I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 199 Underground Prison

Napoleon, who started the wizarding inheritance, was like a child weighing a hundred pounds. At this moment, he had forgotten the humiliation that France had suffered in these years, and this small unpleasantness had been forgotten by him.

Louis simply taught him a few spells and left him to Dumbledore.

In his original words, he had to find something to do for the Emperor of France, lest he get into trouble by staying here.

Looking at the French Emperor, who was a contemporary of Principal Armando Dippet, Dumbledore fell into deep contemplation.

This kid Lewis can really find things for him to do...

There was no need to be a teacher for the time being. Napoleon was assigned as a transfer student in the first grade and studied with a group of young wizards.

The little wizards looked at this older classmate and felt a little self-doubt in their hearts.

Dumbledore was a rather strict man and did not reveal that Louis could turn a squib into a wizard, so apart from him and Louis, only Catherine and Vitali knew this secret.

After settling Napoleon's matter, Louis finally had time to do the task.

After a brief hello to Catherine, Louis set off and teleported to the underground prison of Irushil.

After the familiar darkness, Louis came to a broken world. After coming out of the castle, there is a rugged and steep cliff in front of you. A castle is integrated with the cliff. There is only a path extending forward. On the left is a steep cliff, and on the right is a bottomless abyss. .

After walking out a few steps, Louis saw the small door open not far away. It was dark inside and looked quite scary.

Fortunately, there were torches burning on both sides of the dark path, illuminating the way forward.

Walking down the stairs on this path, there is a bright bonfire in front of you. After lighting the bonfire, Louis continued to move forward, intending to explore inside.

Fortunately, he knows the way, which is the most important thing.

He set up a lighting spell that automatically followed him and continued walking forward. There were empty prisons on both sides, which looked extremely strange under the blue spell illumination. Especially in this prison, it was extremely quiet. The rustling sound of Louis walking was amplified in the silent space.


The sound of the jar breaking sounded, startling Louis.

It was because he had a weak foot and didn't pay attention to what was under his feet, so he stepped on it.

"It turns out to be a jar..." Louis breathed a sigh of relief, this was too nerve-wracking...

Isn't this just irritating to one's nerves?

After secretly cursing Miyazaki, an old thief, he continued to move forward.

Not far away was a small door. As Louis approached, a jailer floated past him.

It's quite scary. The jailer wears a metal mask on his face, holds a lantern in his right hand, and a long and large soldering iron in his left hand. The front end of the soldering iron burns red. If this thing is burned on the skin, it will definitely smell bad. .

The jailer's sense of smell was very sensitive, and he discovered Louis' presence almost instantly, but he did not rush forward in a hurry, but leaned back and let out a weird laugh.

Louis didn't give him a chance to perform a full set of radio gymnastics, and a chain lightning blast reduced him to ashes.

By the way, he also took away a passing jailer.

After using the fire to burn the jailer's remains to ashes, Louis walked out of the small door. As soon as he turned right, a sense of crisis suddenly arose in his heart. Louis stopped quickly, and sure enough, rushed into a prison on the right. A living corpse appeared and made a pushing movement towards the air in front of it.

If Louis hadn't stopped, he would have pushed him down...

Realizing that he had pushed nothing, the living corpse raised his arms and scratched his head, as if wondering why he had pushed nothing.

Louis would not tolerate him, and the lightning shot out, easily turning the living corpse into ashes.

Continue walking forward, and on the left is a bridge connecting the prisons on both sides. Louis walked along the small bridge, turned right and went downstairs. Facing him was a metal cage with several living corpses in it. Seeing Louis walking down, the cage crackled like a dance and staggered towards him.

It's scary enough, but the strength of this thing itself is not very good.

Not far away, bursts of shrill wails came along the passage.

Lewis shuddered and walked forward with courage.

When he walked to the door, he used the transformation technique to disguise a false version of himself, and controlled it to continue moving forward. The moment he walked out, a sharp sword penetrated the chest of the transformed creature.

