I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 194 That Quidditch game

People like Harry who fall in love with each other as soon as they confess their love are usually caused by being single for too long.

Generally we call it an illusion.

It is better to persuade him through actions than to persuade him with sincere words.

Ron stood up and called Ginny under Louis' instructions.

"Harry!" Ginny stepped on the stool with a sharp step: "Let me tell you something sweet, do you like Lavender Brown more, or do you like me more?"

Harry looked up at Ginny. In fact, Ginny was really beautiful, and she was still working hard to become taller and more beautiful.

But now it's not a question of who is more beautiful. Ginny is holding her wand in her hand and her expression is not very good. Think about it, no one who has their home stolen may not be in a very beautiful mood.

Judging from her appearance, as long as Harry dared to say the word "no" today, I'm afraid this wouldn't be a problem that could be solved by breaking him into pieces.

Of course, Harry was quick to give up. Originally, according to inertia, he would also be with Ginny, but now the process has been accelerated.

"Of course it's you, Ginny." Harry said sincerely, causing cheers.

Draco on the Slytherin seat didn't look very happy. He gritted his teeth and looked at Ginny and Harry, unable to tell what he was feeling.

It's not that he really likes Harry. In fact, Draco is also a straight man. Maybe it's because of jealousy, or maybe everyone is single and he is the only one who is worried about this.

After settling Harry's life-long matter, Louis stopped chatting here and returned to the office. After just leaving for a while, several people came to the office, including Ms. Rita Skeeter, who planned to interview Sirius and Louis; and Xenosfilius Lovegood, who also planned to interview Sirius. After all, the Quibbler he founded also needs some material to boost sales.

Ms. Skeeter's questions were very ordinary, but very direct and inquisitive. They just came close to asking Sirius the questions that Sirius had comforted himself with several times when he was in Azkaban. The questions Mr. Lovegood asked were more tricky. As a professional and conscientious media person (self-proclaimed), he has always had the burden of being an idol. He focused more on asking about Sirius's mental journey, especially after Peter betrayed Potter. The couple's mental journey during the period when he learned about it.

Of course Sirius was more painful, it was the memory he least wanted to face, but in order to be able to wash away his grievances and be able to be by Harry's side, he had to endure the pain of uncovering his scars and giving these two The writer tells in detail what happened that year.

The interview lasted for a whole afternoon, and the two writers left with satisfaction. Sirius seemed to be relieved, and Ge You collapsed on the sofa, with a look of emptiness and confusion on his face.

Now he is thinking about life. What is the meaning of life?

"Tell me, Louis, what do people live for?" Sirius tilted his head and asked, expressing the confusion in his heart.

"To prepare some French fries for the auditorium later." Louis replied subconsciously.

Sirius shook his head and said seriously: "No, Louis, I am asking you very seriously. I am thinking about what the meaning of life is..."

"I'm going to order some French fries in the auditorium later." Louis said, taking the French fries that Aslo had just sent from the table and placing them on the coffee table in front of Sirius.

Sirius picked up a piece of French fries, sprinkled some ketchup on it, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Well..." He relaxed his brows and said with a smile: "You are right, I just want to go to the auditorium to order French fries later."

The next day, someone from the Ministry of Magic took Peter Pettigrew away and said they were going to send him to Azkaban. But Louis felt like a mirror in his mind. As an Animagus, Peter could easily escape from Azkaban.

But then again, the world always needs a Lich King, and the key is to resurrect Voldemort quickly and remove the soul fragment from Harry's head.

The good news is that Sirius's grievances have finally been officially cleared. The Ministry of Magic not only recognized his merits, but also applied for him to be awarded the Order of Merlin, Second Class.

It can be regarded as the lucky one among the misfortunes.

Dumbledore announced at breakfast that Hogwarts had officially accepted Sirius Black as an assistant teacher in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. As soon as he finished speaking, warm applause broke out in the three houses.

Gryffindor believed that Sirius Black had been a member of Gryffindor House while attending Hogwarts, so it was natural for them to welcome him as a member of Gryffindor.

Slytherin believes that Sirius Black's family is a pure-blood family. Even though he is in Gryffindor, he is still an out-and-out Slytherin at heart, so there is nothing wrong with them welcoming Black.

Hufflepuff believes that Sirius Black's loyalty to James is a model for Hufflepuff - and Hufflepuff House is famous for its loyalty, so they also think that Sirius should have a strong affinity with them. common language.

As for Ravenclaw... you also know that Sirius's series of tricks can be said to be smart, and the Ravenclaw eaglets really dislike him to death.

It’s true that smart people don’t get close to dumb dogs.

Sirius, who didn't know the inside story, didn't feel too embarrassed. After all, he felt that he was not Jin Gallon and could not be liked by everyone. At least people in the three colleges welcomed him now, which was enough.

But if he knew the truth that Takayuan didn't like him, he might be furious.

Today is the Quidditch match, which happens to be Elizabeth's first game. In order to show his support for his cousin, Louis took Catherine to the stands to watch the game for the first time.

The match was Gryffindor versus Slytherin, but judging from the support of the crowd, it seemed to be the other three houses versus Slytherin.

I want to type three .jpgs.

Because Slytherin's competitive style has a Korean flavor, Snake House has always been unsatisfactory in the eyes of the other three houses.

The great 3D zone newcomer Song Hana once said that playing games is all about winning, and Slytherin players generally have the same mentality. Beaters in other houses usually drive the Bludgers away from their own players, but Slytherin's Beaters usually hit the Bludgers towards the opposing players.

As dirty as you want.

Condensed Essence Elizabeth stood beside the towering team members, feeling like she stood out from the crowd. Her two little carrot legs were not even as long as other people's arms. Her teammates took two steps, but she needed two steps.

