I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 173 I will kill you

Since Mikoluo escaped from control and could not track her whereabouts for a while, Louis decided to stay here for a while to ensure that the Battle of Waterloo could proceed in the correct historical direction.

Meow Lington's treatment of several saviors was also good. They were fed Marshal Xiaozao and lived in a separate large tent with general-level treatment. Meow Lington even planned to equip him with a few orderlies, but he was Louis refused.

Just kidding, we have a dragon maid, how can we let a few furry big-headed soldiers serve us?

Besides, it’s not convenient to have women in the tent, isn’t it?

Many people may have a misunderstanding, thinking that a general must share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers in order to win the battle. In fact, this is not the case. In the era of line infantry, there was not so much emphasis on it.

It should be said that the way soldiers are trained is different from modern times. In this era, all the soldiers need to fear is the whip in the hands of the commander more than the gun. The treatment of the big-headed soldiers is not much better than that of animals.

There is also a cool knowledge that laymen don’t know much about. The reason why it is cool is because it is not that cold. Guns in this era were actually not very accurate at hitting people. If two people were shooting at each other a hundred meters apart, without considering the European emperor, two line infantrymen who had only received ordinary training seemed to be able to shoot each other at noon. Until dinner.

Of course, this is just an exaggeration. In fact, the accuracy of shooting can be seen from the training methods-in the 1792 Infantry Mobility and Training Regulations, it is generally only required that the big soldiers can point their guns in the direction of the enemy.

The bullets of muskets are like Indian missiles. After being fired, they perform Brownian motion in mid-air.

So some people say that the one who is queuing up to be shot is Shabi. Why not lie down and fight? Just treat this kind of person as Shapi. This tactic was the optimal solution at that time. It is not advisable to use a rifled gun to attack the enemy. Comparing the era of fixed-loading ammunition to the era of muskets is like asking the overlords of the Spring and Autumn Period why they didn't dig trenches to deal with the invincible tanks.

Isn't this pure cerebral palsy?

In that era, every country had its own unique tricks. For example, the British liked to fire several rounds of volleys to get to the closest distance, and one round of volleys destroyed the opponent's morale; while the Prussian army was better at loading, and their loading speed Soon, this put a lot of pressure on Tsarist Russia. In the end, the famous Tsarist Russian general Suvorov came up with a solution that was not a solution - shoot your damn volley and charge with a bayonet Ula from 300 meters away!

Whether this trick works against others is another matter, but it does work well against Prussia, which has a fast reloading speed.

From then on, Suvorov said to everyone he met that bullets are stupid and bayonets are heroes.

If you take off your followers and downvote them, it’s a yes.

Of course, the topic is a bit far-fetched, but in short, specialization is a common thing in this era.

Louis had neither interest nor opportunity to enjoy the rations for ordinary British soldiers. Marshal Xiao Zao on the battlefield was infinitely better than the big-headed soldiers.

It rained heavily all night last night, and it didn't stop until daybreak. There are not many roads these days. After heavy rains, the roads are always muddy. Every big soldier has at least two or three pounds of mud on the soles of his boots.

This is not the most troublesome thing. The damp and cold morning is even more uncomfortable. Many soldiers' clothes are even wet and sticky to their bodies. Thinking about it, it is already uncomfortable for a person to be wet, let alone a cat with fur. Every cat soldier grinned and shook restlessly, trying to get rid of the moisture on his body.

Fortunately, Meowlington had already led his troops to the preset destination, and it was not too uncomfortable when the troops camped to rest. However, there was heavy frost and dew on the mountain, and the humid environment overnight still caused some soldiers to catch colds. symptoms.

I don’t know how the British troops in the original world gathered in the morning, but what urged the British troops in this world to get up in the morning was the melodious sound of bagpipes.

Louis also got up early. Marshal Xiaozao was pretty good and had everything he wanted, including rare items like baguettes.

You are at war with French cats, my marshal!

After eating, Louis planned to take a walk in the military camp to digest the accumulated food. Smoke was everywhere in the military camp, and many big-headed cat soldiers were sitting together enjoying this rare comfort.

