I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 189 Three men and one drama

"I want you to go back to the auditorium immediately and stay there."

After Lupine finished speaking, he tapped the Marauder's Map in his hand: "If you run around, I will know."

Harry nodded and couldn't help but say: "Actually, Professor, this map is not always accurate. For example, a person just appeared on the map who shouldn't be there."

"It's impossible, Harry." Lupine denied categorically. He thought to himself that this map was made by your father and I. I know better than Qian how powerful it is.

"But, I really saw it." Harry raised three fingers with an extremely serious expression: "I swear, I really saw it..."

"Okay, okay." Lupine asked with a smile: "Tell me, who did you see?"

"Peter Pettigrew," Harry answered.

Lupine's pupils instantly shrank like needles, and he blurted out: "This is impossible!"

Then he shook his head, still with an expression of disbelief: "This is absolutely impossible..."

"Anyway, I saw his mark flashing past me, but I didn't see him..." Harry shrugged, looking indifferent.

He was now a little suspicious of the Marauder's Map.

Yes, Peter Pettigrew is obviously a dead man, so why does he appear on the Marauder's Map?

Lupine waved his hand, signaling for Harry to leave quickly. After a while, he put the Marauder's Map away and stumbled out of the castle.

Harry's words made him realize a possibility that he had been thinking about for a long time - that is, Sirius was wrongly accused.

First of all, the Marauder's Map is absolutely infallible. As one of the makers of the map, Lupine has absolute confidence.

"Black..." He muttered to himself and came to the Whomping Willow. The Whomping Willow also noticed him and began to show its teeth and claws, preparing to beat him up.

Lupine stretched out his wand and cast a spell on the scar of the Whomping Willow. A magical thing happened. The Whomping Willow seemed to have been tapped on its acupoints. It no longer grabbed people with its claws and claws, but became a real heart. willow tree.

Following the dilapidated path, Lu Ping imposed a silence on himself and quietly groped inside.

Don't be a shooter, just drop it in quietly.

Soon, a faint sound of chewing was heard, as if someone was chewing the bones of some animal. Lu Ping put on his guard and darted into the house.

What a miserable person that is...

A mess of dirty, tangled hair hung down to his elbows, and if the eyes hidden in the deep, dark sockets didn't shine, he would have been a living corpse. The waxy skin clings to the skeleton of the face, making it look like a skull. He was holding the remains of a rat in his hand and munching on it crazily.

It was Sirius Black.

"Sirius..." Lupine did not give up his guard, he still pointed his wand at his former best friend in front of him.

"Remus?" Sirius didn't care. He threw the remaining remains of the mouse into his mouth, making a horrifying crunching sound. The chewing sound was terrifying.

After calmly swallowing the food in his mouth, Sirius said quietly: "It seems that you have discovered something."

"Harry told me that he saw Peter on the Marauder's Map." Lupine still did not let go of his last guard, and kept pointing the wand in his hand at Black.

Sirius laughed nervously, and there was a deep sadness in his voice. After a while, he said: "Yes, Peter, Peter."

"That traitor! He betrayed James and Lily!" Sirius knelt on the ground and screamed hysterically, almost venting his voice. After a while, he said quietly: "Remember that James and Lily chose me to be the secret keeper? ?"

Having said this, he patted the wooden board beside him and motioned for Lupine to sit down. After receiving no response, he smiled self-deprecatingly: "Well, what I want to say is that at the time, I thought my goal was too obvious, even for a three-year-old Children all know that James will choose me to be the secret keeper. At this time, I thought of a way, that is Peter..."

"Peter is timid and fearful. No one thinks that he will become the James and his wife's secret keeper, but who knows about this traitor! This traitor!"

At this point, Sirius's mood collapsed again. He knelt on the ground holding his head and stammered: "He has surrendered to Voldemort a long time ago. I am really... I am really blind -"

Lu Ping raised his hair and adjusted his hairstyle. He was already seven or eight percent convinced. After a while, he said, "Prove it to me."

