbols in front of him. Unintelligible spells flashed in the void and continued to penetrate into the walls of Hogwarts.

Then, a mark was made on his palm, and blood gradually condensed into a small ball of blood on the top of his palm. Under the puzzled eyes of the onlookers who didn't know the truth, the blood flew into the wall.

"What are you doing, principal?" Louis asked in confusion.

"Oh, it's nothing, just a few inconspicuous angel expulsion spells." Dumbledore gently wiped the wounds on his hands and said casually: "Miss Lockhart did not lie. The fallen angel left her. body of."

"So, Assistant Tifa, do you know the real name of that fallen angel?" Hermione asked curiously, "If you know his real name, you can summon him. I saw it in the Hogwarts book collection. A way to summon angels.”

"First of all, angels may not respond to you; secondly, you are equivalent to a heretic. Could it be that you want to summon an enemy?" Louis looked disgusted.

He was right. After all, wizards and the church were at odds with each other. The church in the Middle Ages often burned wizards...

As the backstage of the church, it's strange that the angels have a good attitude toward wizards.

Tifa shook her head and denied: "He once told me that his name is Raphael... I know that he is one of the seven archangels under the throne of God and the guardian of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden..."

"That's even more impossible. It's impossible for Raphael to do such a thing, let alone do it in person..." Louis shrugged: "Have you ever seen a leader who has to do anything personally, especially to seduce a human being? Women...tsk, this kind of thing can only be done by the shameless fallen angels from Satan."

Hermione nodded, looking very understanding: "This makes sense. Fallen angels are also angels after all, and they still retain the characteristics of angels, such as being able to possess others with their permission, and their neutral and peaceful nature. The power of it gives people an impression of decency..."

"In this way, we won't be able to deal with them the same way we deal with demons." Dumbledore nodded to set the tone and looked at Louis: "You have to learn Enochian, Louis."

"Huh? Enochian?" Louis is a little confused. Can he not learn a new language?

Learning English was quite difficult back then...

It's not that he's not good at learning new languages, it's just that he's been lazy lately and doesn't really want to learn.

"Professor, I also want to learn Enochian." Hermione said quickly. She would never miss this opportunity to learn.

Louis looked at her, wondering, are you the king of rolls or am I the king of rolls?

If you continue to be lazy like this, it will be inconsistent with the character of King Juan, you bastard!

He took a breath and said through gritted teeth: "Okay, I'll learn..."

The great Debussky once said, it is all knowledge, learn it, there is no end to learning, it is too deep.

"There are only two known ways to restrict angels, namely holy fire and angel expulsion spells." Dumbledore shrugged: "Unfortunately, our magic is generally difficult to cause any effective harm to them. .”

"Then what's the use of learning magic?" Ron asked stupidly.

Hermione patted his head: "How can ordinary wizards encounter enemies like angels and fallen angels? The most dangerous enemies they can encounter in their lives are the Cornish elves..."

"That's true." Ron raised his eyebrows: "Add me to learn Enochian."

"Me too!" Harry said very positively.

Louis looked at the trio, who smiled warmly at him.

"We also want to be useful." Harry chuckled, but Louis felt for the first time that he wasn't that stupid after all.

Of course, stupid here is not a derogatory term. Sometimes it is a lucky thing for stupid people to have stupid blessings. This is the case for Harry and Ron - you see, stupid Ron can marry Hermione, stupid Harry can become the true savior not only through their efforts, but also through their luck...

How many people can’t ask for this kind of blessing?

Dumbledore interrupted the four little dolls' mutual affection. He looked at Tifa and asked: "Ms. Lockhart, I need to remind you that Gilderoy's death has nothing to do with you. Even if we accept it, Even the Ministry of Magic won’t believe the idea of ​​being possessed by a fallen angel.”

Louis thought for a moment and it was true. After all, Fudge would not even admit that Voldemort had returned, let alone admit that the fallen angels were causing trouble.

He most likely pretended that this matter did not exist with his tail between his legs, and sent the 'culprit' Tifa into Azkaban.

"What happened to Gilderoy..." Tifa asked in a depressed tone.

Lewis sighed, stood up and patted Tifa Xiang's soft shoulder: "My condolences, I brought his body back..."

Tifa ignored her red and swollen eyes and suddenly raised her head to look at Lewis.

"Really...Oh, thank you, Mountbatten-san..." Tifa looked at Louis with expectation in her eyes.

Lewis shook his head and said to Professor Dumbledore: "Professor, I suggest you open the window first."

Dumbledore did as he was told, and Louis released the piece of Lockhart from the space.

Due to the circulation of air, the smell was not that strong, but the vague stench still almost made the three little ones vomit.

But someone had already vomited, and it was Phineas in the portrait. He vomited all over the portrait. As a result, he was knocked unconscious by a sap from Principal Delis, and he and several other principals worked together to tie him to a chair.

Everyone looked closely and saw a black poop.

"I'm sorry, when I found Professor Lockhart, he was already like this..." Louis looked at the lump in front of him with some unbearable eyes.

Tifa let out a shrill scream. She grabbed her collar with one hand, covered her mouth with the other hand, and knelt on the ground with her legs weak.

"Gilderoy...Gilderoy..." Her tears fell to the ground along her cheeks, her expression sad.

"What a tragedy..." Lewis shook his head.

"Tragedy..." "Tragedy..." "Tragedy..." The three little ones shook their heads together. Even though their impression of Lockhart was not very good, a feeling of sadness arose spontaneously.

This is the good nature of human beings.

"He is a great writer." Dumbledore concluded.

"Great writer." The four little guys repeated Dumbledore's conclusion.

Louis added: "His work will live on forever."

"Immortal..." the three little ones repeated, Hermione's defenses were broken, she sobbed softly, and could no longer bear to look at Lockhart's remains.

"Alas..." Dumbledore sighed.

"Alas..." the four of them repeated in unison.

Seeing that Tifa was about to get into the poop, Dumbledore tensed up. He waved the toffee on the side and turned it into a life-size wooden carved coffin of Lockhart, and put the poop in it. Got in.

At the same time, Tifa also jumped on the coffin.

"Gilderoy... I'm sorry for you, it's me who hurt you... How can I live without you..."

Tifa sobbed, tears streaking Lockhart's sculptured face.

"Alas..." Dumbledore wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say. Just as he was hesitating, there was a knock on the door.

It was Professor McGonagall and four other deans.

"What happened? Dumbledore?" The first person to speak was Professor Flitwick. He was crowded in the crowd and couldn't see the situation clearly. He could only jump to ask: "I think I heard someone crying?"

"It's Gilderoy. He was eaten by the monster in the Chamber of Secrets." Dumbledore shook his head and sighed: "You guys came just in time. Assistant Tifa will be left to you. I still have some things to find. Hagrid handles it.”

After saying that, Dumbledore and his Fawkes turned into a ball of fire and disappeared into the principal's office.

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