I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 196 The consequences of deceiving Catherine are...

At this time, Elizabeth was completely distracted. She didn't pay attention to what Li Qiaodan said. After carefully weighing it, she made up her mind and stood on the broom in front of everyone's horrified eyes.

She tried to reach the Snitch with her hands, but she was just a little bit short of catching the Golden Snitch in her hand.

"Look, for God's sake, the Gloucester player is actually standing on the broom!" Ron shouted in horror: "Holy shit, how on earth did she maintain her balance? I suspect she used glue to glue herself My feet got stuck on the broom..."

As soon as Ron finished speaking, he saw Elizabeth leaping up lightly. With a wave of her little hand, she took the Golden Snitch in her hand. Then she landed steadily on the Firebolt at her feet and resumed her original riding position. posture.

"Gloucester caught the Golden Snitch, and Slytherin gained one hundred and fifty points! Oh my god, what a shocking reversal. The game is over, and the current score is - one hundred and forty to one hundred and fifty, Slytherin wins!" Li Jordan shouted in horror, not because of the quality of a professional host, but because Elizabeth's performance was so outstanding that he had been completely conquered.

The audience below held their breath until Li Jordan announced the end of the game, and the Slytherin audience burst into shocking cheers.

Elizabeth smiled happily, and the braces on her teeth shone in the sun. She raised her arms high, holding a Golden Snitch in her hand. Harry was behind him, looking lonely. Looking at the Golden Snitch in her hand, Colin Creevey had a good time and raised his camera to record the moment.

Afterwards, Elizabeth was surrounded by happy Slytherin players and classmates. It was difficult for the boys to get started, but the girls in the college picked her up and threw her into the sky crazily.

Ah...she's wearing safety pants, Harry thought, an inexplicable feeling of regret welling up in his heart.

"Firebolt..." He muttered subconsciously, but was startled by a big hand tapping on his shoulder.

"Well done, Harry."

It was Sirius. He winked at Harry and said, "So much like James. Your dad would be proud of you."

"But, Sirius, I lost to that girl..." Harry's voice and expression were extremely lonely. This was the first time he tasted the bitterness of failure.

As for young people, the earlier you fall, the better. At least when you were young, you had a better mentality, and you got used to falling over and over again.

"No, this is not your problem, Harry." Sirius looked at Elizabeth who was lifted up high, and said with a smile: "First of all, her broom is much better than hers, you would never think that a hippogriff Can the winged beast defeat the dragon?"

"That's true..." Harry murmured.

"This little girl is a freak, Harry." Sirius' words made Harry feel better: "Think about it, who is her cousin Louis? Doesn't this make him feel better?"

"I feel much better, thank you, Sirius." Harry suddenly came back to his senses. Yes, this girl is the cousin of that weirdo Louis. The weirdo's cousin must also be a weirdo, and he won't lose. Unjustly accused.

Louis, who was teasing Catherine in the distance, sneezed twice in a row.

"What's wrong? Little Deer." Catherine asked with concern, "Are you catching a cold?"

As he said that, he took off his coat and put it on Lewis.

"It's okay. I thought, scolded, and mumbled, but someone was scolding me." Louis wiped his nose and said in a muffled voice.

"Who is so bold?" Catherine said displeasedly: "If you want me to know, I must give him a good look."

"I don't know who it is, to be honest." Louis shrugged. He had done so many bad things that he didn't even know who might be scolding him.

It's possible for anyone in this school.

Catherine snorted and looked at Elizabeth, who was still being thrown up and down.

"Your cousin is really good at flying."

"You know, our family has a strong talent for vehicles." Louis said with a smile.

"What about you? Why haven't I seen you riding a broom?" Catherine frowned slightly, with a hint of ridicule.

Louis was not in a hurry, he looked around, smiled and leaned into Catherine's ear.

"Isn't your riding skill good when I ride you?"

