Regarding Dean Snape's past, both Catherine and Louis had very consistent opinions.

With such a wonderful life, what else is there to regret?

I feel that Snape was much more miserable than that Lu Mingfei, and Lily's death was even more miserable than Eriki's death.

But it seems that it is not as miserable as Lu Mingfei. After all, Snape has never really been with Lily, and he also watched his beloved woman marry someone else and have children...

If the protagonist were written like this on a website, it would be strange if it didn't hit the public.

"There is no way I can substitute myself into Professor Snape." Catherine leaned her head on Louis' chest and murmured: "I can't imagine how desperate I would be if you abandoned me to marry another woman and have children..."

"I know, and I can imagine it." Louis shuddered: "You have an 80% chance of using the fire spell and a 20% chance of using lightning."

"I'm not as fierce as you think!" Catherine stopped and gently hit Louis' arm with her little fist: "You stupid little deer deserves a beating!"

Louis didn't feel any pain. He grabbed Catherine's wrist with his backhand and said with a smile: "Why are you acting like a weak girl now? I still like your unruly look at the beginning. You should recover."

"I'm a Ravenclaw now, so I have to fit in with the character." Catherine pushed up her glasses and acted like an intellectual beauty.

"Don't tell me, it tastes pretty good, I quite like it." Louis' dishonest hands have begun to become dishonest.

There is such a versatile fairy wife. She can make her look like a Gryffindor and a Ravenclaw. That feeling.

With this in mind, he also asked.

"If you have a chance, you must try Hufflepuff. I really want to know what you would look like in Hufflepuff clothes." Louis said while walking around with a smile.

"Silly." Catherine rolled her eyes and lay down on the bed.

Spring goes by very quickly, and in a blink of an eye it’s almost time for the holidays. Children are always looking forward to growing up and graduating. The third-grade classmates were talking and laughing, discussing what they would do during the holidays. Some of them also made appointments to watch the Quidditch World Cup together, and some made appointments to study hard during the summer vacation. There is a wizard's legend, but there is no research on how to learn.

At this time, Louis was sitting in the office with the four deans for a small meeting. Also present were several teachers, and Grindelwald, who was sitting next to Dumbledore and silently playing wizard legends with Sirius. .

"Mr. Principal, deans, don't you think the students are too idle during the holidays?" he asked sadly.

Everyone, you look at me and I look at you, they are completely confused - isn't the holiday just for fun? Why are you so nervous? Besides... every teacher has left a paper as their summer homework.

"But we have already deployed a paper, Mr. Mountbatten." Professor McGonagall asked in confusion.

"You only have one paper, professor, how can you learn well?" Louis said in a sad and angry tone: "Think about it, learning is a process of reviewing the past and learning new things. I don't think this can be achieved by just writing one paper. "

"What do you think? What should we do?" Professor Flitwick became interested, and he did not refuse to give the students some learning tasks.

In fact, so did several other deans, especially Snape, whose beetle-like eyes had already lit up.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that Lupine did not choose to continue teaching at Hogwarts, but resigned from his job and came to Louis' company to work for him. The same was true for Sirius, but he also served as Working as a teaching assistant for Louis, after all, he still couldn't worry about Harry.

"I asked my aunt Liv to go to Siris to purchase many sets of "Five Years O.W.L.s, Three Years Simulation"." Louis said, taking out several sample books from the system space and handing them to the deans, one for each person. Sirius and Grindelwald both had their share.

Looking through the "Five Years O.W.L.s, Three Years Simulation" in his hand, Grindelwald's expression is that of a subway, an old man, and a mobile phone.

I knew you were so capable, but I never expected you to be so capable.

Good guy, this is going to bring death to the students...

Grindelwald thought to himself that thanks to the fact that Durmstrang did not have talents like you when I was studying in Durmstrang, otherwise I would have strangled you in the cradle no matter what I did.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a little happy. He didn't know what the students would think when they saw this set of questions.