Sirius tremblingly took out a clipping from the Daily Prophet from his arms, which showed a photo of the Weasley family.

Lupine saw the rat on Ron's hand very keenly. The front paw with a broken toe, even if it turned into ashes, Lupine would recognize it!

It was Black who was accused of killing Peter Pettigrew, and only a finger was found at the scene!

At this moment, Lupine no longer had any doubts about Black's words.

He put the wand away, rushed over and hugged Blake, not dissing his dirty body at all, and murmured comfort: "It's not your fault, no one would have thought that he had betrayed us long ago, it's not strange you……"

"Expelliarmus! (Expelliarmus)"

There was a clear shout, and Lu Ping had no time to react. The wand in his arms flew into the hand of the visitor.

It's Louis.

"Let me see..." Louis smiled like a villain at this time: "The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts has a secret meeting with the fugitives from Azkaban. I think the front page of tomorrow's Daily Prophet will be very... Wonderful……"

"Oh no, Louis, you have to listen to what I tell you..." Lupine walked up and tried to argue, but he didn't expect that Louis wouldn't give him a chance at all. He pointed his wand at his chin and pushed him back.

"This is an excellent opportunity. Think about it, the time is coming for me to completely control the Defense Against the Dark Arts class at Hogwarts. Do you think I will waste this opportunity?"

Lewis's face was hidden in the shadows, with only a pair of white teeth showing. There were as many villains as there were villains.

"Come on, let's start with you, Sirius Black." Louis smiled bloodthirstyly, ignoring Lupine's pleas, and pointed the wand at Sirius, who had his eyes closed.


Sirius originally thought there would be a curse, but it turned out to be a cleaning curse. For a moment, he and Lupine looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Along with this cleaning spell, a ball of colorful ribbons exploded from the tip of the wand, just like the salute wand from Zuko's Magic Joke Shop.

Sirius and Lupine were stunned.

Then came the ecstasy from the heart. After all, revenge was just around the corner, and no one wanted to give up halfway.

"Thank you... thank you..." Sirius collapsed on the ground with tears in his nose and kept thanking him. Under the great joy and sorrow, his mood had completely collapsed.

"Get up, let's see how you look with your nose full of tears and how grown-up you are. You're not afraid of scaring Harry either..."

Louis got him a pile of clothes from the system backpack, asked him to put them on carefully, and used the magic spell to clean him again. There was no way, the smell of the Screaming Shack was so strong that it couldn't be removed even by the strong wind. That smell.

"So, what are you two going to do now?"

"Of course, sneak into the castle and catch that rat!" Blake's eyes were burning with blazing fire. He was really concerned about revenge.

"You are right, but before that, I think we should inform Professor Dumbledore, after all, he..."

Lewis didn't say the next words. Dumbledore was like a big spider entrenched in the principal's office. He could quickly know any trouble in Hogwarts.

Thinking of the big spider, Louis quickly added: "Speaking of why you want to eat mice, I remember that there are many eight-eyes deep in the Forbidden Forest...are they from Scottish terrestrial soft-shell crabs?"

Sirius had a strange look on his face, Scottish terrestrial soft-shell crab? Isn't that the Acromantula?

Why have students become so wild after leaving Hogwarts for more than ten years?

Sirius stood up and began to look at this classmate who seemed to have a bright future again.

"By the way, Louis is still Emma's son." Lupine seemed to mention it casually, but who knew that Sirius's expression changed instantly.

"Emma... Emma? Is she still..." Little Sirius asked sternly, as if he was afraid that his dream would be shattered.

"Unfortunately, my mother has passed away." Louis shrugged and said with regret.

Sirius's eyes suddenly became empty, and by the time he spoke the next words, it was as if all his energy had been drained from him.

"Actually, Emma never believed that you betrayed Lily and James." Lupine's voice was a little low, for fear of irritating Sirius with what he said.

