Of course no one would eat durian stuffed buns in front of Louis.

This is a British magic school. There are no people from a certain country who have a good life here to study, so there is no need to be wary of durian stuffed buns for the time being.

The smell of gunpowder between Vitali and Veronica was very strong, and Louis was really afraid that the two of them would suddenly pull out their wands and shoot at each other, or Avada Kedavra.

He has no doubt about the resentment in the hearts of these two people. In the struggle in the food world, Italy and France are eternal feuds.

What? You mean Britain?

Hahahaha... The British themselves didn't believe it and said that the joke was very good and they should not tell it again next time.

Principal Dumbledore's speech was still not nutritious. His words were nothing more than a review of the past and prospects for the future, and he encouraged the students to be good young people in the new era.

Professor McGonagall further added that she pointed out that there is such a small group of people in Hogwarts who don't study, skip classes every day, and like to play pranks. This behavior is shameful and the biggest betrayal of Hogwarts. If it happens again, If she is caught in such a situation, it cannot be solved by deducting points.

But the Weasley twins didn't seem to care very much. Professor McGonagall couldn't catch them anyway.

The two of them are really swollen. It's not whether Professor McGonagall can catch him, it's just whether he wants to catch him or not.

The Halloween party ended with Sirius winning an overwhelming first place, which showed how much the students of all grades in the other three houses resented Snape.

Louis and Catherine's Gryffindor costumes didn't get many votes. The Gryffindor classmates were disappointed, but the Slytherin classmates didn't like the costumes. They didn't care about it, they were just having fun.

After returning to the office, Louis sent Tom and Jerry home through the mouse hole. After driving Christasa back to the bedroom like a chicken, Louis stared at Catherine dressed in Gryffindor and put his hands on Put your hands together and start rubbing.

"What weird move are you doing?" Catherine was amused and chuckled.

"Rubbing your hands like a fly." Louis replied truthfully.

"Hahaha..." Catherine was so amused that she leaned forward and backward. It was a blessing to Louis that he could come up with this action and this term.

It's so apt, isn't it?

"Come in." Louis put his arm around Catherine's slender waist and made a suggestion that was not easy to refuse.

Catherine hummed softly, rolled her eyes at Louis charmingly, and walked into the bedroom first.

When Louis woke up the next day, he saw Christasa standing beside the bed as soon as he opened his eyes.

"What's wrong? Chris?" Louis didn't hesitate to get out of bed and get dressed.

Christasa's face turned slightly red, and she stared straight at Louis' abdominal muscles without blinking. She looked like she was about to drool.

"Kris, Chris?" Seeing that Kristassa didn't respond, Louis stretched out his hand and waved it in front of her eyes, which brought her back to consciousness.

"Oh... um, ah!" Christasa realized it later like a silly elder sister. She shook her head and tried to drive Louis' abdominal muscles out of her mind, but the result became more and more clear.

"Headmaster Dumbledore wants you to go to his place when you wake up."

After saying that, Christasa hurriedly slipped away.

Catherine's voice sounded behind him: "What did Principal Dumbledore ask you to do so early? This is not his style."

"I didn't know." Louis put on his clothes, turned around and put his hand into the quilt, patting Catherine's flat belly gently, like beating a drum: "I'll go over and take a look first. I'm sure Professor Dumbledore is calling me. Something is going on, there must be something going on.”

"Just talking nonsense." Catherine gave him a stern look and pinched the soft flesh of his waist.

Eighth floor, principal's office.

Louis, who was neatly dressed, looked at Dumbledore, who was nodding and taking a nap in his seat, wondering whether to wake him up.

The elderly don't get enough rest. If this scares him out of a heart attack, wouldn't that handsome old Austrian guy have to fight for his life?

Who knew that Phineas Black was yelling from behind, not caring about the fact that Principal Dumbledore was sleeping.