"Asshole! Asshole, bastard!" Catherine hit Louis' chest quickly with her fist. Louis, who was smiling evilly, suddenly changed his face, turned pale, let go of Catherine, and vomited a mouthful of blood.

Catherine was also frightened by this sudden scene. She looked at Louis helplessly. After a while, she asked anxiously: "What's wrong with you, Xiaolu, don't scare me..."

Louis waved his hands reluctantly, his face as pale as a vampire. He sat in the stands, closed his eyes, pretended to be relaxed and smiled: "It's okay, it's the same old problem, just take a rest..."

As he spoke, he hid his hand behind his back. If Catherine wasn't so anxious, she might have seen the shiny candy wrapper in his hand with a capital W written on it.

Yes, this is the new product launched by the Weasley twins - quick-acting skipping candy, a blood-vomiting version, which actually spits out red syrup...

It just smells the same as blood, but if you taste it, it will definitely reveal its secret.

But Catherine was so anxious now that she was not in the mood to care about this. She helped Louis up and anxiously went to Madam Pomfrey.

"It's okay, little moon." Louis stuffed the candy wrapper into the gap on the stool, and comforted Catherine in turn: "Actually, it's not a big deal. I've been like this since I was a child. It should be passed down to me from my mother. God will be fine..."

"I'm sorry, Xiaolu..." Catherine's eyes were red. She was really going crazy with anxiety. If anything happened to Louis due to these few blows from her, she might never forgive herself in this life.

Louis put his arms around Catherine. From an angle that she couldn't see, his lips raised a very cunning arc. He chuckled and comforted her: "Hey, it's nothing. Be good, don't take it personally. You are my favorite little moon." , What can you do if you hammer me twice? Let alone spit out a mouthful of blood, even if I spit out my heart to you, I will be willing to..."

"You're not allowed to say that..." Catherine was feeling guilty and happy now. Lying in Louis' arms, her voice became a little softer: "I don't want your heart, I just want you to be healthy and happy. of……"

"Actually, there is something that can make me happy right now." Louis' map of Dukang was too long, and his little dagger was only revealed now.

Tu Qiong dagger saw it belongs to yes.

"Say." Catherine was now in a state of responding to Louis' request.

"It's just...ahem, I told you about that posture two days ago..." Louis coughed twice, and seeing Catherine's hesitation, he immediately pretended to be very weak to paralyze Catherine: "Of course, I'm not...well , Mainly because I’m afraid that if I relapse or something goes wrong in the future, I can’t leave with regrets…”

"Stop talking!" Catherine reached out and pressed Louis' lips, biting her lips as if she was struggling. It took her a long time to make up her mind: "I promise you..."

Louis made a gesture with his hand behind Catherine's back.

Plan successful!

The next day, Louis, who got his wish, felt refreshed all day long. In the afternoon, for the first time, he sat in the auditorium and had a self-study class with Catherine.

"Hey, Louis." George saw the rare guest in the self-study class, and he quickly came over with Fred, and asked with a smile: "How is it? The quick-acting skipping candy I gave you yesterday was pretty good, right?"

Louis quickly stood up and was about to take the Weasley twins to find a secluded place to talk, but he didn't expect Catherine's faint voice to ring from the side.

"Oh? Quick-acting truant candy? What is that?"

George did not see Louis' crazy suggestion, but laughed and showed off to Catherine: "Your Majesty, you don't know something, this is a good thing recently invented by our Weasley twins."

As he said that, he took out a colorful candy wrapper with a capital "W" written on it, opened it three times, and put the candy into his mouth.

"Let me show you."

Louis slapped himself in the face.

"Little Moon, there's nothing interesting to see. Let's go back to the office first... Ah, I just remembered that Professor Dumbledore asked me to go to the principal's office to find him later..."

Louis said dryly.