Looking along the sharp sword, Louis couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this little chic looks quite something...

It was a baby's head enlarged several times, as big as a large watermelon, with two half-open, swollen eyeballs emitting a faint blue light. Its body was dry and thin, completely out of proportion to its huge head, and looked extremely uncoordinated.

"Bad beast." Louis complained, sending him to the west with a thunderbolt explosion.

"I hope you will be a more beautiful guy in your next life, like a patrolling butterfly or something."

Behind the big-headed doll is an extremely disgusting creature - perhaps it is not a creature at all. This thing is entirely composed of fat, white and plump maggots. It looks extremely disgusting. Louis really doesn't want to look at it. , burning him to ashes instantly with blazing flames.

A strange fragrance emanated from this narrow space, and Louis retched, it was so disgusting...

At the end of the road is a door controlled by a mechanism. Logically speaking, you need to take another road to open it, but Alajo Dongkai, who is Louis's tenth level, does not need to care about this and easily opens the door. Four open.

Going down the elevator, you will find a stunning view. Ahead is an abyss, and in the distance, a majestic city wall sits on top of a snow-capped mountain, with clouds and mist lingering above it, giving it a fairyland feel.

There were many dead knights and dragon men sitting nearby, with their heads lowered and their hands forming seals, seeming to be shouting from the bottom of their hearts like a German boy.

I sincerely say so!

After looking at them for a while, Louis continued to walk forward.

Walking down the steps into the small door, and turning around, the front of the room suddenly opened up, which was the hall of a castle.

There were almost a dozen jailers standing in front of them, densely packed together, holding soldering irons in their hands. They looked extremely scary.

Noticing Louis approaching, the jailers all backed up tactically. Louis took advantage of this moment, and the chain lightning crackled, sending the jailers into the arms of the salary kings.

After clearing the prisons on both sides one by one, Louis finally found the location of the witch.

"alohomora! (Alohomora opens)"

The iron door opened with a sound, and Louis slipped in through the door and met the witch's astonished eyes.

"What kind of spell is this?" The witch was obviously very interested. Then she felt that this seemed inappropriate, so she introduced herself: "Hello, I am the witch Karula, are you Ashes?"

"I'm human," Louis said simply.

"Oh, I think you are confused, right? As the saying goes, only those who have a feasible path will get lost. This is proof that you are a hero." Karula said this incoherently.

"I'm not confused." Louis shrugged and asked, "Do you want to continue to stay here, or go out with me and become a teacher?"

"Teacher?" Karula was stunned for a moment. She didn't understand what Lewis meant: "You mean, you want me to be your teacher?"

"You can understand it this way..." Louis didn't say much: "I go to a magic academy. There are many wizards younger than me. I think you can teach them some spells."

"But I am a dark witch." Karula smiled self-deprecatingly: "Why would anyone learn the dark curse?"

"Don't worry, I teach Defense Against Dark Arts." Louis said with a kind smile: "Of course, the choice is yours. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will not exclude witches who study black magic. .”

"Okay." Karula nodded and stood up: "Please give me a return bone fragment."

"No need to bother, just stay in my space for a while."

The witch Karula is just a small episode. For Lewis, opening up this world is not like when the little wizards repeat their adventures and still have treasure chests to get.

Besides, he doesn’t have any hobby of collecting everything, so he just needs to finish the task quickly.

At the end of the hall is a spacious archway. There is no door, so there is no need to spend two mana points to open the door with Alajo Cave.

Walk along the stone steps to the end and you will see a stone arch bridge. There are fallen stone pillars standing on both sides, crooked, upside down, slanted, upright, and so on.

They looked to be in a state of disrepair, with two of them almost weathered.

As soon as I stepped onto the stone bridge and walked out for two steps, I heard a whistling wind and a strange sound of flapping wings. Lewis followed the sound and looked where it came from. It was a huge gargoyle flying towards here with stone wings flickering.