Sirius just nodded flatly, indicating that he understood. But the two of them could see that his mood was even more complicated than before.

Louis shrugged. He remembered Dumbledore saying that his mother punished the foursome every day when she was at school. Isn't this Sirius a masochist?

How perverted is it?

As soon as he turned around, he saw Snape jumping in with a surprised look on his face.

"How sweet the taste of revenge..." He protracted his tone in a sinister tone, looked at Louis, and praised with approval: "Yes, Mr. Mountbatten, you can delay the time for the professor to arrive. Thank you for your wit, Slytherin." Plus fifty points!”

"Let me see, Lupin, as a professor, has an affair with an Azkaban escapee, tsk tsk tsk..."

"I'm sorry Severus." Sirius immediately retorted: "Your always keen intuition failed again."

Snape's expression was twisted and ferocious, and Sirius's expression was also full of disgust. For a moment, Louis couldn't tell who hated whom more.

"Are you really going to point your wand at me? You always hid behind Senior Emma when you were in school, and now you've become so sharp?" Sirius' words were extremely sarcastic.

Snape's eyes instantly turned dark, and he growled word by word: "How dare you mention Emma, ​​how dare you mention her! She trusts you so much, and what about you? Look at what you've done. What……"

"I think there must be a misunderstanding between you, professor." Louis interrupted quickly. He didn't want to watch three men in one drama.

"Misunderstanding?" Snape smiled arrogantly. After a while, he shook his hair and said bitterly: "Why don't you ask him how he betrayed Lily and his best brother back then - oh, please forgive me. I said this..."

"There was indeed a misunderstanding about what happened back then," Lewis quickly explained: "Professor, if you are willing to give us a few minutes, we can solve the mystery together after calling Professor Dumbledore."

"I think it won't take that long," Snape said conspiratorially, "Just let me here to avenge Lily with my own hands..."

"Professor!" Louis saw him raising his wand and quickly stopped him: "You don't want the real betrayer to go unpunished, do you?"

Snape was obviously stunned. He turned his head to look at Louis like an owl, and then turned back: "Tell me, I'm willing to give him a few minutes... for your sake."

Louis spoke quickly about various doubts about Peter Pettigrew. Snape pondered for a moment and accepted what Louis said.

He was quite willing to believe in his proud student, even though this proud student always made him fuming.

"Okay, I'll watch you, Black." Snape looked at Black with burning eyes. The latter didn't care about his hawk-like sharp gaze, but looked indifferent.

With Snape and Lupin, Sirius was easily taken to Hogwarts. To be on the safe side, they did not go to the principal's office but to Louis' office.

"I didn't expect you lived in such a grand place." Sirius looked at Louis' office and said with a sigh: "If I had such a separate dormitory when I was in school, God, I would go crazy, and so would James... …”

Speaking of James, Sirius choked up, lowered his head, and did not continue to say anything.

Lupine patted him on the shoulder in comfort, and Snape put on a look of disdain.

What do you mean three old men in a show (akimbo)?

Soon, at the invitation of Krisstrasa, Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and several deans also came, and with them there were three people.

Ron was grabbing his mouse with a confused look on his face, but who knew that the moment the mouse entered the office, it started to twist wildly.

"It can be seen that he is very anxious." Louis looked at Scabbers who bit Ron. Ron let go of his hand in pain. Scabbers had already run to the ground, crawling all over the ground.

Harry saw the skinny Sirius at a glance. He stood up and pointed at Sirius tremblingly: "It's you...Sirius Black..."

"My child, you actually know me?" Sirius really didn't expect that his godson actually knew him.

Of course, in a less than pretty way.

"Of course I know you!" Harry accused in a trembling voice, "You betrayed my parents!"

"No, Harry, someone did betray your parents." Louis interrupted Harry. In his puzzled eyes, there was a look of wisdom: "But it was not Sirius Black."

I have a fever and feel so uncomfortable...

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