"Hey, look who's here? Isn't this our great genius from Slytherin? Oh, my dear Louis, thank you for saving the only seedling of the Black family."

"This is what I should do, Principal Phineas." Louis nodded politely and slightly, looking extremely elegant.

"Elegance, it's so elegant!" Principal Phineas was halfway through yelling when he was tied to a chair by several other principals and his mouth was gagged.

Louis spread his hands and said he was helpless.

"Oh, you're here, Louis." Dumbledore was also woken up by Phineas at this time. He rubbed his sleepy eyes, took out the glasses with half-moon lenses from the drawer, wiped them carefully, put them on, and slowly He said quietly: "I'm sorry, please forgive me for being an old man who loves to sleep. After all, I'm getting older and I can't keep up with my energy..."

"You were crazy with them until 3:30 last night. It's strange that you were able to stay awake." Louis pierced Dumbledore's peep show without mercy.

Dumbledore's face was neither red nor white and he said: "You actually discovered it, haha, young people nowadays..."

"So what do you want to see me for?" Lewis got to the point directly. He knew Dumbledore very well. If he didn't get straight to the point with him, he would definitely bring the topic here and there to Pluto before slowly bringing it back.

Old London likes this, hey, authentic...

"It's nothing serious, I just want to take you to visit an old friend." Principal Dumbledore said calmly.

"Old friend?" Louis asked suspiciously. Dumbledore had many old friends. Could he be taking him to Newt Scamander's house? He had long wanted to meet this legendary Hufflepuff senior, but he had never had the chance.

"You'll find out if you come with me." Dumbledore's speaking speed was still leisurely.

Louis shrugged. He was used to Lao Deng, the Riddler.

After using a door key once, you don't want to use it a second time, at least that's what Louis thinks. He and Dumbledore used the portkey to travel to France and bought a train ticket to Austria.

It's quite post-modern. Is this going to be retro?

The two of them were alone in a cubicle. Louis scratched his shoulders and asked belatedly: "What are we going to Austria for? Do you have any friends over there?"

He obviously hasn't reacted yet, and is still wondering whether Newt is not in Austria, nor is Nico Flamel.

Dumbledore did not rush to answer his question, but stopped the salesperson who was selling snacks from a cart and bought a bunch of snacks.

He picked out two lollipops from the pile of snacks, handed one to Louis, and he skillfully opened the other and threw it into his mouth. After a while, a satisfied smile broke out on his face.

Louis picked up the lollipop and took a look. Hey, we are old acquaintances. I ate them all my life. Isn’t this the Alps?

Yes, Alpine is also sold in Europe, after all it is an Italian brand.

It's the brand called "Alpenliebe", founded in 1966. To be honest, the ingredients of this candy are quite complex, and the fact that an Italian product is named in German is really... quite unique.

Among them, "Alpen" means the German Alps, and "Liebe" means "love" in German. Normally, the translation should be translated as love in the Alps.

"I like this little candy from Muggles very much. Muggles are always more creative than wizards." Dumbledore said while tasting it.

"You don't have to look at how many Muggles there are in the world. With such a large base, a large number of creative talents will always emerge." Louis shrugged, without opening the lollipop, but gave it back to Dumbledore .

One is that he doesn't like eating sugar very much, and the other is that he is not sensitive to the hydrogenated vegetable oil in Alps.

Eat as little of this stuff as possible.

The train started and it took more than an hour to reach the border of Austria.

Looking at the open plains in the distance, as well as the cows and horses that often appear on the road, it is really refreshing.

"It should be said that Austria is a great country." Dumbledore found a more comfortable position and sat back up: "When I was young, Austria and Hungary were still one country. It seemed to be called the 'Austro-Hungarian Empire', right? Yes, the emperor is Franz."

"Austria is indeed a great country. It has two most successful things. Do you know what they are?" Louis asked while looking out the window.

Dumbledore actually thought about it seriously, then shook his head and answered honestly: "I don't know."