With a roar, the gargoyle landed on the bridge, shaking the entire stone bridge.

If it weren't for the high quality of this stone bridge, I'm afraid it would collapse right now.

The gargoyle is very huge, unlike the not-so-big bat in World of Warcraft. This gargoyle must be at least four or five meters tall, with two wings like two huge fans, and the combined wingspan is at least It must be ten meters long; its head is not a ferocious bat, but made of pure stone. The facial features cannot be clearly seen, but the outline looks a bit like the future French star Mbappe; it holds a huge handle in both hands. , the spear burning with flames, if the flames are burning on the feet, maybe you can cosplay Nezha.

Nezha: Are you polite?

Of course, its hooves have no flames, but have the same dark green stone texture as its body.

As an electric mage, of course Lewis started with lightning.

But common sense tells us that stones are immune to lightning, and hitting them with three lightning spells is like tickling a gargoyle.

When the reactance is full, it belongs to yes.

The gargoyle has not been bribed by Lewis, so of course he will not watch him electrocute him. It flapped its wings and flew up, raising the huge spear burning with flames in its hand, and pointed it straight at Louis' chest.

Even with the protection of the energy shield, Louis did not dare to push too hard. There was an abyss on both sides of the bridge. What if he was knocked away by the gargoyle and fell down?

It's not like I haven't been killed by terrain like this when I played Dark Souls before.

Louis quickly rolled around to avoid the impact of the gargoyle, and then threw several thunderbolt explosions back, causing the gargoyle to stagger a little.

The Gargoyle's magic resistance is very high, and it is difficult for magic spells to cause effective damage to him.

What? You said you still eat magic in the game? Come on, that's just gameplay. If you really want to set the gargoyle to such a high magic resistance, will mage players still be able to play it? You can only play with him and give him the chance, right...

Seeing that the spell was unable to work, Louis waved his hand and summoned three giant swords, hanging above his head.

Kallia Magic - Great Sword Array.

This magic is not just about magic damage. Each two-meter-long giant sword also comes with quite outrageous physical damage.

The giant sword array worked as expected. The giant sword that flew out penetrated the gargoyle's wings, leaving three huge holes.

Lewis breathed a sigh of relief. With such a big hole in his wings, he probably wouldn't be able to fly, so he would slowly polish them off.

But just when he breathed a sigh of relief, the gargoyle flapped its wings and flew up strangely. With the strong wind, it flew towards Louis again.

He threw an armor protection charm at random, and Louis turned around and ran away. Siris had an old saying, a man who knows the current situation is a hero, and running away if he can't be beaten is his traditional virtue.

There was a loud noise behind him, followed by a violent shaking, and Louis knew that the gargoyle had stabbed the air.

He repeated his old trick and added nine giant swords to himself in succession. This time, the gargoyle did not dare to push it too hard. It tried to dodge, but found that the giant sword actually had a tracking function. In desperation, it had to use a weapon to meet it, but the result was... Unable to stop these nine giant swords, they were pierced through the skull one after another.

The huge body of the gargoyle swayed and fell to the ground unwillingly.

Where the gargoyle's body disappeared, a white light group appeared.

Lewis walked over and the system beep sounded.

[Congratulations on getting the perfect diamond]

[Congratulations on getting the rune: Hel]

*Perfect diamond: It can be set on grooved items. Depending on the item, the attached attributes are also different.

Weapons: +250 Accuracy

Clothes: +5 lighting range

Shield: +19 to all resistances

*Rune Rune: Hel: A mysterious rune that will have unexpected effects when embedded on items.

Louis put the trophy away. The diamond was very big, almost as big as the big diamond on his aunt's crown. As for the rune Hel, he remembered that he had always used it to wash equipment inlaid with runes when he was playing games in his previous life.

It should also be useful. If I remember correctly, the rune language of Death Breath requires the rune of Hel.

Overall, it is quite useful.

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