I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 18 Forbidden Forest Cave

"Actually, there is no need for you to come in and take risks with me."

Lewis really didn't want to involve his senior sister, because it wouldn't be fun if he kicked something that even his senior sister couldn't handle.

Maybe it was because after entering the cave that the weird wind noise outside was no longer heard, the senior sister’s tone gradually returned to its proper viciousness: “Please don’t be so sentimental, I just don’t want to see red squirrels and four-eyed frogs surrounding you. The corpse is just crying."

"Oh, and that ferret." When Draco was mentioned, the flash of disgust in the senior sister's expression was keenly detected by Louis.

"It seems that senior sister doesn't like Draco?" Louis asked while holding up the fluorescent wand and walking forward.

The cave was unexpectedly spacious. After walking a few steps, I felt suddenly enlightened. Unlike the cramped entrance of the cave, the top of the inner cave is not even much lower than the Great Hall of Hogwarts. Louis found that his fluorescent flashes couldn't even fully illuminate the cave ceiling.

"I hate self-righteous people, and it just so happens that all three of the Malfoy family are like this."

After Catherine finished speaking, she paused and looked at Louis: "I know what you are thinking. Why should a self-righteous person hate people like her...right?"

"I never thought so, senior." Louis stopped and looked at Catherine's face seriously: "I have always thought that your strength is worthy of your temper."

"So, why did you stop?"

Louis said nothing, just pointed at it.

Catherine looked up and saw a huge and ferocious spider crawling on the roof of the cave. Its densely packed compound eyes were looking directly at the two of them. The two large claws in its mouth were opening and closing, showing an extremely strong desire to eat.

"Confringo! (Thunderbolt Explosion)"

Louis used his newfound spell.

*You have gained 100 points of blasting spell proficiency, and the level of blasting spell has been increased by 1.

The fiery spell flashed red and exploded the wall in front of the spider. The big spider screamed, but before he could make any move, another thunderbolt exploded, knocking him to the point of collapse.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm pretty good, but look, this spider is about to fall off." Lewis' tone was quite exciting.

"You also know that we are under it, don't you?" Catherine asked leisurely, and a green flame swept across, burning all the spiders in the air.

"You are such a waste, the Acromantula is full of treasures." Lewis said regretfully.

"But this is not an Acromantula, this is a Giant Widow Spider." The senior's tone was full of contempt: "I think if you have good eyesight, you should be able to see the large red spots on her back."

Oh, he remembered, it was the giant spider when Ron faced the Boggart.

"The silk of the widow spider is a good thing, but... this one has lost the ability to weave webs." The senior sister's tone was full of regret.

"How do you know?"

Louis asked with the attitude of asking if he didn't understand. This is all knowledge. The great reservoir prodigal once said, learn, there is no end to learning, it is too deep.

"Otherwise, we will be greeted by sticky spider webs, stupid little deer junior."

Louis was used to Catherine's contemptuous eyes.

There are many kinds of magical creatures in the cave. There is a nest of Cornish elves living in the passage not far behind the spider. The two even met two Grindylows.

I really don’t know why there are two little aquatic fishmen in this cave on land.

After getting rid of Grindylow and continuing forward, Louis carefully checked the surrounding terrain as he walked. He was also curious about what the "dark creature" was.


A weak voice came from deep in the cave. Lewis stopped and asked in a low voice: "Did you hear anything?"


"It seems... there seems to be one?" Catherine finished chanting the spell and pointed forward uncertainly: "It should be coming from the front. Let's go over and take a look."

Under the blessing of the noise reduction spell, the noise made by the two people's actions was very small. After probably walking forward for dozens of steps, a clear strange scream came from the corner of the cave, and there was also light shining through the gap.

The two of them went over to take a closer look, and an orange-red bonfire came into view. There was a large pot sitting on the bonfire, which should be cooking something. There were also a group of red-skinned goblins beside the bonfire.

Those little goblins had a pair of short horns on their heads. They were holding a notched iron knife in one hand and a shield in the other hand. They were dancing inexplicably around the campfire and singing nonsense words.

"Such a strong smell of sulfur." ​​Catherine frowned and said softly.

Louis thought it looked familiar, and suddenly an idea flashed in his head. Isn't this the specialty of Rogge's camp, the Sinking Demon?

Why are you here?

In his memory, this kind of little devil is very bullying and timid. Generally speaking, wherever the Sinking Devil appears, there will be a Sinking Devil wizard directing their actions. Thinking of this, Louis looked back and saw a slightly larger fallen demon wizard pacing back and forth holding a bone battle flag.

This is a monster in the previous game "Diablo 2". Because everyone played the traditional Chinese version at the beginning, many people regarded the Sinking Demon as the "Sinking Demon".

Shen and Shen Traditional Chinese come from the same character. (Correction, it is considered a Chinese character, not traditional Chinese or variant.)

Thinking about it, even the water-making technique in World of Warcraft can be in his hands, and he won't be surprised if there is more in this world.

"It's the Sinking Demon, a little devil from hell." Louis whispered to Catherine Kopp: "It's a very timid demon. As long as you kill one, the rest of the Sinking Devil will flee."

"Demons can also be timid?" Catherine asked in surprise. This was the first time she had seen this statement. The world's impression of demons has always been that they are cunning, cruel, insidious and vicious. Who would have imagined that demons can be timid and fearful of trouble?

"Well, I have seen information about this kind of demon in family records." In order to make his statement more credible, Louis chose to use a tiger skin as a banner: "You saw the one with the bone totem No demon? That is the wizard who leads this group of Sinking Demons. It can cast spells to resurrect the Sinking Demons - unless you can crush the corpse of the Sinking Devil you killed or make it disappear completely."

"I know what you are thinking." Louis stopped Catherine who was eager to try: "If the record is not wrong, the Sinking Demon is immune to all fire damage."

Some book friends found the old book group and added it to remind me to update it, so I created a new group, 766987240. Don’t go wrong.

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