The onomatopoeia for other people's walking is "Kuai Kua Kua", and the onomatopoeia for her walking is "Diudii diudi".

However, Quidditch does not look at height, but mainly at flying skills.

Seeing the first years standing in the Slytherin ranks, the Gryffindor players were reminded of that afternoon two years ago.

A little scar named Harry wearing glasses broke into everyone's heart. That year, they swept Slytherin and swept Slytherin into the loser's group with a record of 170-20.

Looking at Elizabeth who looked confused, for the first time, the Gryffindors did not look down upon her.

George Weasley moved to Harry's left side and whispered: "Harry, there is a genius who looks exactly like you."

"I heard her name was Elizabeth." Fred also moved to Harry's other side.

"Don't be her background." George answered quickly.

Fred was not to be outdone, as if singing Nico Allegro: "Come on, let's cheer up together!"

"Okay, you two." Oliver Wood, the seventh-year wooden captain, pulled the twins back hard and brought them close to Harry.

"Harry, I want you to prepare yourself for this game with 120,000 points." Wood whispered, looking sideways at the Slytherin players who seemed to be discussing tactics, lowered his head and said: "If I didn't If you’re mistaken, Slytherin’s new Seeker should be driving a Firebolt.”

Harry's eyes widened, Firebolt...

But it makes sense when you think about it. After all, she is Louis’ cousin, so she must not be short of money.

"I will, I want to win." Harry nodded cautiously. Sitting in the audience for this game was his godfather. His father was the best seeker in the school back then. Of course he didn't want to lose his father's Face.

Everyone in the Slytherin team was also comforting Elizabeth.

"How are you, are you nervous?" the question came from goalkeeper Miles Bletchley.

"It's okay." Elizabeth said so, but looking at her, she didn't look nervous at all.

Captain Marcus grinned widely and said with a smile to his team members: "Guys, it's Quidditch time again. I hope everyone can cheer up this time and kick those Griffins hard. Lots of ass!”

"Kick their ass!" the batsman on the sidelines, Pegrin Derrick, cheered.

Marcus smiled, and after a while, he whispered to Pedlin: "If you have a tendency to fall behind, I hope you can watch the Gryffindor players, especially the opponent's Angelina and Wood. You must keep an eye on these two people..."

"Understood!" the two batters nodded.

Five minutes later, the two teams entered the court.

A familiar voice also sounded from the rostrum.

"Hello everyone, hello everyone, I am the special commentator for this game, Lee Jordan. There is also a special guest who will commentate with me in this game. He is Ron Weasley!"

Good guy, why did Ron end up in the commentary position?

"Thank you very much for the introduction of Lee Jordan, who is so quick to steal Jingle Bells that the world is full of love for you. Well, I am very honored to be able to sit in the commentary seat." Ron's voice also sounded, and the rapid speaking speed was also The clear statement attracted the attention of the audience almost instantly.

This new commentator looks very good.

With Mrs. Huo Qi's whistle, the game officially started.

"Okay, let's see, oh, it was Gryffindor who got the ball first, it was Angelina. She rushed left and right with the ball as if she was in no one's land. She was breaking through, but the Slytherin players They were also chasing and intercepting each other. Oops... Graham and Cassius caught Angelina with the ball in the middle. This is really a man-in-the-making..."

Lee Jordan explained quickly and with passion. His rapid speaking speed made Ron, who had been watching the game next to him, stop looking at the players and stared at him with his mouth open, as if he was admiring a miracle.

Only when you go up yourself can you know the level of the people who go up.

Ron soon got into the mood, and he picked up the microphone and started to praise: "Well, I think Angelina is more like a sandwich cookie now, but she is the one who is sandwiched... Oops, she is going to knock on the door... ...Well, a very powerful shot, this shot hit the fans in the stands, let's see, Madam Pomfrey has gone up, it looks like this fan is in shock, I hope you guys will shoot in the next game You can be more careful when doing it, and if it hits the audience, even if it hits flowers and plants, it’s still not good.”

"Okay, now it's Slytherin's counterattack. The one who broke through with the ball was their captain Marcus. The moment he took the ball, he suddenly found that there was a flat surface in front of him. It was as flat as Hermione's front teeth... Ah, no, In short, it was an open space. He drove his beloved broom, held his hard buttocks, and spiraled like a dragon. Our two ladies, Katie and Alia, went at full speed before they could catch up with the horse. Kusi…”

"That's a good shot. If it had been higher, it might have knocked down the owl that was delivering the message." Ron commented very pertinently.

But he didn't see that his girlfriend Hermione's face in the distance had turned red into a ripe apple.

"I would like to remind a fellow commentator that when explaining, please pay attention to your girlfriend's feelings." Li Jordan clearly saw Hermione's face, and said in a tone of schadenfreude: "Hahaha... It seems that he replied There might be quite a bit of trouble getting to the break room.”

"We continued to turn our attention to the field. This time, Angelina still launched the attack from the left. She moved forward at full speed and single-handedly broke into the Slytherin half... Oh, what did I see? Slytherin attacked The Bludger hit by the player was dodged by her with a nod. What kind of reaction and sensitivity is this..."

Ron immediately answered and explained: "We saw Angelina attracting the attention of two defenders. They were still trying to interfere with her attack just like before. Will she knock out her classmates this time... Okay , she passed the ball, Katie Bell caught the ball, hit it and it went in!!!”

Katie Bell rounded her arm and hit the goal too quickly. It was too late for Slytherin goalkeeper Miles Bletchley to intercept, and the Quaffle grazed her fingers. Jian'er flew into the ring on the far right.

Li Jordan grinned and said with a smile: "The poet Beedle once said that a good cross from the wing can easily lead to a goal. Look, Gryffindor took the lead in breaking through the Slytherin goal, 10-0 Lead!"

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