After all, Siris is still the king of paper writing. This set of "Five Years O.W.L.s, Three Years Simulation" is not only made by fourth grade students, but also has age-appropriate versions from first to third grade, as well as fifth and sixth grade students. This advanced version of "Five Years N.E.W.T.s, Three Years Simulation", in short...

There is also something called "Ye Hou Xiong's Study Case", which is said to be written by one of Ye Ziyan's uncles, and there is also something called "Thirty-Eight Sets of Geographical Advantages", which are all real examination questions from various countries over the years. After Lewis saw these things, he felt like Xiaowei would come up after being scratched.

It’s so exciting. Is this a question I can do without spending money?

Of course, this kind of colorful youth memories must be arranged for the students of Hogwarts, and they cannot be allowed to indulge in it any longer.

"But, isn't this..." Professor Sprout was still kind-hearted after all, and looked at these exercises with some annoyance.

Dumbledore nodded and echoed: "I also know how you feel, but is this learning method a little too much for the students at Hogwarts? Besides, the next class of Dark Arts I am going to let Mad-Eye Moody be the professor of defense. Of course, I am still waiting for his reply..."

"You're talking about Defense Against the Dark Arts professors. How many Defense Against the Dark Arts professors have been replaced in each term? Have they been changed? Changing the soup does not change the medicine!" Louis said sadly: "People are crazy. Hammoody also has a reason to say, what kind of team did I lead? They were all outstanding Aurors. Who are your people? You asked me to lead them?"

"What is the current level of magic among the students at Hogwarts? There are only a few of them. You, Quirrell and Lockhart, can be professors of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Can he teach it? You can't teach it. Do you know if you don't have this ability? ?”

"If you go on, don't say you can't defeat the Death Eaters. Just ask Professor, can you win the Triwizard Tournament you are planning to hold next semester? Are you confident? Don't lose to Durmstrang by then. Durm After Strong loses, he loses to Beauxbatons, and then no one loses."

Dumbledore smacked his lips: "We might as well look at the good side. In fact, on the other hand, our Hogwarts is actually the earliest team to prepare for the Triwizard Tournament next semester..."

Louis clasped his hands together as if praying: "Oh, thank God, haha~"

"I have already said that you have not laid a good foundation for a game like yours. Can you promise me that he can win such a crucial game in the next semester? Be pragmatic, Mr. Principal, I advise you, everyone better put it aside You need to understand your own teaching methods and the concept of teaching first. Lu Ping’s teaching is pretty good. Why did you replace him? Tell me?”

At this point, Louis was already extremely angry: "Then in the next semester, during the Triwizard Tournament held at Hogwarts, I will watch helplessly as Beauxbatons or Durmstrang use the trophy as a trophy. You took it away in front of us, but tell me how to explain it?"

Louis wanted to say the last words, but he held back. After all, the people in front of him now were very old professors and deans.

But he is still willing to torture Dumbledore. This guy... Tsk, he is really not suitable to be a principal.

Maybe he is very righteous, but being a principal is still not enough.

"Okay, but can doing questions really improve practical experience and magic level?" Dumbledore asked a little doubtfully.

Louis sneered: "The most terrifying thing is not to talk on paper, but to go to the battlefield with an empty head and not even be able to do it on paper."

Dumbledore thought carefully, then turned to look at Grindelwald. Seeing Grindelwald nodding, he also nodded and said, "I have decided to use this set of exercises for the four houses of Hogwarts this year. Winter vacation homework—of course, in a version appropriate for each school year.”

"Don't worry, principal." Louis chuckled and said, "I bought several thousand sets of each set of exercises, which is enough for us to use for a long time."

"I can rest assured that you will do the work." Dumbledore nodded and smiled.

After leaving the principal's office, Sirius followed him and asked with a suspicious look on his face: "Is this method of yours really effective? Why do I feel like you just want to trick your classmates?"