Louis walked to the edge of a campfire surrounded by soldiers, looked down and saw a small tabby cat holding a piece of fried fish and a piece of bread in his hand, licking his lips and staring straight at this rare delicacy.

It's cod, the favorite food of British people in this era, and they never get tired of it.

There are also a lot of side dishes, including a small pile of fried onions and a vegetable and meat stew, which is a rare delicacy in this morning when the rain has just stopped.

Fried onions were the supreme delicacy among the military in this era. The French army in particular even compiled an onion song to praise this delicacy, claiming that fried onions increased their combat power - and also focused on cueing Austria and dogs. No fried onions allowed.

As a result, the emperor turned around and married the daughter of the Austrian emperor. It can be said that it was a stab in the back from his superiors.

Somewhat ironically, through this marriage, Napoleon became the great-niece of Louis the Headless and Marie Antoinette.

Originally, there would not be such a sumptuous meal in the morning, but since the general attack was about to be launched soon, Duke Meowlington ordered the soldiers to have a full meal and try to eat something good.

A delicious and hearty meal can significantly boost the morale of the troops, especially after a cold and wet rain. There is a campfire to cook, a hearty meal - and most importantly, a steaming soup to warm the body.

The little cat first cooked soup with vegetables and meat and fried onions and gave away a large piece of bread. Then he put the grilled fish into the lunch box that originally contained the soup, and tasted this rare delicacy bit by bit. ——He was not in a hurry at all. The warm bonfire made him very comfortable, and he was willing to get up.

After finishing the grilled fish, he licked the cat's paw, took the hot water bottle from the campfire, and poured two-thirds of the boiled water into the lunch box.

The cat's mouth is very afraid of being burned, and the little cat is not in a hurry to drink hot water. Since the campfire can only warm the limbs and face, but cannot warm the nest's belly, so he closed the lid of the lunch box and held it in his arms, eyebrows and whiskers Stretching slowly, showing a very satisfied and lazy expression.

After the water in the lunch box cooled down slightly, he opened the lunch box carefully, and solemnly sucked up the oily flowers on the top layer in a circle, and then sipped it with the look of having successfully reached the other side. After swallowing the warm water, his throat rolled and he made a sound like "ha". Just by listening to the sound, you can know the mood of the owner of the sound.

Louis was so hungry.

We have known for a long time that there is such a weirdo in the army who is the personal advisor of Marshal Meowlington, so there is nothing to make a fuss about. Everyone should eat and drink. When they are full, they can gather around the campfire and continue to warm up.

In this battle, the British army was on the defensive, waiting for the French army to attack them.

The senior officers were all meeting in Meowlington's handsome tent. Duke Meowlington was very optimistic. After all, he had already contacted Blucher, the commander-in-chief of Plumeow. The latter assured that he would lead the entire army in the early morning of the 18th. to support the British army in combat.

To use the original words of Blücher's letter mentioned by Meowlington, it was to put a knife in Napoleon's waist.

The opinions of all parties in the coalition are basically unanimous. If the French army does not launch an attack on the 18th, then the coalition will attack the French army on the 19th.

Good guy, if the mountain doesn't come, then Muhammad will be there. If Muhammad goes to the mountain, he belongs.

But Duke Meowlington preferred that the French army launch the attack first. As a master of anti-slope tactics, Meowlington's position was carefully selected. It runs along a low ridge and is about four thousand yards long. Three hundred yards directly in front of the center of the position was a manor house, these buildings hastily fortified as outposts from which the combined forces of several nations intermingled discreetly with the British along the entire front.

The vital right wing was given to Cook's 1st Division, consisting of four battalions of British Guards infantry. The cavalry brigades serve as central reserves and are deployed between the front line and Mont Saint-Jean. Another two British cavalry brigades form the top of the left wing because the terrain there is relatively flat.

Most of the artillery units occupied positions along the top of the mountain west of the road. From here you can straf the slope ahead. According to Meowlington's instructions, the artillery ignored the enemy's artillery and concentrated its artillery fire on the enemy's infantry and cavalry at short range.

Louis didn't know much about war, but Chromie very wisely made him a map like playing Total War. From his perspective, Meowlington had already deployed a fairly safe pocket, just waiting for Napoleon. The troops rushed up and went down the mountain to collect corn.