"Don't be in a hurry, baby deer." Catherine's words were very soft, as gentle as the spring breeze blowing on her face. She stretched out her hand to pull Louis, who had already stood up, back to his seat, and looked at George with squinted eyes: "Wes Mr. Lai No. 1, could you please show me the effect of quick-acting truant candy?"

George didn't realize how serious the problem was now. He swallowed the candy into his stomach. Soon, his face became extremely pale, just like Louis yesterday. Then he turned his head and a mouthful of blood fell from his mouth. He vomited, shocking the students around him.

It looked extremely serious, as if some sudden illness had struck.

"Is this quick-acting skipping candy?" Catherine's mouth curved in a playful way, stretched out her wand to clean up the blood on the ground, and said to the Weasley twins: "The effect is very good, you two can go, me and I Mr. Xiaolu still has a few words to say."

"Okay, Her Majesty the Queen!" The Weasley twins quickly gave in and left the auditorium in a flash.

After the Weasley twins slipped away, Louis let out an awkward but polite laugh.

But unlike what he imagined, Catherine was not angry. Instead, she turned around and continued copying the formulas for Potions class, and asked very calmly: "Did Aunt Emma inherit the disease from you?"

"Ahem..." Louis said nothing, just coughing.

It's embarrassing. It feels uncomfortable to be caught. Louis didn't regret lying to Catherine, he just regretted being caught - he knew he should have said hello to the Weasley twins at that time, why did he run away in a hurry...

Sigh... Thinking of this, Louis became even more emo.

It's all the twins' fault! This big mouth is almost as bad as Hagrid in hiding things...

"Just two days?" Catherine was still very calm, but Louis always felt that this was the legendary calm before the storm...

Lewis did not dare to answer, but carefully looked through the book in front of him.

If you get the answer wrong, it will be Barbie Q.

At this time, Catherine put down the pen in her hand and turned to look at Louis, with a frighteningly calm expression: "I remember that someone said before that he wanted to spit out his heart and show it to me? Well... I'm still afraid of my own time. Not much, I want..."

Without saying a word, Louis used transfiguration to turn the book in his hand into a fruit knife and handed it to Catherine.

"Why don't you dig it out and take a look, little moon." His tone was quite like the wind rustling and the water cold, the spirit of a strong man who will never return once he is gone.

"Why should I dig out your heart? Silly little deer." Catherine turned the fruit knife back into a book, stood up, and chuckled: "Didn't I say that Professor Dumbledore asked you to go to his principal's office? You can go ”

"It's okay, the sky and the earth are not as big as my little moon." Louis said honestly.

"Oh?" Catherine smiled, "Tell me, where is your little moon bigger?"

"Here, and here." Louis pointed to her two pancakes and the peach: "They are both quite big, I like them very much."

Catherine tugged at the corner of her mouth and looked around coldly at the students who were staring at the two of them. Wherever her eyes went, the students lowered their heads one after another, not daring to look any further.

With such power, she can be regarded as a queen.

"Follow me, my dear." Catherine stretched out her hand to pick up Louis and walked out of the auditorium.

Lewis was too embarrassed to resist. His wife was giving her face like this, so he had to catch it. After all, he was the one who was at fault first.

After walking out of the auditorium, Louis finally couldn't help but ask: "Can I ask, where are we going?"

"The Room of Requirement." Catherine said concisely: "Since you are so eager to vomit blood, I will satisfy you..."

"Vicious woman! What are you doing!" Louis was anxious and stopped quickly. He didn't want to follow her to the Room of Requirement and be tortured...

Although it's not that he can't beat her, but... now he's being unreasonable. It's so frustrating to just be beaten and not be able to fight back.

Look, look, what does it mean to be a scumbag who still wants to fight back in this situation?

"Xiaolu, I want to save you some face in front of the classmates." Catherine stood on tiptoe and breathed softly into Louis' ear: "If you don't want to go to the Room of Requirement, you can do it here... "

Lewis shuddered and said quickly: "Forget it, let's go to the Room of Requirement..."

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