Louis really didn't think that he was trying to harm his classmates. In fact, even if you were talking on paper, it was better than going to the battlefield and not knowing anything. At least you could still know what armor was for protection and what the use of an expendable weapon was.

"Of course it works, Sirius." Louis said with a smile: "Just watch it if you don't believe it. Don't you think Hogwarts' education for students is too lax? If this continues, it will be just like what I said, If you don’t believe me, if you have time to go to Siris, there must be more outstanding wizards among them than we do in the UK.”

Yes, you don’t even look at the population base of the Siris wizards...

But then again, this teaching method is indeed much better than the British happy education. Happy education does not apply to the elite - if you don't believe it, look at famous British private schools such as Eton College. The curriculum is really...the curriculum looks even worse than the key high schools in Cyris.

As a good student, Louis certainly didn't need to do the questions. After he told Catherine about this, Catherine's face turned red with anger.

"You will come up with such bad ideas, you bastard little deer!" Catherine hit him several times with a pillow: "You will torture us with such bad ideas, why don't you do the questions with us!"

"A question?" Louis put on an all-encompassing look and sneered: "What a heck! The paper is full of open space, and all the mountains are forgotten. When it comes to the battlefield... nine out of ten people will have diarrhea. !”

"You know you're still torturing me!" Catherine stopped, pressing him down on the bed and beating him.

"Okay, okay, just don't do it. I still have this privilege. Good students, like you and the top three in other grades, don't need to do summer homework..." Lewis He quickly talked about his own remedies.

"That's about right." Catherine breathed a sigh of relief. She was not the kind of person who liked doing homework. After all, no one was as mentally unhealthy as Hermione.

Who has nothing to do with reading boring history of magic as a pastime...

"Actually, you don't need to worry about this. Besides, isn't there Krisstrasa?" Louis stroked Catherine's blond hair and said with a smile.

Kristrasa pulled her face out of the yogurt in a daze, with a circle of yogurt still on her mouth. Her face was blank and she looked extremely innocent.

He was shot even while lying down.

"You are so bad, bad boy." Catherine's eyes moved, and she gave Louis a charming look.

Ye Ziyan pushed the door open and obviously heard these words.

"I think he is also a bad boy." Ye Ziyan snorted: "Let me buy him those "Five Years O.W.L.s, Three Years Simulation" and "Five Years N.E.W.T.s, Three Years Simulation" from Siris. Really. , Hengyang College has been sold out by me. When I was in the bookstore, I heard Siris’s parents complaining about some unscrupulous person who bought all the children’s guidance books. I really wanted to find a place where Get in through the cracks."

"Second." Tom Riddle's soul emerged like bubbles from the diary placed aside. He raised his right hand and quickly slipped back into it.

It looks ridiculous.

"Why are you embarrassed? It's me you're scolding, not you." Louis spread his hands and said, "It's not the first time you know that the leader of the British team is lacking in virtue. Just get used to it..."

Ye Ziyan gave him a charming eye roll.

"So, what are you going to do this summer vacation?" Catherine leaned on his shoulder and asked softly: "Mom just sent me a letter asking if you want to go to the Quidditch World Cup..."

"Compared to the Quidditch World Cup, I want to watch the Football World Cup more." Louis shrugged: "Quidditch is a thing that you can watch once or twice to keep it fresh. The Football World Cup is much more enjoyable to watch than that. .”

Indeed, we can still see Brazil being crowned with four stars. The next time we see Brazil add another star, that will have to wait until 2002.

In his last life, he had always wanted to watch the World Cup in person, but unfortunately he had never been able to do so, either because he had no money or because he had no money. If you have an opportunity in this life, of course you have to realize your dream once.

"Are you two going with me?" Louis asked with a smile.

"Go ahead..." Catherine nodded: "But you have to convince my mother first. This difficult job will be left to you."

"No problem, I'll take care of it!" Louis agreed to the task of persuading Solanlian.

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