"The two most successful things Austria has done are to make everyone think the mustache is German, and to make everyone think Beethoven is Austrian." Louis spread his hands and made a helpless expression.

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud.

"I have never thought of this tricky angle. If you put it this way, it seems that the Austrians do have a lot of minds."

"Who says it's not the case? So what are we here to do in Austria? We can't visit the academy of some failed art student, right?" Louis asked in a leisurely tone.

"That's not true. We are going to Nurmengard this time." Dumbledore told the truth.

Lewis was stunned for a moment, and then made a meaningful expression: "Oh——"

"You are just like your mother." Dumbledore shook his head helplessly: "Gellert may not be familiar with your mother because she is a lively and lovely little girl, but you..." At this point, Dumbledore He looked him up and down and said, "You can't tell."

"Why?" Lewis was anxious, when will we men stand up? I was really angry, shaking, and cold.

"You don't look like a fourteen-year-old." Dumbledore told the truth. Whose fourteen-year-old child has grown to be over 1.80 meters tall?

Hey, why isn't there? Look at Siris in the distance. It's possible that this child's surname is Yao...

Lewis was silent. Do you blame me for growing up so fast?

After a while, he asked: "Why did you suddenly think of taking me to see Mr. Grindelwald? I remember that he is not a repeat offender?"

"Maybe." Dumbledore was noncommittal, "But I don't think so. It's just that some of his ideas were not suitable for the society at that time."

"I seem to have heard someone else say this." Lewis sat upright: "It seems that he still has many followers now?"

Dumbledore glanced at him and said nothing.

"That's right, after all, you also have the Order of the Phoenix." Louis curled his lips: "I heard that Mr. Grindelwald's organization is called, oh, the Saints? Tsk, he is really a middle-aged man."

"A man remains a boy until he dies." Dumbledore remarked pertinently.

"You are right, men will remain young until they die." Louis' attitude this time was surprisingly consistent with Dumbledore's.

Nurmengard is one of the two most famous prisons in Rowling's original novels, the other being the well-known Azkaban.

Ironically, Grindelwald built this prison to imprison his opponents when he came to power. Grindelwald's slogan "For the Greater Good" is engraved on the entrance of the prison, and now, the prison is inhabited by Grindelwald. he himself.

But whether it should be said or not, his abdication was quite honorable, at least he ended up with the same ending as Napoleon. But Napoleon was better than him because at least he was an entire island.

Perhaps these two people will have a lot in common after meeting - the same high spirits, the same invincibility, the same falling short of success.

It's just that Grindelwald's defeat was a little more romantic.

Nurmengard is built in the mountains, surrounded by desolate people. There is such a lonely prison castle standing on the mountainside.

Cold, dark, and desolate are synonymous with it. From a distance, it looks eerie and scary. The two sides of the castle are covered with snow that never melts all year round, but there is no snow above the tower.

So weird, take another look.

There is magic here to prevent disembodiment, so the two of them can only walk up.

The castle was dark and cold, a cold wind blew through, and Louis shivered - he regretted not wearing enough clothes today.

It's all Lao Deng's fault. He didn't say where he was going when he came out. Otherwise, would he have asked Christasa to prepare some thick clothes for him?

But Dumbledore was obviously well prepared. He was wearing thick clothes. Looking at Dumbledore's thick robe and scarf, Louis felt even more unbalanced.

"Professor, you are not kind." Louis couldn't help but said.

Professor Dumbledore chuckled and said, "If you don't wear more clothes yourself, wouldn't it be inappropriate to come and blame me now?"

Louis glanced at him speechlessly, thinking, you can do it, you are really good, Professor...

The twins’ love of mischief has been discovered. You Gryffindors are all such bears!

After walking for a long time, they finally arrived at the small room at the top of the tower. For some reason, Louis felt a little nervous.

This is the real Dark Lord, and countless people used it to stomp on the noseless Grindelwald.

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