Chromie also very thoughtfully marked the ranges of various artillery fires and the ranges of infantry. It really looked like playing a game.

It's a pity that this is not a game, but a real war in which countless people risked their lives and sacrificed their lives.

What is not difficult to understand from the map is that everything is well positioned, waiting for Napoleon to get into his pocket.

Unlike the British army, Napoleon's troops were out of touch with the transport team and had no rice for a long time. At around nine o'clock, Napoleon ordered the troops to finish their attack preparations after having breakfast. Although this intention was good, it was also a clever woman. It was difficult to cook without rice, so the French army could only scrape together the remaining supplies and ate a not-so-satisfying meal.

If Napoleon were Cao Cao, he would probably have to use the logistics heads.

He is very optimistic. After all, as an all-powerful coach, he rarely suffers a defeat in his life. Even the previous defeat in Leipzig was just a crime of "I will die here without fighting" in his opinion.

After all, he was the one who started chasing allied kings and emperors all over the place.

"Our chance of winning is at least 90%, and the possibility of failure is only 10%." Napoleon confidently said to the generals who were dining with him.

But this confidence has not infected others, especially Soult, Ney and others who have fought in Meowlington on the Iberian Peninsula. They are not optimistic about the current situation.

The French army basically has no morale now. They have the right time and place. Napoleon only has one person and he is pulled up purely by his personal charm.

"It's hard to tell," Prince Jérôme muttered quietly.

"What did you say?" Napoleon heard this little remark this time, and he looked sharply at his brother.

Prince Jerome curled his lips and gave a very important piece of information: "One of my waiters overheard some gossip among British officers while having lunch at the 'King of Spain' tavern in Jinape, saying that the Prussians wanted to Starting from Wavre…”

Napoleon threw the baguette in his hand on the table with his backhand. He stood up and denied loudly: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"The Prussians have been driven away by Grouchy. It will take at least two days for them to arrive here for support. Even if they come back, we still have Grouchy! As long as Grouchy launches an attack, everything will be fine..."

"It's hard to say." Jérôme once again disagreed with his brother.

Napoleon was anxious. He looked around, took out the command knife from an attendant, and shouted loudly: "You beast, I will kill you...kill you!"

It's a pity that Ney, who is very skilled, used Expelliarmus (Physical) to take away the command knife.

Seeing the bad opportunity, Jérôme ran away in a pee and disappeared...

"Your Majesty, calm down!" Ney stuffed the command knife back into the attendant's scabbard. Napoleon actually regretted it when he took out the knife. When he saw a step down, he took a deep breath and sat on a chair to continue chatting about the possibility of a battle. direction.

Generally speaking, under the influence of Napoleon, everyone is quite optimistic. After all, the Emperor's command knife may not have very long eyes. If he is not stabbed to death by the British bayonet, but is cut down by the Emperor first, the gain will outweigh the loss.

At ten o'clock in the morning, after Napoleon checked with the commanders of each army, the commanders returned to their troops. At eleven o'clock, Napoleon issued the final combat order to the army commanders. When the entire army was deployed in battle order around one o'clock in the afternoon, the emperor would immediately order Marshal Ney to launch an attack and seize the village of Mont Saint-Jean at the intersection.

Moreover, Napoleon issued a death order that the entire army's artillery must be used intensively to cover the attack launched by Marshal Ney.

Napoleon was so arrogant that he believed that he could break through the center of Meowlington and destroy the city in one fell swoop by using his favorite twelve-pounder cannons to prepare for artillery fire, and then using his always invincible troops to rush towards Brussels. After defeating his army, he could leisurely march twelve miles to Brussels, surrounded by the Guards.

In order to match his self-confidence, the backpacks of the Old Guardsmen were already filled with uniforms for the military parade.

It's a bit like Shevchenko's behavior.

What do you mean by popping champagne at halftime (tactical retreat)?

At this time, the reconnaissance troops sent by Duke Meowlington also detected the movements of the French army. He dispersed the troops on the top of Mont Saint-Jean, and Lao Li alone probed the French army's movements with a telescope.

At 11:30 in the morning, the world-famous Battle of Waterloo officially started.

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